Friday, March 31, 2017

Rob O'Neill On Fox & Friends This Morning...

So I'm watching Fox & Friends this morning and they're reporting on the story of the professor from some university who now 'famously' tweeted his disdain for a passenger sitting in 1st class seating on a plane who gave up their seat for a 'military serviceman.' Fine.

This is NOT about the professor's ignorant Tweet, and it was ignorant, as it was none of his concern.

The problem I have is that Fox News presents their 'guest' who's commenting on this subject as being Rob O'Neill "person who killed Usama (their spelling) Bin Laden." One little problem- total LIE! This guy did NOT 'kill' Bin Laden! According to many intelligence experts, Bin Laden was already dead as far back as November of 2001!

To have these anchors on Fox and this 'Rob O'Neill' to all sit there with a straight face continuing to promote this lie is ridiculous to say the least. Talk about "fake news!" At 'best' this guy may have "killed" a Bin Laden 'body double,' which is much more realistic, but "Bin Laden" himself? No way, Jose! These people think you (the viewers) are that stupid!

But of course, Fox News still continues to promote the 'official government LIE' about 9/11. And just as then, anyone who dares to 'question' the government lie, is treated as a "traitor," or a "conspiracy nut-job." So much for doing your own research, and taking the time to find out what 'really happened,' and why. Anyone who doesn't think our government 'lies to us' is the person wearing a 'tin foil hat,' and 'conspiracy nut-job!' Just another example of how the media 'spins things.'

I could fill this post of government lies, "Sinking of the Maine" (Spanish-American War); Gulf of Tonkin (Vietnam war); Pearl Harbor (FDR had prior warning); and the list goes on and on.

But according to the media, Obama is given credit for having sent the troops to "get Bin Laden," and supposedly he was "killed" by this soldier Rod O'Neill. The whole story was laughable, were it not such an insult to the intelligence of the American people (at least some of us). Bin Laden was known to have been suffering from poor health and it was widely known among people in the middle east, particularly in Pakistan that Bin Laden was receiving "kidney dialysis treatment" which of itself would have severely hampered Bin Laden mobility.

And many in the intelligence community were well aware of all of this! This is nothing new by any stretch of the imagination. But it makes for a 'heroic military mission' albeit FAKE! At least the part of "THE" Bin Laden having been killed. Again, I'm NOT saying there wasn't any mission, or that no one was killed- just that it wasn't the 'real' Bin Laden, and most likely just a 'body double,' of which he had several just as did Saddam Hussein, Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, etc, etc.

And here's another 'fake story.' Remember Jessica Lynch? The Army private who was 'heroically rescued' in a daring raid? FAKE! Here's what the BBC had to say about that "fake mission!" If I'm not mistaken,  Lynch herself came out and stated the story was a fabrication! Lynch even wrote a book telling the "TRUTH" about what "really happened!" Here's a part of what she said in her book setting the record straight about what 'really happened,"
"At first I didn't even realize … the stories that were being told," she said. "It was quite a while afterwards, and then I found out. It was a little disappointing. And I knew that I had to get the truth out there because, one, I wouldn't be able to live with myself ... knowing that these stories were portraying me to do something that I didn't."

But for those who still doubt this post,
O’Neill’s claims were disputed by another SEAL who came forward in 2012 with his own account of the raid. In ‘No Easy Day’, Mark Bissonnette, writing under the pseudonym ‘Mark Owen’, said the first person to enter bin Laden's room, the “point man,” was, in fact, the SEAL that killed bin Laden.
So "Fox & Friends" (and Rob O'Neill) SHAME ON YOU! Keep reporting this 'bogus claim,' keep sticking with the official government FAKE narrative about 9/11! You continue to discredit and make yourselves look 100 percent ignorant!

There's so much more that can be said about the entire 'fake Bin Laden raid' itself, the fact that right after the raid a helicopter carrying several of the soldiers who were involved in this 'raid' mysteriously crashed, killing many, the fact Obama stated Bin Laden's body was "thrown in the sea in accordance with Islamic tradition (LIE), the fact Bin Laden was ALREADY DEAD, (most accounts I've read state Nov 2001, a few state 2006 (latest realistic claim), but keep promoting this lie about the raid itself, and Rob O'Neill as being the "man who killed Bin Laden." What a bunch of 'FAKE NEWS!'

...and to add insult to injury, this same article goes on to say,
a bevy of Freedom of Information Act requests by news outlets seeking to unearth new revelations about the raid have been denied, barring public access to photographs, videos, or DNA test results confirming bin Laden's death.
In 2010, a federal judge ruled that the US Department of Defense did not have to release such evidence to the public. An appeals court affirmed the decision in 2013. 
How much more 'proof' does anyone need? Is it any wonder why so many people refer to Fox as "Faux News?" Now, in all fairness, though I warn everyone, don't believe most of what you hear on Fox, of all the cable news networks, I would say they are the most 'credible,' but with stories like this, that's not saying very much about Fox News. So, watch Fox at your own risk.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

UPDATE: (with bio) EU could BREAK UP the US: Juncker in jaw-dropping threat to Trump over support for Brexit

"Juncker" makes threat to President Trump over BREXIT? And just who does this little un-elected twerp think he is? Looks like "globalism" is getting slapped down. I can't understand why?

Maybe it's because Europeans are FED UP with being told what they can and cannot do? Maybe it's because they're FED UP with having their countries being intentionally run to the ground with "illegal refugees?" I'd say there's a whole lotta reasons why the EU is not looking too hot right now.

...but when all else fails; "blame Trump!"

Here's the Wikipedia bio for Jean-Claude Juncker. Notice all the "awards," and "honorary degrees and titles," is this guy the Antichrist? Doubt it, but he's definitely one of those you'd see attending one of those "Eyes Wide Shut" type of parties. CREEPY!

Medics fired for twerking next to nude, unconscious patient

Imagine if this were you, and you found out this was going on while you were having surgery done? I don't know about you, but I'd be pretty pissed off, and I don't see anything 'funny' about this- at all!

Not only is this disturbing- it's flat out disgusting to think people could even behave in such a manner. These "medic's were fired," but I think they deserve more than just being fired! And though this happened in another country, I wouldn't be surprised to learn that it could very well be happening right here in America as well.

There's just some really sick people in this world! "Twerking," what is that? I first heard that term used about the Obama 'girls' having been caught "twerking" in some video. Must be some 'trendy' word.

Canada Turning Away Illegals?

Not long ago I remember seeing a 'propaganda photo' of Canadian PM  Trudeau ("pretty-boy") embracing 'immigrants.' Now apparently more and more Canadians are opposing illegal immigration. Gee, I can't understand why. Don't they like the idea of "cultural enrichment" that is to be had from having your native country being flooded with a bunch of illegals flooding over your border, and not having the slightest interest in your culture, let alone assimilating? 

And yes, there literally are "No Go Zones" within the EU right now! These are enclaves of places where 'illegal immigrants' are gathered into a ghetto where they can continue living their culture, yet stealing from your countries natural resources, and generous social programs. London alone has dozens of "Sharia law courts," within it's government. So if you're a Muslim, you go to one court, if you're a real Brit, you go where everyone else goes. Shouldn't there be 'one court system' as there has been for centuries? It is any wonder why Britons voted for BREXIT? 

Don't worry America, we're already facing challenges within our republic as to whether to allow "Sharia law courts," as well. Maybe we ought to have a 'separate court' for the idiot "progressives" who are promoting all this non-sense? BTW, why is it that "progressives" hate their countries so much? It doesn't mater whether they're from the UK or America; it's the same agenda- insanity!

It's very simple- you don't have a country if you don't have "immigration laws!" And enforce those laws! What part of this do 'progressives' not get? So now even Canadian's are calling for a 'wall to stop illegal immigration!' But look who's running your country, a 'little girly man' who probably spends more time admiring himself in the mirror than anything or anyone else for that matter. Good luck, Canada. I feel your pain. 

Monday, March 27, 2017

Sanctuary Cities to Be Barred From Justice Department Funds, Sessions Says

Sounds good. But when you read deeper into this, you see that it's nothing 'different' than Obama did. And I'm beginning to see a longer list of such actions that Trump may have campaigned on, but for whatever reason, are not very different than what Obama did.

The election was largely a referendum against Obama, which is why Hilary lost because she was viewed as being "Obama's 3rd term!" And yet what we're getting with Trump is just that- an Obama "3rd term!" At this rate it won't be long before people start waking up and realizing this and start letting it be known. I'm already sounding the alarm, because if this is what Trump is going to do, then how much of a difference will he be than if Hilary had won the White House?

And oh, I know. "Guns control, TPP, globalization, liberal judge (don't get me started on Judge Gorsuch!). I believe I wrote about him last night. He's not whom he's been presented as, which is yet another 'failure' on Trump's behalf. And before you write me off as being 'anti-Trump,' I'm far from it. I supported him, read my posts! The problem I have with Gorsuch is he was a 'rubber stamp' for the false and bogus Iraq war, but even worse- for 'torture,' thanks to Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld. Bush Jr, being the 'dunce' puppet.

At this point, I can almost see and wonder whether Trump will just say, 'screw this,' (not having ever been a politician) and just 'quitting.' The man is a 'winner,' who's not used to losing, and he's been losing more than he's been winning. Oh, but he's bringing 'jobs,' he's locking up 'illegals,' well first of all, it's only March. I really don't think you can credit (in all fairness) any job growth to Trump for the month of January, and you can even argue February, but I'll give him that. As for 'illegals,' Obama locked up more 'illegals' than the media let the public know, look at the numbers for yourself! It just wasn't headline news, because of it looking "politically incorrect."

It almost seems as though because of all the media feuding, the in-fighting between republicans, and all the rioting and non-sense, that Trump has just decided to try and get away with only what Obama did (the good parts that is). After all, the 'travel ban' was approved and incorporated through the Obama administration. Yet the media, nor his own party gave him a hard time. Hell, no republicans gave Obama a hard time for that matter either! Obama got a 'free pass' on just about everything he did for the majority, if not all of his first term in office because of simply being the "first black president." Pure and simple. Yet, nobody would even dare utter this fact until around his second term.

By Obama's second term thanks to the 'free pass' he'd been given by the media and the republicans, it went straight to his already bloated ego, and he felt as though he could do and get away with just about anything. And he almost did. He's obviously still lucking behind the 'shadows' of Trump watching his every move. He's 'wiretapped' Trump, and where's the investigation going? Is Obama still going to get a pass even in his 'retirement' (so-called)? I think Obama's actually working harder NOW than he ever did as president, doing all he can to help Trump fail as president. The 'wiretapping' was just the beginning.

Why Trump is 'tip-toeing' in Obama's shoes, attempting to make the same implements Obama did is beyond me. This is why I said, don't be surprised if Trump just decides to 'quit.' Believe me, I'm not saying he should, but he does need to remain 'bold,' and stop with the tip-toeing. If he really wanted to create a 'travel ban,' why in the world would he take it back to the 9th circus court a second time? If he knew there was so much division around "Obama care," why make it the first thing on his list? Get a 'sure win' first!

I want Trump to succeed! But what I'm seeing here is beginning to smell funky. I wouldn't (and don't) even put the blame entirely on Trump. I'd argue that he's surrounded by some 'cowards,' RHINO'S and flat-out "traitors" who do not want to see him succeed for personal reasons, or god knows what. I've heard nothing good even about his 'son in law' Jared Cushner whom is married to his daughter. And this comes from a high level intelligence field operative, who knows how things work in Washington. Look at Cushner's 'family background!' How in the world did Trump allow his daughter to even marry this guy?

Maybe Trump is too loyal to all the wrong people? It's a well known fact that he's known to be very loyal almost to a fault. Maybe that's his problem? And for any Trump supporter who thinks I'm just being too 'mean,' wake up! I'm trying to stir this man up! Too many things are not clicking. The whole media thing is a total distraction and waste of his time, he shouldn't even bother dealing with it. Why hasn't he gone after Hilary? Why hasn't he gone after Obama? Especially after finding out that creep who never should have been president has 'illegally wiretapped him,' and that George Soros is helping to fund all these anti-Trump movements, and on and on. It's time to kick some a** "politically speaking! That's what I'm talking about. And not just to some reporter, but in real life. Time to unleash his Attorney General and either fire the current FBI do nothing idiot, and hire a replacement, or investigate Comey and hire a replacement! He's surrounded by the swamp, and he's beginning to drown in it.

Unless he starts taking some serious action against all those who are out to cuase him to fail, including those within his own party, he's going to wind up being the one to drain IN the swamp! Enough! Fight back!!! Get rid of Priebus (however you spell it, "Renfield" is more like it), start looking at having Paul Ryan removed as being an ineffective 'speaker of the house,' and drip this judge Gorsuck! Yes, only one letter separates this man from who he 'really is.' And stop messing around with the media! Who give's a crap what they say? Nobody watches them anyway!

Trump administration weighs deeper involvement in Yemen war

Does America need to get involved in yet 'another war?' Just who is advising Trump? I know in this matter it's Gen Mattis who's asking for the US to become involved, but overall, its looking like Trump's cabinet has been taken over by "neo-cons."

Just recently Gen Mattis even made a remark before congress that was in direct opposition to his boss. What gives here? Are the people Trump chose for his cabinet even on the same page? At this point, is sure isn't looking as though that is the case. Let Saudi Arabia take care of Yemen! It's their neighbor! Just as North Korea is China's neighbor, let those whom are threatened by their neighbors take actions against them.
How long does America need to be the "policemen" of the world? And just where is this found in our Constitution? I really don't see Yemen being a remote 'danger' to our overall National security! Again, let Saudi Arabia, who has their own military and air force do what they need to to!

The Saudis aren't even a 'true ally!' 11 of the 19 "9/11 hijackers" were from Saudi Arabia! Yet America went to war against Iraq and Afghanistan as though that made any sense, and we're still in Afghanistan 15 years later! Give me a break! Not only are we still in Afghanistan (protecting the 'heroin crops,' truth be told); we're also militarily involved in about a half-dozen other nations! This has got to stop!

Yet here in the US, we can't even put together a financial budget, or work on bringing down our debt! And programs that are most needed for those with financial hardships (due to no fault of their own) are looking to be possibly 'cut!' I've heard Trump talking about 'building our military,' and yet I've heard many withing the military state that we do not need to be spending "billions upon billions" as Trump has called for! The same person has stated we have 'too many general, and all we need is half the current amount!' And this is not coming from a liberal from any stretch of the imagination. This is coming from a very smart man who is very well-respected.

It's time we take care of our own people, and our own country! Trump needs to dismiss any 'neo-cons' around him, because it's beginning to stick like the swamp again! NO, to 'deeper involvement in the Yemen war!' 

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Alphabet Chairman Eric Schmidt: We 'can't guarantee' ads won't appear next to offensive content

Those who've read this blog over the past week know I've been writing a LOT about "censorship." It's becoming a big topic among the kingpins of 'social media websites.' CEO's such as Eric Schmidt, Mark Zuckerberg, and the CEO of Twitter have all been in the news lately discussing this.

All of this leads back to prior to Trump winning the election. Obama and his crony Hilary Clinton were so sure she was going to win the election that there was legislation just waiting to be pushed through Congress to target 'conservative' websites, blogs, talk radio and cable networks. Though Hilary lost the election, much of this legislation has remained on the table, albeit via now covert means, some of which Trump may not even be aware of, though he should.

It's no secret there are many Obama 'hold-outs' still in their positions who have no business being where they are, and it's through these people and the democrat party that attempts are still being made as though Trump never won this election, to move forward with 'shutting down' what amounts to nothing more than "free speech." The party of "tolerance and inclusion and diversity" are working overtime to shut down the likes of Drudge Report, Breitbart and Infowars. In many cases at least two of the three sites listed have even been falsely accused of even (as Trump) being working with the "Russians." And they're doing so with (as with Trump) absolutely no truth, no facts! Nothing.

At least two television programs were created with the assumption that Hilary Clinton would be the next US president; Homeland and Madame President are both examples.

So it's not big surprise the democrats are highly upset that their 'goddess,' Hilary Clinton was defeated in the election. And being as crooked as most of them are, (this applies to many republicans as well), these people are the ones primarily behind this entire "Russian ruse" non-sense being aided and abetted by the media whom all primarily favored a Clinton win in November.

Another aspect of this 'social media witch hunt' is the fact that Google, Facebook and Twitter want to break into the Chinese marketplace where needless to say "censorship" is the only means by which business is operated, from their 'state run propaganda media,' to their heavily censored Internet. Due to censorship being how the Chinese operate, any company from America such as the likes of Google, Facebook and Twitter have basically been told "censor your American users," and we'll consider granting you access to our market with its billion or so users who wouldn't know 'free speech' unless they've visited the United States.

Thus we have the likes of Eric Schmidt, Mark Zuckerburg and Twitter all vying to do whatever it takes to gain access to the Chinese market, even if it means censoring their own American users, despite the fact that we do have a constitutional right to "free speech." If any of these men had a spine, they'd tell China what to do, or better yet not waste their time attempting to enter such a totalitarian system. And what is wrong with these stooges willing to prostrate themselves before the Chinese oppressive government?

All these social media moguls already have more money than they know what to do with or spend in their lifetimes. So due to pure 'greed,' these sell outs are willing to censor their own countrymen, for access to China. Talk about a group of gutless, soulless creeps. But this is what 'progressives' do. They don't like free-speech! They know they can't compete on a level playing field when it comes to debate, and the concepts of our Founding Fathers which made this country the great nation it is. It's flat out sickening and disgusting.

We are moving onto dangerous ground. There are 'two America's.' One side "progressives" who make false claims, but stand for the opposite of what they say, and those who hold to the ideas of "freedom," capitalism, competition, and other ideas our Founding Fathers stood for which are enshrined within the Constitution, along with the Bill of Rights. These two sides cannot continue to coincide without a rebellion breaking out. Such is the 'tolerance' of the left.

And to the Eric Schmidt's of the world, I'd like to ask you, just who are you to decide just what is "offensive content?" Anything said by one person can easily be construed as being "offensive" to another person. "Political correctness" is a nice spin on "free speech." All of this stems from political correctness, which is nothing short of 'social engineering.' And if you do not understand this term, I highly suggest you do some research on it! Every two-bit dictator from the 20th century would have loved to have used this term.

Bob Woodward: Obama officials possibly facing criminal charges for unmasking scheme

A US congressman just yesterday said he had evidence that Obama had indeed had Trump and his team under surveillance. Fast forward to today and its being reported this same congressman has 'apologized' to democrats for not 'sharing' his sources/information.

Yet also yesterday Award winning journalist Bob Woodward who helped take down President Nixon with his investigative work, has also come out stating, "Obama officials possibly facing criminal charges for unmasking scheme."

So what's 'changed' from yesterday to today?

President Trump is not known for being a 'liar,' unlike his predecessor Obama. Trump is obviously a very intelligent person, and for him to make such an accusation, would be absurd, were it not that he must have some proof.

In a situation such as this where the stakes are so high that as Woodward has publicly stated, "Obama officials could face criminal charges," obviously a lot of things are going on behind the scenes. And we know we cannot count on the media to report the truth because of their bias toward Hilary and also Obama. So whom are we supposed to believe, and just what the hell is really going on?

Whether you're a democrat or a republican it doesn't matter. This is a serious accusation, and it needs to be addressed and gotten to the bottom of. This is not good for the country- period. From all that I've looked into, I see absolutely no truth to the "Russians" having had any influence in the recent election whatsoever. And if the democrats can prove otherwise, why haven't they done so by now? In my opinion, it's because it's all a 'ruse,' and they have nothing other than the fact they're upset that Hilary lost the election.

Could it be Hilary lost the election simply because her campaign was not run very well, and because of all the baggage she brought to the table with all the scandals which have plagued not only her husband, but she herself during the time going all the way back to being 'First lady of Arkansas?' Could it be that it was because as "First lady" of the United States she was under investigation, and until then no First lady has EVER been under investigation for wrongdoing in the history of the United States?

Or could it be that Hilary was simply an unlikable person whom even many democrats could not rally around? The fact of the matter is she barely beat out her rival Bernie Sanders a 'communist' for the democratic presidential nomination! If that is not a strong statement, I don't know what is. So enough of the "Russian ruse," and let those making the claim that Trump and his team are 'Russian agents,' put their money where their mouths are once and for all, and let's have an investigation- once and for all! Or just drop this entire baseless claim, and move about doing the people's business and govern!

Whether you're a democrat or republican, or whatever, I'm sure we can all agree we want our government working on our behalf, carrying out the promises they've made.

Self-Defense Tool (Flashlight)

For those who have no training (even those who do) but more so for those who do not, one of the best 'weapons' you can legally carry on your person is a high-powered flashlight, believe it or not.

You may have seen the commercials lately about these 'tach-lights.' Well the fact of the matter is- they work! Anyone who's had a camera picture taken with a flash knows the feeling (the effect) it has upon your eyes for many seconds after the flash goes off.

Well, that is the effect one of those 'high powered' flashlights have upon an attacker. Anyone who's ever been in a fight, or been the victim of a crime knows things happen very quickly. One of the best places to attack is the 'eyes.' If an attacker cannot see you, their chances of being able to strike you are greatly diminished. Plain and simple.

This serves to give you either the opportunity to run, if you know you have no way of standing up to the attacker, and/or it gives you the ability to quickly make your move to do whatever is necessary to protect yourself, your property, or a loved one during those split seconds.

When it comes to 'tactical' flashlights, I'm talking about around 1,000 lumens. Obviously anything higher, so much the better. But even slightly below 1,000 lumens is sufficient to blind a would be attacker. Obviously this is good for nighttime, for daylight, there are other weapons totally legal that can be as effective. I wouldn't suggest anything lower than 700-800 lumens.

Also, depending upon the style of the flashlight itself, it too can be used as a striking device. This makes it all the more effective as your would be attacker is attempting to compose himself after being blinded.

And it doesn't require spending a fortune getting a high powered flashlight. It doesn't even need to be called a "tach light." Main thing is that it has as close to 1,000 lumens (or more) as possible. Maglite sells many such flashlights for around $35-40 dollars.

Major Networks Ignore Illegal Alien Rape at High School

This is absolutely unacceptable, disturbing and pathetic to say the least. Yet another crime committed by an 'illegal immigrant,' and not just any crime, a 'rape' of a young girl at that. So major media ignores this!

Yet unless you watched Fox News, or read certain news sites, you probably didn't even hear about this! Why? Political correctness. It doesn't fit the 'narrative,' that people coming here to the US aren't committing crimes, when in fact they are and serious ones at that.

The young girl life who was brutally raped by this scumbag who shouldn't have been in America to begin with will never be the same, nor will her mother and family members thanks to this piece of crap who came here illegally.

Remember it was Obama who allowed our country to be flooded with illegals towards the end of his 2nd term in office. He knew what he was doing. He knows this problem won't be something he'll personally have to deal with, as this Manchurian president will have round the clock protection for the rest of his life- at 'tax-payer expense!' Obama was a "domestic enemy of the state," and a full investigation needs to be conducted on that piece of filth.

...message me and I'll really tell you what I think of this a**hole!

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

SCOTUS Confirmation Hearings and Sen Ayotte Tied at the Hip

Why is it that Sen Ayotte is still following Judge Gorsuch around everywhere he goes? I could understand her originally doing so, as she was guiding him to the various senator's offices as he made his rounds.

But to continue to see Sen Ayotte still 'hovering' over Judge Gorsuch during his Supreme court nomination is beyond me. It's not her who is being questioned, and I'm sure the judge doesn't need to get any advice or suggestions from her, so why does she still need to be following him everywhere he goes?

Does this women follow him to the bathroom as well? Does she order his food, and tell him what to eat also? This is very strange. I find it beyond strange and straight out 'creepy.' And I cannot recall ever having seen a Supreme court nominee being 'followed' by a senator - ever! And I've watched many of these hearings.

TERROR IN LONDON Parliament terror attack – Two dead and others ‘catastrophically’ injured after 4×4 mows down a dozen people on Westminster Bridge

Another day, another "terrorist attack." I don't mean to say this in a flippant way by any means whatsoever, it's just yet another sign of the times in which we live.

I don't want to speculate on this story as its continuing to unfold. More details will be forthcoming, but one thing I could not happen to miss is the 'date.' Symbolism is key in many things.

Having a deep understanding of 'secret societies,' and the 'occult,' etc, I couldn't help but notice the "Terror in London," as it's being called by the media just so happens to have fallen on 3/22, or '322.' Anyone familiar with the secret society "Skull & Bones," will recognize this number immediately.

To those into secret societies and the occult, symbolism is 'everything!' Just an observation.


I find it interesting that I can 'post' something and it'll be 'viewed' already a minimum of 8 times when I've literally just posted something. Just a mere observation. Not complaining, just find it interesting something could be 'read' that quickly right after literally having hit 'post button.'


Did the US Military 'sabotage' N. Korea's latest missile attempt? After having heard about Lil Kim's latest attempt at firing yet another missile, this was exactly what my first thoughts were!

With all their big talk and bluffs (all hot air), and knowing the capabilities that we have, I automatically assumed we (US) had something to do with their latest 'blunder,' which they've had just one after another. Yet Lil Kim wants to continue to threaten us as though he's so tough. Give me a break.

N. Korea, as I've been saying along with China can be obliterated in no time at all. I just hope neither country is stupid enough to attempt to learn this the hard way!

PS, this blog uses media links as "fair use" just as Drudge Report, and Infowars. All sources are 'attributed' as I make no claim as being the 'author' of any links provided! The links are the 'sources!' What I provide is what is known in 'journalism' is commentary. Whoever doesn't understand this, has no clue what 'journalism' is, and I'd suggest they take Journalism 101. I say this only due to having read all the ridiculous comments and posts on AdSense.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017


Here's the truth the media is NOT telling people about the so-called "crime problem" in Chicago. And it's going unreported because of "political correctness."

The FACT of the matter is the "crime rate" in Chicago is NOT widespread by any stretch of the imagination, I know. Chicago's "crime problem" is in the urban parts of the city that are all black neighborhoods. The crime problem is "black on black crimes," most is 'gang related.'

But the media will not report this inconvenient truth.

Yet its made to seem as though Chicago is an out of control dangerous city! WRONG! Correct (ONLY) is you are a black person living in a poor black neighborhood. Media will not tell you this. Though this is a known fact to those who live in and around Chicago, what is the 'mayor' of Chicago doing about it? Apparently nothing.

Immaunel yet another failed democrat attempting to destroy a city, is not popular in the least with most people. He's been publicly 'booed off the stage,' after he attempted to attend a rally after both the Chicago Blackhawks won the Stanley-Cup, and after the Chicago Cubs won the World Series.

Personally the only way I can even imagine this guy won his election was due to pure 'fraud.' Or possibly a large black voter turn-out? Still, the numbers would not add up, that's how un-popular this former Obama chief of staff member is. Obama himself whom has not visited Chicago since leaving office, would probably not be well received in most parts of Chicago- even within many black communities! But of course, people seem to not realize Obama is not a native of Chicago. He's a 'carpet bagger,' from god knows where.

So you have 2 persons both democrats, Obama and his former chief of staff, and for the black community, they have failed the very constituents whom they expect to turn out and vote democrat. Any wonder Trump received the highest number of black American votes of any republican candidate?

Chicago is STILL a great city (in spite of Rahm Immanuel) and I don't see ANY democrat being able to change that unlike they have in other US cities. Chicago is one tough city. I mean that in a good way. But this 'crime problem' needs to be correctly reported by the media. There are two Chicago's; "black urban Chicago," and the rest of Chicago. And no politician seems to be doing anything to help those trapped in "black Chicago."

Chicago has probably THE 'toughest' Police force in America, it's high time they are allowed to do their job!

Twitter suspended more than 636,000 accounts since 2015 to tackle extremism

Seems like "censorship" is the topic of the day. So here's yet ANOTHER article on how American (so-called) companies are prostrating themselves before their globalist 'masters.' Talk about being spineless!

Go right ahead- censor us ALL! I'm sure it'll only be a matter of time before I become one it's next victims, to which I say "MAKE MY DAY!"

I've lived the majority of my life without 'social media,' and the Internet. And I've done pretty well for myself, thank you very much. I don't need 'social media,' I don't need the Internet! And I sure as hell don't need "globalism," or anyone telling me what I can and cannot say!

For those who 'depend' upon social media and the Internet- I pity you! You're going to have to make a decision, either bow down and 'censor yourself,' or risk being a casualty in today's modern wave of 'conservative censorship.' I predict all of this 'witch-hunt' will back-fire in their faces, but let them try installing their fascism. And if you're a liberal and think this is a good thing, think again, because once a certain group of people get censored- you'll me next, it's just a matter of time!

Of the 636,000 Twitter accounts that have been 'suspended,' I wonder how many have been due solely to having a different political view? I'm sure some of those accounts may have been suspended for posting something totally disgusting, vulgar, or flat out stupid, but I'm also sure quite a few of those have been suspended purely for espousing a political view that is deemed 'offensive,' in a 'politically correct' dumb-downed society.

Every political dictator from the 20th century would be very proud of Twitter and Google and YouTube!

Advertisers seek more control after unintended Breitbart spots

Need more proof 'advertisers' are un-American and pro-globalist? Conservatives already face tougher standards and control when it comes to advertising. But with the fact globalism is getting is hat handed to them on a silver platter with the rejection of both Obama and Hilary Clinton, globalists companies are making sure no conservatives get any advertising. 

What a surprise?!

This is only going to make conservatives more motivation and drive to not only exploit globalism for what it is- fascism, but will back-fire in their faces. They cannot compete on an even playing field. So they need to resort to 'censorship.' Globalism is afraid of being exposed and turning into a pile of dust like a vampire before sunlight. I wonder whether David Rockefeller has turned into a pile of dust by now, by the way?

While those on the left think it 'trendy' and think they're being a 'rebel' serving the globalists, nothing could be further from the truth. It's conservatives who are the true 'rebels' and the ones who've got the balls! Note to musicians and loud moth celebrities, if you want to really be a 'rebel,' stop slandering Christianity, and start telling the truth about 'extreme Islamist's,' the ones who would love to cover your women in a burkas, have their rights subjugated, and force you to bow and prostrate yourselves before "Allah."

...oh that's right, you take a chance they might attack you, as opposed to Christians who will turn the other cheek. Yeah, you liberals are such 'rebels,' NOT.

For those who want America to prosper and shun globalism, sending it straight back to hell from whence it came from...its time to start "boycotting" all their businesses! They'll have a 'come to Jesus moment' soon enough. Time to grow a spine America! Or do nothing and get ready to convert to Islam because that's why globalists have been promoting them. They'd love to see you living under 'stone-age' laws and customs.

Fox News pulls Judge Napolitano over his Trump wiretap claims

I've been telling conservatives for the longest, Fox news is not your friend! They're hypocrites and 'fake conservatives,' mostly filled with neo-cons and 'never-Trumpers.'

Judge Andrew Napolitano already had his own TV program 'pulled' a few years back because he was being too truthful for Fox news. Well, now he's been pulled 'indefinitely' over his remarks about the truth behind Obama being responsible for having wiretapped Trump. 

I turned off Fox news back in 2008, largely due to newly elected Obama. I don't like liars, and un-Americans especially of the Manchurian candidate variety. But Fox news has been irrelevant basically since the Bush administration, helping to drum up the war-drums leading up to our invasion of Iraq, and questioning anyone's patriotism after 9/11.

Fair and balanced? I think not!


My, what a lovely couple! Oh you mean Hilary not only talked with the "Russians," but made SECRET DEALS with them? Oh yes she did! And I wonder by what law or grounds does she as then Secretary of State have to be 'giving away' mineral rights that belongs to the American people? 

Sounds like something worth investigating, don't you think? How much did she personally gain from this deal as well? Millions? At least. At who's expense? Ours- the American people! Right now you've got people living on the very land in the NW parts of the US who are being 'harassed' by the Bureau of land management (BLM), due to this women's greed. 

People, mostly farmers who've owned land in the NW for generations. But hey, it's Hilary! She can do whatever she wants, she can even sell 1/5th of our uranium rights! Then turn around and with Obama turn around and claim (falsely) that Trump is a "Russian agent!" 

David Rockefeller (Mr Globalist) Dead at 101

How could I have missed this? David Rockefeller who in his own memoir declared that his family has been accused of being behind a "New World Order," and says, sardonically "I confess."

Rockefeller is just one (though a big player) of several of these 'globalist bankers' whom hail from the old "robber-barons" going back to the early 20th century. This creature and his ilk have been behind the enslavement of mankind, the destruction of American nationalism, and even donated the land upon which the United Nations sits upon.

This family (though American) had absolutely no allegiance to the United States, their allegiance was solely to themselves, their selfish ideologies, and anyone who helped them (Rothschilde family). If you've seen the movie Eyes Wide Shut, this creature would be one of the participants you would have seen in the Satanic ritual. Pure trash.

So in honor of the death (?) evil never's a video tribute and re-enactment of David Rockefeller's last moments before moving on to Hades. Enjoy!

Rockefeller's last moments before going to Hades...

Monday, March 20, 2017

Man Claims NYC Bar Denied Him Service Over Pro-Trump Hat

Just more proof of the 'bias' against Trump supporters. Man 'denied service' all because of his pro-Trump hat. Imagine if this happened against Obama supporters. BTW, isn't the left who claim to be so "tolerant," and are into "diversity?" BS!

KIM JONG-BOOM Crazed North Korean despot Kim Jong-un’s troops blow up US aircraft carrier and shoot down bomber in propaganda video

IF the United States has the capability to take down China (and trust me, it does), just how much of a true 'threat' is North Korea? Having heard how easy China can be taken down, this makes Kim Jun-Un look that much more of an idiot.

Right now China can be overthrown via psychological operations (psy-ops), along with agi-prob (agitation propaganda), its not even funny. China has more internal problems than the media is reporting. Both the people of China and North Korea are fed-up with being 'slaves' in their own countries.

Both countries can be returned to the people using simple HUMET (human intelligence). But where is the 'political will?' Or perhaps it serves in our best interest (military industrial complex) to allow these 'paper-tigers' to remain in existence? It's a historical fact every major super-power has always needed a 'bogey-man.' Look at every empire that's existed throughout history. They've all had enemies, whether real or imagined. War is a racket, and its good business.

So let Kim Jong "Boom" make all the noise he wants. Should he be 'eliminated,' we'll need to create, or prop up yet another straw-man.

FBI’s Russian-influence probe includes a look at far-right news sites

Another day, another "fake Russian ruse." Yawning! See page one of the NYT dated Jan 20, 2017! Says right on there, Trump was being 'wiretapped!' What more needs to be said?

Why does Trump continue to have this Comey character running the FBI when this whole thing has been 'debunked' from Day #1? Again, see NYT 'page one,' dated Jan 20th 2017!

Our tax dollars are being 'wasted' looking into this BS "Russian ruse!" Plain and simple. Also, claiming Breitbart, and as being part of this Russian conspiracy (also RT News, more informative than Fox News) is just such a joke!

Not only that, but all three of these sites have been 'friends' of Trump helping him to win the election with their millions of followers. So why is Trump allowing this to continue? Fire Comey! If this is how Trump is going to treat those who helped him get into the White House, gee.

As a reader of all three of these sites listed, I know they are more truthful than the MSM by far! Without these news sites, the MSM would still be denying the existence of the "Bilderberg" organization, and many other things the elite's who own the MSM would rather you know absolutely nothing about. I dare people to watch RT news and see if at any time they 'promote' Putin or anything related to his agenda, you won't find it there!

The MSM are just acting like a bunch of narcissistic babies because they're getting 'crushed' in the ratings department.

The Blaze Suspends Tomi Lahren

I barely even know who this 'bimbo' is. I just learned she works for the 'cult' known as TheBlaze, founded by another piece of work, Glenn Beck (phony conservative).

Just last night I made a 'rare' choice to watch Fox News and saw this bimbo on Tucker Carlson's show. Oh she's 'so hot,' NOT! Not when you call out 'pro-lifers' as being "hypocrites." She goes on to dare say perhaps two of the most stupid words in the English language, "My truth." 

Okay, now we're getting into "relativism," and that's where I take the gloves off! Relativism is about as logical as saying the moon is made of 'cheese.' So this bimbo has 'zero' credibility in my world. Oh, but she has 'looks.' Yeah, well looks can be very shallow, and when you don't have a 'brain' to match,' I could care less about your 'looks.' A bimbo is a bimbo. Period.

But with these crazy beliefs and utter BS spouting out her mouth (one can argue a**) maybe she's attempting to get a job with Fox, or CNN? The Blaze is a failure. Though I doubt this idiot is smart enough to know this, perhaps someone (a handler) has informed her to run her mouth and spout out nonsensical things?

I took a look at her Twitter page, and she has a banner saying something about having the guts to tell someone, "F&ck them." Well, I couldn't help but take the opportunity to tell her likewise.

The NSA Files

This is a very important article 'everyone citizen' needs to read! I cannot overestimate how "illegal" this is, and needless to say, how "unconstitutional" this is! And this is nothing new!

Yes, President Trump was "wiretapped" by Obama at Trump tower! And any media organization, or political hack who denies this, or refuses to accept this as being 'fact,' is a flat out disingenuous fool who only discredits themselves, or whatever organization they may represent!

But not only has it been discovered that Trump was indeed being surveyed while running for the presidency, and even as "president-elect," it has now been revealed, Trump and his family, and his associates and his employees were being  surveyed for "years" at least going back to 2005! So it obviously wasn't just Obama, though he could have done something about it (such as 'stopping it,' being this is illegal), this also then shows George W. Bush was also involved.

And if you think its only the 'elite' this is happening to, you'd better think again! In just 'one file' alone, a document containing information of 1 million Americans names and information has been discovered- one document; one million names! There are untold such 'documents,' ie portfolios.

This is just one of the reasons why 9/11 'had to happen.' Here's a little known fact, the "Patriot Act" (talk about an oxymoron of a name) which is anything but "patriotic," was written PRIOR to 9/11! And anytime you hear "national security" this "national security that," its basically an excuse to cover something the government- your government is doing which is 'illegal,' and 'unconstitutional' in most cases. But when a political hack, or some 'law enforcement agency' claims something cannot be divulged due to "National security," you can bet what is being discussed was learned about via illegal methods.

To make matters worse, many will hear about reports like this and they've been so dumb-downed, and/or  indoctrinated, they'll often say, "if you've got nothing to hide, why worry about it?" Well maybe because in America we do have such a thing as a "right to privacy." And if your logic that "if you've done nothing wrong, why worry about it," is reasonable, then why not broadcast all your conversations? Why not post nude photos of yourself before the public? Why not just disclose everything and anything you do?

...why have doors or walls, or hand curtains on your windows? you've got 'nothing to hide,' correct? why not walk around nude for that matter?

Though I've used an overly extreme example, it does prove my point and discredits the 'bull-crap' argument of "what does it matter if you've got nothing to hide." The fact is- privacy does matter! And no, I am not talking about, nor making an argument against "justifiably" investigating someone under suspicion of having committed a crime, or about to. I'm talking about the fact that the government if flat out spying on its citizens for no other reason than it can! That's where I find this extremely troubling. Even in 'legitimate cases' still there are protocols which must be adhered to.

This is just the beginning of many more posts to come about the 'NSA spying' going on to everyday average Americans, not only the 'elite.' It's a disgrace on top of being 'illegal,' and everyone ought to be outraged by this!

Sunday, March 19, 2017

White House security boosted after arrest

With the fact that one 'secret service agent' is already on record stating, "I wouldn't take a bullet for Trump," this organization needs to be investigated, and I would take it further removing its leadership, and possibly doing a complete overhaul.

There have even been calls from the media that Trump should 'eliminate' his personal security detail. Why should he? With the 'secret service' showing how inadequate and incompetent they've been, Trump would be foolish to let his personal security detail go. And just who does the media think they are for even calling for this to begin with? They're stuck on 'stupid' with the whole "Russian ruse."

You also had a briefcase 'stolen' from another secret service agents car over the weekend, give me a break. The fix is in for Trump. He'd better have this organization investigated, and have a complete overhaul. Maybe this organization has become irrelevant? Maybe the military should take over as security for the White House? Something needs to be done to better protect the president.

I don't think simply "boosting security" is going to be enough. Not using the secret service alone anyway.

North Korea issues SHOCK war warning: ‘If a single bullet is fired, we WILL nuke the US’

Is China using North Korea to 'bait' the US into a war? Could it perhaps even be the Russians? They have been making many 'deals' with N. Korea. Oh, but Trump is a "Russian agent," so it can't be Mother Russia! Personally, I doubt it would be Russia, but China? I think a good case can be made for them being behind North Korea 'flexing its little muscles.'

North Korea is China's problem, but they obviously use N Korea as a 'proxy' to stir up garbage in their hemisphere. So while I'd be in favor of China taking care of N Korea, in this case, maybe the US should wipe them off the face of the planet?! That would also serve as a strong message to China which by the way is in  a financial mess right now, and  who's military is not as strong as the media would have you to believe.

I have heard generals and various special-op personnel state just how 'easily' China can be taken down and reduced to a big heap of rubble, effectively sending them back to the 'stone-age.' With all the interference of late, maybe it's time to send China with all its 'commies' whom the left adore straight back to the 'stone age.' I think that just might also send a strong message to all the barbaric little "Jihad-johns" even thinking about attempting anything against the US.

Kim Jun-Un, you're not dealing with a weakling like Obama. You're dealing with a real man. You just may want to 'tone it down,' or shut up entirely. China, you might want to think deeply about continuing to use N. Korea as your little bitch to stir up problems. Your military is a joke, and you're in a financial mess. Also, the people would revolt, and your commie leaders would all be sitting on trial for 'crimes against humanity!' Good luck with that.

Here's the article on this little pathetic too bit dictator 'Lil Kim.' 

CNN’s Fareed Zakaria Goes on Profanity-Laced Trump Meltdown Live on Air! (VIDEO)

Does CNN now stand for "Comedy News Network?" I can't help but wonder after viewing interviews such as this, with this Indian globalist who should be grateful he's not living in a ditch somewhere in India among their 'sacred cows.'

This pig hates America so much, who let this creep in?

Anyway, this idiot shows just how low and pathetic the left have become, as well as the media. Trump has done nothing but turn on the American economy, and bring back jobs, and cut the deficit, and about to lower taxes. Horrible, isn't it? Yeah, let's investigate this man who wants to "make America great again?!"

Think about that last sentence alone! We've got a man in the White House who campaigned, and for all practical purposes is doing what he's promised, which is to "make America great" again, and all the left and the media have is he's a Russian agent? Think about it. Ask yourself, WHY would a "Russian agent" want to make America strong and great? Make sense to you? I didn't think so.

Get ready to hear this Indian clown use profanity all over national media to put down Trump. Zacharia, if you hate this country this bad- leave! Go back to India!

Key Democratic Officials Now Warning Base Not to Expect Evidence of Trump/Russia Collusion

Oh gee, but what will the 'commies' on the left talk about? Here's a big exception I take with this article,

The principal problem for Democrats is that so many media figures and online charlatans are personally benefiting from feeding the base increasingly unhinged, fact-free conspiracies — just as right-wing media polemicists did after both Bill Clinton and Obama were elected — that there are now millions of partisan soldiers absolutely convinced of a Trump/Russia conspiracy for which, at least as of now, there is no evidence. And they are all waiting for the day, which they regard as inevitable and imminent, when this theory will be proven and Trump will be removed.

Unlike both Clinton and Obama, especially the latter, republicans didn't go after the democrats for the right reasons. Clinton could have been 'impeached' for having given the Chinese 'high security secrets' from Los Alamos base which gave the Chinese the ability to improve their nuclear capabilities. Chinese agent?

As for Obama, there is STILL so much we do NOT know about the guy, and were congress not full of 'corrupt or compromised' miscreants, an investigation would have been launched showing god only knows what about this 'Manchurian creep!' Secondly, Obama trampled all over the Constitution taking many 'illegal acts' and doing what he pleased. Plus BOTH Clinton's and Obama used the IRS as a 'weapon' against their political adversaries.

Being 'non-partisan,' as for Bush Jr, I'd say he should have been 'impeached' over 9/11. But of course wasn't even a thought because 'both' political parties benefited. Also, it would appear as though Bush did indeed 'steal' the election from Al Gore (whom I cannot stand, but I'm not partisan).

So, Greenwald so much for the 'fake accusations,' more like a weak spine on behalf of both sides of the aisle when it comes to going after corruption.  And shame on the 'media' for all this Russian 'fake news!' Should civil unrest occur I would say the government should be at their front doors taking prisoners there! We all know the media is 'propaganda.' Well, and who was it that did away with the Smith-Mundt act just before leaving office? Who was it that 'changed' who had access to 'security intel?' Obama! Need I say more? Oh, I won't even bring up the fact Obama is actively working like a good little 'comrade,' to do all he can to undermine President Trump.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Bergdorf blonde: Hillary and Huma spotted after day at top store's salon - with Clinton debuting a new coif and color while Abedin lugs around her boss' $2500 purse Read more:

Oh, such a 'sweet story,' and day for the would be president and her long-time aide/lover. Excuse me while I go throw-up...

Hilary and her bag-lady. 

Gorsuch Not a Sure Vote for Trump in Immigration Crackdown

Well hey, then Trump is getting bad information from someone, or if he personally picked Gorsuch, then he personally has bad judgment. Either way, this stinks, and doesn't speak well of Trump. But I'd be inclined to believe he was given bad or misleading information about Gorsuch.

And now with this new revelation (which shouldn't have come as a 'revelation') you would think democrats would be completely on board to nominate this judge, if not flat out crown him and make him 'king of the immigrants.' Trump needs to dump this judge like a 'hot potato!' Still, that type of move will make him look bad. But is this the kind of judge Trump promised the American people? NO!

And should Trump maintain his desire to see this man become the next supreme court judge, he deserves whatever backlash those who voted him into office give him! He needs to immediately withdraw Gorsuch from consideration to the highest bench in the country! How in the wold did this guy get the nod from Trump when it turns out he's 'pro illegal immigration?' Come one!

Gee, I wonder whether Alex Jones, Trump's cheerleader, who turned his show from a news show, into a Trump channel will jump on this? I doubt it. This is why I don't kiss any one's butt! This is why I'm not a democrat, or a republican.

In first Trump-Merkel meeting, awkward body language and a quip

Gee, where did you hear this before? Oh, that's right, you heard it HERE FIRST! I posted an article stating "watch for the body language" between these two leaders! I'm not one to say, "told you so," but hey, I know what I'm talking about and what to look for.

Here's the article. What a 'coincidence?'

Laptop holding Trump Tower floor plans, Hillary Clinton email investigation info stolen from Secret Service agent

Gee, isn't this 'convenient?' Convenient to Hilary Clinton, that is. And oh a "secret service agent" was involved in this when it's already come out that at least one secret service agent went on record stating they 'wouldn't take a bullet for Trump!'

I think it's high time the Trump administration has Obama and Hilary indicted for any number of possible crimes, not the least of which is attempting to subvert the current administration, and obstruct any possible investigation into Hilary's 'missing emails.' These are serious crimes! The media too needs to be investigated. They have been colluding with Obama and its only obvious that they're attempting to 'deligitimize' the new president, with all this false Russian spy claims which is 'fake news' on steroids.

What is the problem with the new AG Sessions? Is he afraid to open an investigation? Has he been compromised? Give me a break. During the campaign Trump often said he would have Hilary investigated. So what's changed? Has he been threatened? The Obamas and the Clinton's are a dismal failure and have done many things for which they could easily be indicted over.

Attorney General Session, wake your job! Enough of all this BS that is just festering and ongoing. Doesn't Trump realize this garbage is NEVER going to stop? And now we're to believe a secret service agent (with sensitive documents) belonging to Hilary just happened to have been 'stolen?' Give me a break!

Friday, March 17, 2017

My Review of a 'Spook's book' on Amazon

"Open Source Intelligence" (OSINT) by Robert David Steele 'big time bad-ass former CIA spook is the author of this book. Well, fine and dandy. He claims to be a "patriot." Again, fine and dandy.

What he doesn't tell you, is that he's using hidden 'symbolism,' which by all the research I've done has direct ties with the secret society known as "Knight's of Malta." (for the record, I could list 'countless' links to this organization) They claim to be 'conservative,' and to 'love America.'

...just one little problem: They're "allegiance" lies to the POPE!

To make matters more pathetic, and disingenuous at best, is the fact these people have "dual citizenship, one of their native country, and one to the Vatican. Does that sound like someone who is an "American patriot?" I don't think so!

These 'spy agencies,' (all crooked as f&ck, drug dealers, arms smugglers, etc) are the lowest of the low in society. There may be a good one, just as with anything else,, even in the sleaziest places, they'll be someone with good intentions.

But to knowingly place a symbol representing your 'secret society' right smack on the cover? Give me a freaking break! I don't buy it. So, posted what I thought, got published, and I gave the moron '1 star.' Basically for being a deceptive piece of sh*t! Oh and by the way, I heard this David Steele, or whatever his 'real name is',' talk about one of the Rothschilde's wives, on a YouTube interview, with yet another 'wannabe,' everybody wants to be 'somebody!

 Anyway, in this interview, this 'spook,' Steele (or whatever his real name is) state, "I know (so and so) Rothschilde (can't recall first name of woman, she's from NJ) and she's a lovely lady, very nice woman." Okay, so not only is this 'spook' a part of a 'secret society,' but is also praising a woman who's basically married into what is unquestionably and unarguably for that matter the world's "evilest" and "satanic family" on planet earth?

...but we're supposed to believe he's an "American Patriot?!" I don't think so.

Here's my 'post' of his book,

"What's the 'symbol' behind the earth? Looking as though it 'covers the earth?' Oh, it's a Knights of Malta symbol. Anyone familiar with this organization? If not, I suggest you do some research on them. Learn symbolism people. Can't say enough how important it is to know and understand symbols, so you don't get duped by someone from a secret society with an agenda."  Click the quote to see the post on Amazon's page! 

My sincere gratitude to Amazon for not 'censoring' my post.  Apparently there's still some 'sincere honest companies' remaining in America... (Amazon loves me!)

UPDATE: re McDonald's Twitter Post Attacking Trump

I posted about this yesterday. Last night I learned that Robert Gibbs, former press secretary for former president Obama is now in a high level position working for McDonald's!

Since this Twitter attack was posted directly off of McDonald's 'official Twitter' account, is it a possibility that it was none other than Robert Gibbs who was personally responsible for the disgusting attack on Twitter off the official McDonald's account?

See my post from yesterday regarding the disgusting McDonald's Twitter attack on President Trump. To me there is not question, that Gibbs had to at the very least have had given the approval for that Tweet, if he didn't do it himself.

Dutch elections: Turkish minister claims 'holy wars will soon begin in Europe' after Geert Wilders beaten

What is wrong with Turkey, it's 'president' and its leadership in general? I posted an article about Erdogan just yesterday. This man is delusional to say the least. Now he and his leadership are talking about "Holy Wars," Turkey being an Islamic state (now); while previously they were a more 'moderate state.'

But apparently, Erdogan wants to 'rule Europe?' At the very least he is wanting to be the next Islamic Caliphate! This man truly is delusional. This man is dangerous, not only to the Netherlands a country who has dared to stand up to him, but also to Europe as well.

Again, just what is this man's problem?

This just once again goes to show, "Islam is NOT a religion of peace," as we were told originally by then president George W. Bush, despite the fact that the alleged perpetrators of 9/11 were Muslim. And where did Bush come off with his assertion that Islam is  "religion of peace?" Where was he during the 1990's when under the Clinton administration America was attacked time and time again by Muslims, yet Clinton was yet another appeaser, allowing these people to by and large get away with their terrorist acts.

Worse yet to show the hypocrisy of it all, leading up to the second Iraq war, Bush Jr dared use the term (though perhaps in a Freudian slip) about the war being a "crusade," to which the media and various liberals jumped all over Bush. Yet, it's okay for this would-be Turkish "Caliphate" (Islam's version of a Catholic pope) gets a pass for using a phrase that sure to cause anxiety and escalate tension between Islam and the west.

And now with the loss of Geert Wilders in the Netherlands, Erdogan feels more embolden? I think it's high time Turkey be kicked out of NATO! They probably have not even paid their dues which was a big talking point during then presidential candidate Donald Trump's many rallies and speeches. Also, as I reported yesterday or this past week, Erdogan's own population apparently is not very fond of him going as far as staging a 'coupe' during one of his trips abroad. Does this guy suffer from some 'messianic complex?' He needs to go- period!

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Exorcist fails to drive out 'evil spirits,' forcing Brazilian president to leave 'haunted' presidential palace

Being a Biblical studies/Theology student, I can't help but always find stories about "exorcisms," and basically anything dealing with the "supernatural" interesting. Yes, exorcisms are real (though some are fraudulent); and yes the devil is real. If you believe in 'good,' you have to believe in 'evil.'

While I'm sure many would immediately write this article off as being "superstition," unless I personally had encountered persons who were 'possessed,' and even witnessed at least one 'exorcism,' I too might have dismissed this as being nothing more than "superstition." 

Either way, you don't have to be a 'believer' in God or anything for that matter to know when something or someone is not right (not themselves). And I'm not talking about someone just having a bad day, or not being their normal selves; what I refer to is much darker and more frightening. When you're in the presence of evil, you'll know it. There's just a natural instinct that occurs which is not uncommon to the 'fight/flight' syndrome. It's definitely not something you want to be around.

The precedent of 'demonic possession,' has been set thousands of years ago, and in various cultures and belief systems all throughout the world. To dismiss this phenomena as pure superstition can be a fatal mistake. But for the most part, unless you yourself have experienced a 'paranormal situation,' chances are great you'll be skeptical. And once you yourself have experienced something of this nature, you'll never be the same.

I've not followed politics in Brazil that closely lately, so I'm not sure where this country stands culturally. Being more familiar with South America in general, I'd assume Brazil would be a "Catholic nation." But I also am highly aware that the natives are very much into 'pagan' practises. Whether this has anything to do with the Brazilian president's home being "haunted," I wouldn't know. What I do know is that as a whole people with no belief systems are more "open" to spiritual attacks from possible enemies, personal or politically.

The fact an exorcism 'failed' in this case, is more of an indictment upon the exorcist, than on the process of ridding the evil from that home. Evil is subject to God. I could expound upon this, but that is not the purpose of this post. One final point I'd like to make is that due to the direction society is moving, be prepared to hear more and more stories such as this. With all the 'paranormal craze' going on whether on television, or real life, people are opening doors and doing things that people are better off not having anything to do with.

McDonald's Twitter Account Served Up a 'Breakfast Special' on Trump Hatred This Morning

Not a big McDonald's fan to begin with, but after hearing about this disgusting Tweet from McDonald's about Trump, and how they'd prefer having Obama back, I will not as much as eat their food or have anything good to say about this disgusting organization. McDonald's had better apologize, or there will be a major back-lash.

Secret Service Agents Under Investigation for Taking Photos of Donald Trump's Sleeping Grandson

No excuse. Absolutely disgusting, unprofessional and just outright pathetic! Is this where our tax-dollars are going? So now the 'Secret service,' (same organization caught abandoning their posts under Obama, and caught with prostitutes) is now in the business of 'frightening little children?'  Yet apparently its okay for a 'has-been' rapper 'Snoop Dog' to make a video such as he did about the president?

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Pro-Trump radio host Michael Savage claims he was assaulted while having dinner with his toy poodle Teddy Read more:

For the life of me, I can't understand WHY this 'headline' states, "Michael Savage claims, if you read the entire article, this has been CONFIRMED by the police department. Talk about bad journalism!

I had just happened to have seen Michael Savage interviewed yesterday on the Alex Jones Show, and not having seen Savage in some time couldn't help but think how 'frail' the man looks. Then to hear this!? A punk attacking a 74 year old man? I'll say this, whoever this punk was- they're lucky I wasn't there, cause I sure as hell wouldn't have stood by and watched!

And that's not because this is a famous person, he's a 74 yr old man with his poodle! I don't know any person who could just 'watch' some old man get attacked.

How freaking pathetic! And this punk even 'shoved' Michael Savage's 12 yr old dog? Oh no. Hell no! Any man who could sit there and not do something to help a 74 yr old man with his dog, would be 'foreign' to me.

John McCain: Rand Paul ‘Is Now Working for Vladimir Putin’

LMFAO! Won't even bother to 'comment' on such asinine stupidity, other to remind people this is the guy who as a POW 'gave away fellow navy soldiers' coordinates which cost their lives! TRAITOR, John!

US Fed raises benchmark interest rate a quarter point

I highly suggest all Americas read up on just how the "Federal Reserve" came into existence. First of all- it's neither "federal," nor does it contain ANY "reserves!" If you learn that, you've made a great start!

Read The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin. If only enough Americans understood just how 'unconstitutional' the Federal Reserve is, and how it came into existence, I'll let you guess what would happen. Upon this death-bed, President Wilson the president who allowed this monstrosity to become an 'illegal law,' stated, he wished he never allowed this to pass, and even apologized to the American people. But the damage is now done.

It's almost hilarious in a sick way how none of this is even taught at the finest universities, and colleges in the United States, but there's a reason why its not.

                                                   "Mother Goose"
       "America's true ruler," an un-elected banker from the House of Rothschilde"

Netherlands, Stay the Course!

While this may be a 'temporary set back' for Wilders, don't give up! The alternative is slavery in the guise of an unelected EU which will continue to pour into your country Muslims who want to overturn your beautiful country- do  NOT allow this to happen!

Freedom IS on the march, and globalism IS on the run!

I would not doubt it in the least that this Rutte character is just a 'shill-puppet,' propped up by his globalist masters. I would not doubt it whether your elections were 'rigged,' that's the ONLY way these people (globalists) know how to 'win.' They're thieves, drug dealers, arms smugglers, murderers, and just pieces of filth. And if you 'really' want to know what I think of them, contact me privately.

But at least they can't invent the notion that the "Russians" were involved in your election as they have here in the United States. Do NOT let this 'temporary set-back' stop you from your goal! I know the Dutch people are a proud group of people who do not want to be told what to do by an unelected group of bureaucratic tin-foil hat wearing globalists who care for nothing or no one but themselves. They're plans are obvious, and they're not in your best interests.

Continue to fight "politically," never surrender, never give up the fight! We here in America stand with you! At least those of us who value 'freedom.' While this battle may have been lost, the war is FAR from over! If the 'globalsists' want a fight- take it to them!

Trump Trolling the 9th District?

Knowing president Trump is not a fool, at this point I would have to guess that Trump is intentionally 'trolling' the 9th District Circuit (Circus) Court. He's done it to the media (with great success), and I see this turning into yet another backhanded success at the 9th District (Circus) Court, they just don't even know it yet.

Why else would Trump knowing the 9th District being the most 'overturned and out of control court district' in the United States, continue to pursue his travel ban, using that venue, when there are any number of other ways of bypassing the 9th District? For those who don't know, Donald Trump doesn't need the 9th District for anything to pass his 'travel ban.' Same can pretty much be said of the democratic party for that matter. He doesn't need them for anything.

Trump's bigger problem is his own party the GOP. And for the record what Trump is attempting to do has absolutely nothing about 'race,' or religion,' and anyone suggesting otherwise is a lying fool, whether they know it or not. These 7 or so countries listed on the ban are the 'identical countries,' Obama had also issued a travel ban on, but oh how the media forgets. Hypocrisy? Double-standard? Call it what you like- it's flat out stupid!

No judge on any bench, anywhere in America has the 'security details/briefings' that the POTUS has. Therefore, should anything happen, these political hack 'judges' will be in a very difficult situation attempting to explain themselves. Should any American lives get lost, it's on their hands. Pure and simple.

Producer Claims CEO Sexually Manipulated Him to Take Control of The Company

So some guy gets "sexually manipulated" by some woman. Made for TV mini-series? No, real life. Oh, and how I can relate. I've dealt with woman who've attempted to 'sexually manipulate' me as well. It's not a glamorous or envious situation to be in! Trust me! There are some 'wicked women' out there.

Not all, thank goodness. But far too many (I've dealt with) have 'mistaken kindness for weakness,' boy were they WRONG! Now they've paid the price. And I have absolutely NO PITY whatsoever! NONE! So, I can relate to this guy, IF what he's saying is the truth. Again, I want to EMPHASIZE not all women are like this! Most are decent! But, just as with anything else, there's some real losers out there. Steer clear of them, guys! A pretty, face/body isn't worth it!

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Just a Little to Think About

Again, I don't like "labels." I don't fall neatly into either one. Plus, it's nothing but propaganda by 'social engineers' to keep us divided. Don't fall for it.

Angela Merkel to Meet Donald Trump on Friday After Blizzard Delay

This just may be the 'biggest,' or at least most anticipated visits from a foreign head of state yet for President Trump. I know German chancellor Angela Merkel was due to meet with President Trump earlier this week, but due to severe weather, the meeting has been pushed back some.

Merkel has been under attack most recently from Turkey's Erdugan. But then again, who hasn't been under attack from the Turkish leader? Shortly thereafter, Trump will be meeting with the Chinese prime minister. That too should be interesting. Nevermind what the 'media' has to say about either of these two upcoming meetings. Pay attention to the "body language" that occurs in both of these big meetings! That'll tell you a lot more than anything any of these 'talking heads ever can say.'

This is why it's very handy to be trained in a variety of things, than having your eggs all put together into one basket. Even economists will give you the same advice, though for different reasons. "Body language" will tell the story behind the story of both of these very important get together's.

Looking For 'Sponsors'

I have come to the conclusion looking at the numbers and demographics, etc, that I can indeed make a living as a 'blogger.' I mean the numbers are literally going through the roof! And that is a great thing, and I'm very appreciative of this.

And anyone who saw my earlier post, would have seen that I am totally 'under the weather,' should not even be posting here, but lying in bed getting rest. However, I don't look at this as being 'work,' but more a labor of love. And that in itself is the "American dream," doing what you love.

Fortunately I seem to have a knack of being able to get the attention of persons who work in MSM (main stream media), and have made many contracts. I'm also 'followed,' by some a very interesting group of persons on Twitter (my main social media platform). I don't like to 'name drop,' and I won't, but I see people post on their profiles, "followed by such and such."

By that I mean basically people who have the 'blue certification,' after their names because they're 'famous' in whatever genre they're from. Well, geeze, if I did as some do, my entire bio would be filled with these 'big names.' But that's not me. Matter of fact I was being followed by an 'extremely high level person' at NATO, and I'll leave it at that, but I found it kind of, I don't even know how to put it. I'll just say, I'm sure many would have been extremely flattered. And to be honest, I was. But I'm not into 'big names,' or 'idol worship.' We're all human beings just trying to do the best we can while on this ball of dirt we call earth.

So, being that this blog has just exploded (even on limited time), I can only imagine what it would be like to sit here and just spit out posts all day long, and trust me- I most definitely could! Unfortunately, "time is money." And I do have a life. I'm even working on finishing up a degree at the same time. Luckily I can do two things or "walk and chew gum" as the saying goes. But yeah, I can see the future, and it's looking very bright even having limited time (currently), but that could all change were it worth my time to post all day long "full time."

I already have plans to possibly start making YouTube videos, and depending on how things go here, starting my own website, which wouldn't conflict with this blog, as the two (and even YouTube) can all be combined. The decision is can I afford to do this without sponsorship? I believe the talent is there, the will and desire are there, and clearly the interest is there because the numbers do not lie.

So, hint, hint...anyone out there looking to 'sponsor' this blog, I'd guarantee you it would be money well worth spent, with high return on investment (ROI)! Please contact me!

The Government is still the enemy of freedom

Ronald Reagan famously said, the 7 most scariest words in the English language are, "we're here from the government to help."

Well, I believe that still holds true, yet at the same time there are times in one's life when a person may 'fall through the cracks,' and need some form of assistance, but generally yes.

I believe in limited government interference, and smaller government in general.

So, yes the government 'can' be the enemy of freedom, but one can make a case that 'government in and by itself' is not necessarily the enemy, or the problem as much as who is running the show. History has shown this to be true throughout the ages.

This is why I don't believe in 'labels.' This is why I personally do not fit into any 'labels.' We all have our beliefs and opinions, and everyone is fully entitled to express them as they see fit. This is one of the aspects that separates America from most of the world.

Regarding Trump's Accusation of Obama (Commentary)

As many may know, a week or two ago (and I witnessed this live, watching the news that morning), President Trump Tweeted that "Obama had wiretapped Trump tower."

That is a serious accusation.

And yet, to this day (about 2 weeks later) Trump has failed to produce any 'evidence' of his Tweet whatsoever! Even I cannot condone such behavior, or let this just go into the 'ether.' I too would like to see this 'evidence,' Trump has accused his predecessor of.

The American people deserve to know whether this was true- or not. As the Wendy's commercial from the 1980's goes, "Where's the beef?"

This president will be held accountable to me, and on this blog. He, nor any politician will receive a "free pass." While I believe Trump is an intelligent person, I'm not so sure what he did calling out Obama was one of his brightest moments.

NATO's Enormous Arms Clutter

Whatever your thoughts are about NATO, here's a story about it's "enormous arms clutter." As one cable news outlet puts it, "I report, you decide." I won't name the network. Matter of fact, I don't have very much 'good' to say about them, so they'll remain nameless.

Kim Jong-un threatens ‘MERCILESS’ attack on America in retaliation for South Korea drills

Speaking of "delusional," as much as I can't help but re post photos of Lana Del Rey, how can you pass on posting a story about N. Korea's 'madman?'

You can't.

So, here's what Lil Kim is now saying to the US...

Colbert mocks Conway by replacing show's cameras with microwaves

Time to be "fair and balanced." So here's some fun at the expense of the GOP. See, I don't believe in "parties," nor am I partisan.

So, here's Colbert poking fun at Vault 7

To My Readers

I shouldn't even be blogging right now. I'm totally under the weather, and will be for probably the next week, thereabouts. I rarely get sick, but when I do- it's bad.

But seeing the numbers literally going through the roof, I'm going to do my best to keep the posts coming. So please bare with me during the next week or so.

Words cannot express how encouraged I am to see how much this blog has grown, and in such a fairly short amount of time. I know people are hungry for the truth. The MSM (main steam media) is not giving you the truth!

So seeing the 'behind the scene' inside data is very encouraging, and knowing this is a 'global movement' is something very exciting to be a part of. While this is and never will be about me, it has and always will be about simply getting the truth out there- no matter where you are! And I see the various countries viewing this blog. Thanks to technology, my words are able to be translated into the various languages accordingly. I have a very diverse readership!

So it's my privilege and honor to know so many others from all walks of lives and various cultures are paying attention. I made a commitment from Day 1, I will NEVER report a 'false story,' or attempt to mislead anyone. Should I ever make a mistake unknowingly, it will be corrected immediately. There's enough 'fake news' and 'disinformation' out there already, but there is a shortage of "true news." And even this is being censored little by little.

I thank you all. And I long for the day when 'globalism' will be defeated once and for all!

*PS, please keep me in your thoughts and prayers (as I do for you).

Snoop Dogg Pulls Gun on “Fucking Clown” Trump in New “Lavender” Video: Watch

Snoop Dogg "shoots Trump" in new video. While there's a thing in America called "free speech," you cannot scream "fire in a crowded theater," unless there is a real fire. With free speech comes 'responsibility,' something far too many don't understand.

As people in law enforcement, intelligence agencies, and other sensitive agencies and organizations know, there are just some things you 'do not say!' And if you do, there are 'repercussions.' In this case I believe the Secret Service has every legal right to pay "Dogg" a house visit.

And sure while it may not be "Dogg" himself who does anything, one of his infantile supporters may be stupid enough to act out. Same thing happened with another has-been, Madonna who at a Woman's March recently made ignorant comments about 'doing something to the White House.' I won't even repeat certain statements, because I understand the power of speech.

Both Madonna and Snoop Dogg would do well to express their opinions (which they're fully entitled to) in a more tasteful manner.

China makes it illegal to insult ‘heroes and martyrs’ of its Communist Party

And this is what can happen right here in America should Eric Schmidt (Google) and Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) get their wish, which is to have business ties in China. This is why both of these morons named here are 'censoring' conservatives- right now!

But this is the plan of the globalists who use these unpatriotic citizens of the US. I suggest these fools move to China, and live there and enjoy having their speech 'censored.' For those who don't know, China is also in talks with Hollywood to basically take it over and buy all the movie studios. China has already 'dictated' to several movie producers as to what can and cannot be 'allowed' in some movies which have portrayed China in a bad light, "censorship!"

And to those who are not 'conservative,' if you think oh what a great idea, "censoring conservatives," think twice, because there's no guarantee your 'free speech' will be deemed allowable under a "Chinese system." Say NO to "censorship," period! 

Orangutans are dressed up and made to box each other to entertain visitors at a Thai zoo leading to animal rights activists demanding it is shut down

Again, I'm not one of those "militant animal rights activists," but there are some things that are just flat out messed up. There's reasons why 'cock fighting,' and 'dog fighting' shows are illegal. Why do these people, whom I look down upon as being inferior to these apes, due to this stupid stunt, why do these people need to do this?

Leave this animals alone! Forcing Orangutans to fight for the amusement of others is just wrong! But consider the source, Thailand. They probably allow these 'cock and dog fights' to be legal there.

This is one of those cases where I would love to see a Planet of the Apes moment, where these 'fight promoters,' are they themselves put at the mercy of the very apes they've enslaved and made to do things they didn't want to do, or would do naturally. Leave the damn apes alone!

Monday, March 13, 2017

9/11 Truth (This Will Blow Your Mind!); Not Kidding! (UPDATED)


Prior to posting this video, I must admit, I'd never watched this. However I posted it because I know 9/11 was a total 100 percent- LIE! At least the "official government narrative." However, after now having only watched a part of this video, it has raised even MORE questions, and answered others.

This is 'serious stuff!' People need to be brought to justice! The Bush family, Dick Cheney, many within the Bush administration, the Saudi Royal family, and those in positions of power within the Israeli government ALL need to be 'investigated.' And don't believe the 9/11 Report! It comes from the very government who gave us 9/11 and it's "lie."

From what I have already seen (still haven't viewed this video in it's entirety, it would appear as though, no "Islamists, and no practicing Jews had any part in this. Yes, "Zionist's" were involved, yes, Arabs were involved. And of course Americans were involved. But, as this movie points out, these people answer to no country, nor do they follow ANY 'religion,' except perhaps Satanism, or "Luficerian," which in their minds there is a difference. There is NO difference!

These scumbags are 'globalists.' They're 'god' is (money, drugs, weapons and war).

This is possibly THE best 9/11 video I have seen, and I have seen 'plenty!'

Here's a video for any misinformed 'fool' who still clings to the government LIE about 9/11. If you've done your homework, as I have, there would be no more debate. This is a closed case- "inside job!"


What is differnet in this video (unlike many other similarly themed videos) is at the end (very end) are 10 "solutions" on how to resist and stop these criminal elite, and make no mistake, these people are homicidal, criminal, lying psyopathoic imred lyars...take back control! Stop participating in their programs. There are basically '300 families' ruling planet earth! I have this confirmed through various sources! So if 300 hundred 'imbred' families can do this, 300 'good families' (and easily countless more) can EASILY stop their 'money and armies' from continuing to put the rest of us under their rule. 

While I don't remember all '10' of their solutions, here are a few mentioned: 

1) stop voting (have heard this before, both 'pro and con,' (don't believe the 'con,' it's pure BS!

2) stop fighting these banker's illegal wars

3) take control of your own money (stop using their 'banking system,' including their credit cards

4) 'word of mouth' (very important) sharing videos like this, 'name names,' (not just faceless corporations, every corporation is owned by a person); and don't fall for 'I own stock' BS! ONLY 1 type of stock matters, "Type-A," and ONLY availible to 'elites,' and you aren't one of them

5) find tax loopholes. (these crooks do NOT pay ANY taxes- period!)

6) arrest (citizens's arrest) on the "family of 300" (aka comittee of 300, see book by same title written by John Coleman, read it, really good book. recommending books/videos/ etc is also on their list)

7) stop buying into their propaganda ie msm! ALL MSM news comes from 2 'outlets,' Reuters and AP (Associated Press); BOTH owned same families! drop the msm like a hot potato!

8) stop buying from 'big chain stores,' ie Walmart (all owned by these families) buy from small stores, farmer's markets, grow your own food (when possible)

9) Charities (STOP GIVING!) this one may sound surprising to some, but MOST of these charities are 'slush funds,' for money laundering, etc. WWF (World Wildlife Federation) 'WORST OFFENDER,' owned by Princh Philip (UK) 'eugenicist' (other charities, ditto. more money going towards NOT what they say); don't be fooled by 'emotion,' ie 'starving children,' 'battered animals.' 

10) stop 'playing their games,' giving up your power to 'unconstitutional laws!' 

11) don't give in to 'fear,' these scum know 'fear works.' 

12) educate yourselves, no excuse. these people want to 'eliminate you!' plain and simple. 

These people make up a 'fraction of not even 1 percent,' and they're not as smart as you'd expect due to 'inbreeding!' We 'outnumber' these people 99 percent, to a fraction of 1 percent! WE HAVE THE 'POWER!' WAKE UP!

These people do no like being 'exposed,' that's why you must 'name names!' To name a faceless corporation does nothing!

They don't like an 'informed public.' They'd rather you believe this is all 'conspiracy garbage,' it's NOT!

And these people KNOW should the 'masses' wake up to their BS, they're FINISHED! GAME OVER!

Start your own blogs, make videos, start sharing information 'word of mouth,' etc, etc. These people CAN be defeated! And if you're a 'Christian,' don't buy into this phony teaching going on dealing with Romans chapter 13, about "being obedient to government!" I've heard all about this 'government mandated program' being used by 501-C-3 tax-exempt 'state run churches,' with their FEMA response 'clergy members,' all trained an ready to tell their congregations, "report to FEMA camps,' and turn in your weapons, submit to the government.' DON'T BUY IT! If you attend a 'church' with that kind of 'pastor,' (so-called) look for another church! These people know "religion is the opiate of the masses!" Nowhere in the bible does it say, a person "needs to attend ANY church!" Associate with like minded individual, of course! I'm working on a degree in Theology, I know exactly what I'm talking about 'from the inside!'