Thursday, June 23, 2016

BREXIT...Independence Day for the UK?

Having heard reports on the ground it appears as though there seems to be some "confusion" at voting booths as to whether to use "pens, vs pencils." Obviously a vote in pencil can easily be erased, and changed to vote "remain." You know it will not go the other way. There is way too much money at stake for all the bureaucrats heavily invested in their political careers which entails a vote for remaining in the EU; ie "status quo."

The "death" of British MP Jo Cox appears by all appearances to have been a staged event; a false flag. Look at the "timing." Before her death, polls were showing the "vote leave" was in the lead by double digits. After, the polls took a "drastic change" into the other direction. Psy-OP? You'd be a fool to not think so. I even saw a video of her "mourning husband." He looked as "sorrowful" as many of these "crisis actors" here in America! He showed little emotion- at best! Really? Wife just shot dead and stabbed brutally, and he's showing "little emotion?" Come on. But, hey that's what is happening here in America with Obama attempting shamelessly to use whatever means to get "gun control." It's called "the end justifies the means," and Freemasons are well versed in these tactics, as well as the global elite's who are f*cking up our world. Their dreams of a Utopian society are nothing new.

BTW, no "exit polls" are being conducted, which is also yet another anomaly, even for the UK. I don't believe anyone will know anything one way or another at least not for another day. We'll see what happens. But don't hold your breath that the citizens of Britain will gain their Independence from the fascist EU dictatorship.

To be continued...

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