Sunday, May 27, 2018


One word. Yet a powerful word. A word that can have many meanings depending on the person, or reader. A word that came to me- today! 2018 has been a hell of a year already, and it's just the beginning. I've had certain years that have begun with an 'aura' of 'this is YOUR year.' 2018 HAS been one of those years, and more.

Even before this year began, so powerful was the 'energy' that I sensed it in late December (2017). Even in previous years when I knew this would be one of those 'magical' years, even then the power was NOT as powerful as it was now and at the beginning of this year.

Why do these 'magical years' happen? I really can't answer that, but I know they exist. Have they existed for others? I'd be naive to think otherwise, so I'll go out on a limb and believe yes. I also believe certain 'elements' just combine and come together in such a manner as to cause such periods of time to occur in a person's life. The bottom line is, when these years occur, make the most of them, because you don't always know IF, or WHEN the next one will (if ever) come to pass.

We're living in an already highly 'charged' environment in so many ways. Truth has NEVER been more needed, or sought out than perhaps at any other time. At least in my lifetime. I'm no 'spring-chicken.' Having said that, having been through several of these 'magical years,' I can say, the more you've been through them, the MORE powerful they become. Or, maybe its simply being better equipped to KNOW what and HOW to handle and deal with these small windows of time. A year can be a long time, it can be a 'blink of an eye.' As the saying goes, it's in the eye of the beholder.

2018 is the year. Now, with today's word that 'mysteriously' came to me (as many things do), the word? RISE. Now, it's even beginning to make more sense. This year, almost halfway through (believe it or not) has seen its share of opportunities. But opportunities come and go. A concept however is something than can change one's life. That concept can arrive in a word, a thought, dream, etc. Mine came in a single word- Rise. And with that word, as I've already suggested to some, but MOST importantly to myself, I will not be the same person I was at the start of this year, as I will be upon the conclusion of this year.

When a year is meant to be yours, make the most of it. But first of all, you've got to know, got to 'hear' that this is your year. For myself, I know how it came about. For others, I'm sure the process will be different. In the end, 'Rise!' 2018 will be a year I will look back upon in however many number of years I have left upon this planet and will look back upon and smile. It's as though the 'gods' themselves spoke among themselves and decided, it's his time, let's see what he does with it.


Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Biden says he would have 'beat the hell out' of Trump in high school for disrespecting women

For all the talk about President Trump being 'un-presidential,' former VP Joe Biden doesn't have very much room to speak. This isn't a left vs right issue, this is about making dumb comments in public and acting out on some creepy things.

Former VP Joe Biden, or 'Creepy Joe,' as some have called him seems to have a very hard time keeping his 'hands to himself.' Now, that's one thing. Not keeping your hands to yourself with children is quite another.

                                                  Creepy Joe Biden 

So for Biden to walk around talking so 'tough' about Trump and how he'd 'beat Trump up,' is just ridiculous and I'm calling Mr Tough guy out! Watch this video of 'Creepy Joe' and ask yourself is there 'something' wrong with this man? This doesn't look very good for Biden. Words are one thing, actions are quite another!

UPDATE: I-Team: Former ATF Agent Suspects Austin Bomber May Have An Accomplice

This blog has never been about 'conspiracy theory,' as the term has been defined back in the early 1960's after the assassination of president JFK. That term was made up by the FBI in a method of putting to rest people asking questions because the public (too many) were not buying the 'lone gunman' narrative.

So, for those who may have read my last post I posed the question could this 24 year old whom the authorities are claiming 'acted alone' may in fact be a part of something more. As stated, I find there are still unanswered questions which were not answered in today's press briefing about the bomber having been located.

I've also brought up the fact that unfortunately authorities have in the past made arrests, or found a person whom they will say is the person they've been looking for, when in often times the person may not have acted alone. So again, I ask, is there more to this story than we're being told, because this headline has just come in, ATF agent suspects Austin bomber may have an accomplice. 

This is a photo of the alleged Austin bomber, 24 year old Anthony Conditt.

UPDATE: It's now April 13th and as this article states, the ATF 'suspects' the Austin bomber 'may have had an accomplice.' Well, where's the news or follow up on that information? Since I've not heard anything about this, I would say chances are great - there was an accomplice! Could this young man have been involved in some 'mind control' program? For those who do not think our government is still actively developing their 'mind control' programs, you are woefully naive. Do your research on MK-Ultra and it's various 'cousins' of mind control programming. I've done my homework and its insane! To this day there is a MK 'program' operating in the Chicagoland area. I know this for a FACT!

Reddit user claims to be Austin bomber, compares himself to 'Zodiac Killer' and says he wants world to 'burn'

The media is saying that the Austin bomber is dead. Yet just prior to posting this I came across yet another headline of a bomb having exploded in the state of Texas. In this case they're saying its 'unrelated.' Yet, I have seen no media reporting about this case, other than this headline which I found on Drudge Report.

So I'm somewhat confused?! I've seen no media coverage and they're saying this explosion is unrelated. I just also watched coverage of the press briefing about the 24 year old who is said to be the Austin bomber and who was apprehended this morning. Could there be more than one bomber? And I've not heard any 'motive,' other than the now deceased bomber having been going through a 'hard time in life.' 

                                            Austin Texas Crime Scene

Side note, on Fox news they were doing a segment on the suspect, and they were speaking about his 'political leanings,' if any that were found. In the report I heard the reporter mention a couple of 'social views' this guy had. It was almost ridiculous to hear because it sounded as though this 'dead person' were running for some political seat! What does it matter what his political leanings were? I really don't think anyone affected by this tragedy could care less! The main thing is this guy has killed himself and hopefully they have their man. 

Having said that, in many of these type of cases authorities are often quick to apprehend someone in order to put the city back at ease. In cases such as the Son of Sam which happened during the 1980's, to this day they claim the person whom was arrested acted alone. Yet, many who have studied this case have come to realize that David Berkowitz, the convicted killer did not in fact act alone and did have a 'network.' 

Now, we have someone on the Internet claiming on some web site to be the Austin bomber. On Reddit comment's were posted by someone claiming they want to be like the 'Zodiac killer' and that they want the 'world to burn.' Again, I've not seen any media coverage on this other than this headline. Again, I hope Austin has found their guy and that situation is over with, yet there are some questions that still remain unanswered. Copycat acts of violence are always a potential in cases such as this. Hopefully that will not be the case.

                                  Austin bomber Mark Anthony Conditt

Austin Texas Bomber Dead!


Overnight Austin, Texas ' Bombing suspect ' was apprehended and alleged to have blown himself up.

The suspect a 24 year old male was apprehended overnight in Round Rock, Texas near I-35 highway, and had been reported to have had a room at a nearby Red Roof Inn.

State and local law enforcement agencies are, and have been on the scene as of this morning. News of the suspect having been dead broke out approximately around 2:30 am local time.

Motives are still unclear at this time and law enforcement agencies had been tracking him all morning. He's said to be unemployed and have been living with 2 roommates in a suburb of Austin.

The 2 suspects roommates are not persons of interest - at this time. Suspect is also said to not have had a military background according to Texas governor Greg Abbott.

Authorities are telling local residents to remain vigilant, as there is no telling whether there may be any outstanding bombs. Residents are being cautioned to treat any unknown packages with caution.

Still developing...

Tuesday, March 13, 2018


As some may know, I don't care very much for VP Mike Pence. The reason I don't trust the man is because though he claims to be a 'Christian,' he is a globalist! While one may 'consider' themselves 'Christian,' I don't see being a globalist as being compatible with being a globalist! Nonetheless, one of the red flags is the fact of having heard countless times how 'well respected he is across the aisles.'

The only other politician I ever heard that about was former president George H. W. Bush, or Bush Sr, a huge globalist and also a big time occultist who comes from a shady family with a sinister background.

Then we have George W. Bush who 'fooled Christians' into voting for him, and also starting his bogus 'faith based initiative,' which is nothing short of a ecumenical consortium, which is yet another globalist front. So he does not fool me. Also, 9/11 happened under his watch, and 9/11 was a major 'inside job,' with trails leading to our 'best friends' in the middle east, Israel, and Saudi Arabia.

So I'm tired of politicians pandering to Christians solely for their votes. I'm also fed up with 'Christian bashing,' while Islam gets a pass in the media and elsewhere. Whether you like it or not, it was 'Islam' who declared war on America- NOT Christianity! Nor ANY other religion, for that matter. And that includes multiple 'terrorist attacks' upon the West. Christianity is NOT the enemy of the West, nor are any other religions.

I post this only because of Joy Behar from The View who recently made fun of VP Mike Pence's faith (Christianity). Again, I don't even like Pence, as I don't believe he's anything but a globalist waiting in the wings to resume and possibly undo all the good Trump has done. I have never trusted the man, even prior to him becoming vice-president, knowing he's friends with Sen John McCain, another 'traitor' to America, and Pence has also 'praised' McCain on multiple occasions. Look at some of the comments Pence has made during his political career! Look at his comments especially right after 9/11, and as governor of Indiana with respect to the 'peace loving' religion of Islam. You cannot place Islam on the same level as that of Christianity, nor any other non-violent religion and do so with a straight face. To do so is a total joke.

                                             Joy Behar (The View)

They say 'history repeats itself.' Some of you who really follow politics, and are old enough to remember the era of Ronald Reagan may recall, or know that former president Ronald Reagan was totally opposed to having anything to do with George W. Bush, and especially did not want him on the ticket with him as vice-president. Yet, at the GOP convention in 1980, coming out of that convention, George W. Bush did indeed 'mysteriously' become Reagan's VP! Then, in a matter of months after Reagan having been sworn in as president, an assassination was attempted upon Reagan's life. Coincidence? As someone famously said, 'there are no coincidences in politics.' Well, I take it further in my belief that there are no coincidences- period. As some JFK historians may know, George H. W. Bush has been implicated as having had some connection to the assassination of JFK. Though not 'officially' proven, many do hold to this opinion. And time may prove them correct.

Nonetheless, I give credit when credit is due. And to that end, I believe VP Mike Pence's insistence that Behar who did call Pence to personally apologize (though probably not 'made' to apologize) did do so. Yet, to Pence's credit he insisted that Behar apologize in public to the Americans who hold to a Christian worldview. For that reason alone, I give Pence credit. Here is the apology. Whether it is 'sincere,' I don't think it is! She doesn't even 'say' what she's apologizing for, or to who. She simply says, 'I apologize.' Sincere?

Hillary (Crooked Rotten) Clinton Releases New Dance Video!

In honor of Hillary's recent trip to India where she made up yet more excuses for her 2016 presidential loss, even blaming 'middle America' (which is where I am from), to which I take personal exception, comes this new video release. 

Now available at theaters everywhere, Hillary 'Crooked' Clinton Releases her brand new Dance Video, with Benny Hill themed music! for just $19.95 (just kidding!). 

                                  Hillary Clinton oops, sorry wrong picture

                                         My mommie, busting a move!

So kick off your heels, and try not to laugh too hard, but have plenty of hot, buttered pop-corn on hand for this feature video! 

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Independent Order of Exorcists Runs Online Demon-Busting Service as Vatican Faces Mounting Demand

When I originally read this headline (see article here), my first impression was this had to have been a complete 'exorcism' done over the Internet. Meaning, no one would see you personally, and everything was completed online.

Thankfully I read the entire article, and realized that yes, they do indeed send people out to your home, after having received information and some evidence. Being a Theology student, exorcism's are something I have always found very fascinating, despite the fact there are some whom are 'quacks.' Spiritual warfare, and the devil (and evil) due indeed exist.

With the usefulness of the Internet, now people are also able to 'meet' with a therapist online ($42.00 week!), and also have access to a medical doctor (for minor routine situations as well online, who can even write out prescriptions for you and have them sent to your local pharmacy. Again, with respect to the medical doctor, that is more so for simple things, and do not expect any special type of medications being called in for you, only basic medications.

But, in all 3 examples, I can see this as being a plus, or move in the right direction at least for certain situations. I have heard of those needing an exorcist whom have found a very difficult time (not personally, but through stories) only to not find even many clergyman who believe in a devil, let alone the paranormal, or any need of exorcism.

                                                  'Order of Exorcists'

In cases of a therapist, or need for a medical doctor, having online access can be at the least a time saving action, and even a distance saving factor for those living a long way from such persons. So the Internet is making some good uses for the general public. For me personally, research has been my biggest use of the Internet, as playing games, or 'social media' are not very big on my list. Unfortunately, information from a certain political vantage has been coming under extreme attack, and for American's regardless of your political leanings, this should be something of grave concern to all. Because if they can silence one side, who's to say another person comes into power and silences the other side?

So, don't fall into apathy with all the talk and goings on about some being censored for being on one side of the political fence, but next if could be your side! The 1st amendment is a precious thing and should not be taken for granted, no matter where you fit in politically. We are also one of a few nations with, if not the only one with a 'first amendment right.' Don't allow anyone to censor your voice.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Billy Graham’s Funeral Attracts Gaggle of Heretics

I do not particularly like the word 'heretic,' and worse yet, calling someone by that term. However, being a student of the Bible, and Theology and understanding 'ecumenism,' there is no other way to describe Billy Graham.

And when you read the Bible quote at the end of this article, which says

“Woe to you, when all people speak well of you, for so their fathers did to the false prophets” (Luke 6:26). cannot help but wonder about this quote and the legacy which the 'Reverend' Billy Graham left behind. Does the Bible really teach there are many ways to heaven? Does the Bible teach one can become a Christian without even knowing Christ? Does the Bible teach that all will be in heaven? I don't think so! Yet this, and a host of other issues are at the forefront of what Billy Graham thought, and preached during his many years as "Americas Pastor."

                                                      Billy Graham

There's also a saying, 'you're known by the company that you keep.' Well, if that is true, than a simple glance at the people who attended Graham's funeral ought to be a strong indication of the frauds and charlatans who followed and admired Billy Graham.

Lastly, I'd be remiss if I did not include a link to a page with references of what Graham believed in, and just what Graham may very well have been involved with. This may come as very surprising to many of Graham's 'fans,' but I can tell you, this is far from being the first time I have heard this about Billy Graham, and from

Monday, February 26, 2018

3 People Attack 'barber' Over Haircut

Wow! What is going on in this world? And it originally wasn't the customer who started the fight. According to the article, the customer wasn't happy about his haircut, and instead of paying, walked out

Obviously, walking out without having paid isn't exactly the right thing to do (the article doesn't state whether words were exchanged about the haircut. And I'm sure most barber's would try their best to make things right, if the customer wasn't satisfied. 

But, it also kind of sounds as though the customer may have had an ulterior motive due to having had a couple of friends outside, who ended up stepping into the situation. But still, the barber didn't need to follow the guy 'outside.' So it seems as though there's blame to go around in this situation. 

                                           Crime-scene over haircut

PS, the only reason I bothered to post this was because when I saw what I thought was the 'name barber,' I thought it was somebody else. Otherwise, people who read this blog on a regular basis know I don't normally post things like this. 

But still, there is a lesson to be learned from this. This situation was not worth getting into a 'fight' over with! When it comes to street-fights, things could quickly escalate into more than you've bargained for. And I don't care how 'tough' you may think you are. Just as this barber found out (the hard way), his customer had '2 friends' waiting outside for him! And as it turned out, the barber ended up having his arm fractured with a baseball bat. 

So, was that really worth the price of a 'haircut?' I don't think so! 

Friday, February 23, 2018

Chinese paper says U.S. should learn from China, restrict guns, protect rights

This headline comes as no surprise to me having heard for quite some time about a plan the 'global elite' have in mind, which is to use the model of China and bring that style of government here to the United States.

“Gun ownership in China is strictly regulated, which helps reduce gun-related crimes and deaths. The U.S. should learn from China and genuinely protect human rights,” it said.
 While it may be true indeed that 'gun related crimes and deaths' may be lower in China, it's almost laughable that a country that has little value for human life, and has many human rights violations in their history, is offering the United States advice on how to be a safer country.

Apple, Fox Conn and various other US companies are so appalling in their treatment of their own employees, 'suicide nets' have had to been installed around much of the factories where many of the products Americans take for granted are made. So, to dare you 'think' you have the answer to our problems! Your country is in NO position to be lecturing anyone about 'human rights!' I fact, you are a joke!

                                    Suicide 'Nets' at Chinese Factory!

Here is a link to the hypocritical Chinese government's response to the recent shooting's in he United States. Don't laugh too hard!

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Hungary Submits Anti-Immigration 'Stop Soros' Bill to Parliament

George Soros who is from Hungary is facing opposition from his own native country, and for very good reason. As a young man, Soros was living under Nazi occupation and turned against his fellow countryman.

Soros went on to make a deal with the Nazi's, telling them where they could find his fellow countryman, so they could be taken to Nazi death camps. Soros, a Jew had no qualms whatsoever about turning over his own people to the Nazi party to serve as slave labor, and die in the ovens of Auschwitz. 

So there you have it in a nutshell. George Soros, one of America's (if not the world's) richest men, who has done more harm than good, struts around unopposed, while he continues to the current moment causing 'misery and pain.' This man, now about 90 yrs of age, should be hung from the neck with piano wire wrapped around it, as did Mussolini! He's a traitor to not only his own people, but to the world! 

                                      George Soros, Nazi Collaborator

While this may sound strong, it's not. Look up the atrocities Soros has caused 'worldwide!' This man deserves No breaks, and should die a horrible death! THAT would send a chilling message to other 'wannabe bad guys.' 

Tuesday, February 13, 2018


Project Monarch, aka MK-Ultra 'mind control,' is STILL alive and well! (unfortunately)! This is a major travesty, and it's happening right in Chicago, and god only knows what other major cities!

This is of a highly sensitive nature. And its not only the young! Senior citizens are also being 'victimized.'

For those unaware of Project Monarch, included here is a Wikipedia link. But what I personally saw...will shake things up!



Friday, February 2, 2018

House Intelligence Memo released: What it Says (Washington Examiner)

The 'House Intelligence Memo released: What it says...

NOTE: When heard of preliminary reporting on Fox News anchor, Jon Scott appeared 'distressed,' as though someone had just been given news of having gotten cancer. Very strange reaction!  Catherine Herridge is the reporter who appeared on the brief interview. the anchor seemed 'distressed.'

This doesn't sound 'good,' for someone.

Wow, just saw President Trump briefly questioned before morning meetings, says, "absolute disgrace, people should be troubled, administrations should have done something about long ago. Let's see what Congress does now."


Friday, January 26, 2018

Regarding 'Fake News' Reporting of President Trump "Firing Special Council Robert Mueller"

Commentary post

Look, the bottom line is president of the United States of America, the president has every right to 'Fire Robert Mueller,' period! This was 'fake news' that was reported last night.

                                    Former Head of FBI, Robert Mueller

Personally, I wish Trump would fire the former FBI 'cover-up, goon' Robert Mueller. And it has come out that earlier in his presidency yes, Trump was considering firing special council Robert Mueller based on a 'conflict of interest.'

As stated, Mueller former head of the FBI under the Clinton administration did indeed help cover up several of Bill and Hillary's 'various legal problems.' That is irrefutable. Then enter James Comey, whom was best friends with Mueller who helped Comey rise through the ranks, and probably got Comey in as head of the FBI. So 'YES' a conflict of interest? You think?

Now, over the past 2 days it's been reported that Mueller wants to 'interview' president Trump, to which Trump replied, "I'd love to do it, under oath!" Now my first thought was 'big mistake!' Having listened to several lawyers in the media, they too have come to the same conclusion. Now there's still plenty of time for Trump to revoke his reply. And I'm sure he will.

Then comes the 'missing FBI emails.' And it's like here we go again! The same thing as what happened with Hillary Clinton! But, just last night, like magic the FBI has 'found' the missing emails. The fact is, the American people know this is all nothing but a 'witch hunt' to bring down a president who's done nothing but 'keep the promises' he made as candidate Trump. Imagine that. A president who has 'kept his promises!' And for that they want to lock him up! Or remove him from the Oval office.

The 'fake news' media who has been ALL in favor of Hillary Clinton, and predicted she'd win the 2016 election, going as far as having posted 'fake polls' throughout the election, when all along 'internal polling' clearly showed Trump was leading almost, if not the entire 2016 presidential election. So, 'collusion?' The very tactic they've been using against president Trump, is what the mainstream media, and many others have been guilty of. And now with this phony, 'special council' run by a Clinton 'hack,' has given the FBI a very bad reputation, and made America appear as a laughing stock to the rest of the world.

Obviously, Hillary Clinton, and possibly Barack Hussein Obama may also be behind all of this. THOSE are THE people who need to have an investigation opened against! Robert Mueller, and his cronies have had over 1 year to find out whether the Trump administration did or did not have any collusion with Russia, and thus far- NOTHING!

But to me it's so obvious what is going on from the democrats perspective. They would love for this phony investigation to 'drag on' well into the upcoming mid-term election, which is this fall, and still have the uninformed, and I mean 'uninformed' thinking there must be something that Robert Mueller has if it's taken this long. No, no and NO! Were there anything, I mean even the slightest bit or shred of evidence of 'Russian collusion,' Robert Mueller, and his FBI goons, would have gone public with this a long time ago! So you want to talk 'obstruction?' I see Robert Mueller, and his band of democrat goons and cronies as being the obstructionists, along with the entire democrat party, and the mainstream media!

The longer this goes on, and I already stated that is what the democrats would love to happen, the rougher it's going to be on the republican party come this fall for the mid-term elections. So, were I Trump, I'd advise him to tell Mueller, you've got unto such and such time, like NO later than March, then either he gets fired, and/or the investigation comes to a close. How much more time do they need? Seriously!

Monday, January 22, 2018

This 'Opioid Epidemic' is A Fake War and a Part of Agenda 21!

This term, 'opioid epidemic' for those paying attention was not even a part of our vocabulary here in America interestingly enough until the year 2016. What was significant about 2016, it was a presidential election year. So what better way to roll out a new term upon the American people, and make a case for this dreaded 'major problem' affecting millions everywhere than by the two candidates running for the top position in American politics? 

Yeah, one little problem; as cited in an article I'd posted some time back on this very blog, 'NSAID'S,' more commonly known by their names a (OTC) over the counter medications used for 'pain,' and 'swelling' mostly include Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen, and even Aspirin.' and in the year 2012, 'THESE' OTC 'medications' caused MORE DEATHS' than any "OPIOIDS COMBINED!" 

How's that for some 'truth' shoved down 'Big Pharma's' throat. And their nicely dressed 'drug pushers,' you know the one's, they stroll into your doctor's office while you've been sitting there waiting and waiting, yet with a wink and a nod, they'll walk right on in to see YOUR doctor, and cause you to wait even longer. In the meanwhile, they 'give' your doctor TONS OF 'freebies,' ie 'samples' of their drugs to push upon the American people, aka 'guinea pigs.' And oh, can these people with their nice suits and dresses be really pushy, all with a smile on their faces. 

And just about 2 weeks ago a study came out showing that these 'other the counter' medications just may NOT be as safe as people have been taught to believe. Let me just say this, they're not safe at all. Oh sure, maybe if you only use it once in ablue moon, but how many times are doctors and Big Pharma commercials now saying (any number of lies) botom line, take 2 of these daily, and you'll lower your chances of having a heart attack. Or some other silly claim. 

Be informed, this proof is, these drugs lower 'male fertility rates,' and hurt a woman's chance of having a healthy baby! That's because these medications are designed to help 'depopulate' the planet. That is the goal of 'Agenda 21,' or whatever they're calling it today. Just as with 'global warming,' and 'Isis,' these creations by horrible people with an agenda tend to change the names of these groups, etc, once people start becoming familiar with the name. 

I think you get the point. So, I'll leave it here. Go do your own research on these medications, 'Agenda 21,' and the fake 'opioid epidemic.'

                                              UN Agenda 21 Booklet

BTW, here's a link to the very post I wrote about these pills and Agenda 21! 

Please take this information, and spread it far and wide!!! Thank you!

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

POPULATION CONTROL ALERT Ibuprofen Is A Tool Of Agenda 21

This too is yet another subject that I covered just last week upon coming across an article stating that talking 'Ibuprofen reduces male fertility rates.'

And as soon as I read that, I knew immediately this was obviously a part of 'Agenda 21,' which among other things has a stated goal (on record) of wanting to 'reduce the earth's population.'

                                   Racist founder of Planned Parenthood

Simply stated, Agenda 21 (also goes by various names), is nothing short of 'depopulation,' or 'eugenics.' Eugenics was a big part of society back in the early 20th century.

                                                UN Agenda 21 Book

Margaret Sanger, the originator of Planned Parenthood is the pioneer who advanced the cause of 'eugenics.' Matter of fact, she developed this program of 'depopulation' so efficiently, Adolph Hitler was impressed with eugenics, learned greatly from Sanger, and awarded Sanger the highest non-German award to Margaret Sanger.

Hitler then went on having implemented Sanger's system of eugenics to the tune of 6 million deaths in Nazi Germany. And to think former presidential candidate, and then US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton cited (before Congressional testimony) how she "admired Margaret Sanger." Additionally, Sanger (like Hitler) was deeply racist. As a result, she is on record as saying she wanted to 'wipe out the black population.' Her words, not mine!

And today, Planned Parenthood is still doing their best in urban areas to reduce the population of those they deem as being 'sub-human.' This is extremely disturbing, and the American tax-payer is 'paying for babies to be aborted' with their tax-dollars.

PS, just for the record, being 'Martin Luther King Jr day,' I thought I'd inform the 'uninformed' that King himself was a recipient of a Margaret Sanger award! What the hell was he thinking? Then again, I unlike most, am not fooled by Martin Luther King Jr. I have read up many things about him, and there isn't much good to say about him, other than he delivered a great speech. But, did he even write that 'I have a dream speech?'

PS, here's another article some readers just may find interesting, especially many Black Americans.

The Negro Project and Margaret Sanger's proto-Nazism

Here's a little quote from this article, I highly encourage people of ALL races to read!

The short answer is because their White, racist, Progressive-Socialist Slavemasters of the Democrat-Socialist Party have for over 100 years – since President Woodrow Wilson, FDR, JFK, LBJ made a Faustian deal with other so-called "Black leaders" beginning with Harvard-educated Dr. W.E.B. Du Bois, but also including untold millions, tens of millions of pastors (and their Black Christian congregations), professors, teachers, federal/state workers, Union members, Black businesses, doctors, lawyers, Black media, Black sports/entertainment figures, etc. which goes something like this – We (the White power structure of the Democrat Socialist Party) will allow you to have access to education, career, power, notoriety, and wealth if you promise to do these two things: 1) Give your undying allegiance to the Democrat Socialist Party and their Holocaust agenda – especially support of abortion on demand; 2) Express hatred of everything the Republican Party does to help Black America and use your power to fight against Conservatives on every front.

In closing, remember when Black Lives Matter were waging 'war' against all the 'Confederate soldier statues?' Well, how come NONE of them EVER protested a prominent statue of one Gen Albert Pike displayed I believe near the Supreme court building in Washington, D.C.? That man (confederate general) was also the 'founder of the KKK!' Oh, but not a peep on him. Why? I'll tell you why. In the above quote you see 'black leaders' have basically sold their souls to 'white elites,' and those elites happen to be 'Freemason's.' Well, it turns out that almost ever 'black leader' is themselves 'Freemason's!'

                                           Freemason/KKK Albert Pike 

Monday, January 15, 2018

Government to resume processing DACA renewals, citing judge’s ruling

Business as usual it would appear as our government resumes processing DACA renewals.  This is yet another egregious example of how 'activist judges' just do as they will, despite the obvious dangers to their own  countryman.

Without a doubt this was a democrat activist judge. Yet, republicans are just as guilty and hypocritical when it comes to immigration. Bottom line, 'cheap labor.' That is what both parties and their cronies are looking for. To hell with the crimes and diseases these illegals often cause and bring into the United States, as long as big business gets their 'cheap laborer's.

                                          Illegal Immigration Billboard

At the same time these illegals are treated with contempt because should they complain, they can easily be dismissed or threatened with deportation. So America is building a 2nd class citizenry. And they're doing so at the danger and expense of the American people.

There is no need for 'new laws' to be written regarding immigration. Those laws are clearly already enumerated in the constitution. But of course many of our 'leaders' (so-called), BTW, they're not leaders, they're 'servants!' People need to address these people for who they are.

So what is Trump doing about this? This was one of his biggest platforms upon which he ran on. Immigration, and building that 'great big beautiful wall.' If both of these issues are a matter of 'National Security,' and they are, why are these issues still unfinished? Wouldn't you think these would be a greater concern than even lowering taxes? What good is paying less taxes when literally anyone can cross our southern border?

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Multiple women, including Jenny McCarthy, have come forward and alleged they were sexually harassed or assaulted by the 'Under Siege' actor.

I wasn't even born during the 'Red Scare' of McCarthyism. However, I am fully aware of what happened during that period of time when people were accusing others of being 'Soviet spies,' during the height of the cold war.

It's said 'history repeats itself.' And I've held off on speaking about this current situation involving #MeToo, and I am sure these things do and have been happening for many years. But at this point, one has to question is this becoming a modern day 'witch hunt?'

Now, of all people martial-arts actor Steven Seagal is the latest in the line of men having been 'accused' of sexual misconduct. I'd also be remiss were I not to mention one of his accusers is Jenny "McCarthy." Any relationship to the infamous McCarthy?

                                       Martial artist/actor, Steven Seagal

Truth be told, 'McCarthy' was correct! There were many Soviet sympathizers crawling around America and in Hollywood, and one sitting in the Oval office. FDR, was a 'socialist.' There was even a plan that had been planned by the US military to stage a coup, and take out Roosevelt, and have him replaced. The details on that can be found among various places in a book titled, War is a Racket, written by the 'then' most decorated military general Smedley Butler.

Is this entire 'witch hunt' something that was organically produced, or is this nothing more than 'social engineering' carried out at the highest levels? Every day, we have another day, another 'sexual predator.' Who will be named or accused tomorrow?

In Steven Seagal's situation, we have a genuine martial-arts 'master,' last I checked Seagal was a 7th degree black belt in Aikido, a Japanese style of self-defense which I myself have studied in great depth. I find it rather unusual that a martial arts master would not have the 'self-discipline' to control his sexual urges, and instead resort to abuse. I'm not excusing him, nor ruling his accuser out.

Yet, something is really beginning to stink here. It's almost as though we've turned back the clock to the period of the 'Salem witch trials,' where neighbor was accusing neighbor.

I do know this, the elite using 'social engineering' have been attacking men for some time now. You'll see it on television sit-com's, where the man (father, etc) is made to look the fool. Same goes with Hollywood movies. And there's also been an assault against make 'sexuality,' with the idea that woman are attracted to 'metro-sexual's.' That is the idea that men are supposed to be more 'emotional and in touch with their feelings,' and act less macho. Though the term has by in large disappeared, the desire is still there to turn men into 'wimpy men.'

Then on the science and reproductive side of things, men have been under assault when it comes to their 'fertility.' This is a part of the elite's plan of 'depopulation,' as they believe there are too many people as it is, and they've made it their responsibility, with the aid of various organizations and think=tanks to convince people that the population is already unsustainable. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Again, in Hollywood (which seems to be where most of these allegations are coming from) the idea of the 'casting couch' is nothing new! It's been around as long as Hollywood has existed. So why now? Why is almost every female now coming out claiming so and so 'sexually assaulted' her? And this #MeToo campaign is really suspicious.

No woman should be sexually assaulted, Period. Having said that, no wanna be female movie star, should be naive enough to believe it won't happen to them! This would almost be tantamount to a man going to a whore-house, expecting to simply get a bath. You know what the place is about, you know the age old experience of the 'casting couch.' Now ask yourself, do you want to put yourself into that scenario, or just get a real job? I believe it's fair to say, Hollywood actors, are not the smartest people in the world.

And by the way, nowadays the exact same concept applies to men! If you're looking to become a star, and should have to deal with a gay man who will determine whether you'll get the part, you had better believe you too will be sexually assaulted, of course unless you willfully comply, and that applies to females too.

INJUSTICE SYSTEM OF CANANDAIGUA, NEW YORK (A True Story of Betrayal, and Incompetency)

Just under 10 years ago, I had moved to another state to start a family. Little did I know the female I had become involved with suffered from various mental disorders, as did her son.

Shortly after having moved to this state, I'll never forget the day when this woman just out of left field began to 'accuse me' of things (as it she turned into another person), and I was so shocked I was left standing there shaking my head. Little did I realize what the 'cause' was (Borderline personality, and more!),' and how it would return to haunt me even to this day- 10 years later, because her 'alter personality' materialized on 2 or 3 occasions! The movie The Exorcist comes to mind. It was as though the person you knew was gone, and someone, or 'something else' took her place.

Is it any wonder there's a saying, 'the eyes are the windows of the soul?'

I will be fully unloading with documents, and naming names of all those who did not do their jobs, and simply took this woman at her word. A woman who had done the 'same thing' to the previous 2 men she'd been involved with! As a researcher, I read many books on 'borderline personality.' I cannot even begin to tell you how after having read what many of these people do (untreated people, such as she was), I felt as though I were reading my story! But of course, NONE of this EVER came out.

See, apparently anyone in upstate New York, can simply accuse someone of 'whatever' and good luck proving otherwise! Especially when the accuser's father was involved in a major 'political party' knowing many people, in my case including 'judges.' and in my case having been from another state! Not only that, but whoever came up with the expression, "innocent until proven guilty" has got it backwards, and is a total moron, because the opposite is the truth! In America, you are 'guilty until proven innocent.' Veritas!

                                           Canandaigua Courthouse

Canandaigua was the site of the Susan B. Anthony trial in 1873, on charges of voting illegally. This area of New York was a center of activism for women's suffrage and other progressive movements. In 1873, women's rights activist Susan B. Anthony was tried for voting (which was illegal for women) in the Ontario County Courthouse, located in the City of Canandaigua. She was found guilty and fined $100, which she did not pay.[12]

Seems as this town just loves to 'fine and imprison people.' But, hey they're "progressives!" So that justifies their actions.

Many of my civil right were violated, my attorney had just come back from 'retirement' (so he claims), and there were so many anomalies in this case, it would make anyone's head spin! What happened to me, should not happen to anyone in America!

Many know our 'justice system' is broken, but what I have to expose will blow the lid off small town American 'witch hunters' posing as 'public servants.' who obviously had nothing better to do than attempt to ruin a good man's life. Well, after 10 years of keeping my silence, mainly due to the 'pain and suffering' (having just lost a child prior to, and not having seen my two beautiful children, since they were babies) it has caused me to even consider mentioning it, knowing the pain and horror that would be relived. That was then, this is now. I am now ready to go pedal to the medal, laying it all out on the table, and the gloves have come off!

In addition, just recently I received a letter from this county, threatening me with something I'll hold unto I post - everything! None of the people in my case EVER had a chance to as much as 'hear' my side of the story, and I'd be damned were the TRUTH no on my side!

But I've done lots and lots of research over the past 10 years, and I have learned a lot about the law and the 'injustice system.' Matter of fact, that would make a great title for the book I have begun, The Injustice System!

Let it be fully known that should ANYTHING happen to me, documents are in a secured location, with several trusted persons. I am done having dealt with my good name having been drug through the mud be an concomitant 'kangaroo court!' And for the record, this situation occurred in small town upstate New York town of 'Canandaigua, New York.'

Again, what happened to me is something that could easily have happened to anyone reading this post! For that reason alone, this story must be released! Names will be named, and justice will finally be meted out!

PS, I already have the entire case of my story posted and ready to be sent into the Internet for the whole wide world to see and read. And this blog has a 'global readership!' I find myself amazed knowing some of the countries who routinely read this blog. I'm also humbled by it, and appreciate your support.

Those who regularly read this blog know full well, I do not post anything that I cannot back up. I never have, and I never will. Matter of fact, one of the reasons I have let this situation go, was due to the 'system' having made so many gross mistakes, I figured the entire case would have been 'thrown out.'

But if these people want to continue to 'threaten' me, totally without merit, justice is coming to New York, and this man will clear his name, and turn around and slap them with a counter-suit! This case will become a book, and I would have to think there's a very good chance that book could end up turning into a movie. I have not even scratched the surface of what all occurred in that little town in upstate New York.

I have also reached out to several 'patriot alternative news channels,' and am just waiting for someone to contact me. The more people that hear the nightmare I experienced, the better! Should my efforts serve to 'help' even one person from experiencing what I went through, that alone will have made this all more than worth re-living my nightmare.

Several factors are involved here (none ever disclosed): mental illness, troubled child, politically connected family, *exact accusations made to at least 2 other men (that I personally know about), my attorney called this a "hillbilly divorce!" And this is about a woman who lives as a "welfare queen," due to possibly having been sexually molested herself as a child.

This woman had the nerve to have her attorney inform my attorney that she wanted me to 'sign the rights to my 2 children away.' What kind of 'mother' would want her children growing up- NOT knowing 'who' their father is? That alone speaks volumes about this person's character. It also proved she wants to live as a 'welfare queen.' My response to her request was a resounding, 'NO!' I would never give up the rights to my 2 children! EVER!

I say, either 'drop the case!' Let the disinfectant of the TRUTH shine and purify a 'corrupt, incompetent court!' The gloves are off! You are no longer dealing with the naive 'trusting' person I once was. You will now deal with a 'man on mission!'

What I have laid out here doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of what has NEVER been exposed before the court! 

PS, What has been done here in my situation, is similar in several ways as the case of Cliven Bundy in which a good man was being mistreated by a legal system that is out of control! Cliven Bundy's case was "dismissed with prejudice!" That is a legal phrase showing the 'gross negligence' of the system which Cliven Bundy was subjected to. I'm telling the world right now, my case could and should be "dismissed with prejudice," as was Bundy's. Nothing less will do. 

Friday, January 12, 2018

Elon Musk Admits He Attended Sex Party, But That None Of The Activities Happened While He Was There

Just recently I wrote a post on this blog about the number of 'sex parties' happening among the tech giants of Silicon Valley. The article was from an upcoming book describing how these parties are flourishing throughout the San Francisco area.

Now I come across this article about one of the biggest tech giants, Elon Musk. While Musk 'claims' he attended one of these sex parties, he also says he did 'not participate' in any sex. Right. And I'm the Easter bunny! He went on further playing dumb as though he wasn't aware of the sex that occurred after his departure, so he claims.

These parties are becoming a way of life and doing business now among those within Silicon Valley's tech industry. 'Costumes' are even required, and people are very discreet and tight lipped about what goes on there. Drugs and alcohol is rampant, and I'd imagine these parties are not very different from the movie 'Eyes Wide Shut,' another post I have written about here on this blog.

                                             Eyes Wide Shut scene

So anyone who's seen Eyes Wide Shut should know, those types of parties are very real. They're also nothing new. According to the upcoming book that describes the inner workings of Silicon Valley, the author states that many are put in a position of 'damned if you do, damned if you don't. In other words, should you not participate, don't expect to 'move up.' If you do participate, don't expect to be able to do business.

                                         Masks Worn at Sex Parties

It's just one messed up situation overall. And don't think these parties are just a local passing phase. As stated, these types of parties have been going on for a long time. The elite are some of the most twisted people you will meet.

Here's a picture of the 'Royal family,' and the world's wealthiest family the 'Rothschild's,' and note how they all love wearing masks at parties!

                                         'Prince Charles and Camilla' 

                                           Rothschild Illuminati Party

                                    1972 Rothschild Illuminati Party

But, knowing how real Stanley Kubrick's film Eyes Wide Shut really is, I am sure these types of 'parties' are much more wide spread that many would think. Knowing what I know about the so-called 'pillars of society, don't be surprised if someone you know, or someone in a 'trusted position' may be one of these people who attend these parties.

It really is one sick world. But for those who believe in the Bible, none of these things should really come as a surprise as the Bible itself makes it very clear that Satan is the 'ruler of the world's system.'

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Billionaire Ken Griffin Pays Record $58.3 Million For Home

Billionaire Ken Griffin has paid record $58.3 million dollars for a home in Chicago! 

                                 Ken Griffin's multi million dollar home

I just couldn't resist pointing this out due to all the 'negative' new reports by mainstream media about all the 'violence' in Chicago. This serves as 'egg on their faces!'

See having been born and raised in Chicago, I tend to be somewhat 'biased' when it comes to my place of birth. So when I see and hear all there reports by the mainstream media making it appear as though Chicago is in chaos and ruins and so full of violence, it turns my stomach because I know the truth.

And the truth of the matter is, the media is exaggerating 'big time' about the amount and nature of the violence within the City of Chicago! I know, I get the local news from Chicago, and travel through Chicago.

The truth of the matter is, most of the violence (and yes there is violence, but what major city doesn't have it's share?) is relegated to the urban poverty stricken areas when gangs are located and the problem consists of 'turf wars,' 'drugs,' and 'black on black' crimes. To be even more specific, this violence which is NOT spread out, lays primarily on the West side, and on the South side (to a lesser degree) within the city of Chicago.

That's it!

This so-called violence is NOT spread throughout the city, and you can walk or travel through the majority of Chicago without the least bit of any fear of being 'gunned down,' as the media would have people to believe. Again, I have much more interaction with Chicago than do the majority of these 'news reading teleprompter morons' who just read what their told to read!

This doesn't even detail the fact that comparatively speaking, if these teleprompter-reading idiots could do their own research and speak the 'truth,' they'd know that by comparison (due to population) a city such as Baltimore or Detroit has a much greater amount of 'gun related violence' and violence overall in general. But, they won't tell you this.

On top of that, contrary to what most may believe, gangs do not indiscriminately 'shoot people!' Again, any shootings are based primarily on 'turf-wars,' thus this accounts for the 'black on black' crimes, which is something the media has long ago decided to not even speak about. Yet similar crimes omitted by 'whites' will be headline news. So there's quite a bit of hypocrisy happening by the mainstream media.

Being a native Chicagoan this bothers me to no end knowing the truth, on top of the fact that Chicago is one of the most beautiful cities in not only America but the world! The architecture is just out of this world. And the city has so much to offer with a big variety in ethnicity. For those who are 'sports fans,' you will not find a city more passionate about its sports teams! So do not believe the trash you hear on the media about how 'dangerous' Chicago is, because its just not true!

                               Downtown Chicago, Sweet Home Chicago!

Lastly, do you think anyone would spend millions of dollars for a home in Chicago, if the media were telling the truth? Additionally the owner of the Chicago Cubs has spend 'millions' on upgrading Wrigley Field the home of the 2016 World Series Champions. The owner of the Chicago Blackhawks, winners of the 2010, 2013 and 2015 Stanley Cup has just opened up a multi-million dollar ice-skating facility which is state of the art and happens to be where the Chicago Blackhawks themselves 'work out,' and is also open to the public!

And there is still much more money being poured into the ongoing developing of the City of Chicago. Not bad for a city that is so 'overwhelmed with violence,' don't you think? Maybe the media is longing for the return of the days of the mafia wars between Al Capone (south side) vs his arch-enemy Bugs Malone (north side)? Now those were the days when one could truly make an argument for the 'violence' in Chicago. Then again, the 1920's and '30's were a period of lots of mob related violence.

                                                      Al Capone

Side note, during the 'Depression,' Al Capone opened many 'soup kitchens' throughout the Chicagoland area. Little known fact. 

Now if we could just get rid of Chicago's democratic mayor, Rahm Emmanuel (duel-citizen Zionist from Israel), he's probably our biggest problem.

                                                 City of Chicago Flag

Monday, January 8, 2018

Ibuprofen linked to male infertility, study says

Could *this* be the real reason for the fake "opioid epidemic?" You betcha! I've been looking very diligently at this 'witch-hunt' known as the opioid epidemic since it was first dropped into the American public.

Let's just cut to the chase and say, this has everything to do with 'depopulation.' Plain and simple!

There is no 'opioid epidemic!' That's pure BS! Yet both Trump and Hillary made this a 'campaign issue.' Now, ask yourself is this 'coincidence?' Let me tell you, there are no coincidences in politics! None, zero, nada. But, it's a known fact (at least to person's such as myself) that there is a 'depopulation program,' operating right here in the States.

And it's being acted on in various countries around the world. Africa was it's 'testing ground.' And Nazi Germany perfected it. Those within the 'birth control and euthanasia movements' are also behind this.

This is 'globalism' at it's finest. Depopulation has been these people's 'wet-dream' since at least the early 1900's. And it's very much alive to this day, and may never go away, unless the public are made aware of this.

So, as stated this phony opioid epidemic has been created for one purpose, to make those truly suffering from 'chronic pain' want to just die! And you wait and see, due to this bogus made up 'witch hunt' which has already effectively scared doctors into writing 'prescriptions for opioids' and have already been afraid of 'Big Brother,' now have it even worse!

                                    Ibuprofen linked to male infertility

Thank you, president Trump! See, I happen to be one of those person's who's now ended up in this bogus 'witch hunt.' And I'd be remiss if I didn't tell you were you, or some medical doctor were to suffer from what I do, you would be on 'opioids' so fast, your doctor wouldn't be able to write the script fast enough!


I was personally even 'lied to' by my medical doctor having been told, "there's a new law starting in 2018," and I can no longer write scripts for pain. BS! There is NO such law! And were there, I'd be the first to know! Yelena Shanchuk, a medical doctor in Hoffman Estates, IL, is just the liar who informed me of this. As a result, I have already filed a 'formal grievance' with her against my insurance company, for which she is now under investigation.

And that is just the start! I have attorney's looking into her unethical comments and actions. This is a doctor whom will not give me a 'prostate exam' when asked, and I'm supposed to have one every year. This is a doctor who has sent me to multiple 'specialists' who upon seeing, have informed me, they're not the correct type of doctor I need to see! And there's much more. Being a fairly intelligent human being, I have 'recording' of conversations with this 'quack' of a medical doctor.

And of all person's to lie to me! I once suffered from 'high blood pressure,' but not anymore. Why? Because I figured out how to get it under control using 'natural supplements,' and she is totally aware of my use of 'natural supplements,' and dislike of 'Big Pharma.' So, if she's wants to lie to me just to 'dismiss me,' she's got another thing coming. For starter's, I don't like 'liars.' I'll leave it right there.

This 'opioid epidemic' is about our own government bringing IN 'narcotics' from Afghanistan, plain and simple. Right now as I write this, US troops are 'paying opium farmers' in Afghanistan to grow their crops. Also US troops are 'guarding' opium fields so they can be brought back to the United States for consumption in the 'black market,' or as they say 'the streets.' And it's going into the 'urban ghetto's' to boot.

But all of this is very good for certain police agencies. The more drugs are on the streets, the more 'arrests and convictions' the justice department can make, and the more money the Eastern establishment families can line their pockets with. After all, the sale of 'opium' is how they made their fortunes! Look up the 'Opium War.' Look up the East India, Co., based out of Britannia. Also, look up the 'names' of these families. They're all still around and extremely wealthy. All at the expense of getting other's 'addicted.'

So go and cry me a river with your fake 'opioid epidemic,' Mr President! And SHAME on you and AG Sessions, who by the way now wants to repeal one 'good thing' Obama did do, allow states to chose whether to make 'pot legal.' That is a 'state right,' NOT a 'federal right!' I suggest some study their constitution's.

And just who owns 'Big Pharma?' Who now stands to profit, as they also cause 'male infertility?' These 'gangsters' need to be brought to justice, and help accountable for the heinous crimes against humanity!

Obamas criticized for lavish library plans, including 'test kitchen'

First 'so-called black president' or not (and he's half-white, give me a break), Obama does not deserve any 'presidential library' until he is investigated for 'treason!'

And though not our first 'socialist' president, he is one of them. That is yet another reason to not build that piece of trash a library. I thought Jimmy Carter was the 'worst president' this country has had. Well, Obama now takes the cake!

This is a person with the most 'unknown controversial background.' Hung around known 'domestic terrorists,' and is a product of the CIA. Does he really deserve anything? As president, he almost gave this country away to Islamist's. And god only knows what else this scumbag has done, in light that many developments of this jerks legacy are still being uncovered.

                                                 Bill Ayers, Terrorist

                                             Bernadine Dorn, Terrorist

No, I don't think very highly of anyone who is anti-American. And make no mistake, Obama was possibly the most anti-American president we have seen. Hillary would have been right up there too, but thankfully we were given a reprieve.

                                    Obama Library of Socialism and Lies

Both Obama and Hillary belong behind bars awaiting sentencing for 'treason.' If (and that's a BIG if) justice truly exists, both of these criminals' crimes will be discovered, and both will end up behind bars, and the sooner- the better! As a Chicagoan, I'm personally 'disgusted' that twig of a Muslim would even 'identify' with Chicago (he's from Hawaii, maybe).

And unlike most, I watched as this socialist scumbag rose through the ranks here in Illinois. Let's just say, he obviously got lots of help! He should never have been 'selected' president, nor even senator from the great state of Illinois! Talk about being 'unfit,' there's your man. And I use that term very lightly. He may not even be married to a 'woman.' Remember the late Joan Rivers' comments about Michelle Obama.

And it's worse than that. There are links to Michelle and 'human body harvesting,' from here in Chicago. Remember, she did work as an administrator for a hospital here in Chicago. What a great position to be in for 'harvesting human organs,' and selling them on the 'black market.' These people are revolting, and even writing about them makes me ill.

Side Note: with respect to America's 'foreign policies,' many around the world have indeed been 'victimized,' and do have a legitimate right to be mad as hell at America. I say this because unlike most, I'm well aware that our Secretary of State's are 'chosen' by the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) based out of the UK, or specifically the 'City of London.' I'd dare anyone to show me a 'conservative secretary of state since 1913.' So, when I say 'un-American,' I speak of Americans, not foreigners who may have a legitimate right to their grievances towards US foreign policies. And for what it's worth, my condolences. You're human beings who all long for the same thing as any American citizen does.

Here's the link to the story.