Thursday, November 3, 2016

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Obama needs to be Impeached; Finally!

400 million dollars paid to Iran under cover of darkness, and coinciding with the release of 4 American hostages is 'ENOUGH!' Any reader of this blog knows I am highly critical of this phony, selected, closet Muslim president. But he gets a 'pass' because he's the first 'Black President?' So much for "white privilege!"

...besides, Obama's mother (CIA) was "white." If you ask almost any culture who has a son or daughter who's of mixed race; they'll always tell you the race goes to the mother! Kind of like in baseball the 'tie goes to the runner.' Well, I've researched this, not because it matters what race Obama is, I could care less, and I'd be all for a 'black president,' IF he's an 'honorable,' pro-American president! But, Obama himself and his brain-dead followers and the media have all made his 'race' a big deal- not me! And by the standards referenced above- he is 'white,' for all practical purposes. Again, his race is the least of my concerns.

What concerns me is all his ties going back to his youth, and obviously well before being a politician. To make a long story short, due to the fact that for as much as we don't know about Obama, we also do know enough of his past, and this is a man who NEVER should have become a 'senator,' let alone president of the United States. Obama comes from a CIA family, not unlike the Bush family. Funny how this works. And there is a great amount of evidence (not 'conspiracy theory,' which I don't deal with) to paint the ugly picture of the 'reality' of American politics.

Obama was NOT 'voted' in as president, instead he was groomed and selected; as several previous US presidents before him were. Bill Clinton being another perfect example, and George H. W. Bush "Poppy Bush," as he's known. Why "poppy," because of his illegal deals in the filthy drug world. It's pretty shameful and disgusting, but after having researched these things for many years, you can't help but take a different perspective in the American political process.

Donald J. Trump has accurately stated "politics are rigged." For his intelligence on this issue and daring to utter such a statement, he's been lambasted as few presidential nominees have in recent memory. Mind you, I'm no "Millennial," (thank God). I was born during a tumultuous time politically, and in every which way you look at it. President Lyndon B. Johnson was president during my arrival into this world. There are many who believe Johnson was personally responsible behind the assassination of JFK. And with good reason I might add. So if anyone is qualified to speak about 'corruption,' (on top of being born in the great city of Chicago) I think I am that person. Don't get me wrong, Chicago (the place of my birth) is a proud city. A strong city. A caring city. But, also a very 'segregated,' and 'politically corrupt city,' I'm sad to say. Thus, Mayor Rahm (Israeli dual-citizen) Immanuel fits in as mayor quite nicely, if you're a 'scumbag.'

Now what president gets away with handing over 400 million dollars to a country our State Dept has listed as a "state sponsor of terrorism," and gets a pass? Only Obama. Had George W. Bush been in this position, Congress would already be drawing up 'impeachment papers,' and no I was no fan of George W. Bush, nor ANY Bush for that matter because I know how criminal that family is. The Clintons are fall in the same category.

I recall growing up as a child and being told, "In American you can grow up and one day become president!" BS! I wonder if children are even still told that blatant lie?

See, I have done a lot of research over the years. I had even once contemplated a career in journalism. Thank God, I changed my mind because American media has been part of the problem, and not a part of the solution, and this is why a criminal like Obama, the Clintons and Bushes are walking around today openly and freely, when they ought to be behind bars doing serious prison time! No, I do not mince my words! And if you 'really' want to know what I believe, send me a private message! Yes, I am 100 percent, proudly 'politically incorrect!'

Now, nevermind what Obama has just done. He's leaving, and not fast enough for my liking, but look at who is running for president behind him. Hilary Rodham Clinton. Yes, another Clinton. American voters took pride in ridding the GOP primary of another would be Bush- "Jeb." Just call me "Jeb" don't use my last name because he believes people are stupid enough to not make the connection of him being part of the House of Bush criminal family. Is that why "Jeb" NEVER used his last name as a candidate? You becha!

So the good people on the 'right side' of the political aisle got rid of what would have amounted to a "Bush dynasty." Democrats would have done well to have done the same with their "Clinton dynasty." But, as Wikileaks has uncovered, "democratic" (was and still is a 'communist') Bernie Sanders who ran, never had a chance! The 'fix' was in for the global elite establishment's horse, Hilary Rodham Clinton.

Well, my fellow Americans if you thought things were bad and even ugly during eight long (too long) years of Obama, you ain't seen nothing yet! I can almost guarantee you Hilary will at the very least be just as bad and corrupt as Obama was, if not worse. I'm inclined to believe 'even worse!'

So get used to having our military 'embarrased' shamefully by the Iranians, and having more 'ransom money' paid out to our happy little 'Mullah loving Muslims' in Iran.

Obama, you now have told not only the Iranians, but the world at large that 'it's perfectly fine to take US citizens as hostages, and you'll be paid handsomely for your efforts. Obama, you have told the world, 'crime pays.' Isn't that a great message to the youth of America? What a 'legacy' you're leaving behind you Obama. It's time Congress "impeach" your skinny ass for "high crimes and treason!" You can lie all the hell you want to, it doesn't make what you and your cronies did right! Welcome to the US Americans 'presidential hall of shame!' And we thought Jimmy Carter (D-GA) was bad. Ha, you're making him look pretty good right now.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Hello Russia!

Hello my Russian friends and readers, I've been 'waiting' for you! Being a blogger here, I can literally 'see' the map of the world and the actual names of the 'countries' that have come across my blog. I've had pretty much all of North America, most of Europe, and now...Russia!

I have a fascination with your country, its people, history and culture. My doctor happens to be Russian and I personally have studied some of the Russian language. I won't bore you with how many languages I speak.

Damn! Sorry, I 'lost' an entire paragraph I'd written (hate when that happens...).

As I was saying, I happened to have grown up during the height of the "Cold War" and I can't help but say as a student of history, and a 'passenger' in this country which with each passing day is becoming more and more a "banana republic" thanks to many SPINELESS, and CORRUPT 'career politicians' in Washington DC.

But, people voted for "change," and they sure got it. Just NOT for the better! Thank you, Obama! Don't worry though, you're NOT the 'first corrupt president' and you surely (then again...) won't be THE last!

This was meant to be just a "shout-out" to my Russian readers (believe it or not).

Having been a personal witness to all the corruption, and moral decay of America, and having seen and heard about all that is going on in Russia, I must say it almost seems as though in many ways we appear to be 'trading places!'

What do I mean by that? Hell, most Americans would also be asking that same question. Basically the ones who've helped let this country become what it is becoming. Bottom line: America once 'promoted life.' Not any longer. Yet, as someone who is informed on many levels I am aware that under the leadership of Putin, Russia is "promoting life!" (actually even 'paying' its citizens to have children!). Yes, that's true (to my brain-dead liberal "social-justice losers"). They don't read this blog, so I can say anything about them! Would only be a waste of my time though.

And so I've cited only one 'mere' fact of many of the changes going on. I could cite many more, but what's more important than 'life?' Oh, food is pretty high up on the list. Well, on that front, here in the States, we have "Monsanto" destroying our country, and its people- literally! They don't give a flipping fuck! Excuse my 'French,' but some things are just so asinine, I can't help but allowing some four lettered words fly.

People here (most, not all) are soo fucking stupid, nothing is said, because they're too busy doing stupid shit! I'm just gonna let 'er rip now...gloves coming off.

We've got 'third world countries' who are SMARTER, in saying NO! FUCK NO, to "Monsanto," because they're not afraid of 'political correctness,' and even some politicians "get it." Not here! Put "GMO's" in everything we eat, everything our food supplies eat and it starts a 'chain reaction' of biblical proportions. But, we're okay! Right!

Now I understand Russia is one of the 'smart' countries who have rightfully "outlawed" slammed the door in the face of the fucking scumbags known as "Monsanto!" Good for you! Seriously. And this comes from a person as already stated grew up during the so-called "Cold War Era." Well, if they deemed that "cold," it's cold as a 'witches tit' now! With apologies to good 'witches' everywhere. Religion. Don't even want to go there! But, I digress.

So, things appear, and maybe this is incorrect, but from all the sources I gather I doubt it. While things are going down the drain here in America (by the way, Happy freggin' belated Birthday) Masonic bastards! Whoops! Oh, "Masons are good!" Kiss my ass!!!

Yeah, we Americans us "old school" ones anyway can really speak our minds when we want to, and then some. Sorry I can't say the same for the Russian people, at least as things were in the past. Maybe that too is changing???

Anyway, enough of my blather. While by all signs point to YOUR country seemingly heading in the direction WE were 'once upon,' WE seem to be more and more on the path of what gave YOUR country the 'bad reputation' it ONCE held. Who's laughing now?

Give my regards to President Putin. I sincerely have more respect for him than I do for a president here! And the 'female beast' that MAY (will) be presidente next! Pray for us, Russia!!! After all we were once on the same side as "partners," it was called WW2. I know a that will fly right over quite a few dunces heads here.

Keep saying "Yes" to LIFE! Keep saying FUCK YOU to "Monsanto," and the "New World Order," and especially one of it's biggest pussies, George (fucking) Soros! And excuse my 'potty mouth,' but it's been a long 8 years here, and the thought of another 8 years of yet another Chinese spy, just doesn't sit well in my stomach. Eight years of a "closet homosexual Muslim," to be followed by 8 years of yet another 'sexual deviant' ie lesbian who is possibly Satan's daughter. And the thought that people will actually 'vote' for that god-forsaken beast is more rthan I can even fathom.

Maybe I ought to 'begin' drinking the fluoridated  water, and take my vaccines too (that's part, just part of what has made soo many here nothing more than fucking walking zombies!

To Russia with love,

Your blogger!

Monday, June 27, 2016

Imam Obama "Exempting Illegals" From Oath of Allegiance To America!

This is yet another reason why King Obama MUST be "IMPEACHED!" Since when do people coming to America to become "citizens" do NOT need to take an "oath of allegiance" to the United States of America? Since when?


This is yet another egregious move on Imam Obama's plan to 'destroy' America! This man has done more than any other US president to impoverish and destroy the United States of America and ALL it has represented in its past. Sure, this country has had many policies towards other nations that I completely disagree with, but at the same time, no other country has been a force for GOOD than the United States of America!

Our 'Founding Fathers' and all those who have 'shed their blood' in the cause of FREEDOM would be rolling in their graves, and those still living ought to be disgusted! And no, I was NO FAN of Bush Jr, or the Bush 'criminal family' in general. The 'Clinton criminal syndicate family' has also been just as EVIL!

The Bushes, Clinton's now Obama have ALL been 'hell-bent' on nothing short of destroying this country, and they must ALL be held 'accountable!' This IS a 'nation of laws!' This is why I have made my statement about these families being 'criminals.' Their 'allegiance' lays NOT with the United States, but with 'other entities,' ALL of which are nothing more than 'parasites' feasting off the wealth and prosperity of all those who have lived and died to make this country a better place!

To allow 'illegal aliens' into our country, without any regard for the immigration laws already in place, the very laws others have ABIDED BY, costing them TIME and MONEY and taking an "OATH OF ALLEGIANCE" all those people ought to be greatly disturbed, and flat out PISSED OFF at this 'lawless' piece o shit, (POTUS) who is knowingly and willfully imposing HIS agenda- AGAINST that of the MAJORITY of everyday law abiding American citizens, not to mention BYPASSING THE CONSTITUTION! It's an affront!

When, again I ask WHEN will those who HAVE taken an "OATH" upon taking 'elected office' as representatives of the citizens of this country who PUT THEM in office, when will they do their job, which is to "SUPPORT, AND DEFEND" the laws of the US Constitution??? They too MUST be held accountable to US, "we the people!"

Our "republican form of government" enshrined by the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution, and it's Bill of Rights is under attack! It's been 'under attack' well before King Obama took office, but with each successive presidential administration going back to at the very least the Reagan/Bush WH have been eroding the 'core' of what this country stands for. It goes even further back than Reagan/Bush (Note: I aim MOST of my blame on "BUSH," though Reagan himself was no saint); but "corruption" in general can at the very least be directly linked to former president Wilson, and his "ILLEGAL ACTION" (his allowing) of our government become "enslaved" by the "fictitious" FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM!

The "Federal Reserve" is no more "federal" than "Federal Express!" IT is a piranha that has put it's shackles upon America, which has caused a irreversible downward spiral. Having said this, still, in 'modern times' the Bushes, the Clintons, and now "Lord" Obama have been hammering in the nails in the coffin of all the "good" this country has stood for, and they're NOT finished yet!

This is why a Hilary Clinton "White House" would be the end of the Republic as we (once) knew it! Donald Trump, is NOT going to 'save America.' And anyone who thinks he will is unwise. But, he can 'help' to write the wrongs of many of the travesties which previous administrations have committed. It is still incumbant upon US to take back OUR country at the "grass-roots" levels! But this requires and "informed citizenry!"

We have nobody to blame but ourselves, for having allowed this 'corrupt' presidents, and politicians to run amok! People can make a thousand and one 'excuses' for why they are not 'engaged,' involved, or even AWAKE! The latter is done intentionally via "bread and circuses!" Ever read about the "Fall of Rome?" Well, we have unfortunately a "dumnbed down" nation. There are many reasons as to 'how' this has come to be; the need of a 'two-family income,' the exclusion of God in ANYTHING, the "political correctness," and it goes on and on. These factors are ALL part of the "global masterminds" who are "socially engineering" this nation!

How so? Through 'culture.' Through the media, the music, the entertainment industry, etc. But, one of THE most egregious methods is through the "food and water," and now even the very AIR WE BREATH!

These are NOT "conspiracy theories!" That 'line' BTW, was also a product of "social engineers." If anything that appears to be "conspiracy theory" by nature is being demonized to the extent that it is and has, ask yourself WHY? I'll tell you why, because these are NOT "conspiracy theories" from a "tin-foil" hat characature, but have a basis in a reality THEY are "extremely afraid of!" It's called- TRUTH!

And, the "TRUTH" will set you FREE! But these 'scumbags" don't want you to be "free!" They want to be YOUR MASTERS! They want to 'dictate' what you think, eat and drink! They want it all for themselves! THEY want nothing short of a "New World Order." They despise "sovereignty" as much as they despise "freedom!" Well I'm here to tell you, to tell them...


Far too many are still asleep at the wheel. The 'good news' is more people by the day are "waking up" to reality! To the facts of what I have pointed out however crudely here!

We have got to get 'MAD!' We have got to get mad to the point that just as in the movie, "Network" we band together and come out as one and declare...


I submit to you, right her, right now should enough people take this attitude, there is nothing that can stop us! No 'wrongs' that cannot be left undone,' no 'politician' who cannot be held accountable! No POTUS who can with the 'stoke of a pen,' make up whatever the hell he wants to do, and so on and so forth. I am here to tell you, America...just as Britain said NO! to the EU with all its disastrous intent, we too can say NO! to yet another completely 'corrupted' POTUS in the 'mask' of Hilary 'Rodham' Clinton!

It's time to take America back!!! Either we do, or kiss your "freedoms" (all of it) good-bye! As for me? "Give me LIBERTY, or give me DEATH!"

PS, here's the link to what inspired this post! 

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Imam Obama "Stepping" All Over 1st Amendment Rights!

Earlier this month (June), some "refugee boys" from Sudan and Iraq "allegedly" RAPED a little girl who also happens to have "special needs," and then did even worse, so much so...I will not even repeat it here! That's how disgusting what these "REFUGEE" (boys!) from Sudan and Iraq did.

But, because they just happen to be "MUSLIM," Barak (HUSSEIN IMAM) Obama, is now "stepping" into the picture with HIS "court appointed" state's attorney, and is having him/her (he/she) putting pressure on concerned locals who have simply voiced their RIGHTFUL, 1ST AMENDMENT RIGHT to "speak out" against what has happened in their "own town!"

If that is not the most "flagrant" violation against American citizens 1st amendment "rights," I don't know what is! Obama is using his "puppet" state's attorney basically "gagging" the locals from speaking out against what has "allegedly" happened. Now, I'm stressing "allegedly," but if Imam Obama has gone to such flagrant radical extremes to "hush" this travesty, I'd say there is a REALLY GOOD CHANCE this "incident" HAS occurred!

Thankfully, I see a picture of the locals in Idaho "protesting" publicly in their town! Gee, that too is also "protected" under our US Constitution, I wonder whether his next move will be "no protesting?"

My God!

And just take a look at his "appointed state's attorney." I'll let you figure that one out! In Idaho? Really? What kind of "judges" then has he "anointed" in very liberal areas of our country? Martians? I would just really like to see all the 'faces' of all the people who voted for that...(fill in the blank)! They are as guilty as he is for "pissing" on our Country in every way, shape and form!

Why Imam Obama has NOT been "IMPEACHED" BY just "unfathomable!" Just how much more are American's going to take from this 'two-bit' would be banana-republic, globalist shill??? He's NOT even 'worthy' of running a "Banana republic!"

And no, I wasn't a "Bush supporter" either! He was another SOB, who helped get us to where we are today; Obama has just "doubled-down," and I suppose should, "should" Hilary be the next president (GOD FORBID), she will be THE one to just completely "sink" America!

Here's the "story." Make this story go "VIRAL!"

Friday, June 24, 2016

Congratulations Britain and UK!

From the good decent people of America, who stand for freedom and sovereignty, I want to congratulate you on your Vote Leave victory!

Against all odds, and in the face of pure "fear-mongering" and the "staged-death(?)" of your MP which was so "perfectly timed" to turn the tide, so these mafia globalist elitist pigs, could keep the "status quo," and continue to suck your country dry, you stayed the course.

Obviously these "tyrannical goons" were obviously willing to go to all extremes, including the death of a MP member (shamefully) and exploiting her death to change your destiny.

But against all the odds, you did it (hearing Rocky theme song music in the background)!

I and many, many Americans are so PROUD of your heroic vote to chose your "own destiny." Congratulations, and all the best!!!

PS to my Scottish friends, your leadership has "failed you!" Looking at the polling, I see most of Scotland voted heavily to "remain" in the failed EU. I was so surprised! I 'thought' you wanted FREEDOM? I, as well as many Americans were in your corner when YOU had your referendum to "leave" Britain. What happened?

I cannot express enough how disappointed I and I'm sure so many others are in your majority vote to "remain" as slaves in the failed EU. You definitely need NEW leadership! Your leader is now on record as being on the "wrong side" of history. And for that, she needs to be removed, just as David Cameron will be removed! Short of that, you'll never experience the "thrill of victory," and what it means to be on the true side of a democratic freedom, unencumbered by bureaucratic red-tape which has left you at the mercy of an "un-elected" group of self-seeking technocrats who look for nothing but to enrich themselves at YOUR expense!

Come on Scots, get with the program! I say this will all love and deep respect, as I have a deep affinity and love of your beautiful country that can be so much more than just an arm of a dying tyrannical regime known as the EU. Having said that, I hope you will look into changing your leadership, or ask her some serious questions, such as "why would she want to remain as a slave?" This is NOT a person who should hold any place of influence, let alone "dog-catcher," for such a nation with a great history that has given humanity many great things. Throw that woman out of office for your own well-being, she has shown her "true alliance," and it is obviously NOT to the great Scottish people, but to herself, and her "masters." All the best (tell 'Nessie' I said hello)!

Thursday, June 23, 2016

BREXIT...Independence Day for the UK?

Having heard reports on the ground it appears as though there seems to be some "confusion" at voting booths as to whether to use "pens, vs pencils." Obviously a vote in pencil can easily be erased, and changed to vote "remain." You know it will not go the other way. There is way too much money at stake for all the bureaucrats heavily invested in their political careers which entails a vote for remaining in the EU; ie "status quo."

The "death" of British MP Jo Cox appears by all appearances to have been a staged event; a false flag. Look at the "timing." Before her death, polls were showing the "vote leave" was in the lead by double digits. After, the polls took a "drastic change" into the other direction. Psy-OP? You'd be a fool to not think so. I even saw a video of her "mourning husband." He looked as "sorrowful" as many of these "crisis actors" here in America! He showed little emotion- at best! Really? Wife just shot dead and stabbed brutally, and he's showing "little emotion?" Come on. But, hey that's what is happening here in America with Obama attempting shamelessly to use whatever means to get "gun control." It's called "the end justifies the means," and Freemasons are well versed in these tactics, as well as the global elite's who are f*cking up our world. Their dreams of a Utopian society are nothing new.

BTW, no "exit polls" are being conducted, which is also yet another anomaly, even for the UK. I don't believe anyone will know anything one way or another at least not for another day. We'll see what happens. But don't hold your breath that the citizens of Britain will gain their Independence from the fascist EU dictatorship.

To be continued...

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Christianity Today's Outrageous Claims about SBC Refugee "Screening Process!"

I only subscribe to Christianity Today (CT) to see what all is going 'wrong' in the Christian world. Christianity Today was founded back in 1956 by Billy Graham, a 33rd degree "Freemason!" Those not familiar with Freemasonry, as I am, can tell you the two (Christianity and Freemasonry) are completely "incompatible!" Taking "oaths" is 'unbiblical,' to begin with. But, Freemasonry is serving 'another god,' a god that is NOT Jesus Christ. Hint, his name is "Lucifer!"

..."doubt it not," says, Albert Pike author of Morals and Dogma, who was considered the highest ranking Freemason, and his book is given (to this day) to ALL newly 'anointed' 33rd degree Freemasons, considered an "honorary degree/title." I only point this out, so you can see the "fruits" of Christianity Today, a magazine that recently gave a basic tutorial on "transgender, homosexuals" and how we should 'accept them.'

Let me make myself extremely clear. I know how the 'Left' operates. Notice they're of the 'left,' (left hand path) an occultic term for those who dabble in things that are 'forbidden by God.' Coincidence? There are none. Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" has a 'dedication' to Lucifer' right in the beginning of the book. I've read it. And I know their tactics. As anyone who's studied 'warfare' and 'self-defense' it's a known tactic to "know your enemy!" Hence, my reason for reading the "Left's" books, such as Christianity Today. Do not be fooled, they do NOT stand for Christianity as taught in the Bible. As stated, look who the founder was.

Having said that, I also want to make it extremely clear that I personally do NOT have anything against "homosexuals," or anyone of the "LGBT" persuasion. I am a Christian, NOT "Muslim." Muslims DO "advocate" hate and even worse towards such persons, Christianity does NOT! Let's be clear about this! I am 'far' from being a perfect Christian, there was only One, and he was "hung on a Cross." So anyone who thinks Christians are supposed to be perfect are misguided. I have have had many "homosexual friends," and co-workers and gotten along with them just fine. I treat them as I would treat any other human-being; with respect!! Muslims make no such claim. My ONLY "issue" with the entire "LGBT" movement is it's "agenda," and let's be perfectly clear; they have an "agenda!" Again, I'm not saying 'all,' but for the most part those as in any other movement, (with ulterior motives) will have an agenda which will be "pushed" upon you, as the "Left" predominantly does. Same can be said of the "other side." The point is, "what is the agenda?" Is it for "personal gain," or for the "good of all?" I submit if it's for the former, it's not coming from a good place.

This piece about the "Refugees" and the "SBC" working with "refugees" in CT is an article with an agenda that is "deceitful," and frankly, an insult to my intelligence! To first of all state the SBC is "working with the UN" is Mistake #1! To state they go are using this entire "process" is baloney! None of these people are being "vetted!" One need only look at recent headlines to see the "crime-waves" being driven by these people. And oh, I just love their "loving picture of the phony refugee family!" That is a downright despicable LIE! This was just a very brief post to show how "liberal" Christianity Today truly is.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Hey 'Big Brother' leave our Churches Alone!!!

Some of my readers (with long memories) may recall me writing about how the government has been 'enlisting' the clergy basically as nothing less than 'spies.' Officially, these men of the cloth are being given 'brownie points' in addition to their already 'tax exempt status,' which has been nothing short of being the equivalent of the 'Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire.' I've told people flat out- if you are attending a 'tax-exempt' church- LEAVE!!!

BTW, good luck 'finding' a church that isn't 'tax exempt,' but at least you can be sure those type of pastors are not 'being told' what they 'can and cannot say!' That's just ONE of the problems with all these tax exempt Synagogues of Satan!!! There are many more, but that's for another post.

Our Founding Fathers created the 1st amendment for a very good reason. Not the least of which is the 'separation of church and state.' Now, don't be a dumbo as many are thinking it means 'separation of church FROM state!' That's what the loonies would have you to believe. And anyone with a working brain should EASILY be able to 'decipher' the true from the false.

But (as usual) I digress...

As I began saying when I sat down to write this post, I had told you guys about the "Clergy Response Teams" (CRT's) which those on the Luciferian side of our political aisle sit on have introduced to the detriment of us ALL!!! Good luck, figuring out 'who' the Luciferians in our government are (estimates I've heard average, 80-90 percent in the House, and 100 percent in the Senate)! PS, I worded my sentence as such because I don't buy into the false 'narrative' (as far too many do) of the 'left vs right,' blah blah blah garbage, and neither should you. Most politicians could give a damn about YOU the average citizen. But, if you're an 'elite,' or work for an elite ie "lobbyists," well then then 'love you!' No, the average career politician only cares about getting 're-elected,' and getting his/her pension, raises, and maybe having a 'bill' named after them.

So, is it any wonder with our country becoming more tyrannical by the day, that our religious institutions would be 'immune' from this future Utopian 'pie in the sky' type of new world order, aka "globalism?" No, it shouldn't be if you're not too busy watching some stupid sitcom or anything that prevents you from using your mind for that which it was created for, not to mention how little of our brains even those who do use them do. In other words, use your brains more- your TV and other 'non-essentials' less! These 'clergy response teams' are HERE NOW, and they're for real!

They've been given (along with a little 'title,' or Judas-goat 'certificate' to hand along with their useless Seminary degree, the task of 'helping' their congregations (and anyone in need) with the advice to 'turn on your guns' in a case of a 'civil disturbance,' or natural disaster, and (as that weren't bad enough), report to your local FEMA shelter! That pretty much sums up the entire purpose of these CRT's! Any 'pastor's' reading interested??? You'd make a great contribution to the New World Order, and be the greatest 'Judas-goat' to your own fellow Americans...just sign on the 'dotted line,' (or you may just lose your 'government entitlement tax-exempt status!'

I 'made up' the last part, but hey, you never know. A pastor used to living high on the hog due to being 'tax free,' being threatened by a government 'enforcer,' just may be more realistic than Jay Cutler ever taking the Chicago Bears to the Superbowl! My Chicago readers will understand this 'inside joke,' the rest of you- never-mind.

But, even with my knowledge of how things are going down, even I (your very favorite blogger in the Universe) cannot know it all! I am writing this thanks to having just learned about a 'couple more' Big Brother 'con-jobs' being beta-tested among the flock and their 'fearless leaders.' I'm still 'foaming at the mouth' out of disgust, to the point, I'd rather THEY explain it to you. I'm too hopping mad and disgusted. But truth be told, I'm not as disgusted with Big Brother as I am with the Churches! And their smooth-talking, 'I'm okay, you're okay, we're all okay,' and 'name it and claim it' IDIOTS that I put this way more on THEM than I do our government. Government's do what government's do- cheat, steal, take advantage of the most disadvantaged all in their pursuit of 'money, control and power,' and I think we ALL already know that!

But, it's what we don't know that 'hurts us!' And our own 'chosen men of God' (Lucifer mainly now) have become AS CORRUPT, if not more so than our government, and I am soo glad I left the 'Church scene years ago!' See, you've been LIED to if anyone has ever told you 'you need to attend church!' Next time anyone tells you than line, ask them just 'where' in the bible does it say such a thing??? What the bible DOES say, is we 'ought' to have 'fellowship' with like-minded believers! And that applies to whether you believe in the God of the Bible, or you believe a 'door-knob' is your 'higher-power,' (ahem, AA).

This is why I stated earlier in this post this is NOT just an 'issue' that should make a 'Christian' angry, but an issue that should make 'American's' of ALL 'race, color, creed, belief, lack of belief, etc, etc. This is nothing but yet ANOTHER 'intrusion upon ALL of our privacy, plain and simple. DONE!

I'm posting the link down below, whether you read it or not....(fill in the blank)

"Is your church an NSA spy?" 

Sunday, March 20, 2016

New Posts Coming! You're Gonna Love It!

I don't always have the time to spend to sit down and write a post, but that just may change very soon (more on that at another time). I love to write, it's like a part of my inbred DNA. 

My (maternal) grandfather, who passed away when I was very young, though I do have some memories of, was himself a writer, and a 'poet.' Not only that, his work (writing) was though so highly, much of it was used in the New York City Public School system, yet he never even finished school. 

In my family are other members of the so called 'main-stream media.' I have a (paternal) uncle who (now retired) worked for not only WGN in Chicago, but is now a 'national' broadcasting network (I happened to have even lived just a few mere blocks from the station as a child on Chicago's North side). He went on to become a big-time 'editor' at NBC news. 

Though I've never met this particular relative, nonetheless, I'm aware of a (maternal) relative, probably a second cousin, who happens to be a 'writer' for the New York Times, I believe it is. He was located out of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 

So, I suppose 'writing runs in the family.' Though no one in my 'immediate family' has even any signs of any writing abilities, or attributes. And speaking of 'poetry,' I have written poetry throughout my entire life. I can still recall writing poetry even as a child. I guess I too have 'writing in my DNA.' 

Having said all that, as stated I just may be having more time to spend 'tapping the keys' than ever before. Don't ask. At least not now. In a fairly short amount of time however, I just may explain how I will now have the time to spend writing. 

I have many, many topics already in mind, as I do at just about any given time. The problem has always been a 'shortage' of just that- time! 

But, be on the lookout because once I set my mind to something, as my own mother would tell you, "there is not stopping me." 

Topics to look for in the very near future will be 'extremely diverse,' including subjects covering: the paranormal, dealing with spiritual warfare, dealing with possessed people, being 'called' to be an 'exorcist,' and though I'm far from being Catholic, I never have cared much for the term, "deliverance," which is used by most 'non-Catholics.' 

There will of course be topics on the bible, 'false doctrine,' apostate pastors and their ungodly lifestyles. Martial arts, self-defense (yes, there can be a difference between the two, and I do have over 30 years of personal experience), gee, just name or think of a 'topic,' and I'll cover it! I'm extremely well-rounded in my knowledge of many, many topics. I truly believe that is a gift of God! 

Other topics will cover the upcoming 2016 'election,' should we even see one, many schools of thought on that, many of which of course are mere speculation at best, but considering what America has gone through and done since that fateful day, September 11th, 2001, all bets are off! And I have studied politics just about my entire life. Yes, I am 'fully awake.' Many will understand that expression, some will not. If you're the latter, you'll understand very well- should you stick around! 

Well, I've mentioned many topics, and yet there are so many more I could easily cover. I can say this, topics of 'special interest' near and dear to me are: "hauntings," (grew up in a haunted home, has even 'followed me,' whatever it is you want to call it); topics dealing with the Bible (in general, but specifically "end times"), and all things bible, ...topics on 'secret societies,' black magic, basically anything and everything 'paranormal.' I know many of my 'Christian' readers may 'cringe' at such topics, but it has been an issue in my life having influenced me going back to my child-hood days. It's as though I have a 'duality' thing (for lack of a better term) going on around me. I'd call it a 'battle' between the forces of 'good vs evil.' Speaking of, (again, not something Christians may enjoy), the fact that I do have "abilities," that go back again to my childhood days. If you think about it, what much of the 'secular world' would call 'abilities,' can indeed be found in the Bible as some of the "gifts" God gives to certain individuals of which the apostle Paul speaks perhaps the most about, at least by comparison to the other apostles. would be a great 'post' writing about just what did the 'early church fathers, from the Medieval times think of such claims. Gotta be careful there! I can 'hear flames now in the background!' The flames of those whom call themselves Christian and are 'judging!' Well, stick around because you're more than likely to learn things you've never even 'heard' before, let alone considered or imagined!' 

See, I can honestly tell you as I write this, I'm getting 'goose bumps,' out of just the pure 'excitement,' of merely mentioning these various topics! With a wide variety such as what I've listed, one would be extremely hard-pressed to 'label me,' as any particular style of writer. I credit that with my fascination of the world as a whole. I've always enjoyed even simply 'watching people' at the mall. People watching, as they call it. I live it! It's entertaining, you may see something you least expected to see, etc, etc. Best of all, I learn from 'watching other people.' And my life has always been about 'learning.' I think the list of topics is a testimony to this. 

So, strap in your seats, cause this could be one 'wild and crazy ride!' And if you haven't already done so, please subscribe, like or whatever. I'm not even sure how all you can connect with this site! My focus is writing! And my writing is both entertaining, and very educational, and controversial. 

And as usual, I always look at my stats, and know that I have readers all across this globe, to which I am so flattered. It is for you all that I write, at least attempt to will as much vigor as possible. I want people to walk away from my blog saying, I never knew that, or 'wow,' that was interesting! Who knows, I may even throw in some 'fiction,' for NO EXTRA CHARGE!, lol. I don't charge- period! I have however written some fiction, with quite some success. 

Well, there you have it. A few good reasons, to look forward to a new day, and coming to Descent Into Tyranny! 

Have a great one, I love each and every one of my readers like you would never know!!! 

New Post in the Making! Subject? Dealing with Difficult People, Especially Christians!!!

I am currently attending bible college, not so much to 'learn' anything, the Holy Spirit is my 'ultimate professor!' so my attending a bible college is more due with more respect to receiving that 'little piece' of paper that gets put in a frame, hung on a wall, and 'shown,' to perspective persons whom as in the 'secular' world will request as though this 'piece of paper,' is gold, when in reality it may (if not most cases) ...

...those 'pieces of paper,' are NOT worth the cost of the paper (and ink) it took to create! I'm sure I'm not the o\nly one who is beginning to 'hold' to this belief! 

First of all, just 'which' bible college, or 'seminary,' did Jesus or ANY of his 'disciples' (with the exception of Paul, though he didn't literally walk with Christ on earth as did the others), have? And what 'level' of 'education' had THEY reached, for the Son of God to have personally 'call them' to His ministry? 

Oh, okay Peter, 'just give me a few days and I'll do a 'background check on you as to your educational grades, so forth and so on.' Did any of you "bible thumpers" ever recall reading through any such passages of Scripture, or did I 'miss' something? 

Thought the above question is 'satire,' the sad fact of the matter is that yes! Indeed, approach just about any of your 'local mega-churches' asking for a job,' and be ready to expect pull out a copy of your 'school transcripts!' 

Yet even through all this 'bureaucratic red-tape,' you will find more 'false doctrine' coming through these 'mega-churches,' than you'll find any 'truth,' coming out of any of our elected representatives mouths sitting in Washington D.C. 

A person's 'true measure' of one's knowledge of Christ is NOT to be found on a 'piece of paper,' but in a person's heart! In their 'conduct,' in 'all their affairs!' And in the 'fruit' the lives produce. Sadly far too many 'hiring offices' at Christian ministries still depend on a mere 'worldly standard' than what is in their prospect's heart. This should not be. 

To be continued....

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Top border chief to agents who object to Obama amnesty: ‘Look for another job’

"Well, if you really don’t want to follow the directions of your superiors, including the president of the United States and the commissioner of Customs and Border Protection, then you really do need to look for another job,” he said."  (quote from title of article). 
Excuse me, but the 'president' does NOT 'make the law!' He is to 'follow the law,' AND 'defend the law, ie Constitution, per his oath! What part of 'defending the United States against 'enemies' both foreign and domestic does Obama not understand?! Now before you 'label' me a "xenophobe," which I'm not, but that's how the 'tolerant liberal left' operate. They have nothing to bring or add, and certainly cannot 'debate' the facts, so they resort to name-calling like the little children they are. 

Let me state for the record that I have absolutely no problem with people coming from other countries (perhaps some Islamic countries would be an exception) to make a better life for themselves in America. And sure you'll hear the 'argument,' well this country was 'founded on the back of immigrants.' While true to a great extent, not 100 percent accurate, those who did come here from other countries did so- "LEGALLY!" We knew who these people were, what their past consisted of, whether they were 'criminals on the run,' ie having a criminal record, etc., etc., etc. The same cannot, cannot be said of those coming across the southern border today! For starters, those who came here 'legally' through Ellis Island, came here to 'assimilate,' ie blend in with the American culture, thus they had no ulterior motives from the get-go,' unlike today's ILLEGALS, yes I use that word because I'm not 'politically correct' (brain-washed) thank God! 

And if you don't like my rhetoric, then read this 'first post,' and stick that in your head and let it dissolve ever so slowly... reasons why most illegals will not/do not 'assimilate,' unlike those who came here legally! LINK-READ-ANALYZE! By the way, our own government has gone out of its way to make it 'convenient' for illegals to 'not assimilate,' by teaching Spanish in 'American schools,' (and not as a second language!); by printing important documents in both 'English and Spanish,' not to mention the ever so annoying calls you make where it 'asks' 1 for English, press 2 for Spanish. 


The government and powers that be understand full well that by not promoting 'assimilation,' such as 'language,' which is one of the most important factors in 'moving up' in life no matter what country you decide to invade. Not knowing the 'language' will leave you in the DUST underneath those who do know the 'official' language of the country! So, in other words, they intentionally want to 'keep you down,' my dear Mexican and south American brothers and sisters! But you'll NEVER hear that reported or demonstrated as being the truth! See just how, 'racist' I truly am? I'm telling those who come here the truth! By not 'assimilating' you are intentioally being made a 'sub-class' of American culture, get that in your heads! Don't believe the LIE, America needs to 'cater to your culture,' because we don't! 

Here's just how hypocritical the "immigration system is." Mexico primarily the source of our illegals, come from a country with one, if not THE most 'intolerant' immigration laws on the face of our planet!!! Do you realize 'Mexico' DEPORTS more illegals than the United States? Did you know it's a 'FELONY' to be an 'illegal' in Mexico? Read on..."Mexico's Immigration Laws." 

Try running there and having a baby, and expect them to 'cater' to your language and way of life! when their laws are the most 'anti-immigration possibly in the entire world. Ranks high up the list to say the least. But, I digress. I have a tendency to do so, as my readers are well aware of by now. 

Back to our "Presidente," 

This guy, 'taught Constitutional law?' That's got to be yet another full-blown LIE, as are so many other anomalies about this 'Manchurian president!' The Speaker of the House, which in accordance with the US Constitution said it perfectly (and I don't care for this 'speaker') when he said the president must realize Congress is a 'co-equal' branch of government, the Supreme Court being the third 'co-equal' branch. 

This little nugget of truth is taught (at least was) in EVERY US 'civics' class taught in middle-school, and Obama, Mr "Constitutional attorney" (what a joke) doesn't even realize this? But, hey this truth taught in 'civics class' which EVERY US student HAD to PASS in order to 'graduate' has probably been replaced with "Common-Core" a form of teaching that literally promotes '2+2=5!' I am NOT kidding, it's that bad. Any wonder why students having 'graduated' from a certain year onward cannot even point to a US 'state' on a map?, let alone a foreign country on another continent? 

Yes, our kids are being 'intentionally subdued from knowing the truth by design! Again, "Common-Core" is a major factor in this. If you're a parent, or have are simply concerned about the future of our children, as they do represent the 'future of America,' you owe it to yourself to learn about "Common Core," or you have no one to 'blame' when your kid or anyone else's kid really screws things up which could affect your way of life as these 'children' will one day be the leaders and those in positions affecting the direction of this once great country known as America.

To make it easier for you, I've taken the liberty of posting an article called: "5 Reasons the Common Core Is Ruining Childhood" (source: Huffington Post); hardly considered a 'conservative' organization. 

Let me just say one more thing (as though someone's gonna stop me, lol); the bottom line here is the 'false narrative' being driven by the media about immigration in general. I've argued just why the illegals of today are NOT the illegals who helped make America great! I have no axe to grind with anyone looking to make a better life for themselves and their families, nothing! However, there is a 'right way' to do things, and there is a 'wrong way' to do things. 

Matter of fact, MOST both US born Hispanic-Americans, and those who came to America- 'legally' absolutely RESENT what is going on and how Mr Unconstitutional professor, are doing! Fact: an astounding 64 percent of Hispanic Americans, and those who've come here the 'right way' are opposed to 'illegal immigration,' fact! 

Source? 64 percent of Hispanic-Americans oppose 'illegal immigration!

And just for good added measure, I happen to be one of them! Fair disclosure, my heritage lies in Spain, Italy and Germany. Keep in mind, Italian and German-Americans were once a threat and many locked up simply because of their heritage during World War 2. 

Source: German-American treatment during WW2.

Source: Italian-American treatment during WW2. (WW2 Secret: Italian-Americans Internment as Alien Enemies)

I think it's fair to say America does have an "illegal alien" problem. A BIG problem, and it is certainly NOT being dealt with correctly by Obama or his little 'cronies.' 

May God continue to bless America, though we do NOT deserve it! (2 Chronicles 7:14) -KJV

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Suspicious “Ominous Warning” Issued by the Cable Company, Flased Across my television screen during ‘wee-hours’ of the night.

*The following 'account' is a 're-post' from my Facebook page.

" I happened to have seen the strangest message, a 'warning' scroll across my television screen yesterday morning during the ‘wee-hours’ of the night (maybe around 3 am?). Anyway, I just happened to have fallen asleep with the TV on, and woke up, shortly after saw that warning. It was so 'ominous looking.' I just stared at it! Then it disappeared, as quickly at it appeared. I immediately grabbed my smart phone, in the hopes it would come back. It did! And I have a 'copy' of this 'ominous warning,' which to this moment I really can't even say just 'what' it was about. What I know and can report, is it said, this was a 'warning...' and it then went on to 'list' a whole bunch of 'states!' Now, I know full well there are 2 'counties' (Cook & Will) in Illinois which were both under a 'blizzard' stand-by. However, this message had absolutely 'nothing' to do with the 'weather.' The list of 'states' were all over the US, no particular order, or under no 'known threats' of any kind that I am aware of, and I use a website 'ROAS?' I think is the name, anyway it shows ALL the states/countries with 'active threats/warning.' So, at the very least, this was bizarre! I wonder how many others had seen that warning. Thank God I had the presence of mind to grab my smart phone and record this message. I can one say easily imagine a day when a message such as this will announce "martial law," or the "collapse of America!" I really want to 'post that video,' but I'm not sure it may be a wise thing to do? I think 1 of 2 things were in play here. !) this may have been a 'test run' for what is to come. And 2) someone just may have inadvertently pressed a 'button' they weren't supposed to. I would tend to go with the latter, as the warning, was 'mysteriously cut-off' before it has even completed with its listing of 'states.' Also, our local cable provider, had just recently installed 'new cable boxes.' It was an 'upgrade.' Yeah, as in 'they can now see and hear us better!'"

The preceding incident occurred during the 'early morning hours,' of Wednesday, February 24th, 2016. I still 'may' post the video of what I saw, but for now I'm going to hold off.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Awesome Video on Witchcraft in the Church

Hi guys, just happened to have viewed an 'awesome' video on a 'Christian' evangelist from the early 1900's credited with having started the '4 Square' Pentecostal denomination. 

Her name is 'Aimee Semple McPherson,' and even in her time she was considered 'controversial.' Now, after watching this video, you'll learn even more, from having gone down the proverbial 'rabbit hole,' to investigate just who this woman was whom by the way is still adored today (mainly within the Charismatic Pentecostal movement). 

This will be an 'introduction' on my behalf of how 'witchcraft' has already 'infiltrated' the Church, all by design. And it's only going to get worse, if truth be told. 

Without further ado, here is the link to the YouTube video. It's around just under 40 minutes, but it goes fast, it's so interesting. All the credit goes to the 'producer' of the YouTube video. I'm simply presenting it here as it ties in nicely with my work. Like I said, I will be presenting more in an entire 'series' devoted to how 'witchcraft/Illuminati/Satanism/Freemasonry' (long list!) have ALL infiltrated the Churches. Is it any wonder how a man such as Joel Osteen (just one of many examples) can 'succeed' and make tons of money, while he is not even preaching the Word of God, and therefore as pastor, he is responsible (to a degree) of the place his viewers and members of his congregation will spend their eternities! 

This is why I am so sickened and have a heart for 'false doctrine.' As the bible clearly teaches believers that in the last days, many 'wolves will enter the church' seeking whom they may devour. 

Here's the YouTube link! Enjoy! CLICK HERE!

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Just a Quick 'Shout-Out!'

Was just looking over my 'stats,' as I like to do from time to time. It's especially nice knowing I have an 'international audience.' I'm extremely humbled and excited about that. 

So, I see various countries from time to time, and from all parts of the world. As the title mentions, I'd like to give a quick 'shout-out' especially to those in Spain, Italy and Germany as I have ancestry that come from those countries. I do speak 3 languages. Some more 'fluently' than others. But currently I am 'brushing up' on my Italian. So, Ciao a mia famiglia de Italia. 

I realize the 'dialects' can and do 'differ' from country to country, not unlike right here in the United States. I'm from the Midwest, and have relatives in the East coast to (of all persons) have told me they can notice my 'mid-western' accent, to which I'd return a 'blank stare,' until I began to 'pick-up on the thicker 'mid-western' accent of those living in Minnesota, which is not that far away from me, and then I realized I do have a 'mid-western' accent (just not as 'thick' as those from Minnesota, lol). 

Anyway, no matter what country or state you're from, I love you all! I can honestly say that as one who has been called into the ministry to preach the Gospel, and spread the Truth, shine a light in the dark, and set the 'captives free!' 

God bless you all, and I thank God for each and every one of you, and pray for you all. You're all in my prayers! 

God bless! 

Saturday, February 20, 2016


In keeping with yesterday's post on the 'theme' of the elites plan for 'depopulation' of the "useless eaters" as they call us, I just happened to have found this article I had read and commented on from a few years ago. The article is from The commentary is 'mine.' 

This article is actually 'undeniable proof' the 'global elite' want to 'kill off millions, upon millions' of people, and it comes from no less than Prince Philip, Queen Elizabeth's "German" husband. These people are so 'fake' and full' of deceit, the "British" royal family is as British, as McDonald's, okay. But, I digress. 

The Royal family of England are of 'German descent.' Is it any wonder why they've had their little leaked photos of Prince Harry, being spotted at one of their 'Eyes Wide Shut' parties, dressed as a Nazi officer?! No, it shouldn't be a surprise, to persons such as myself, and other researchers. Oh sure, Fox news (barf) actually reported on this story, showing the 'would be king' (never happen), wearing to whom his families 'loyalties' truly belong to. 

But, of course the prince needed to be 'chastised' for political correct purposes, as we are constantly beat into our brains the death of '6 million Jews,' when Stalin and Mao "each" killed more of their own than did Hitler, not making excuses for the bastard, just pointing out somewhat of a 'preference' in historical memories of 'worst atrocities.' 

Anyway, there is the 'link' to the video of the "English" prince, on his thoughts about 'population control.' Enjoy you "useless eaters!" 

Link- click me!

Friday, February 19, 2016

California Board Rejects Measure Mandating Condoms In Adult Films

I saw this headline and couldn't resist posting this to my blog. Just what king of 'people' would cast such a vote not being in favor of 'porn stars' wearing condoms when we have a world filled with 'sexually transmitted diseases?' 

Just 'who' are these people? I am in no way in favor of 'pornography,' in any form, shape or fashion, but still...I think it's only 'common sense,' to protect yourself if you're going to be involved in this disgusting industry. But, what do I know. Maybe it's just better we spread STD's all over the United States, and the world for that matter. 

Keep in mind, the 'elites' would like the world population to be 'ideally' at 500 hundred million people (in the entire world). To put that number in perspective, the United States has a population of roughly around 330 million people. Currently there are an estimated 7 billion people on the earth. 

Do the math, that would mean a 'lot' of people would have to die! You might think, that's impossible, they couldn't kill that many people. Well, think again. Because if you understood these 'psychopaths' have used WAR, and 'famine, pestilence, and disease to kill people in mass throughout history, why wouldn't they do it again? 

It's called, "Population control." And if you haven't heard about it, you had better start! Former President Bill (Slick Willy) Clinton mentioned the name of a professor he greatly admired. The name? Prof. Carroll Quigley, the author of a book titled "Tragedy and Hope." I first stumbled across this 'tome' of a book, back in college in the mid 1990's doing research for a paper. 

Well, in the book the 'good' professor talks openly about "population control." and basically pointing out the 'need' for such a thing. So, I have been researching and familiar with this term ever since the 'mid 1990's.' It's kind of hard to forget a subject dealing about the 'need' to reduce the size of the population on the earth! And this man was President Clinton's 'favorite professor,' while in college. This subject goes much further down the proverbial 'rabbit hole,' but that will come at another time. 

Suffice to say, it's enough knowing there are people in this world operating in the highest levels of government, academia, etc, etc, who are delusional, and really and willing to 'reduce' (get rid of) people all for the sake of "Mother Earth." Or so they would have you to believe. Like I said, once you learn about 'population control.' your eyes will be 'open' like never before. Do a simple Google search on this topic. See, the world is not as it appears to be. Many are just now waking up to this fact (not conspiracy garbage, I don't indulge such garbage), and I one day innocently learned about this in the mid '90's simply working on a report for a course. 

Here's the link for those so inclined to read about it. Click here.

Source: Tragedy and Hope by Prof. Carroll Quigley

American's, it high time you realize the world is not as you've been taught! 

Friday, January 29, 2016

Yes, There Are Paid Government Trolls On Social Media, Blogs, Forums And Websites

And as is my normal custom, I 'back-up' what I say! Here's the link to just one of over '800,000' posts online about 'paid government trolls.' Nice huh? Well, I got news for you 'troll-scum,' I'm done! I'm not playing your games any longer.

Dropped Facebook

Today was "D-Day" for "Facebook!" Been thinking about it for some time now. But just today after having dealt with yet more "government paid TROLLS," that was it!

It's a known fact, our 'loving government.' has been paying people to do nothing more than cause havoc by replying to comments randomly to people's posts for no other purpose than to be 'agitators,' and I've had it. I'm not going to be someone's scapegoat!

At the same time, I have a voice, and nothing, or no one is going to silence me, no one!  I'm not on social media to make friends! Should I meet like minded individuals, great. But I'm NOT going to play on the 'enemies platform,' knowing full how out of control my government has become as to 'stoop down' to such a ridiculous level as to literally pay people who have nothing better to do with their lives than to make stupid remarks, regardless what you say. Enough. Done!

To the 'friends' I left behind on FB, I let them know where they could find me should they want to stay in touch. And now I'll find out just 'who' my true 'friends' are. I can assure you that I will not be holding my breath!

THIS is my platform, those which are respectful, and act mature are more than welcome here. And I can also assure my followers, no one will be allowed to be bullied, or trolled! Because I will smack you down with 'cold hard truth and facts!'

Monday, January 4, 2016

BREAKING: Oregon Stand-off with US Government

A couple years ago we had the now infamous government 'stand-off' known as "Bundy Ranch" in Nevada. The situation involved the BLM (Bureau of Land Management) vs a 'rancher.' The BLM attempted to 'illegally' confiscate land owned by the Bundy family. A group of American 'patriots' (many armed, many not) stood 'toe to toe' against the BLM, a 'bogus' un-constitutional organization that has no more 'legal standing' than the also 'unconstitutional' entity known as the Federal Reserve. First off, the Federal Reserve is 'NEITHER' federal, nor a reserve! The same is the case with this BLM organization.

So we've got a potentially serious situation, a possible 'stand-off' in Oregon between ranchers and the FBI, and one of the 'trending' topics on Facebook is 'Megyn Kelly.' How pathetic!

Oh, and BTW, Fox News (fair and balanced, joke), did a little 'hit-piece' on the Oregon situation, and the first words that came out of the reporter's mouth (Greg Jarret, doesn't matter, could have been any of those idiots) was "anti-government militia." He then talked to a 'former' FBI negotiator who called these people, (get ready for it...) "domestic terrorists!"

 I have 'personally' been watching this story unfold via 'alternative media,' and NO, not via Alex Jones (NONE of his people were even anywhere to be seen); I understand he is just now about to 'send someone out there,' but these people of Oregon are 'everyday average hard-working, decent, honest people,' whom Fox News have now 'demonized,' with their little 'hit piece.' This is yet another example of how 'mainstream media' (MSM) has lost ALL 'credibility!'

 If Fox is saying this about these people who believe and stand for what the US Constitution is all about, imagine what CNN and MSNBC are saying. I have 'turned off' MSM going back to 2008 when Obama was 'coronated,' and have not looked back. I'll tune in like today, to see whether they're even 'reporting' on this important, potentially deadly situation,' or hear/see 'clips' via alternative sources, but I've been done w/MSM since 2008, and I can say I know what is going on both 'nationally and globally' better than people who watch the MSM all day long. And if you don't think 'this story' is important, shame on you!!! These people are NO DIFFERENT than 'you and I!' So, if the MSM, and others and the government, can do what they're doing, and saying what they are saying about 'those' people you can BET your LIFE, it CAN happen to YOU!

Also, as if Fox News hadn't lied and butchered up this story enough, they've reported that 'schools in the county' where this situation is happening have 'shut-down' for the week. Now, 'that part' is correct according to people on the ground in Oregon. BUT, here's what Fox News and other MSM will 'not' tell you. This, also comes from credible sources on the ground in Oregon. These 'schools' are being shut-down' because in these types of situations, it's a known fact the FBI will use these locations as 'staging areas.' Again, this comes from a credible source on the ground in Oregon.

Coincidentally, (there are no coincidences) King Obama is 'all of a sudden' going to be 'talking' with the American people about 'his plans' (in reality the plans of his 'masters' that pull his strings), will be discussing his 'strategy' to combat all the mass (staged) shootings across America. Opps, did I say 'staged?' You betcha! Many Americans are wide-awake, and don't fall for the lies of the MSM, and government propaganda. It's becoming more and more obvious Obama's plan to 'disarm' American's of their 'God-given rights' to protect, and defend themselves, will happen in 'small increments.' He and his 'handlers' know were an all out flat 'gun grab' be attempted, the American people would rise up en mass! So, don't be fooled. This is clearly Obama's plan to 'neuter' the American people of legally being able to 'defend' themselves against an 'out of control tyrannical government.'

PS, for those who know American history and how America became a nation having declared it's independence from Great Britain, the colonists rebelled against their 'oppressor' (Great Britain) over MUCH LESS than what is and has already happened here in America over the past several years, 9/11 being the 'awakening.'

Stay tuned. To be continued....