Sunday, May 27, 2018


One word. Yet a powerful word. A word that can have many meanings depending on the person, or reader. A word that came to me- today! 2018 has been a hell of a year already, and it's just the beginning. I've had certain years that have begun with an 'aura' of 'this is YOUR year.' 2018 HAS been one of those years, and more.

Even before this year began, so powerful was the 'energy' that I sensed it in late December (2017). Even in previous years when I knew this would be one of those 'magical' years, even then the power was NOT as powerful as it was now and at the beginning of this year.

Why do these 'magical years' happen? I really can't answer that, but I know they exist. Have they existed for others? I'd be naive to think otherwise, so I'll go out on a limb and believe yes. I also believe certain 'elements' just combine and come together in such a manner as to cause such periods of time to occur in a person's life. The bottom line is, when these years occur, make the most of them, because you don't always know IF, or WHEN the next one will (if ever) come to pass.

We're living in an already highly 'charged' environment in so many ways. Truth has NEVER been more needed, or sought out than perhaps at any other time. At least in my lifetime. I'm no 'spring-chicken.' Having said that, having been through several of these 'magical years,' I can say, the more you've been through them, the MORE powerful they become. Or, maybe its simply being better equipped to KNOW what and HOW to handle and deal with these small windows of time. A year can be a long time, it can be a 'blink of an eye.' As the saying goes, it's in the eye of the beholder.

2018 is the year. Now, with today's word that 'mysteriously' came to me (as many things do), the word? RISE. Now, it's even beginning to make more sense. This year, almost halfway through (believe it or not) has seen its share of opportunities. But opportunities come and go. A concept however is something than can change one's life. That concept can arrive in a word, a thought, dream, etc. Mine came in a single word- Rise. And with that word, as I've already suggested to some, but MOST importantly to myself, I will not be the same person I was at the start of this year, as I will be upon the conclusion of this year.

When a year is meant to be yours, make the most of it. But first of all, you've got to know, got to 'hear' that this is your year. For myself, I know how it came about. For others, I'm sure the process will be different. In the end, 'Rise!' 2018 will be a year I will look back upon in however many number of years I have left upon this planet and will look back upon and smile. It's as though the 'gods' themselves spoke among themselves and decided, it's his time, let's see what he does with it.
