Thursday, February 25, 2016

Suspicious “Ominous Warning” Issued by the Cable Company, Flased Across my television screen during ‘wee-hours’ of the night.

*The following 'account' is a 're-post' from my Facebook page.

" I happened to have seen the strangest message, a 'warning' scroll across my television screen yesterday morning during the ‘wee-hours’ of the night (maybe around 3 am?). Anyway, I just happened to have fallen asleep with the TV on, and woke up, shortly after saw that warning. It was so 'ominous looking.' I just stared at it! Then it disappeared, as quickly at it appeared. I immediately grabbed my smart phone, in the hopes it would come back. It did! And I have a 'copy' of this 'ominous warning,' which to this moment I really can't even say just 'what' it was about. What I know and can report, is it said, this was a 'warning...' and it then went on to 'list' a whole bunch of 'states!' Now, I know full well there are 2 'counties' (Cook & Will) in Illinois which were both under a 'blizzard' stand-by. However, this message had absolutely 'nothing' to do with the 'weather.' The list of 'states' were all over the US, no particular order, or under no 'known threats' of any kind that I am aware of, and I use a website 'ROAS?' I think is the name, anyway it shows ALL the states/countries with 'active threats/warning.' So, at the very least, this was bizarre! I wonder how many others had seen that warning. Thank God I had the presence of mind to grab my smart phone and record this message. I can one say easily imagine a day when a message such as this will announce "martial law," or the "collapse of America!" I really want to 'post that video,' but I'm not sure it may be a wise thing to do? I think 1 of 2 things were in play here. !) this may have been a 'test run' for what is to come. And 2) someone just may have inadvertently pressed a 'button' they weren't supposed to. I would tend to go with the latter, as the warning, was 'mysteriously cut-off' before it has even completed with its listing of 'states.' Also, our local cable provider, had just recently installed 'new cable boxes.' It was an 'upgrade.' Yeah, as in 'they can now see and hear us better!'"

The preceding incident occurred during the 'early morning hours,' of Wednesday, February 24th, 2016. I still 'may' post the video of what I saw, but for now I'm going to hold off.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Awesome Video on Witchcraft in the Church

Hi guys, just happened to have viewed an 'awesome' video on a 'Christian' evangelist from the early 1900's credited with having started the '4 Square' Pentecostal denomination. 

Her name is 'Aimee Semple McPherson,' and even in her time she was considered 'controversial.' Now, after watching this video, you'll learn even more, from having gone down the proverbial 'rabbit hole,' to investigate just who this woman was whom by the way is still adored today (mainly within the Charismatic Pentecostal movement). 

This will be an 'introduction' on my behalf of how 'witchcraft' has already 'infiltrated' the Church, all by design. And it's only going to get worse, if truth be told. 

Without further ado, here is the link to the YouTube video. It's around just under 40 minutes, but it goes fast, it's so interesting. All the credit goes to the 'producer' of the YouTube video. I'm simply presenting it here as it ties in nicely with my work. Like I said, I will be presenting more in an entire 'series' devoted to how 'witchcraft/Illuminati/Satanism/Freemasonry' (long list!) have ALL infiltrated the Churches. Is it any wonder how a man such as Joel Osteen (just one of many examples) can 'succeed' and make tons of money, while he is not even preaching the Word of God, and therefore as pastor, he is responsible (to a degree) of the place his viewers and members of his congregation will spend their eternities! 

This is why I am so sickened and have a heart for 'false doctrine.' As the bible clearly teaches believers that in the last days, many 'wolves will enter the church' seeking whom they may devour. 

Here's the YouTube link! Enjoy! CLICK HERE!

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Just a Quick 'Shout-Out!'

Was just looking over my 'stats,' as I like to do from time to time. It's especially nice knowing I have an 'international audience.' I'm extremely humbled and excited about that. 

So, I see various countries from time to time, and from all parts of the world. As the title mentions, I'd like to give a quick 'shout-out' especially to those in Spain, Italy and Germany as I have ancestry that come from those countries. I do speak 3 languages. Some more 'fluently' than others. But currently I am 'brushing up' on my Italian. So, Ciao a mia famiglia de Italia. 

I realize the 'dialects' can and do 'differ' from country to country, not unlike right here in the United States. I'm from the Midwest, and have relatives in the East coast to (of all persons) have told me they can notice my 'mid-western' accent, to which I'd return a 'blank stare,' until I began to 'pick-up on the thicker 'mid-western' accent of those living in Minnesota, which is not that far away from me, and then I realized I do have a 'mid-western' accent (just not as 'thick' as those from Minnesota, lol). 

Anyway, no matter what country or state you're from, I love you all! I can honestly say that as one who has been called into the ministry to preach the Gospel, and spread the Truth, shine a light in the dark, and set the 'captives free!' 

God bless you all, and I thank God for each and every one of you, and pray for you all. You're all in my prayers! 

God bless! 

Saturday, February 20, 2016


In keeping with yesterday's post on the 'theme' of the elites plan for 'depopulation' of the "useless eaters" as they call us, I just happened to have found this article I had read and commented on from a few years ago. The article is from The commentary is 'mine.' 

This article is actually 'undeniable proof' the 'global elite' want to 'kill off millions, upon millions' of people, and it comes from no less than Prince Philip, Queen Elizabeth's "German" husband. These people are so 'fake' and full' of deceit, the "British" royal family is as British, as McDonald's, okay. But, I digress. 

The Royal family of England are of 'German descent.' Is it any wonder why they've had their little leaked photos of Prince Harry, being spotted at one of their 'Eyes Wide Shut' parties, dressed as a Nazi officer?! No, it shouldn't be a surprise, to persons such as myself, and other researchers. Oh sure, Fox news (barf) actually reported on this story, showing the 'would be king' (never happen), wearing to whom his families 'loyalties' truly belong to. 

But, of course the prince needed to be 'chastised' for political correct purposes, as we are constantly beat into our brains the death of '6 million Jews,' when Stalin and Mao "each" killed more of their own than did Hitler, not making excuses for the bastard, just pointing out somewhat of a 'preference' in historical memories of 'worst atrocities.' 

Anyway, there is the 'link' to the video of the "English" prince, on his thoughts about 'population control.' Enjoy you "useless eaters!" 

Link- click me!

Friday, February 19, 2016

California Board Rejects Measure Mandating Condoms In Adult Films

I saw this headline and couldn't resist posting this to my blog. Just what king of 'people' would cast such a vote not being in favor of 'porn stars' wearing condoms when we have a world filled with 'sexually transmitted diseases?' 

Just 'who' are these people? I am in no way in favor of 'pornography,' in any form, shape or fashion, but still...I think it's only 'common sense,' to protect yourself if you're going to be involved in this disgusting industry. But, what do I know. Maybe it's just better we spread STD's all over the United States, and the world for that matter. 

Keep in mind, the 'elites' would like the world population to be 'ideally' at 500 hundred million people (in the entire world). To put that number in perspective, the United States has a population of roughly around 330 million people. Currently there are an estimated 7 billion people on the earth. 

Do the math, that would mean a 'lot' of people would have to die! You might think, that's impossible, they couldn't kill that many people. Well, think again. Because if you understood these 'psychopaths' have used WAR, and 'famine, pestilence, and disease to kill people in mass throughout history, why wouldn't they do it again? 

It's called, "Population control." And if you haven't heard about it, you had better start! Former President Bill (Slick Willy) Clinton mentioned the name of a professor he greatly admired. The name? Prof. Carroll Quigley, the author of a book titled "Tragedy and Hope." I first stumbled across this 'tome' of a book, back in college in the mid 1990's doing research for a paper. 

Well, in the book the 'good' professor talks openly about "population control." and basically pointing out the 'need' for such a thing. So, I have been researching and familiar with this term ever since the 'mid 1990's.' It's kind of hard to forget a subject dealing about the 'need' to reduce the size of the population on the earth! And this man was President Clinton's 'favorite professor,' while in college. This subject goes much further down the proverbial 'rabbit hole,' but that will come at another time. 

Suffice to say, it's enough knowing there are people in this world operating in the highest levels of government, academia, etc, etc, who are delusional, and really and willing to 'reduce' (get rid of) people all for the sake of "Mother Earth." Or so they would have you to believe. Like I said, once you learn about 'population control.' your eyes will be 'open' like never before. Do a simple Google search on this topic. See, the world is not as it appears to be. Many are just now waking up to this fact (not conspiracy garbage, I don't indulge such garbage), and I one day innocently learned about this in the mid '90's simply working on a report for a course. 

Here's the link for those so inclined to read about it. Click here.

Source: Tragedy and Hope by Prof. Carroll Quigley

American's, it high time you realize the world is not as you've been taught!