Monday, January 30, 2017

Trump fires acting attorney general

Just about 30 minutes ago, the 'acting US Attorney General,' (former Obama holdover) was 'fired.' As many now know due to all the 'fake tears,' and out of control 'leftist zombies' grovelling over President Trump's 'immigration freeze,' it was discovered "Sally Yates," (Obama holdover) has disobeyed President Trump.

Yates who has a reputation of being 'soft' on 'immigration,' and 'borders,' it seems was responsible for some of the confusion over Trump's reinstatement of what was actually Obama's own  border "push-back" while he was in office. But the 'left' said nothing! Trump does the same exact move, and Sen Schumer, comes out with the usual "parade of democrat victims," and breaks into 'crocodile tears!' And the 'left' calls Trump a "bigot!" Yet, it's been established that both democratic presidents both Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter had both made similar moves. Talk about a bunch of "hypocrites!"

But what else do you expect from a group of brain-washed nutcases? And as it stands, most of President Trump's more important administration 'positions,' are still waiting to be confirmed. I even heard one of the 'whiny liars' even claim it was GOP Senate Majority leader "Mitch McConnell's" fault for "not bringing up for a vote! These people are not only poor liars, but they're bad actors too.

Here's the latest.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Ronald Reagan Quote on Borders

Great quote that speaks for itself. "A nation that cannot control its borders is not a nation." (Former President Ronald Reagan)

Canada's Trudeau welcomes refugees; U.S.-bound passengers turned away

While America is moving in the right direction per it's 'immigration crackdown,' Canada's PM is "welcoming the refugees with open arms," what an idiot. All these "refugee," and border incursions have caused nothing but HAVOC in countries ALL throughout Europe! LMAO, at this "globalist FOOL!"

Just wait into his country, Canada becomes "Islamic," and crimes begin breaking out throughout Canada forcing people to 'convert, or die.' That is the policy of these "radical Islamists" once they reach a certain 'percentage' of the population, I believe it's even written within one of their 'sacred books,' the Hadiths. People had better wake up and learn about Islam, especially "Sharia law!" Islam does NOT worship the 'same God' (first of all) as do the Christians and Jews- FACT!

On top of that, Islam is NOT just a "religion," but a "POLITICAL SYSTEM," USING "RELIGION" AS A 'COVER!' WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!

And thanks to the 'man-child' looking Canadian PM telling refugees to come to Canada, that will cause all the more to "flood through the US," on their way to the "promised land," what a scumbag, as though he doesn't realize his move would have this effect. Probably paid off through Soros, and/or other "globalists."  Attempt coming though America, try it and see what happens...there's a new Sheriff in town!!!

Canadian border ought to say, "Welcome to Canada, future home of Sharia law and the new Caliphate!"

Here's the story of this Canadian "snowflake!" 

Soros Bankrolling Effort to Stop Trump’s Temporary Refugee Halt Order

Well, well; "George (Satan) Soros" is in the news- AGAIN! And as usual, he's on the "opposition, funding un-American policy," this time President Trump's halt to "illegals, and refugees!" This is a much needed law. And there really is 'no change in the law itself, contrary to common belief.

This country (America) is a 'nation of laws.' And among those LAWS are 'plenty' of laws pertaining to "immigration." There exist right now (as they have for decades) laws restricting the amount and types of 'immigrants' which can be allowed into America. Unfortunately, the several past few presidents, have not been following, ie 'enforcing these laws.' Thus people (immigrants, have come to expect a 'free handout,' and 'free benefits,' at the cost of American's expense, specifically our taxes!

This is not only an unfair burden to Americans in terms of jobs being lost, but much needed resources being 'drained' on these who come to our country, NOT to become 'citizens,' nor assimilate, but to live in 'enclaves,' and remain their customs, and NOT 'assimilate.' Yes, we're a nation of 'immigrants,' but those immigrants, came in "LEGALLY!" They not only became 'citizens, but abide by our laws, and "ASSIMILATED!" That is no longer the case with the new wave of people Obama in particular allowed to easily flow into this country by the droves, and essentially 'tied the hands' of our Border Patrol Agents.

On top of all this, our nation is already 'heavily' in debt, due to a loss of jobs, and poor 'trade laws,' NAFTA and GATT being two of the biggest culprits. Add to that the influx of thousands upon thousands of "illegal immigrants" who were allowed to pass through our borders, from Mexico thanks for "FORMER,' president Obama, who was a major disgrace, often talking bad about his own country while abroad, which make many American's turn against such a pathetic 'leader,' who without precedent spoke as did Obama.

But, in comes the "charlatan, evil comic book character,' George Soros, with his "Open Society Foundation," which doles out money for everything from 'riots,' to now lawsuit under the guise of 'caring for the immigrant,' give me a break! This a-hole, (excuse the French) belongs either 'deported,' or in 'PRISON' for his "un-American activities which have been responsible for people being 'beaten up, some killed, insurrection, and attempting to weaken America. That's what this person is all about, which is why I call him "Satan." He is the epitome of everything America stands against...the 'Rule of Law.' See Soros is a "globalist," and as President Trump said so eloquently during his speech, "Our credo will be NOT globalism, but Americanism!"

Here's the article 

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Speaking of the "Devil, George Soros," I just found this YouTuble Clip on the Creep!

While I don't agree with everything Alex Jones says, I do agree with 'most' of what he says. And he is spot on about this "goblin devil," aka "George Soros." This is a great clip for those still not familiar with this "goblin devil." Enjoy!

Clip of 'Goblin-devil, George Soros.'

Protesters Gather At JFK In Support Of Detained Refugees

As an American who supports the US Constitution, I fully recognize and agree to a person's right to 'protest.' But, protesting is one thing, and "rioting" is quite another. Nowhere in the US Constitution does it give it's citizens the right to "riot!" Yet even the 'main stream media,' (liberal of course) doesn't seem to know, or understand the 'difference' between a 'protest,' verses a 'riot!'

Considering how many 'protests' there have been already, and the fact that George Soros, "Hungarian-Jew," who came to America to escape the Nazis, has been 'paying' for most of these "rioters," and so-called "protests," due to his hatred towards America, a country who's made him filthy rich.

But, what do you expect from a "Jew," who helped turn in his own race over to the Nazis to be thrown into "concentration camps?" The man has no conscience, not a heart. Russia has just recently thrown him out of being able to operate in Russia, and I believe the United States should 'prosecute' this man for all the violence, he's stirred up within our borders.

Fortunately President Trump is familiar with what this 'thug' has been doing. Soros and Obama were 'friends,' but I don't think the same 'cozy' relationship will be had between Trump and Soros. Soros is not 'friend' of America, and he needs to held accountable for his anti-American conduct. And I fully suspect President Trump will do whatever is within his power to make that 'criminal's life difficult.'

Whether Soros himself is named in this article, I'm not sure. But what I am sure of is that this is the kind of 'stunts,' Soros loves to fund. Here's the link. 

Iran says to ban U.S. visitors in retaliation to Trump move

This "Iranian statement" came after President Trump has "officially blocked ALL 'refugees' from the US." To me, I find this 'hilarious' that the Iranians (of all countries) would 'dare' make such a bold statement.

After dealing with a 'soft' president (Obama) who seemed extremely 'partial' to Muslims in general, even allowing US military boats and their crews to be 'humiliated' several times, Iran is definitely making a 'wrong move,' if they think that will EVER be allowed during a Trump administration, as I'm sure Trump will give the 'green light' for ANY US military boat ANYWHERE to 'defend itself.' 

But, let the Iranians 'think' they can mess with the US now! Obama is 'gone!' 

Here's the 'ridiculous response from Tehran. 

PS, former president Obama put America 'last.' President Trump has 'promised' to put America "first!" And even Israeli PM Netanyahu has 'hailed' President Trump's "refugee stance."

Thursday, January 26, 2017

The World's Most Populous Country Is Turning Gray

China, considered our (America) biggest 'threat,' has a population that is burning itself out. This is a product of their "1 child policy." I could say a lot more, but just wanted people to know a little known secret about our #1 'enemy.' They're also in 'economic' trouble as well.

Here's the story.


Gee, what a surprise! Not. California aka "Mexifornia" has become no less than a "sanctuary state!" That on top of being a "nanny state." Government I believe employs more than just about any civilian company. The former governor, (name I won't attempt to spell), was caught cheating on his wife with his 'maid,' and also 'bankrupted' the state. He was a republican by the way.  I give it to 'both sides folks.' As some of you may know, I'm not democrat, nor am I republican, though I do lean conservative, but my allegiance lies towards America- first!! Always has, always will. Just as House Speaker Paul Ryan (R) needs to go! He's a "globalist." But I digress.

So California wants to 'leave?' I say (with all due respect), LEAVE!!! Eventually they are going to come to Washington D.C. asking for a "bailout!," to which I say- NO! Let them file for bankruptcy! It's a beautiful state, but due to democrat rule for dozens of years (aside from the 'Terminators' time as governor), they've been driven into the ground, and time and time again, if you look at any, ALL long-time urban cities which have been ran by 'democrat mobsters,' the people are given the shaft, and no change (for the better) ever happens. I have seen it in my home-town of Chicago, which was run by the Daley family like a machine for years. Though they didn't 'destroy' the city, they were 'middle of the road,' in all fairness, not doing bad, but not doing better than they could. They were what I'd call "old school democrats," which is a thing of the past.

Today, (post-Daley) Chicago has been run by several 'bumbling idiotic democrats,' and I'm being kind. Now (today) we have Obama's former chief of staff Rahm Emmanuel. Talk about a joke! Man has been 'booed' when the Cubs won the World Series (first time since 1908, thank you very much); and at the Chicago Blackhawks Stanley Cup celebrations, as well as it's former democratic governor. So, 'who' is electing these losers? I'll let that slide. Let's just say, those who believe it's their 'duty' to.

So California, a state which is the 5th largest economy in the world, should be doing much, much better 'economically.' But they have turned into a "sanctuary state," as stated. Maybe they'd be better off joining Mexico? Whatever happens, I say no to 'bailing them out financially.'

Here's the story.

UCalifornia profs warned not to use school resources for personal attacks on President Trump

From "Junk" This is a great debate. "Whether political professor 'activists,' should be tweeting activist  rhetoric, during working hours, at 'taxpayer expense?'

I would say a 'definite,' NO! Yes, they've got their "First amendment right,' to say whatever, but that does NOT cover while being paid on their jobs- at 'taxpayer expense! Be an activist on 'your OWN time!'

See actual tweets from activist professors while on 'taxpayer expense!' 

PS, this is a great site to research all the 'phony global warming' (or whatever it's called at any given time, 'junk science,' liberals use to brain-wash the masses. 

Pope axes Knights chief in condoms row

In other news...this is an odd story about the "Knights of Malt," a secret society (of which I am totally opposed to). I am very familiar with various 'secret societies,' and know their histories well.

While this article, barely goes into the 'history' of this society, it does mention it correctly as having descended from the "Knights Templars," of which the Catholic church, propped up, then turned against, having murdered it's leaders after the "Crusades," in a power grab, which happened to have occurred on "Friday the 13th," which has since then given that day the very "superstitious bad-luck day" ever since. A trivial bit of history.

The chief Supreme Court Justice of the United Stated Supreme Court happens to be a member of this order, "Knights of Malta," which in my strong opinion is a direct violation of our US Constitution, making his position, dubious, and questionable at best! See, if you are a "Knights of Malta," you have "dual citizenship." One to the country of your birth, and one to the "Vatican," as it is the pope himself who oversee's this sinister 'secret society,' which does a lot more than "good works," such as the "Freemasons," etc.

Always be suspicious, of any "secret society" and their good works! They do NOT do "good works" from their hearts, but because their belief systems goes back to a "balance." In other words, they believe "God puts our good works, vs our "sins" (bad works) on a scale, and whichever one is heavier is how we're judged. Being a Christian, nothing could be further from the truth! And this makes it clear that the "Knights of Malta," and various "secret societies" are NOT "Christian," thus NO Christian has ANY business belonging to any "secret societies!"

The Bible clearly tells us, "make no oaths, let your yes be yes, and your no, your no! It also states, you cannot "serve two masters," for you will love one, and hate the other! And what politician, or person in government (as SCOTUS, John Roberts) has any business being a "dual citizen?" Either you will love one, and hate the other, but you cannot serve 'two masters!' So, just where does Supreme Court Justice John Robert's allegiance belong? Recall, this was THE justice who gave the 'deciding vote,' to make Obamacare, then afterward took a 'trip to the island of Malta.'

Of course, you won't find the deep history I shared here, but only that the Knights of Malta descended from the "Knights Templars."

Here's the half-truth story. 

Trump moves ahead with wall, puts stamp on U.S. immigration, security policy

President Trump has been 'delivering' on his campaign promises, as promised! I have never seen a president deliver as Trump has done, and in his 'first week!' And I am in my early 50's. So, I am so proud to see a president 'keep his promises!'

And I did support Trump. At first I was skeptical, but after seeing how much the 'main stream media,' and even his own 'party' were against him, I knew 'that's the man!' And as stated, he is keeping his promises in spades!

Yet, I am not an ideologue, nor believe in 'party affiliations,' so I will be sure to keep this president 'accountable,' whenever need be. I stand for America- not to 'special interests,' nor to any 'political party,' which are two-sides of the same coin. And I can tell you right now, Trump's biggest adversaries, just may come from within his own party! But so far, so good.

Trump pledged to put up a much needed fence, and not only that, but 'secure our country,' protecting it's American people. He's just begun!

Here's the report. 


All the "main stream media's reporting" about President Trump having been helped by the "Russians," is such a laughable joke. They just automatically assumed (wrongly) that Hilary Clinton would defeat any rival, that they're in complete shock and denial.

Now as for our former "Manchurian president," of which SO little was even known about...though some great "alternative news" (only real news now) had uncovered quite a bit about Obama, nonetheless, it was obvious Obama did not like the State of Israel (I oppose "Zionism," but NOT the State of Israel itself, nor the Jewish people), and that Obama may have been at the least "compromised," if not a Muslim himself.

Well, as it turn out, Obama did indeed 'give' the Palestinians $221 Million dollars, and that's not counting all the money 'secretly,' but later discovered money given to Iran, as 'ransom money,' again something the US does not do! Was this 'former president' a 'radical Muslim?' Well, what did he do about "ISIS," or "ISIL," as he referred to them? Nothing, absolutely nothing!!! He actually 'helped,' them dropping 'caches of weapons,' saying 'oh they were supposed to go to the rebel fighters,' right. Kind of like former president Clinton dropping bombs on a "pill factory," after the original Iraq war.

Democrats are NOT whom they claim to be. They 'used' to once upon a time stand for the 'little people.' Those days are long gone! And minorities has better wake up to that fact. While more Black Americans, and Hispanics voted for Trump, than for any other 'republican president,' it just may be that minorities are waking up to the facts. Let's hope so. As Trump said in his inaugural, "we are all American, and we all bleed the same colored blood."

Here's the report from Breitbart news, about Obama having given away nearly a quarter of a million dollars to the Palestinians in his final hours. 

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Trump to act on Mexico border wall, bolster immigration police

I do not have a 'bigoted' bone in my entire body, but what former president Obama was caught doing, allowing "illegals to flood America," was in my opinion a "federal offence," for which that alone charges should have been brought up against.

America is a nation of immigrants. That is true. But, those immigrants came here through a "legal process!" They didn't just wantonly cross our borders, without us even knowing who they were, or how many of them there were. Add that to the fact that "radical Islam" has declared war upon America, and you had a 'powder keg' brewing, just waiting for anything to go wrong! In a 'post-911 world,' it just doesn't make no sense whatsoever to allow 'undocumented people,' no matter where they're from entering our great country!

Former, I love saying that...former president Obama, not only allowed our borders to be 'flooded' with illegals,' but even encouraged it, and 'tied the border patrol agents hands behind their backs, not allowing them to do their jobs, and firing, or punishing anyone who dared. These (border patrol agents, are brave men and women who have sworn an oath, as did Obama to defend and protect America against enemies, both foreign and domestic). That is an 'impeachable offense!'

In my opinion, Obama, should have been removed from office for having broken so many laws, and for not holding up to his 'oath of office.' But due to 'political correctness (and a 'spineless congress') nothing was done to stop Obama from literally destroying America right before our eyes, which was very disgraceful, to say the least!

I do believe people should be allowed to come into the United States, but they should do so- "LEGALLY!!!" But, of course in an age of "political correctness," (something I do not fall for, nor believe), unless you believe like these 'minority of pseudo-intellectuals, they will label you a 'racist.' I don't buy, nor fall for that garbage! "Political-correctness," posing it's ugly head as "liberalism," is a joke. True liberals, do not act this way. No, "today's liberals," are nothing short of "totalitarians," that's a whole other breed of creature, and people had better wake up to that fact!

Here's the link to the story...

47.9%: Obama Had Lower Average Approval Rating Than Nixon or Bush

Some numbers that are sure put Obama 'back to earth,' after falsely thinking and he (Obama) would be the 'greatest thing since sliced bread.' Obama's "approval rating" was NOT nearly what the 'main stream media' has been reporting, by a long-shot! His number's were 'worse' than former President's George W. Bush, and even Richard Nixon (who had to 'resign in disgrace.'

Here are the facts, a "list" comparing the actual "factual real numbers." Click here!

Monday, January 23, 2017

Picture of former president Obama...

Here is the "Manchurian President," whom we the American people knew so little about...he's just left office, and is on his way to California; to play "golf." Note the 'sinister look...'

Good riddance, enjoy your life in the private sector. Thank you for 8 yrs of 'lies,' and putting down America.

On Seeing All the Changes in a New Presidential Administration

Am currently watching my second 'press conference,' watched the very first one over the weekend, and it was amazing to see how Trump's administration handle to press who were ALL against him, even to the 'low point' of attacking his wife and youngest son. He took 'no questions,' and basically laid down the law, letting the press know, 'we won't accept false media reports.' Wow!

Talk about a stark contrast to a former president, who  was 'in bed with the media.' I'm sure everyone who followed this election were all cheering!

Currently, on I suppose you'd call the 'first official' press conference, I don't see the press secretary calling upon those sitting in the front, 'first,' as has been the norm. Some within the media already are comparing Trump to former president Nixon, whom did not 'trust the media.'

That is not a 'fair comparison,' as Nixon was not 'distrustful' of the media for the same reasons. Nixon was a president who had things to 'hide,' to make such a comparison, is yet another 'false assumption.'

You can just 'feel in the air' a 'fresh feeling in America' once Obama left office! I don't think I'm alone in saying as much. It's as though a 'cloud' came off the skies of America, and the sun is shining again. It's morning in America again!

...couldn't have happened soon enough!

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Billionaire George Soros has ties to more than 50 ‘partners’ of the Women’s March on Washington

Here is the 'real story.' Billionaire, George Soros who is a man who has done nothing but cause havoc wherever he goes, has been not only behind this 'women's idiotic' march, but also behind all the BLM 'funding.'

Why is this man not indicted for "treason?" He is at best a "domestic enemy" of the United States, a country that has taken him in, and made him wealthy. Talk about a 'scumbag,' sorry, no other way to put it. Look up this man, and what he's done here and around the world, and you'll see that I'm being "kind" calling him a "scumbag!"

He threw his own people (Jews) under the bus as a young man growing up under occupied Hungary which was taken over by the Nazis. He's financially attempted to undermine the 'currencies,' of UK, and several other sovereign nations. He's attempted (sponsored) 'civil unrest' in Ukraine, and the list goes on and on.

If anyone can point out, anything "good" this man has done, please reply back to me!!! This is a man who was behind Hilary, no doubt behind many of the false smears against our new president, and is nothing more than a "bastard!" Yes, I called him what he is. A spade is a spade, all day long.

I believe just recently Russian President Putin has made it known, Soros is not welcome in Russia. Another country, cannot recall which one (soo many cannot stand this man) has issued an "arrest warrant" for him, and yet the United States allows this "scumbag" for operate freely, without consequences, when he has done nothing but incite violence (ie: BLM et al) and sponsored various hate-groups, and un-American activities.

It's time people began to 'learn' just who George Soros truly is. Here is the "list" of ties this swine has to all his disgusting activities! CLICK HERE!!!

Madonna Drops Three F-Bombs on CNN, MSNBC During Live Coverage of Women's March on Washington

This whole "women's march" on Washington was about just what? I've even seen some of these women asked 'what are they protesting?' ...most could NOT even give a 'coherent' answer, if answer at all.

Bottom line, this was a protest because Hilary lost the election!

Now, as a 'man' writing in defense of men, we have been under siege for quite some time. Men have been 'belittled' on Television as the 'stupid' husband, father, etc. Big Pharma, and various other institutions have been attempting to 'reduce men's sperm count,' and Big Brother has made women more dependent upon "government," versus the men many of these women have had babies with, ie: "welfare queens."

...and the list goes on!!!

I could literally write a book about how "men have been under attack in America." So, you protesters, you're nothing but "sore losers" who are upset about a president NOT having a "vagina," to which I say...GET OVER IT!!!

Please inform me, just 'how' Trump is a 'personal threat to you, your "vagina" and, or whatsoever with you being a "woman?"

This "protest" was such a waste of time, and a farce to just "pounce" on a new president whom you've not given a chance to even settle into office yet. Trump's problem? He's a man. A 'strong man,' not some "metrosexual," or whatever the new slang, hip term is for democratic men.

As a man, we need more 'strong men,' not weak men! As for 'women,' no one is out 'attacking your "BOX!"  Get a freaking grip, and grow the hell up!!!

Here's the link for those who want to see how 'stupid,' and 'foolish' this 'has-been' sounds and looks HERE!
