Thursday, August 31, 2017

Melania Trump Attacked on Twitter Over ‘FLOTUS’ Hat

Oh 'Lordy!' As former FBI director as James Comey would say. And for those who saw my last post, 'dumbest anti-Trump protester,' now comes this,

First Lady, Melania Trump is attacked on Twitter over 'FLOTUS' hat!

I guess some took exception to the perceived word, 'float!' Talk about seeing things! I've said it many, many times- liberalism is a mental disorder! Michael Savage wrote a book with that as his title. He couldn't have been more spot on!

Also, I understand some also took exception to the First Ladies 'heels.' Now, on that one, okay. I'll give them that. Why show up wearing heels? As for the 'FLOTUS' hat, that too is a bit strange.

Now if you're wanting to say 'purposefully distasteful,' well no. Sorry. I don't buy that for a minute. Strange? Yes! Since when has any first lady ever been seen in public wearing a 'FLOTUS' cap? Okay, so I'll give them that too. But, not for the absurd reason's claimed!

The Dumbest Anti-Trump Protesters Ever

Nothing like a good video of a clear cut case of protesters not even 'knowing' what they're protesting about!

This is not anything new, or nothing I've never witnessed myself. I've seen enough of these 'dumb' (flat out dumb, no other way to put it) anti-Trump protesters, whom by and large can barely speak! I kid you not! Meth-heads?

But this is basically who and what these anti-Trump protesters are made of and is it any wonder when push comes to shove, and somebody 'fights back,' these people end up getting the worse end of things.

Take a look on YouTube for yourself. I am in no way 'cherry-picking' these videos! And of course, as with anything else in life, there are some protesters who know what they're talking about, and can actually speak, but for the most part, this is it.

So, here are The Dumbest Anti-Trump Protesters Ever!  (enjoy the show!)

Eastern State Penitentiary

If this name, Eastern State Penitentiary sounds familiar it ought to. Known currently for its many appearances on 'paranormal television shows,' Eastern State has a much deeper history than this.

Eastern State opened its doors in Philadelphia back in 1829. Andrew Jackson was president. Times were changing when it came to how people were being incarcerated. Though no mention of the Quaker's is named in this article, I do believe it was their idea as for the concept of this 'new prison system.'

This prison was revolutionary as being new in its approach to 'reforming' those who ended up behind its castle looking appearance and massive walls. I've seen a similar prison in Joliet, Illinois, Statesville Penitentiary. It's now been left largely unused, though I think it still does function so some lesser degree. Those wall! As kid I will never forget seeing those massive walls! And the solid 'rock material' used in the creation of those walls. It was like a fortress, and had to have been one scary place to anyone walking through those gates.

Up until Eastern State was conceptualized, most prisons were known to be places of over-crowding, violence, and many (even while waiting sentencing, no 'county jails apparently') awaiting 'sentencing' never made it through that period of time. So a new system was created, one which was focused on 'redemption,' hence the name 'penitentiary' or place of 'penance.'

Though this system was designed to make people 'think' about what 'sins' (some believed crimes were sins), were committed, and how persons incarcerated could spend their time in a more productive manner. At least this was the theory. In fact, many prisoner's went 'insane!'

While many were going insane, this quote from the article shows the type of lifestyle these inmates lived under, versus other prison where crime was rampant, and basic necessities were scarce.
Compared to other facilities, Eastern State was a technological marvel and, at a cost of $800,000, one of the most expensive building projects of its day. At a time when President Andrew Jackson was still using a chamber pot, prisoners in Eastern State had their own private toilets. Inmates were served three hearty meals a day (usually boneless beef, pork, or soup and unlimited potatoes) and had their own private exercise areas. The cells each had skylights so that the divine wisdom of God might shine down upon those inside. In essence, Eastern State was a paradise compared to other prisons of the time. But despite all its material comforts, this “paradise” drove men mad.
As this quote shows, prisoners had their own 'private toilets,' while the president, Andrew Jackson was using a 'chamber pot!' Also, it was not long after the building of Eastern State when there was the 'great potato famine' in Ireland which caused many Irish to flee to America for if nothing more, 'food.' Yet despite all these amenities for prisoners held in Eastern State, many still went insane.

British writer (one of my favorites) Charles Dickens visited the prison in 1842, and he wrote,
 “The system here is rigid, strict, and hopeless solitary confinement. I believe it, in its effects, to be cruel and wrong. I hold this slow, and daily, tampering with the mysteries of the brain to be immeasurably worse than any torture of the body.”
So apparently is was the 'solitude' that drove men crazy. There may have been women, and even children there too. The article doesn't say. But things were much different back in those times, so it wouldn't surprise me. And for Charles Dickens to have made such a comment, this place must have been really bad. Anyone familiar with Dickens' writings knows he wrote a lot about the plight of the poor in England during his time. Also writing about 'child labor laws,' the lack thereof which I believe helped to actually bring change. Dickens was definitely a 'reformer,' and a man ahead of his time.

While Eastern State shut down in the early 1970's, its legacy continues, as does the 'spirits' of those once confined behind those iconic fortified walls that as many other prisons of the period gave the prison an appearance of more of a fortress than a prison. Today, after having been closed down and almost demolished, Eastern State has been preserved. However, the idea of 'solitude' is now reserved for those in prisons today who 'break the rules,' and end up in 'the hole.' The movie Alcatraz and many others have brought quite a lot of attention to the concept of serving time in 'solitude.' And I can see how it could cause a person to go insane. So yes I would agree with Charles Dickens' overall assessment of his visit to Eastern State.

As it stands today, most people will know this place a being the 'creepy haunted place' you've seen on any number of paranormal ghost hunting shows. This facility is considered one of the 'scariest places' in the world of the paranormal. And I'm sure there is good reason for this. The walls themselves would be good conduits for 'holding energy' which has built up over all these years. While some may be skeptical of 'ghosts,' I always recall the saying, 'there are no atheists in a haunted place.'

Houston police catch 14 armed robbers and looters amid flood emergency

In times of horrific natural disasters such as Hurricane Harvey have historically brought out of 'best' of people as they come together and help one another, there's always also a darker side.

In this case, "Don't mess with Texas" couldn't be more appropriate of a saying. Just as natural disasters bring people together, it's also an opportunity for scammers (did a post on that yesterday), and other bad actors to take advantage of the losses of others.

While Texas has always had a reputation of being tough on crime, due to the situation and how extensive the damage in Texas alone, the state has decided to up the ante against those looking to prey upon victims of Hurricane Harvey with sentences some of which can land a person in prison for 'life,' for the act of 'looting!' 

While this may sound harsh to some, I don't think so at all. I can only imagine the devastation and hardship these people have experienced, and will continue to experience as they rebuild their lives. So, a word to potential 'looters,' don't do it! I believe that is the right message to these would be thugs, and other states (Louisiana) should take note and pass such laws, having the already in place for any future potential disasters.

Trump’s Insubordination Problem–Politico Magazine

Trump’s Insubordination Problem–Politico Magazine and 'endless wars!'

While 'insubordination' is in most jobs a small problem because it's just not tolerated, and usually instant grounds for termination, when it comes to the Trump cabinet, it is being done on a consistent basis and by in large without consequences.

Who would have ever seen this being the case coming from a man who made a living for famously uttering those two words, "You're fired!" on the hit show The Apprentice. And yet this has been not the case in real life, and at the top levels of government. Something just doesn't seem right.

And as this article points out,
Donald Trump told us that he’d hire the best people. He didn’t mention that he’d be unable to fire them.
This is one of the reasons I found it unbelievable that Trump has put up with some of the people in his administration for as long as he has. Many have claimed this is because Trump is a 'loyal person.' If so, he is loyal to a fault. and it isn't serving him well.

When at times it seems as though Trump's own cabinet has been at odds with their own boss to the point of contradicting him on Sunday news shows, something has got to give. I can't help, as I'm sure many others do, as to whether some of this is to blame on his 'chief of staff,' or just who is in charge?

I also find it somewhat unsettling that Trump is surrounded by as many former generals as he is. Recently a well respected psychiatrist was asked about this very question, and the response was described as going back to Trump's childhood, when after a period of heading in the wrong direction, he was sent to a boarding school, and though he never served in the  military himself, he fell in love with those who were 'leaders' within the boarding school he attended. I suppose as seeing them almost as 'father figures.'

While I don't know how much sense that really makes, or what difference does this make, obviously Trump did find something impressive with those who were in 'command' at his boarding school. I'm not a psychiatrist, so what would you call that, other than 'odd.'
In the meantime, unless you're a senior official, people around the Trump administration utter statements, no boss would be very please with. While those in higher position of power within the administration seem to be 'free' to contradict, and even demean to an extent some of Trump's statements.

To me, insubordination is grounds for termination, plain and simple. If you are so removed ideologically or otherwise from the person you are serving at the president's leisure, and  I submit that your 'loyalties' are just not there, and worse yet, may lie elsewhere. So just why are some of these people even there? Are they simply there 'padding their resumes?'

This definitely is not suiting the president well, and needs to change. While the thought that some of this was due to Trump's former 'chief of staff,' how do you explain this now with a new person in the same position? Oh sure, we've been told that there's not the level of 'infighting' that once existed. But, at what expense? ...that our president has been marginalized? And by just who? I agree with Newt Gingrich when he stated that Trump is being "isolated within his own administration."

All I can say in years of watching presidential administrations come and go, though some policies do change, if you notice closely, the 'major policies,' are by in large the very ones that seem to remain intact. Here is the perfect example, the speech Trump most recently delivered. In it, as for our military being in Afghanistan, which already has been Americas longest ongoing war, to keep that was ongoing just seems to make no sense.

I believe this war has already cost us one trillion dollars with seemingly no strategy, or exit plan anywhere to be seen. Where have we seen this before? Vietnam. Oh, and let's not forget that it was our State Dept's idea to keep the old Soviet Union 'preoccupied' long enough in Afghanistan to cause the country to go bankrupt! ultimately causing its collapse- from within, no less.

Is this truly the plan at work, behind the scenes? Some of us are well read, and have seen this before, and understand the real reasons that lie behind such seemingly ridiculous ideas. Are we going to spend yet another 'Trillion' dollars and cause more servicemen to either lose their lives, or limbs, and all for just what? To guard the 'opium' that the elite have been known to sell through
It's also been long stated that 'Afghanistan is the graveyard of many nations.' Is America to be the latest casualty of a 'failed' and utterly unwinnable war? Is Afghanistan Americas 2nd 'Vietnam War?' Also in Trump's sam underground channels? Not to mention 'arms sales.'
e speech on Afghanistan, let us not forget that he brought up 9/11 for being the orignal purpose for our mission to this God-forsaken country. I have never bought into the notiion that one man 'orchestrated 9/11' (with some help) and from a cave, at that. More like from a 'boardroom' in London or Washington, D.C. would seem more reasonable.

Enough of the insubordination, and enough with the war in Afghanistan, both need to come to an end, or I'll all about gaurantee  yet many more years of the sam old story/ie happening. Joseph Goebbels is credited with having stated, "if you repeat a lie, long enough, and laud enough                                                                                                                          

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

UPDATED: Rachel Maddow Ends August As No. 1 In Cable News

For those who read my previous post about Fox News, here is the direction in which cable news is heading. Very interesting, is about all I can say.

So we've got, this... (at MSNBC);

                                                 Rachel Maddow

...ending August at #1 in Cable news

While at Fox, we have a new face...

                                                      Tomi Lahren

Quite a 'contrast' 'eh? Not much of a comparison, I'll let you decide in which way. I don't think these two will be 'matched up,' (I believe Lahren is getting her own show), but it would be interesting to have these two females battle it out for ratings. That is what entertainment, I 'cable news' is all about, isn't it

 Tomi Lahren, while there have been some wild reports about Ms Lahren being 'high maintenance, she is an attractive young lady who brings a fresh perspective on things. While I think she's too early into her career, she could go a long way. But for now, I'd say we'll have to wait and see.

 As for Ms Maddow's politics, personally I couldn't disagree with her more on almost every topic, politically speaking. But I do believe Maddow is an intelligent person. If only she weren't so partisan and using the 'division' strategies, created by the elites within the media empires, she could have chosen to use her intelligence for good.

Unfortunately, in the news business its a 'cutthroat' type of environment, where its eat, or be eaten. I learned this when beginning to take some journalism courses back in college years ago. The rate of those who do not even make it to the television screen, or any position of prominence is staggeringly high. So for those who do make it, instead of being a force for 'division' and in many cases, 'hate,' why not use your influence for the good of your fellow Americans?

Exorcised From Trump, Spicer Finally Meets the Pope

The media is just loving the idea of this story about the poor 'former Trump White House secretary' who was not given the opportunity to meet with his idol, Pope Francis, whom Trump met with back in May.

Yet, as Trump WH press secretary, the 'loving media' used to relish in the daily opportunities to 'beat up' on Spicer during what became for some time the 'daily press briefing.' Matter of fact, things had gotten so out of control there, Trump shut-down his press secretaries daily press briefings.

But now that Spicer if no longer a part of an administration that has been so hated unlike any other administration except possibly former president Nixon, whom the democrats were out to destroy (as well) from Day #1, now Spicer is viewed in a different light.

In this article, they (mainstream media) portray Spicer as having been "Exorcised from Trump!" I'm sure the media is going to now do its best to attempt to become 'friends' with Mr. Spicer in order to possibly get some dirt on his former boss. So, you'll probably hear about the media wining and dining Spicer in an attempt to 'kiss, make up and become friends.'

Advice to Sean Spicer, 'don't do it!' The minute they're done using you, they will drop you, and even possibly continue to demonize you and should Trump somehow get 'impeached,' well Spicer and co. would perhaps be deemed as 'guilty by association.'

While I don't know much about Sean Spicer, other than what most of us saw during his tenure which was very short (no pun intended), it became quickly obvious that this guy could not 'take the heat!'

Some may claim, Trump was the problem. He 'Tweeted too much.' He wasn't including his team on his positions. And on and on. And who knows, some of this may be true. It is a fact that Trump loves to Tweet. And while far too many have spent their time in the wrong direction, attempting to 'stop Trump from Tweeting,' it would almost appear as though he can't help himself.

Personally, I'm under the impression that Trump's Tweeting is a 'double-edged sword.' It helped him win the presidency, as 'candidate Trump.' But it has caused some friction as president (even as it did during his candidacy). I've heard it over and over from those whom know Trump best, and have his best interest's in mind when they've spoken on this issue of Trump's Tweeting, "let Trump be Trump." So, if it's good enough for men who actually know the president, it's good enough for me.

As for Sean "Puffy" Spicer, I've not seen the photos of him at the Vatican snapping pictures of his idol, Pope Francis. But I do recall him in a YouTube video at a 'cellular store,' perhaps purchasing the very camera he was hoping he'd be snapping pictures of the pontiff with alongside the president.

Here's the video! Apparently 'Time' may have purchased this very video from the woman who confronted Sean Spicer at his local cell phone store, asking him, "how does it feel working for a fascist?" For the record, and I wrote about this very thing yesterday (how the media are using all these 'labels'), and I would almost bet money that this woman may not even understand just what a "fascist" actually is!

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Former Trump Press Secretary Gets to Meet the Pope

Former Trump White House press secretary Sean Spicer 'finally' got his chance to meet with the Pope. I say finally because the embattled press secretary was still serving as Trump's press secretary when the President traveled to Rome.

While it seems as though the election a long time ago, it hasn't even been close to a year. During these first few months of the Trump administration there have been so many 'Tweets,' so many distractions, and more. While I do not miss former president Obama, it seems as though it was a longer time ago.

We are living in under some 'strange days,' in America.

As WH press secretary apparently Sean Spicer who is 'Catholic,' was looking very much forward to traveling with the president to Rome because he had wanted to meet the man who is the leader of his faith, Pope Francis.

Apparently someone in the Trump administration had other ideas. And Spicer was not even included in Trump's entourage to the Vatican. A trip that seemingly every new United States president is sure to make, as one of their 'first' overseas trip as the new president. Is there something 'more to this' than you or I know about?

So, Spicer's dream finally came true! He got to 'kiss the pope's ring, and all ends well for Sean Spicer.

Here is the link ' But, here is the link! 

'Antifa' violence in Berkeley spurs soul-searching within leftist activist community

Antifa violence in Berkeley spurs soul-searching within leftist activist community. Well, I really think it should when it's 'Antifa' who is dominating the headlines with all the violence, followed closely behind by the so-called "alt-right," or "far-right." I don't think the mainstream media even knows the difference. I really don't.

So, the media jumped all over Trump's remarks over what happened in Charlottesville, when he correctly stated that 'both sides were at fault!' The media took that to mean Trump endorses 'white supremacists.' Or is it the alt-right, or is it the 'far-right?' When it comes to the media if doesn't matter. Trump can do or say no wrong.

They (media) just wish Hillary was Queen, I mean president!

Again, when it came to Trump's comments on Charlottesville, his comment was right on target! I wouldn't doubt it if they're still harping on his comments in the media. I've not turned to any news stations today. What happened in Charlottesville, was a huge mistake on all sides! There is plenty of blame to go around.

And that blame goes straight to the top! In that case, the mayor himself, as well as the police department both have 'blood on their hands!' I don't normally slam the police, they've got things tough right now, but there is evidence, overwhelming evidence that the police department by in large 'stood down,' and some even fled the scene! That coming from a reporter from Fox News who was on the scene from early on.

The reporter clearly stated that at the beginning of the protest, there weren't any cops around, at least not enough of them. But, worse yet, after all hell broke loose, this reporter who was standing right near the police (probably fearing for his own safety) noticed that the police were beginning to leave!

When the Fox news reporter asked a police officer where were they going? he said he was told, 'it's getting too violent here, we're leaving.' Can you believe that? But that is the state of affairs in this country right now with all these 'protests,' which are not protests- call them what they are (media), they are 'riots!' I don't care what your stance or cause is, if you come tot a protest wearing 'masks, hoods, are dressed all in black, and a host of other things, you are definitely not there to be 'peaceful!'

What's more is the mayor of Charlottesville is personally responsible for having given the police the orders to 'stand down,' and literally 'evacuate!' And since when does a police officer believe a situation is 'too dangerous' to the point that they just say, 'we're outta here?' Take a good look at those Antifa little chicken-necked thugs the next time you see their ugly faces. Watch how they even 'throw punches!' Those punches are almost something out of a cartoon, and if my grandmother were still alive, she'd probably throw a better punch than those chicken-necked cowards!

So, again- there was in fact plenty of blame to go around for what happened in Charlottesville, and I'm not for either side! I do not stand with 'Antifa,' nor do I stand with the 'alt-right/far-right' whatever that is supposed to even mean?!

The media too shares in the blame here. They've helped further this notion, this new 'meme' about there being an 'alt-right,' when truth be told, that very term was (almost) coined by none other than Hillary Clinton herself! She has used the term, though it was actually a think-tank which came up with the meme, and the media, following their fallen idol, Hillary have taken to her choice of words for a group that technically does not even exist!

While of course there has always existed the KKK, and White Nationalists, both despicable hateful groups, I would suppose they could be called the 'far-right.' But, even that gets confusing because if you want to use that term, well what about the 'far-left?' Oh yeah, many of them of become Antifa ('anti-fascists'), more on them later. Now we all know that not all 'far-left' use violence and intimidation, so why is it okay to label anyone being on the right as being the 'far-right, or the 'alt-right?' You see how confusing all this labeling can become?

And that is what this is basically about- grouping people in labels (whether they want one or not). This is ultimately forcing many to take sides that they don't even understand what they stand for, let alone what they're name truly means!

Antifa, or 'anti-fascists,' (to put things into perspective) are the nasty group who wear all black, cover their faces with 'masks,' or hoods, and now are openly using all manner of 'improvised weapons' from bicycle locks, to sticks, pepper-spray, helmets, 'feces, and urine' (filled in balloons!), etc, etc. But they're 'peaceful' and are standing up against the evil, wicked 'fascists!' They often end up beating one of their own, should the person not recognize the other, and the other happen to be 'clean cut.'

Antifa also has connections with billionaire George Soros, who has heavily funded them, as well as Black Lives Matters (BLM) to the tune of 'millions and millions' of dollars. This has already been exposed. Soros, through any number of his 'slime ball organizations' is also turning these people in a regular group of militant (but paid) actors who  are even 'bused' into events all across the country. Many of the journalists who have covered these events are seeing the 'same faces' at various events! So, that too has already been exposed.

But, look at who George Soros himself is. A Nazi collaborator who as a boy in Hungary, during WW2, helped the Nazis by turning in his own 'race' (Jews) over to the Nazis, so be sent into Hitler's concentration camps!!! If you were here right now, you'd hear me 'screaming' that last sentence out- very loudly. Soros is also on record as boasting about how he has personally bet money against several foreign countries banking systems, causing them an 'economic collapse' in many cases. He (Soros) personally has his slimy finger-prints on the Ukraine, Hungary (where I believe a warrant has been issued for his arrest), in the United Kingdom, which I believe has banned him from entry, and also from Russia, whom Putin personally made sure he wouldn't have anything to do with. But remember, "Russia bad!" Russia is pure evil, for those in the media, and the deep state, that is.

So there is the nice old man, or evil entity known as George Soros. Of course none of this can be found on his Wikipedia page, oh no. He's made to appear as clean as the wind driven snow! The guy is a walking monster, a mad-man who is about to cause America to possibly go head first into another 'civil-war!' NO 'pun' intended. To say George Soros 'hates' America, the very country who allowed him to become as wealthy as he's become, shows in itself what a 'devil' that thing ('demon') truly is.

As for the media and their incorrect use of the terms 'alt-right,' and 'far-right.' Of the two phrases, I'm sure many are familiar with the 'far right.' That traditionally has been a derogatory defamatory remark used to label anyone who is simply on the 'right.' Well, now enter the new buzz word or 'meme,' alt-right. As stated earlier in this post, this was a term used by Hillary Clinton herself. She of course wasn't bright enough to have created it, the term comes from a 'think-tank,' but she's generally given credit for the term. Just attempting to set these terms up correctly, so the public can understand since the media has made a mess of all this and basically just made all this more confusing that it needs to be.

So, just as someone would use a derogatory remark against a liberal calling them the 'far-left,' there you go. This is why labels are becoming more and more a 'dangerous thing.' But think about it, isn't that kind of how things got started in Hitler's Nazi Germany? And by the way, (another history lesson), the Nazis were "SOCIALISTS!" They weren't 'capitalists!'

Were I to provide links as I normally do, just for this post, half this post would be nothing but links, backing up everything I have stated here for reference purposes. I don't have the time. Besides, look it up for yourself if you don't believe me. And anyone who's read this blog for any length of time knows, I always put my money where my mouth is, backing up what I say. And also always tell people to 'look things up for themselves,' because frankly I'll write about many things that a lot of people just aren't familiar with for any number of reasons.

To sum all these terms up, basically you've got 'antifa' on one side sponsored by George Soros, and the 'white nationalists' who've just now waken up as a reactionary 'counter' to Black Lives matters...yet the media doesn't get it. And no, I am obviously not condoning either side. Both sides have serious issues, and violence is never the answer! You could say, both sides are being used by the 'powers that be,' as useful idiots in a chess match to attempt to instigate another 'civil war.' And you've got the police 'in the middle,' whom often times are told to 'stand down,' and just let things happen. Well, I'm sorry but as a police officer you have taken an oath to defend the public and keep the peace. If you can't handle that? Get into another line of work!

At the same time, I fully understand all the frustrations the police are under. On the one hand they have to treat certain people with 'kid gloves,' or all hell will break out, while on the other hand, if they aren't capable of being able to do their jobs, it puts them in a dilemma that I do not envy. So I get it. But, still that is no reason to not do your jobs!

Then there's the whole Berkeley situation, which I linked up to, but to be quite frank, after having written all that I have hear, covering more than even I fully intended on covering and to the degree that I did, just read the article. Apparently there are yet more 'protests' to be coming this fall. Conservative speakers are already set to give speeches there, and God only knows where all of this is headed. Maybe we'll be all in a state of 'martial law' by then?

Hopefully, I've helped to clear the air about all these terms the media is using incorrectly, and people at least have a better understanding than when they first visited this post.

Just pray for America. Avoid these protests. Don't fall for all these 'labels' which have been created to 'divide' us as 'one nation.' And remember, ALL lives and people are created equal. That is not just a 'cliche!' God did make each and every one of us on this planet, whether you're from the US, or China or anywhere in between, we're all equal in the eyes of our Creator!

Monday, August 28, 2017

House Joint Resolution 76: Warrentless House Searches!

I just found a 'brief' video on "House Resolution 76," which was posted within the past hour. I'd written a post about this very bill earlier today. Look under Sunday Aug 27th for this post. So, this is something I've already covered.

As this bill is written now, it will affect persons living near the D.C. metro rail which covers residents from VA, MD and DC (for now). But don't be surprised should similar bills be passed in a city near you. Much more could be said about this, but without further ado, I'm posting a 'video' covering this very topic.

The title of the video is:

Congress Overwhelming Approves Warrantless House Searches

...and it comes courtesy off YouTube by The Daily Sheeple. This video is just over 6 minutes in length.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Sex robot TAX: Government could KILL OFF cyborgs with '10,000% price hike'

Now why in the world would any government want to do such a thing as this? Tax the hell out of your personal ability to chose to have sex with a 'sex robot?' 

This sounds like a move that Dr. George "Evil" Soros for sure would be eerily standing by. But no. Actually, it's the twin "evil" brother, Bill Gates, according to a report by The Daily Star.

In a move that could potentially drive up the tax on using a sex robot by up to 10,000 percent, Gates believes this will 'curb deviant behavior!' Now, I'm not quite sure, but I don't believe this is 'the' Bill Gates of Microsoft, but another person by the same unfortunate name.

At any rate, this wouldn't really be that unusual of a move. Any time you've got a new area of business, a lot of people want a slice of the pie (no pun intended?). So there's always going to be controvert as with many new products to hit the market.

But I think it's safe to say, "sex sells!" And its much more than a cliche. When it comes to 'sex,' not only has this been called the "world's earliest profession," its undoubtedly the most used aspect of marketing various good and services, and personalities alike.

There's a good reason why you don't see very many ugly people on television, or promoting products. Yet in all fairness, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Nonetheless, as for men, they've been brainwashed into believing that a good looking woman ought to look like a 'Barbie doll,' and for women, a good looking man ought to look like a "Ken doll."

For those in America, or at least with access to the cable news channel appropriately enough called, "Fox News," you'll see any number of "Ken and Barbie doll" news commentators, and news readers (I'm sure they'd consider themselves as journalists, minus having even as much as taken journalism 101).

And speaking of Fox News, is it any surprise about all the various 'sexual allegations' which have been plaguing the news channel over the past year. When you create an environment of artificially attractive women wearing dresses that expose just about all there is to show, what do you expect? But I digress. Sex has that effect upon people and advertisers and marketers all know this.

Unfortunately, perverts do as well. While I have absolutely no interest in what anyone does behind their closed doors, I can see this new phenomena being an issue for some, and in any number of ways- none of which may have any positive outcomes.

Having said all that, look at the 'life-like' characteristics of these sex dolls! Unbelievable! In one of the photos of a guy (real) sitting with one of the sex robots (dolls, whatever they're called), and you'd think they 'both' were real! While that doesn't say much for the guy in the photo, it does go a long way in informing the rest of the world (putting us on notice), just how far along these sex dolls have come!

Remember the old 'inflatible' sex dolls? Well, once you've seen one of these new dolls, you'll never think of those old dolls ever again. Let's just say, these aren't your parents sex dolls! And while I'm doing my best to keep this post "PG-rated," Fox News anchor's may soon start to worrying about losing their jobs to one of these 'dolls,' especially the women at Fox News!

In fact, some old enough may recall a newscast that was created back in the 1980's. It was called, 'Annanova.' It was a real life type of female 'robot reporter,' that would be currently working for Fox News if it weren't for all the 'unions' in New York City. I don't recall whatever happened to Annanova news, at least the 'female dummy' (pun fully intended), but I do think the news 'brand' did survive well past the dummy did.

...matter of fact, it just may have been about the time that Rupert Murdoch created Fox News!

Bilderberg 2017: The Agenda and the Full Attendees List

Though it's already come and gone, the annual Bilderberg meeting is still worthy of a mention. They met back in July, here in Virginia only 50 miles from the White House, and with a new president and administration, could that in itself be some kind of message?

Well, again while this event has come and gone, it is the 'agenda,' and the 'people' who attend this annual meeting which by the way gets little to zero media coverage, as it has from their inception, to our knowledge back in 1954. The name 'Bilderberg,' though not an official name of this group of wealthy elites who come from various fields of prominence, has been dubbed 'Bilderberg' because that was the name of the hotel in which this group was first noticed in the Netherlands.

You can find some general information on the group here. 

While this group is very secretive (historically), and open to elites only, by invitation (think of the movie, Eyes Wide Shut!) *caution on the video link* (video may contain imagery unsuitable for some); this group which until fairly recently has intentionally been 'denied,' and kept out of the media spot-light for most of its history, until recently, and still it maintains a lot of secrecy (Chatham House rules), and its influence, though unknown is felt globally. Make no mistake, these people get together with a mission, and a plan for the 'year.'

In order to pacify the wild speculation of what goes on in these meetings, Bilderberg Group (as they now call themselves) have their own website. Though they have a new website, I would take whatever is on there with a grain of salt due to how much 'security and secrecy' surrounds this group of people. Honestly, you're better off reading a book about this group by any number of independent investigative journalists, for more accurate information (as much as would be possible, that is).

One of the best sources on this group would be Daniel Estulin who's written a book about this group titled The True Story of the Bilderberg Group. It is probably the best book on the topic.

So while this group has already laid out it's purpose and agenda for the year, I thought posting this article, on the 'agenda and attendees' would serve the public well in as far as helping to understand some of what has been happening in national and international events. Yes, this group has that much power and influence. While not all those who attend these meetings are bad people, you can be sure that those at the 'higher levels' most certainly do have an agenda, and it's not pro-American, nor is it pro-human for that matter. Some of this group's earliest members and founder were 'eugenicists.' So you know they're not looking out for the good of 'mankind.'

This group is looking out for their own interests, and that of possibly those who will serve these people.

Congress Quietly Passed A Bill Allowing Warrantless Searches of Homes - Only 1% Opposed It

This is appalling! Those who live within the D.C. metro area, you had better read this carefully, and understand the ramification of what Congress has just done- Trump has already 'signed' this bill, what happened to "America First?" And only 5 congressman (only 5!) voted against this bill.

"House Joint Resolution 76," which as with all these bills, sounds harmless enough, until you read the fine print. On the surface, this bill has to do with the D.C. metropolitan rail system which affects D.C., and neighboring areas. Harmless, right? And this just proves further something many I'm sure have long been aware of. The very people you elect to 'protect and defend' you are not reading the bills they sign!

Now, once you go beyond the nice sounding, innocuous title, here is where things go totally 100 percent, 'unconstitutional.' This bill will gives the Commission the authority to "enter property near the Metro Rail System without limitations" and without a warrant  for the purpose of "making inspections, investigations, examinations, and testing."

Please read that paragraph above very carefully!

Again, this (for now) is for anyone residing near the Washington D.C. metropolitan area, which covers a larger area than most would think, due to Washington bordering on several US states, which also raises other concerns as though this weren't bad enough. If you live within this area, you need to contact your representatives, however is most convenient for you and ask why is this being allowed?

This is legislation straight out of the old Soviet Union, or Communist China! And Trump is okay with this bill? That part really bothers me. What was Trump thinking? For that matter what was Congress thinking? Then again, is it any wonder they're approval rating hangs around a dismal 8 percent, or so.

This bill is 100 percent 'unconstitutional,' because it is in direct violation of the 4th Amendment, which states the right...
"to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause" -4th Amendment
As stated, for now this only affects person living near the D.C. metropolitan rail systems. But, this clearly sets a clear and present danger against this being implemented in other cities and areas of the United States! This is why people should be 'horrified!' Again, this is  something straight out of Nazi Germany or any dictatorial country. What is Trump doing? What was he thinking?

I am non-partisan, and do support Trump, but when anyone does something that is clearly unconstitutional, or I just don't agree with, I will call them out on it. And Trump needs to be called out on this matter.

Worse yet, no coverage by any media organization! Again, no 'media coverage!' This, as the legislation which authorized the Federal Reserve (IRS) was done very secretive and with no fanfare. Worse still is the fact all of our elective representatives have taken an 'oath of office' to uphold the Constitution. Yet only 5 representatives stood up 'against' this egregious bill.

Rep. Justin Amash wrote in a Tweet,
"Only 5 of us voted against bill allowing gov't to enter/search private property in parts of VA, MD & DC w/o warrant." 
That Tweet was dated back on July 17th of this year! And this is just becoming known now? This is how these people work. By 'these people,' I'm talking specifically about those who are 'enemies of the Republic.' There was a very good reason why the 4th Amendment was ratified and passed!

Saturday, August 26, 2017

15 Habits to Power Your Productivity

Ever since I've been attending college, and running this blog my time has been extremely limited, and that's not even including all the other parts of my day and life altogether. Being all the busier now, when I saw this article, "15 Habits to Power Your Productivity," it got my immediate full attention.

I've known and understood the power of habits, and routine.Yet, while 'knowing' these techniques are one thing, putting them to actual use is quite another. Easier said, than done! And while a lot of this doesn't have much to do with lack of ability, or will, it is really about motivation and self-discipline.      

I'm sure many are in similar situation, juggling a job, family, etc. So, maybe this article will be as helpful and informative to you as it will be to me. We all live in a crazy world, with all kinds of things competing for our time. As the saying goes, 'time is money' (think of the amount of money a lawyer will charge you- per hour!             

There are many people in life who've achieved amazing things, and likewise there are many who don't seem to achieve much of anything in life. And I'm not talking about 'material possessions,' just achievement in general. It's always fascinated me as to why some 'make it,' and others do not.' Though that may be 'subjective' on face value, there are tangible things in life that clearly separate us. And it has nothing to do with race, or many other factors some would have you believe. In America, we're told at a young age that we have the ability to become whatever we want to become. I would agree with that statement, with every field, except one, 'being president of the United States!'

...yet how often have children been told by teachers, one day you too can grow up and become president of the Untied States? I couldn't disagree on this one more, due to the 'pedigree,' from which just about every US president has come from. We always hear about a candidate's 'family tree' during a presidential election. Have you even noticed it seems as though those who 'win' are the one's who have been 'related' to another former president? Somewhere down that family line, they'll inevitably be someone who has been related to another president. Then again I've thought, well we are all related at some point, if you go back far back enough, aren't we?

Anyway, next time I find myself saying 'there just aren't enough hours in a day,' I'll think better of that. We all have the same amount of time in a day! It's what we do with that time that matters. And at the same time, what's wrong with taking a day to yourself and doing absolutely nothing? At least once in a while.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

Friday, August 25, 2017

The Legoland Controversy Brewing in Australia

This is just horrible for adult Lego fans in the land 'Down Under!' It would appear as though Australia has opened up a Legoland Discovery Center in Melbourne, but there are rules.

And this is what has many adult Lego lovers furious. Some are so furious they are contemplating taking to to court as being 'discrimination!'

What exactly is the discrimination all about? The rule at Legoland in Melbourne is that an adult must be accompanied by a child under the age of 17. So those Lego loving adults thinking they can show up at Legoland and enjoy the exhibits are in for a huge let-down!

Imagine the horror of arriving at the theme-park of your fantasy! You've grown up playing with Lego's your entire childhood. There is now a Legoland themed park nearby, or some perhaps even take an extended drive to get there. Then comes the bad news.

Sorry, we have a rule in place that states adults must bring a child under the age of 17. We're so sorry, but you cannot enter our gates. To be honest, I think it is a good idea that children are to be accompanied by an adult! But this is the Outback! This is where people get into 'boxing matches with Kangaroo's!'

Well, some adults are so determined to maintain their childhood dream of entering an entire Legoland, many have actually put posts on their FB or other social media accounts, asking other adults whether they can 'borrow' their son or daughter for the day.

I wonder how many people have actually made it into Legoland using this method? I'm sure quite a few have found a kid (under 17) to 'borrow!' I can't say I'd blame them for trying. If their heart means well, and they are truly that fond of going to Legoland, even if they have to borrow a kid, let them have their fun!

Lego's are a lot of fun no matter what your age. It's not like I own any, but I've seen the new sets they've got out nowadays. These new Lego kits are not your parent's or your own Lego sets from when you were a kid. They really have changed a lot.

It really wouldn't surprise me to learn that somewhere someone has like the very first Lego 'kit' ever sold, and may have an extra one they've got listed for sale on E-bay or someplace, and I'd bet you it would be worth quite a lot of money! Ever go back and see an original "Atari" game system for sale? Or any number of old classic toys from your own childhood.

For those who have children, don't make the mistake of throwing out the toys once the kids are too old to play with them, or you feel that they've outgrown them. I highly suggest keeping those toys! You never know how much they may be worth down the road.

As this article goes on to say, what should be done is to open up a Legoland for 'adults.' Makes perfect sense to me. Why not?

So there you have it. This is the BIG 'controversy' down in Melbourne, Australia. Are you disappointed in this story? Well, I've added a surprise 'bonus' just for you!

Remember the man I mentioned having 'punched a kangaroo?' He did so because his dog was apparently attacked by the kangaroo. I'll never forger having seen this video for the first time. While I'm totally against 'animal cruelty,' this wasn't that at all. The guy was protecting his pet dog, and I have heard kangaroo's can be a 'problem' in Australia.

The video is actually interesting because this dog's owner really got in a good shot on the kangaroo. But, that kangaroo stood his ground! Almost in defiance he shook back his head, as if to say, 'is that all you got?'

Well, in this video (which I'd never seen), the kangaroo comes back to get even with the guy who punched him! You see the kangaroo standing at the guy's window, seemingly 'daring' the guy to come out and fight like a man!

Here is the video, titled:

Man punches a Kangaroo Now he's back for REVENGE !

I think you'll find this video very amusing! 

President Pressures GOP To Pass Health Care

President to GOP: Get Rid of Filibuster, otherwise few bills will pass congress; (paraphrase) of a Tweet apparently Trump already Tweeted this morning? Couple that Fox News' headline of Trump's Tweet with the headline of this post, President Pressures GOP to Pass Health Care, and you can understand why some are 'questioning Trump's mental state,' which I don't agree with because it's purely politically driven by the democrats.

But when you take into account the fact that congress has already taken I believe 2 votes on the GOP version of their 'health-care bill,' and lost, even Trump himself stated, "let's just allow Obamacare to fail." and it does seem somewhat strange. And Trump is telling congress to 'drop the filibuster,' yet another political ploy again due to the democrats not willing to go along with anything that Trump wants to do, and you've got to scratch your head at the very least.

We're dealing with a 'stubborn' democratic party who has yet come to terms that Hillary Clinton 'lost' the election fair and square, even though behind the scenes while the mainstream media will not report on this, Clinton (who stole the democratic presidential 'nomination' from a socialist of all persons whom she couldn't defeat), and we learn that the "reptilian" known as Hillary Clinton was 'alleged' to have stolen up to 5 states in the general election against Donald Trump.

Voter fraud has long been an issue in politics in America, so it shouldn't come as a surprise that we had yet another election where 'voter fraud' was a component of this heavily contested race. The fact most of the states use 'electronic voting machines' that leave no traceable evidence proving which way a vote was cast, and you've got a recipe for disaster! So when Trump or possibly one of his 'surrogates,' suggest that Clinton did not win the 'popular vote' due to illegal aliens having cast votes in many areas of the country, which any way you look at it is a crime in itself.

This is the very reason why Obama along with the democratic party were rushing in 'illegals' into America and just in time for the presidential election. It was also reported that very shortly after these illegals would arrive in America, they were being bused to certain locations across the country and 'registered to vote' as democrats of course, as these people were basically also wined and dined.

Welcome to America!

The website Zero Hedge has written an excellent article about 'voter fraud in America,' stating some of the point I outlined here, but in fuller detail. Being that I'm still feeling under the weather with some type of illness for which I'm waiting on 2 separate test results, I'll post the link here to that article, titled

Electronic Voting Machines & Why Voters Should Be Suspicious Of Every Election. 

Equally as bad though is the fact that many believe incorrectly that because Hillary Clinton 'allegedly' won the 'popular vote' she should have won the election, which though that would make sense, but due to our system being a "republic," elections are decided indirectly by so-called 'electors,' a group of people chosen in advance who cast the ballots for which they have been 'pledged' to cast on behalf of whom the 'electoral collage' has mandated. Don't ask me to repeat that again! 

It's one complicated system that was originally designed at the founding of the United States so that no one state would have more power than a smaller state with a smaller population, thus dictating just who would win the actual election, acting at the behest of the system's rules. Again, a very complicated concept to explain, even when a person isn't feeling 'under the weather.' But I tried my best. 

This is why there has been much talk in recent years of doing away with the 'electoral collage,' and using the whoever wins the 'popular vote' hands down, plain and simple, minus the fraudulent voting systems of course who are run by less than honorable persons. It's just a mess, and no one seems to be in any hurry to make any changes, let alone do anything about these voting machines that leave no trail whatsoever, with few exceptions. That alone is a topic for another post! 

Anyone who recalls the 2000 election fiasco which ended up being decided by the Supreme Court, in Bush v Gore, may recall or notice some slight similarities between the 2000 election, which unlike Hillary- the 'robotic' Al Gore challenged his opponent when the votes which were cast ended up being so close of a race, they (Bush and Gore) allowed the Supreme Court to make the ultimate solution to a race which did have 'paper ballots,' yet many were virtually 'unknowable' as to which candidate the ballot was cast in favor for. 

Being 'non-partisan,' I'll close saying this. Gore lost and went on to become the 'climate change' spokesman of the world, and Bush went on to become a 'war criminal,' and horrible president. And the rest, as they say is history! 

Thursday, August 24, 2017

How The World Butchered Benjamin Franklin’s Quote On Liberty Vs. Security

It's amazing how one of the biggest 'quotes' ever has been re-quoted in various versions, kind of like that old kid's game where you had a group of kids, and the first one was told something to repeat.

It goes down the line of however many other's and by the time it gets to the end of the line, you've got an almost different statement than what was originally given.

So goes the quote by Benjamin Franklin dating back to 1755.

The idea of 'giving up liberty for security' has been an ongoing issue dating back to probably the dawn of mankind. Yet, since 9/11 it's become a political football with two sides seemingly fighting as to which should be the deciding factor.

Personally, I agree with Franklin when he stated,
'those willing to trade liberty for security deserve neither!' (paraphrasing)
And of course it goes without saying (though many wouldn't even know, or don't believe) that there have been many times when government have purportedly organized 'false flags' (a term not heard much until 9/11) in order to have an excuse to take away more of the public's liberty.

No doubt, Benjamin Franklin was a man 'ahead of his time.'

In this article however, not only does the author talk about how this quote has been altered by some, but that it also did not mean what most who use this term seem to think it means.

While I disagree with his assertion, I do see some merit to his alternate view.  

Harvey May Become First U.S. Category 3 Hurricane Landfall in Almost 12 Years; Hurricane Warnings for the Texas Coast

Hurricane "Harvey" is developing near the state of Texas. According to this article, it could be the first "Category 3" hurricane to hit landfall in just over a decade!

This link contains 'video,' along with other pertinent information. My thoughts and prayers are with the good people of the state of Texas!

I've also attached a "tracker" here directly from NOAA.

Obviously, this is a very fluid situation. I will continue monitoring this as best I can.


Opinion Piece: Why Watching Cable News Networks May Be a Bad Idea

This is a post I've wanted to write for some time now, just hadn't gotten around to having done so. Many people are 'news junkies,' and with the advent of the cable news networks (CNN), being the pioneer, life has never been the same. 

Instead of the 3 major news networks more than likely your parents were used to getting all their news coverage from, we've become a 24/7 continuous 'news cycle,' seeing the same stories over and over again. Only the face changes. And barring any 'breaking news,' you're going to continue hearing the same thing all day long.

There's a very good (and sinister) reason why television has been called "programming." Think about that term. Seriously. Does that not sound 'sinister?' Call it what you'd like, but programming is programming no matter how you want to slice it. And trust me, there are many forms of programming. Far too many to even list here.

While most may even hear the word programming, it's already been so established in your brain as being a benevolent aspect of our lives, people don't give it a second though. You just may even hear a family member sometime this evening ask, "what's tonight's programming" look like? Or what "program" are you watching? Matter of fact, there's a little test I want people to do. Try and keep track of how often you hear that word, or hear that question asked?

The purpose I bring this word up is primarily due to cable news networks, which have caused most people to now watch "national news," verses a time when people were at the least just as connected with their 'local news.' Cable news has changed all of this. Again, if you're a 'news junkie' such as myself and a lot of people, you'll most likely spend most, if not all of your time hearing about 'national stories.' And while national stories are important, what's happening in your own city, town, community are just as equally important, and in some matters even more important.

But how would you know if you're only watching Fox News all day long? By the way, I plead 'guilty' myself. So don't feel bad. So, it got to the point that I knew more about what is happening in Washington, D.C., and even other countries than I even knew about what is happening in the very town I live in! I don't think that's a good thing to say the least.

Without attempting to sound 'preachy,' which is not my intent, it our level of awareness and understanding that is at stake here! The last time I 'received' any local news was over the Internet when I got one of those 'creepy scary weather' announcements that almost cause me to jump right out of my skin! Who would think Tom Skilling (meteorologist from Chicago, so only Chicagoan's would know that name) could have the potential to scare you out of your own chair while you're eating, watching television or whatever, and all of a sudden you hear his voice come through your device?

Other than that, unless you go out of your way to view 'local news,' you may not haven't the slightest clue as to what your own community law-makers are up to and planning. Some readers may be aware about UN Agenda 21. Well, where do you think the majority of that activity happens at? You guessed it; at the 'local' level. For those unfamiliar with Agenda 21, it's your lucky day. Here's a link which I suggest you at least glance it over, and 'share it!' Share it with everyone you know and care about.

There's always 2 sides to every story (per law and journalism 101); so I'm going to give you a 'pro-Agenda 21' link first. Click here. Consider that link as your 'friendly community service announcement,' probably filled with all the various 'benefits' and tremendous opportunities afforded by such a plan. Right. Kind of like 9/11 when you saw a BBC reporter 'live on air' claiming in advance "building 7 had just collapsed" (yet embarrassingly, it was still standing just behind her right shoulder!

Now I'm going to provide you with another version of the same UN Agenda 21, but this time from a more ominous perspective. Click here. Just for the record I happened to notice 'millions' of search results under simply "Agenda 21," versus less than 400,000 for UN Agenda 21 "depopulation." And yes, you read that last word correctly, "depopulation." That is the bottom line when it comes to Agenda 21! I won't even attempt to 'sugar-coat' this fact.

 Georgia Guide Stones, anyone? 

For those who've never heard of the 'Georgia Guide Stones,' aka 'America's Stonehenge, oh you're in for a treat! Think of the "Ten Commandments," but of an unholy nature. Before you begin thinking I am sitting here wearing a 'tin foil hat,' I can assure you- I'm not! The mysterious person(s) who financed this edifice mean business!

...and while they may not be fans of the biblical 10 commandments, they've created their own! Have a quick peek:

The ten guides for a new Age of Reason are as follows:
1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2. Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity.
3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
4. Rule passion – faith – tradition – and all things with tempered reason.
5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
9. Prize truth – beauty – love – seeking harmony with the infinite.
10. Be not a cancer on the earth – Leave room for nature – Leave room for nature.
Notice, I've intentionally 'highlighted' their 1st commandment. I'm far from being new to these stones, and have done extensive research on everything about it. At least as much as is possible to find. Most of this remains a mystery, or rather 'cover-up.' Call it what you want, I call it a 'plan' to say the least.

This brings me full circle as to why people need to start paying more and closer attention to 'local news,' versus only national news, or the cable new networks. And all of this was created by design. It's like a diversion, or magician's act. Watch over here at the cable news networks covering national and international only news, while on the 'other hand,' things are being done (put into place) by your local representatives- right behind your backs knowing people are too busy to care about 'local news.' I'd even suggest local news coverage has intentionally made to appear 'boring,' for this very reason- keep you distracted.

I can assure you, not one word, concept or idea has been embellished in this post. The information you've been provided with can mean all the difference between at the least being 'informed' which in turn gives you options, and things to think about. Or you can choose to ignore this post and the information presented here, and continue watching a steady diet of your favorite 'cable news network,' while your local politicians are selling you and your family down the river!

As the saying goes, "knowledge is power." But knowledge for simply the sake of having it is probably as bad as not having had it to begin with.

Stay vigilant!

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

After intimate pat-down, she wonders how much privacy must we give up to fly safely?

Talk about 'giving up our rights in the name (guise) of safety!' Ever since 9/11 happened we, as  American citizens haven been doing just that- giving up our freedoms. As the title of this article suggests, now in order to fly passengers must basically submit to what can end up being an 'intimate encounter.'

After intimate pat-down, she wonders how much privacy must we give up to fly safely?

Remember that famous quote,
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
...for the record, the above quote is the 'exact quote,' as uttered by Benjamin Franklin way back in 1755. This is one of those statement's that has been repeated so many times throughout history, that it's become like the old game kids used to play, where one person was told a statement, and it was passed down to so many people that by the 'end' of the line, the quote was uttered incorrectly.

Not to digress to much, but according to a Fellow from the Brookings Institute's  Benjamin Wittes observes, “Very few people who quote these words, however, have any idea where they come from or what Franklin was really saying when he wrote them.”

In that particular article, Wittes alleges Franklin's words have been "misquoted," and are not meant to stand for what most people today generally believe Franklin meant. I'll take anything from a 'think tank' with a grain of salt, as most of these 'thank tanks' are highly biased, many to the point they've become un-American institutions in and of themselves, being heavily funded by many of the world's elites who stand for nothing but themselves, have more money than 'god,' and generally just have too much time on their hands, hence they finance, and/or create these various 'think tanks' to do their bidding. Including influencing politics; for the worse (but to their best interests).

But facts are facts. And as the original link makes all too vividly clear, government (using TSA, in this case) has taken too much 'liberty' (pun fully intended) with our liberties, in their attempt at achieving their own agenda's, or as they say, "the end justifies the means." Any Freemason, or secret society member would know full well what I'm talking about.

Should you click the link about how intrusive TSA has become, keep in mind two key aspects about this.

1) TSA would not exist had 9/11 happened

2) 'Cui bono?'  (who profits?)

Not to get into 'conspiracy theories,' as that is something I don't engage in. I like sticking with 'facts,' just the facts!

Having said that, there are more questions about the 'line' our government fed up via their mainstream media, than anything else. To use yet another aphorism, which I may have broken the record in 'one post,' (but hey, it's my blog!), if you look into 9/11, you can drive a truck through all the lies and so-called facts 'we the American people,' and hence the world were told. And the 9/11 commission only made more of a mess than getting to any semblance of "truth."

Then we have the 'neo-cons,' who belonged to the Project for a New American Century (PNAC), which shortly prior to 9/11 stated, 'we need a new Pearl Harbor.' Take a good look at the 'names' on that list. They all have one thing in common: all stood to 'gain' from the events that transpired on 9/11! Fact!

And how can we 'forget,' the infamous "underwear bomber?" whom Michael Chertoff also 'profited greatly' as he just so happened to have instantly come up with the 'solution' to this type of attack. Enter the "body scanner's" along with a little common sense (something greatly lacking in our time), and we've come full circle on this story.

Damn right, "NEVER FORGET!" And yes, there are such things as 'conspiracy theories,' but I deal with 'conspiracy facts!' We may never know the 'truth' behind 9/11, but we don't have to live with the lies.

Paranormal: A Personal Account

Paranormal: A Personal Account


                             Written by “Budo Master.” All rights reserved.

We hear the word, “paranormal” quite a lot these days. With all the popular ghost hunting television programs to view on any given channel, or evening, this term has become a bigger part of our vocabulary. But just how many are even aware (know) just what the definition to this word is? While most ‘ghost shows,’ don’t seem to delve into the meaning, we need to, or I should say ‘understand’ what it is that we are truly watching.

While the definition of paranormal can vary, for the purposes of this piece I’m going to keep the focus on what is most relevant to the people who watch these various paranormal ghost shows, which I might add, are growing by leaps and bounds, with even an entire cable channel dedicated to running these types of shows. In America, I speak of the channel called, Destination America.

                                            Infamous 'Ghost Image' UK

But, just what is the ‘definition’ to begin with? Let’s begin there. Here’s just one definition, among many. Here is one example:
Paranormal events are phenomena described in popular culturefolklore, and other non-scientific bodies of knowledge, whose existence within these contexts is described to lie beyond normal experience or scientific explanation.[1][2][3][4] 1[i]

While the ‘scientific aspect” of the paranormal can be rather dull, unless you’re into science, most I would imagine are not, and solely interested from the ‘thrill’ perspective. This is the perspective I aim to achieve in this post (as I’m not big into science myself). Don’t get me wrong, science does have its place in most topics, but for our purposes here, I will refrain from going there.

Though I was very young at the time, to this day I recall two ‘key’ events that have forever changed my life, and made the pursuit of learning about the paranormal, something that will be a life-long endeavor. The first of my two ‘encounters,’ was that of having seen my first “shadow creature.” And while you’ll hear the term ‘shadow man’ for the most part, they do appear as “creatures” as well. I know, I saw one. And I’ll never forget it
My second incident, while being a bit harder to word, was equally, if not more frightening. This involved my little sister, who at the time must have been perhaps 2 years of age. I was coming down the hallway, and happened to see her in her room, sitting on the floor- with both hand ‘raised’ as though she was about to be ‘picked up.’ I figured my mother must have been just outside my field of view and approached her room. That was when to my horror, not only was my mother ‘not there,’ no one ‘visible’ for that matter was either! Of course, I immediately screamed for my mother. I was only about 6 years old.
And that was only the beginning for me! Since after having lived in that first haunted house, which (again) was ‘very active,’ for whatever reason, that set the tone for what has played itself out within my life, and even to those around me, in some cases. We are all ‘intuitive’ to some extent or another, however in my case, I am what the ‘secular world’ would call a ‘Sensitive,’ meaning I sense and in cases know things (ahead of time). I can also ‘read people’ very well, which I’ve always said, “it’s a blessing and a curse,” until you learn to control this aspect of being a Sensitive. Please don’t misunderstand when I use the term ‘curse,’ as I only use that term to emphasize the heavy load it can be- at times.
Also, since having move out of that original haunted house, I have had no fewer than ‘50’ dreams about either being back in the house, or even moving back into that house! Due to how scary some of the dreams are even now, that may be why I rarely (if ever) mention those dreams. Thankfully, I’ve not had one for several years now. But over several years, it was rather periodic.
So, I think it why it is that I have had such a keen interest into the field of the paranormal, and this explains why I’ve been so interested in paranormal television shows, and basically all things paranormal. Though I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention also the ‘dangers’ of the paranormal. This is one thing I wish television shows would make it known more frequently than they do, if they even bother to mention it all.
Not all hauntings are ‘friendly,’ such as Caspar the friendly ghost hauntings! There is also a ‘dark side’ to the paranormal. That is a side you had best avoid, at all costs because it can literally ruin your life. I have run across such ‘entities,’ and by that, I mean ‘spirits’ who have never lived, nor walked the face of this world, at least in terms of having ever been conceived of as most of us are. These are creatures who long to ‘inhabit’ a person in their quest to
Ouija boards, though highly controversial are one of the biggest causes of opening ‘portals’ you’ll wish you’d never had opened. While Hollywood and others have made some movies using this motif, far too many also do the opposite, and make it appear as though there aren’t any possible ‘dangers’ to playing around with these Ouija boards. One of the best examples of contextualizing this simply, is the analogy of someone knocking at your front door to your home. You wouldn’t just open the door to ‘anyone,’ right? Yet that is exactly what many are doing whether they’re using a Ouija board, or various elements to be had in the paranormal field. Always use your head when attempting to ‘make contact,’ with someone (or something) you may know little of.
I’ve had many more examples of paranormal experiences I could have shared here, but that was not the main purpose of this piece. And while I happen to be currently a Bible college student, I do not find it a ‘contradiction’ (as many naïve persons would) to be interested in the paranormal, as Jesus Christ Himself dealt with the issue, as did His disciples, and various other biblical individuals had supernatural encounters. It is a part of life, and I would suppose this may lead to the ‘biggest question’ of them all. Is there ‘life after death?’

[i] A paranormal phenomenon is different from hypothetical concepts such as dark matter and dark energy. Unlike paranormal phenomena, these hypothetical concepts are based on empirical observations and experimental data gained through the scientific method.[5][i]

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Houston man charged with trying to plant bomb at Confederate statue in Hermann Park

Whatever your thoughts are about 'Confederate statues,' attempting to blow up a statue is not a very bright idea! What was this guy thinking? A case of being influenced by all the recent attacks on history?

And this happened in the state of Texas! To make matters worse, this guy was already in trouble previously for having been caught with illegal explosives, for which he was sentenced to probation.

While on probation, at least he did something with his time. He got a bachelor's degree in 'chemistry!' Can you believe this? Chemistry of all things? The guy has a problem with wanting to 'blow things up!' Why would a judge even allow this guy to get a degree in that particular field?

So, now he's in trouble again. This time it's worse though. He had apparently enough explosives to do much more than simply burn down the Confederate soldier statue that he 'didn't like.'

Now in America, it's apparently the 'in thing' to attack defenseless statues that represent American history. History is what it is. America did fight a bloody 'Civil War.' And no one has had any major issues with all the various Confederate soldiers- until now. And why is that? Why now of all times?

Like I said, apparently it's the 'cool thing' to do now. Attack Confederate statues. But, now many even want to go after Union (Northern) Civil War statues as well! As President Trump himself said, "where does it end?"

Political correctness is ultimately behind all of this. You cannot change 'history.' Tearing down Confederate Civil War statues, or in this case attempting to 'blow one up,' is not the answer.

To add insult to injury, a representative (yeah, they now have their own 'representatives,') from Black Lives Matter, when asked for this article about the guy's method, said he had 'no problem with it.' His only problem was the 'amount of explosives.' This country is going insane, slowly but surely. Who knows, there just may yet be a 'second' civil war. This time between the 'crazies,' and everyone else.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Madras, solar eclipse epicenter for many, still waiting for 'chaos'

Now I feel 'vindicated' knowing it wasn't just me who wasn't over enthused about today's BIG 'solar eclipse.' In this case it wasn't for quite the same reason, but still a let down nonetheless.  

It would appear as though the town of Madras was expecting "chaos" in terms of business as they had bought out into all the media hype about this eclipse being all the rage. Unfortunately for them, the weather was very good in many other places.

This is why I don't allow the 'media' to get me over whelmed when they're heavily pushing a particular story, especially when there are so many other more important things happening in America right now.

And oops, did they dare mention "Jefferson County?"

Even the Jefferson County Fairgrounds, where Madras is hosting the big Solarfest event, was relatively quiet on Saturday afternoon.
Maybe some were afraid a 'protest' would break out at a family event? Can't be too careful these days with all the 'political correctness,' and George Soros's merry band of Antifa 'paid agitators!' And make no mistake, those people are indeed 'paid agitators,' by Soros.

                                              George "Evil" Soros

Such a 'lovely' human being and doing great 'social justice' for America the country who helped make him a billionaire!  But when you're a person who turned in your own 'race' during WW2, what's wrong with being an ingrate?

You might be asking yourself, just what does an article have anything to do with George Soros and 'antifa?' Well, in a deranged world, why not? Look at the picture above. Soros is the embodiment of pure evil. Solar Eclipses used to be used during primitive times by 'shaman and priests,' to control people and events. So too does George Soros.