Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Vault 7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

If you were to listen to one of the hacks on CNN last name Cuomo (don't know first name, could care less, family all political hacks in NY), this guy told viewers on CNN, "you're not supposed to be looking at these documents," cause only they the 'high priests' of the media are supposed to have access to these documents, right. Such is the nonsensical garbage viewers receive on CNN.

Look at their ratings, tells you all you need to know about them.

Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) says "it's just ridiculous for president Trump to say that former president Obama spied on anyone, let along Trump." Right. Obama (Nobel Peace Prize winner, what a joke), used such intel to conduct a drone attack killing an America citizen overseas.

James Clapper (former DNI under Obama), "there's just no such campaign to wiretap the president-elect." This comes from a person who may have 'perjured himself' during congressional testimony, an investigation may be re-opened against Clapper (hands on, hands off...the 'clapper,' sorry couldn't resist).

And of course who can forget Rep Maxine Waters (D) "this president has killed babies in Korea..." Pelosi, in another interview thought Bush was still president, the list goes on and on. Are the democrats through?

Well, earlier today on the Alex Jones show Dr Steve Pieczenik stated, "the democratic party is done, all we need to do is put flowers on their graves."

With leadership  such as what they have, and show no signs of giving it up, despite most of these people being in their 70's on up, is it any wonder they'd attempt to run basically a "corpse" in Hilary Clinton who was caught having to have an 'ambulance' as part of her motorcade, and collapsing during the Sept 11th memorial in NYC just prior to election day. But, of course that was all "conspiracy theory."

FYI, the term "conspiracy theory" was created by the CIA as a method to poke jabs, make fun of anyone who 'dared question' the official narrative given the American people by the Warren commission about the facts behind the death and murder of JFK. The term has been used ever since, as propaganda to 'shut down' anyone who dares question the official government story, such as has been the case with 9/11. And yes, unfortunately some still do believe the lie about 9/11. Bill O'Reilly and I believe Sean Hannity (especially the former) will get very upset should you even attempt to provide evidence.

So, now with the latest Wikileaks dump, we see that just about 'everything has been hacked,' or at the least has the capacity to be hacked, using 'back-door' methods. So, it was once a 'conspiracy theory' to even suggest your web-cam on your laptop could be used to 'monitor' you, yet one of these high level officials is on record saying, 'they cover their web cams!' Hell, even my primary case physician covers her web cam, noticed that on my first visit! I knew right away, this is an informed person.

So, is it any wonder a two-bit CNN anchor surname Coumo (may be misspelled, could care less) tells viewers, "only we (media) have the right to look at these documents," is it any wonder these people make fools of themselves? Again, their ratings reflect it.

As for Fox News, they're not much better! To be "fair and balanced," I'll never forget Mike Wallace (Fox News Sunday host) in an interview with Rush Limbaugh, his guest used the term "deep state." Wallace (lifelong media journalist, son of famous investigative journalist) did not even know what the term meant! "What is the deep state? I've never heard this term before?" Maybe he ought to talk to some of the 'spooks' all around him! Every news station (national at least) has some around. Anyone who thinks "Operation Mockingbird" is gone, had better re-think things. MSM is still being used very much by the CIA to help run and promote stories they want brought to the forefront.

As I always tell people, always consider the "source" when it comes to your news, and even when it comes to simply choosing to pick a book about particular topics, such as history, religion, politics. There's always going to be a particular 'bias' depending on who the author is. It may be a bias you agree with, it may be a something that leaves you scratching your head. History, in particular has largely been 're-written,' to the point, basically everything you've been taught in schools (public and private) is all wrong! You'd be surprised how many people pick up a book (especially on history) and come away with a completely inaccurate account of what really happened. And I've seen 'big name' people in various walks of life not understanding this.

So it's not wonder, "fake news" has made such a splash in the media. And contrary to (once again) Bill O'Reilly, who tells his people, "don't believe anything what you read on the Internet," seriously? Isn't Fox News on the Internet? I know many would argue they're "fake news" (and to an extent they are), but by in large, they're fairly accurate, when compared to CNN or MSNBC. But, yes of course, there is 'fake news,' as well as there is 'accurate news' to be found online.

Always consider the source. I am well familiar with Wikileaks, and they are a credible source. Doesn't mean they 'always' will be, but for now they are. Speaking of which, here is "Vault 7" as presented by Wikileaks!                                                                                              

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