Friday, December 25, 2015

God is in Control

Proof from the very first chapter of the book of 'Job.'

“it is obvious that God is in control, for even Satan is told what he can and cannot do.” via the Vyrso Christian ebook Android app.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

OOH, OOH, Stop the Presses...Breaking News! Or Another 'Fake News Story' Planted by Our Government?

Was just going to return to my world of 'sanity,' after having poured through today's trash called, 'news,' when I see this headline;

"New York City Police on Heightened Alert Ahead of Holidays"

Interpretation, "be afraid, be very afraid!" Yeah, this 'may' very well be a 'real' story, then again...,
"In February 2003, Fox appealed the decision and an appellate court and had it overturned. Fox lawyers argued it was their first amendment right to report false information." (click here)
I believe it was just around this time last year I heard somewhere on the radio that the 'government' had 'revived,' yes you read that right- "revived" it's approval to 'air' known 'false reports' airing them via the media as being 'true reports.' I was 'scratching my head' after having heard that. But look it up. Until the 1970's (approximately) it was 'legally' okay for the media to report TOTALLY KNOWN FALSE REPORTS- received and paid for by our 'loving government!'

That 'law' has been re-implemented, and it is once again OKAY for the 'media' to once again report 'known false stories,' paid for by the government to have the media report false stories, it (the government) wanted to have aired! I kid you not. Go do the 'research' for yourself! So much for "FAIR AND BALANCED!" Is it any wonder why cable network news such as CNN and MSNBC have seen a major 'ratings' drop?

And yet, FOX News is STILL 'being believed!' (?) Unbelievable. I personally was a 'FOX' news viewer, as I identify myself with 'conservatives,' NOT 'liberalism' (socialism really). Yet, I cannot in fairness to my beliefs even call, nor consider myself a "conservative" anymore either, as that too has been 'hijacked,' by neo-cons (war-mongering doves, in sheep's clothing). So, I am a "constitutionalist!" As I stand for what the US Constitution says. NOT what some 'fake, liberal' posing as a 'conservative' would say.

Here's a link for further information on how 'your government' is knowingly and intentionally 'paying the media to report fake news stories!' Click here! 

Here's a List of Some of Today's STUPIDEST Stories!!! (I mean STUPID!)

I just cannot emphasize how 'dumbed-down' the government and the media is attempting, with great success I might add, to take people's minds OFF what is 'truly important' and what 'truly matters' to them. In doing so, these psychotic 'leaders' of ours, (not just here in America, but around the world) are intentionally doing to get your eye off the important things, but onto what is of absolutely no worth to society, while they plan, and maneuver their way into turning our way of life into the New World Order they so desperately want.

*Fan Watches 'Star Wars for 46 Straight Hours

There's plenty more. But, I've got work to do. I think you get the point by now. Enjoy your day. Check underneath your beds before going to bed, you never know, "ISIS" may be lurking underneath ready to 'attack!' (or so would the media have you believe). 

Judicial Watch Sues for Documents Withheld From Congress in New Climate Data Scandal

On a much more serious not, at least as much as I've had the time to scan today's headlines go. This is serious because of the little 'pow-wow,' all these globalists recently attended in Paris, and just 'conveniently' right after the 'terrorist' attack. I say that because after the 'attack,' which more and more intel is already coming out about that attack being yet ANOTHER 'staged false-flag event.' 

Due to that incident, and the fact Paris became virtually a "police state" with "martial law" and all the usual Nazi Gestapo like tactics, that 'incident' gave the city of Paris just the perfect cover to 'clear' the city, and make way...for the global, mafia, Luciferian loving, secret society, high-flying (HUGE 'carbon footprint') loving TYRANTS to have their conference in a totally 'secure' environment.

Put two and two together folks. You know when that many 'global pieces of snot' get together all in one place- security is always very tight. And you know there will always be tons and tons of 'protesters!' Seattle's IMF or G8 summit some years back brings back haunting flashbacks, of protesters basically destroying the city of Seattle. But, if we've already gotten 'martial law' declared due to a 'terror attack,' well now, you have a smooth situation in which to hold an important meeting, that will literally impact the lives of each and every person on 'Mother Earth,' (their term).

And I would 'challenge' ANYONE to prove to me that "climate change" aka "global warming," (though statistically the earth is going through a cooling period) to put their money where their mouth is, take their tail our of their 'arse,' I think that's who it's worded in the UK? and show me the data!!! I can say this, YES the 'climate' is most definitely going through some changes, even dramatic changes in some areas, BUT- were I naive, asleep and ill-informed, I'd believe these liars.

Fact is, "weather-manipulation" has been in play (as far as the public at least can trace it) since the 1950's going into and literally USED in the "Vietnam war!" Fact! Even the History channel has stated what I just wrote. And I don't consider the History channel to be a bastion of 'conservatism.' But, as I always say, do your own 'research!' That's one of the problems, people don't do their OWN research, and these globalist vampires who are leaching and sucking us all dry of our money, jobs, you name it, are counting on you NOT doing your research, and rather relying on the 'media.' Well, these people OWN THE MEDIA! It really is a small world. Click here!

I am so sick and tired about this 'climate change' garbage being reported as 'truth,' I'll even do you a favor and post some links right here on this blog for YOU to read and see what I'm talking about! See I'm well aware of "cloud-seeding," and "comtrails" (NOT "chem-trails," that's naturally produced from airplanes)..."Comtrails!" There's a lot more, but it's proof all this Paris Accord, or whatever they've called it is baloney! And incidentally many scientists who have 'dared' come out and rebuke this false 'climate change,' have turned up dead!

Here's some links to 'chew on!' Click below...

Here!, here! , and here!!!  Note: you'll notice, I take my 'research' from multiple places, as I NEVER rely on 'one single source!' And what I've listed, is only barely 'scratching the surface' of what these lying globalist gangster criminal pigs are trying to 'convince' you of, and how they are out 'looking out for you!' Remember that, should this be 'implimented' and your taxes go sky high, to the point you just may really have to contend with the 'weather,' because you won't have a roof over your head, if these bastards have their way! Excuse the language, but this is just one of the bigger issues I have with these filthy rich people who are hypocrites, flying around 'polluting' the skies with all their 'jet-fuel,' living high on the hog, of the backs of those who are losing their homes, due to cut-backs, job-cuts, high unemployment, the list goes on and on, and yet it's okay for these people to live in 'mansions,' with huge "carbon footprints," nice term, huh? Yeah, it's stupid, but it's THEIR term.

Hypocrites! ALL of them! UPDATED: link toe the original source here! 

Secret Service agent's gun, badge stolen near White House

A US Secret Service agent's gun, badge, USB flash drive stolen out of his car parked in their parking lot? and they're surprised, really? First of all, I don't buy that. The fact they're 'surprised.' It's a well known fact within the 'intelligence community' that the 'safest' place to 'hide' something is- right in the open!!! So, knowing that, and the fact a USB device was one of the items taken, and how the media, secret service is expressing how there's nothing to worry, "it's encrypted," means NOTHING to me! There are obviously people out there 'smarter' than at least this particular secret service agent who will know how to get to whatever 'encrypted' information is on that hardrive. Sorry, but something 'stinks' here.

Police: Woman Chants "ISIS is good, ISIS is great" During Sex

Here's just a sample, funny in a way, yet indicative of how this world is going 'mad.' Make sure to read the 'twitter comments.' 

On a more serious note, notice the name this 'terrorist' organization has taken. That has ALWAYS been an immediate 'red-flag' for me (as was '9-11,' ie emergency number used in the US, but it was 'Muslims' attacking?) especially knowing all about ancient gods (Greek, Egyptian, etc). You cannot tell me, this group whom has been proven to have been (still is) supported 'unofficially,' of course, by the US government, under our Muslim loving president. 

You may fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time, Mr Obama, and to the 'usurpers' within the US government. I'm on to your little 'occultic' trickery, through your 'secret societies,' and so forth. And many more are too. Here's the link.

PS, chanting 'Isis' during sex, may have been some type of occult ritual for all we know. But, hey if a 'Muslim' terrorist group wants to call themselves, "ISIS," have at it. Just shows how 'fake' all this is. But that's another post there. I can prove to you though, this so-called "war on terror," is as fake, if not more than the so-called "war on drugs." By the way, I think we all know (at least those here in the US) how that's been working out.

I continue to point out that I am in the US, because I know I have readers around the world. And I appreciate your stopping by! I'm looking out for your 'freedoms too!' I have an eye, and my pulse not only on the 'national' coming 'police state,' but the global coming 'police state.' See, we're now all connected in more ways than most realize.

The bottom line is, this is all about nothing short of a 'New World Order.' US presidents (traitors) have openly spoken about it, UK prime ministers have spoken about it, etc, etc. And guess what? They're ALL connected by one thing, their 'love and worship of their god, "Lucifer."'

 For those who know bible prophecy, they'll understand exactly what I'm speaking about. For those who don't, you'd better take a 'crash course,' on any number of things, but I'd highly suggest a read of the Book of Revelation!

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Behold: A Pale Horse *Absolute MUST 'Hear!'

Today I'm posting a very important link. This is more geared for those who are 'not awake' as yet, but is also a great refresher for those who are. It's a classic! This book was written by a man (William Cooper, 'credentials too long to write out), who accurately 'predicted' 9/11!

And NO, it was NOT 'Alex Jones.' Jones in fact, 'ripped off' much of his early material from William Cooper. I don't mean to demean Mr Jones, as he too played a part in my 'awakening,' but give credit where credit is due is my motto. You'll find the link below. If you like what you hear, just search 'William (or Bill) Cooper on YouTube.

He can also be found under: "Hour of the Times" which was the name of his radio show. BTW, he came along BEFORE Alex Jones, which is why I believe there was some 'animosity' between the two, especially as stated, Alex in the early part of his career did 'steal,' and not give 'proper credit' to Mr Cooper (not cool).

Anyway, here's the link to this amazing book. I do not 'agree' with everything (as I don't with most anyone); but there are many truths here that will help 'wake you up,' and see things in a new perspective, that the MSM (main steam media) and others, do NOT want you to be aware of. Listen closely, you may even want to do 'further research.' This man does know his stuff. I have personally researched, much of what he's said, and it checks out. Anyway, Click here!

Stay safe!

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Links to Posts I will Cover Today...New Feature on Blog

New Feature. I'm going to 'scan the  headlines' each morning, (as time permits). I'm going to 'post links' to the stories, and only the stories that I feel are of importance to America (and other countries too, I care about YOUR freedoms also)! I do have many readers from all over the world. So, I'll be looking out for your too. But, being American- my country comes first.

After having posted any number of 'important links' for that day; I'll come back later (due to my schedule & 'if time permits'); and write my thoughts on the issue. Otherwise, either way, whether I do get to 'look into these' (cannot emphasize, 'as time permits,' I carry a 'heavy load!), or not, PLEASE do read these 'important stories,' all the more if you see it may personally affect you, or a loved one.

*State of Michigan: If you live in the state of Michigan, this may be of crucial importance to you. Basically, government appears to be 'eyeing' a particular county (Huron), I believe. For what? Haven't read article- yet. But once I do, I'll be writing about my thoughts about it. You know it's going to be under the 'rubric' of Homeland Security, aka Homeland 'Insecurity' (my dictionary)! Click here.

*Churches, and Mosques 'under heightened fear.' Be afraid! Be very afraid! PS, government is preying (pun intended) on 'your FEARS!' That's what ALL this 'state-run terrorism,' via immigration is ALL about. Trust me!!! Not 'everyone' is asleep at the wheel, Big Brother! Click here. 

*Political Correctness: This is a subject, near and dear to me as it is one of our MOST BASIC 'GOD GIVEN HUMAN RIGHT! Click here.

Friday, December 18, 2015

"Missiology" or One Who Calls Himself a "Missiologist"

Up until just about literally 15 minutes ago, I was scanning twitter and came across a 'so-called,' Christian "missiologist." I stopped and scratched my head, and said to myself, what in the world is that? Mind you I'd grown up in the church. I'm a Biblical/Theological major, and have NEVER (until now) ever heard that 'term.'

Well, being the curious person I am, I looked up the definition. It was just about what I expected. Even the definition which came from a 'blog' of one of these self-proclaimed 'missiologists,' rightfully stated the term is confusing. Well, that's a 'red-flag' right there! Nothing of God should be 'confusing.' At least not within reason. But when something is as 'misleading' and just utterly asinine as this 'term,' you know it's not of God. Here's why.

According to Gailyn Van Rheenen, from Abilene Christian University, he writes in Missions: Biblical Foundations and Contemporary Strategies, "Missiology is made up of three interdependent disciplines: theology, the social sciences, and strategy." (1996:137).

Key word there is: "strategy." And that's where and why I have a serious problem with this "missiology" business. Having grown up in the church and being a biblical and theology major, until now I'd never heard of this unusual term. But, I am fully alert, aware, and wide-awake as to all the 'false movements,' heresies, fads, and what is nothing short of the "doctrine of devils" is! See, in today's 'post-modern' church, there are a plethora of 'false doctrines,' and practices that are straight from the pits of hell!

The apostle Paul 'warned' us of this in 1 Timothy 4:1,

"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils" 
(For more detailed information on the scripture given above, see: Encyclopedia of 7,700 Illustrations: Signs of The Times by Paul Lee Tan, ThD., section: Occultism, pg 911).

Note, he (apostle Paul) speaks of the "latter times." We are living in the "latter times." Anyone even slightly familiar with bible prophecy can easily see and understand the times we now live in. It's also no secret (for those familiar with various occultic writings) that those 'opposed' to Christianity have proclaimed they will 'destroy the church from within!'  When you hear about all the 'bizarre' fads that have swept through the church for the most part gaining momentum in the 1990's, with the rise of the so-called "seeker-sensitive" movement, it's not hard to see the doors have been literally opened 'wide-open' to all manner of  'false doctrine,' and to make matters worse, by those who are in leadership positions within these 'churches.'

What is 'false doctrine,' and how might you 'know,' and be 'aware' of such apostasy? First off, know the bible, ie 'read and study it.' Don't rely on whatever any man tells you, unless you've known the person, and can vouch for their sincerity, otherwise you may be dealing with one who has an agenda that is anything other than Godly. Secondly, since unlike the apostle Paul we are not able to 'walk physically with Jesus, we know that prior to his crucifixion (which he knew was coming), he told his followers,

"And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever...." (John 14:16; KJV)

Getting back to this "missiology," as the definition goes, it's about 'social sciences, and strategy.' That's exactly an aspect of the "seeker-sensitive" formula. See, instead of modelling the Church after God and his word, the Bible, these 'apostates,' use the ways and methods of building  a church as was the custom, these 'church-planters' (many of whom do this for a fee, if it's not for their own benefit or use), will literally walk around the neighborhood, (always a upper income area), and literally ask people 'what is it that you would like to hear in a church.' Something  to that effect, and even phrased in any number of ways.

The bottom line is to build or confirm a Church not into what God wants it to be, but into what 'man wants it to be.' Not only is this 'unscriptural,' it's flat out diabolical. Here's a couple of scriptures to help you 'see the point.'

"Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousnesss, and all these things shall be added to you," (Matthew 6:33)
"Be not conformed to this world" (Romans 12:2) 
"Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God." (James 4:4) 
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts," (Isaiah 55:8-9) 

It is any wonder just why many are leaving the church? Is it any wonder why most of today's modern churches are 'spiritually dead!' As the bible says, 'where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is He within its midst (paraphrase).' God is no respector of persons (Romans 2:11). You can be sure, God will never, honor, nor bless a 'church' built upon a group of misguided, self-seeking 'pastors,' looking for fame and a large congregation, bringing in big money, to build a bigger church, and fill your wallet, and ultimately helping you to live a life of 'luxury,' at the expense of those seeking guidance a 'supposed' man of God.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Great Sitting Bull Comment

I couldn't agree more. Personally, I would rather 'die,' than to live under tyranny and oppression. And I will NOT go down, without a 'fight.' Got that, New World Order, scum?!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Obama's 'Failed Nuke Agreement with Iran and His Comments on the Anniversary of the "Abolition of Slavery"

Obama 'trusts' Iran with nuclear weapons, and they've 'thumbed their noses right at America by having already broken a UN agreement against firing 'ballistic missiles.' Just goes to show how 'pro-Muslim' Obama is. But should you believe that 'only' endangers the state of Israel (whom Iranian leaders have already been on record as calling for the obliteration of Israel and the Jews), then take this 'remark' made just today at the 'Anniversary of the Abolition of Slavery.' 

Obama still clings to the mistaken notion that there is 'nothing wrong' with continuing to allow Muslims to enter into America as did millions of immigrants did during the late 1800's into the early 1900's.. I'm sorry, but there is NO 'comparison' to be made or had! And no, this is not being 'bigoted,' or "Islamaphobic." It's called having 'common sense!!!' Islam 'mind you,' declared war on America- not the other way around. The number of attacks against American interests both here and abroad (mind you 9/11), have proven time and time again, they (Muslims) and by the way, there is 'no such term as a "moderate Muslim" in the middle-east, per their own Imams, and clerics. It's an 'entirely' Western created phrase, THEY have been the 'aggressor,' or a number of reasons which could be an another blog topic in itself. Nevertheless, Obama likens the 'immigration' of Muslims as that of those who came before. There is NO comparison. Absolutely none. Not one of those 'ethnic groups' of immigrants came here with an 'agenda' nor had they attacked America in advance of their arrival. NONE. 

Secondly, try this on for size, for all the fools who are attacking Trump (and I am no fan of his, but he is saying what needs to be said)!. This is no different than if during WW2 after Germany had declared 'war' on America, we would have allowed "Nazi's and German's" to have continued to enter our borders! Did we allow such a thing? NO. Why? If you have to ask, I suppose you're one of the one's mocking Trump's statement on this very issue. How 'stupid' can 'stupid' be?

 In WW2, it was Germany who declared war on America, and we did NOT allow any German's to come into our country during that period. So please explain to me, now that "Islam" has already 'long ago' declared war on America (ISIS, aka IS, aka ISIL, aka Al-Qaeda), same difference, would it 'now' be acceptable to allow a 'sworn enemy' to our way of life, et al, and just accept them as 'immigrants" who came here (peacefully) as the ones I'd already referred to? You may say, 'well, not all Muslims are terrorists, but oh how funny it is that ALL terrorists are Muslims? All the one's who are stirring up the stability and taking lives, hitting 'soft-targets' let's not forget, being the cowards they are

. What is wrong with just putting on the 'brakes' until things cool down (which they won't, short of Islam getting its Caliphate), not to mention they're planning on putting up their flag on top of the White House? Do you think the American people during WW2 would have not had the same sentiment as I and many others do? I don't care how you want to 'slice' it, there is a 'war' going on between "Islam, Christianity and the Western Civilization as a whole.

 Oh, but today's culture has been saturated with this 'political correctness,' which is nothing short of 'verbal fascism,' that people don't want to be labeled as 'anything by anyone.' (the very same 'tolerant people' who HATE "Christians" and 'thinking for yourself!' HELLO! That's the cowardly, spineless way out the PC crowd has created to 'go along, to get along.' Unless, as stated, you have to 'disagree with them!' Then see just how 'tolerant' these fools are.

. We have to take drastic measures against drastic people and times. If not now, then when? When they've outnumbered us (higher population growth numbers- fact); once Obama has stripped American's of their God given right to bear arms under the 2nd amendment? And lets not forget the city of Detroit a shining example of political correctness having had its way, and now Detroit is not much different than any middle-eastern city. Is that what you want? Really? Is this 'bigoted?' Is this 'Islamophobic?' I don't think so. It's good old 'common sense! Something our leaders and 'social engineers lack, but they have their agenda, and too many are asleep at the wheel, to know just 'what' that agenda is!

 I could say a whole lot more on this. For one I have studied the 'religion' (so-called) of Islam. It is NOT a 'religion.' It is a 'political system' steeped in 'Sharia law,' and those who refuse to comply with it (Sharia law) will severely regret not adhering to my words, and those of Trump's.

 Just for the record, I am not 'anti-Muslim,' nor anti-any race! Did people 'claim racism' against not allowing German (and Italians) into America during WW2? NO. So this has absolutely nothing to do with 'race, or religion.' But it does have everything to do with a way of life, a 'political system' which seeks to overthrow our American way of life. It's that's being 'racist or bigoted,' I stand and plead guilty- proudly.

 I would advise all those in favor of Obama's comments to look into the 'religion' of Islam. Particularly "Sharia law," and how it (their 'sacred books and 'hadiths') speak openly about how to deal with the 'infidels,' ie you and I and anyone who is and will not 'convert' to the 'peaceful religion of Islam.' No Germans or Italians were allowed into America during WW2, nor should any Islamist be allowed to enter America during our "war on terror," which truth be told is a 'war against Islam.' 

Let FREEDOM REIGN, and may history PROVE Obama a "LIAR!" 

Saturday, October 3, 2015

"Paypal" and the "Mark of the Beast," (Yes, you read that correctly)!

I have now had not one but now a 'second' BAD experience with "Paypal," (within a three month period) which should never happen to anyone! I pray it NEVER happens to you! But, during my personal experience knowing the Bible and Bible "prophecy" as well as I do; along with 'current events,' ie: understanding the 'times' in which we now find ourselves; Paypal messed with the wrong person, and I am going to 'expose them' for who and what I believe they are and where they appear to be heading.

This upcoming post will not be an easy one to 'read,' nor possibly believe. Had it not happened to me- I may not have believed it myself. But, as stated above, what I went through (and it's not over with yet), is something NO person should ever experience! There may be a lawsuit coming out of all this, and I would hope the media would pick up on my story, not because it happened to 'me,' but because it can happen to ANYONE! ...and without you ever having done anything wrong! So, some may find this forthcoming post 'frightening,' if so good. This is a story meant to frighten you (in a good way) because as the Bible says, "My people perish for lack of wisdom."

Who knows, you just may end up hearing about my experience in the media sometime in the not to distant future. Until then, consider this post a "teaser," until I get some more 'intel,' on why certain things have happened. And trust me, there is something strange going on with "Paypal." You yourself may have already had an incident with them, or know someone who has. If so, I would love to hear about it! I will NOT post anything more beyond this, until I do speak with my attorney. This is something that I had heard about 'happening' to other people (in the media), but until it personally happens to you, it's easy to just brush it away. Were this merely an 'isolated' issue, I wouldn't bother talking about it, let alone 'risk' any potential blow-back as a potential "whistle-blower."

But, what's fair is fair, and what's right is right. Some things cannot be left unsaid, lest pure evil, corruption and a total disregard of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness be taken away from us- one piece at a time; as it already has, and if you thinks the times we live in are getting scary, I guarantee you- it's just the beginning (biblically speaking)! As the Word of God says in the book of Ephesians chapter 6, "we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against powers, dominion, principalities, and wickedness in high places."

In closing, I'm reminded of the famous saying, "all it takes  for evil to flourish is for good people to do nothing!" And with my understanding of 'bible prophecy, and current events,' Americans had better 'wake-up," before its too late. We are headed toward a Fascist, Marxist, Totalitarian political system backed up by a 'federalized police-state! Let me  just say, consider the "Mark of the Beast,       " with all its poisonous promises and phony 'pipe dreams' waiting right now in the wings. With this in mind, would it be to difficult of a stretch to believe that along that with the technology we now possess, that the literal "man of sin, the "lawless one," as referenced in the New Testament of the Bible is also waiting in the wings to be given the 'green light' to make his appearance known to the general public at just the right time.

If you have a Paypal account, or were considering getting a Paypal account, you just may think want to put that idea on hold for now at the very least. I suspect (highly) Paypal is deeply in bed with our government, going up to and including the highest levels of government, and the international banking system which is corrupting, and manipulating our government and  way of lives, to a greater extent and degree than any dystopian science-fiction writer, could have ever imagined.

George Orwell's book, 1984 comes close to painting the picture of what awaits us all. And yet I  believe, he himself would have found it hard to imagine, let alone write about just how out of control those who call the shots have become.

 unless divine intervention prevails, and we are given a least for now, the global elite who are well versed in the occult, and  of which have studied and attended some of the finest and biggest name theological seminaries of the world understand, having opened up 'pandora's box' they now know full well that all our times are running short, barring some 'divine intervention.'

unfortunately, for them and for us, their 'source' of intervention is a malevelant being who does not hold to the best interests of man, unlike the masses, many of which hold to a christians wolrview of a loving god who will not allow his people to perish.

therefore we now find outselves heading dead straight forward into a clash of civilizations between those who adhere to the luciferian maleveaent worleview, and those that will never relent from their belief in an all powerful god who will return to crush the very forces that oppose us and intend to suppress us into obvliviaon, be by war, disease, famine, or any number of a lack of resourses.

man's destiny immienently today stands at a crossroad between these two sides. the time to chose sides is over. either you are with the luciferians, or you are with those who know the god of the bible. eithe way, all will end in a cataclysmis grand finale, and a devastation the likes of which this world has has never known, nor will ever know again.

pandora's box has been opened. what is now going on in the middle east speficially in syria will only escalate to the final war of all wars as prophiesied in the bible. the  genie they (the global elite) have let out is the beginning of the countdown.

the writing is on the wal for all to seel. All our times are running short, and no one knows this more than the very persons who are pulling the strings.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Daily Beast, And Its Attempt To Stifle Free Speech

I had just gone to the Daily Beast (liberal paper, don't usually even bother reading) to read an article about a comment made by Cameron (UK prime minister), and Russia, interfering or not targeting "ISIS" but rather anti-Assad "freedom-fighters" which is a joke in itself. 

In that piece I couldn't help but find so much 'misinformation' I was dying to write a 'comment' about their story in the "comment section." Well, instead of being able to 'post a comment,' as had been the case (until today!) normally. But, "this" is instead what I came across! 



08.19.153:59 PM ET

A Note to Our Readers

As of today, we will be removing the commenting function off our site.
Like many of our fellow publications, we have noticed that the conversation around our articles is increasingly happening on social networks, not in the commenting section. More and more of you are reaching out directly to our authors to engage in lively and considered back-and-forth on Twitter, Facebook and other channels. We are hoping this decision will encourage and amplify more of this conversation.
Now, this doesn’t mean that commenting is gone forever: We are looking at multiple ways to bring you an upgraded commenting experience and would value your feedback at
The Daily Beast Team" 

Here's the link, click here! And being the person I am (lol), I couldn't help but to immediately write their 'editor,' at the email address listed above, which I would suggest (highly) others do was well. Others who 'care' about "freedom of speech" that is. And here is exactly what I said to the 'editor,'

It's a fact, the media has been losing 'credibility.' A poll just published yesterday or day before reflected as much. Hilary 'Rodham' Clinton herself made a 'comment' (possibly the only true statement she's ever made) stating, "We are in a information war, and we are losing that war."

So true! 

Friday, August 28, 2015

Virginia Reporter Shooting Story...aka Sandy Hoax 2.0!

Obama along with the likes of Michael (Scumbag) Bloomberg, and George Soros and Co. have made it so obvious that they are hell-bent from taking 'guns' out of the hands of people ie 'disarming America' (direct infringement of 2nd amendment), upon seeing this video, mind you I'd heard about it. Didn't bother watching the video for hours later.

Yet, upon watching it; I couldn't not even get through the entire video without having to 'freeze it,' every now and then due to some things that just did NOT 'add up!'

*NOTE: it's very late here. I just viewed a video on YouTube explaining this was 'fake,' something I'd already known. Nonetheless, great to know 'others are wide-awake' as well! So, due to the time, I'm simply 're-posting' my reply to the video stating this shooting was yet another hoax, rightfully so. And after (as seems to now always be part of the 'agenda,' family members are appearing on various nationally televised programs, and looking more like the 'zombie idiot' crisis-actors, with their lack or 'real sympathy.' I instantly knew at best, 'something was NOT right.

So here is my 'unedited reply' in agreement about this being yet another HOAX, or as I have called it; Sandy Hoax 2.0. God willing, I will be posting 'much, much more' on this blatant pathetic latest attmpt by Obama & co. to 'condition Americans' for 'controlled helpless society,' of these scum, for the scum, and to these scum! Again, being late here, forgive any grammar mistakes...

YouTube reply: (by me)

                   From the first time I watched this video "shooting," even before it ended- I had to pause it multiple times, in disbelief at how blatantly FAKE this video appeared!!! And now this!? I was waiting to 'see' the expressions of the 'relatives,' well...matched perfectly with all the other phony staged shootings! You'd think they (Obama, Soros and Co) would at least spend a little more money and get 'better actors.' Same M.O. big time! First off, being 'former military,' I don't see HOW you can 'miss your mark' that that distnce...2-3 ft? Then fired off 2 more shots (now up to 3), yet I did NOT notice '1' shot hit the target, until 'shot #3 or 4' which you can CLEARLY SEE 'shot the wooden floor!' as this "reporter was running." and the video 'ends.' Really? Even Alex Jones, (I'm a fan, but) couldn't see through this? Yet, he's so 'big into guns!' He couldn't have seen what I saw? He stated instead, 'well I've shot x.y and z animals' and they act differently after being shot. Some can continue on for several feet..." Maybe (I don't shot animals), but "THERE WOULD BE BLOOD!!!' Not 'one visible drop of blood?' Gee, BBC has their video 'confiscated' by some law enforcement agency. Gee, I wonder why? There's the fact, how could this guy walk up 'with no one's knowledge,' the expression on the 'interviewee' was no different than at best, that of someone having a 'skunk' near you, hoping it don't 'spray you.' The camera-man (not filming the 'interview'), the reporter's HIGH HEELS seemingly 'emphasized,' (best part of video, as that was a fine looking reporter, and high heels are sexy), and the fact this big bad 'shooter' had a perfect shot at her 'head/face,' yet, couldn't hit anything at so close? Had he have made any contact, "where was a drop of blood? Then she's running down the hall (in those sexy heels, lol) and it ends? Total 'Psy-Op!' And how can any 'relative,' or boyfriend do MULTIPLE interviews (not even being able to 'cry')? This is Sandy Hoax 2.0 plain and simple.              

Source: YouTube video. Hat tip; TeamWakeEmUp      

PS, please let me know what you think about what appears to be yet another staged attempt aimed at eliminating the 2nd amendment.                                                                  

Monday, August 24, 2015

Economic Advisor Harry Den' and His Pipe Dream!

I just got done watching an interview in the 'well known alternative media station,' carried nationally and globally. The guest, economic advisor Harry Dent. I'll just name the show, I do support them and have been proven correct time and time again. To all those who 'dismiss' it's creator Alex Jones, I suggest you do so at your own risk of losing a great deal of 'respect and credibility.' I have watched Jones since 2000, and he's not been wrong yet.

Be that as it may, not meaning to be 'side-tracked,' but a lot of 'main stream media,' (MSM) are going to appear as absolute fools, as Jones' research and guests have stated. Many of whom have appeared in MSM themselves. Side issue.

Okay, getting to the 'meat and potatoes.' At one point of the interview which was conducted not by Jones, but by co-host David Knight who arguably overall does a great job, though I do disagree with him more on some things, and less on other things than I do with Jones. I fall in between. Just a perspective in where I fall in. This may be all 'moot' to a non-listener, but for those who do listen, they'll understand. I am a 'political atheist.' I don't fall conveniently under these societal 'dressed up labels ie 'tribalism' in which the 'technocratic' and MSM,' via their think tanks and all the like would have you to be placed in. And don't allow yourself to be a 'victim' of this 'label/tribalism' type of mentality; look at what is going on nationally and globally right now! Spend 5 minutes of time in front of any news channel will prove me right.

At one point of the interview, the interviewer David Knight asked Harry Dent about Trump, or vice-versa, Dent brought up 'liking Trump' (for the most part). However, where Mr. Dent 'disagreed,' here is my point of when Dent stated regarding Trump's idea of "sending all illegal immigrants back to their native countries," Dent stated, he did not agree, stating, essentially that wouldn't be 'economically feasible.' Really?

At that point, I cannot express how much my 'blood pressure' shot through the roof in disagreement! Mind you, Mr Dent, proclaims to be the 'biggest reader on history.' Again, really? And he also 'studies cycles,' well Dent, I suppose you appear to me as though you are a 'economic deist' who thinks God just created the world, winding it up, and throwing it out into the universe, waved at it goodbye, and wished it 'good-luck,' as he (God) would leave it on its own. That is the 'theological' concept of 'deism,' and that is where MY 'specialty' falls in.

Not to belabor Dent's moot point dealing with his 'robotic theistic sounding cycles' which is my second point of contention with him, but it's fair to assume, he really is not half-way as intelligent as he would have himself wanting you to believe. I personally would LOVE to 'debate' this man given the chance, 'one on one,' regarding this 'cycle' garbage stating that "old jobs are replaced by better jobs historically speaking." Right. In some cases yes, but to what extent, and at what cost, Mr Dent? At the cost of those who are of a certain age where even 'retraining' would not be realistic,

Secondly, but not least of which is my main concern with Dr Dent's criticism of Donald Trump's 'immigration proposal,' of 'returning ALL illegal immigrants back to their destination of origin, which as a matter of policy is something I personally would favor, was would 'millions' of other American citizens, and those whom which have come to this great land of ours- the correct way!!!

Dent states, throwing them out would be 'unrealistic' due to the "cost" of such action. I would propose and argue that 'keeping them here would be a greater drain upon the economy and resources of our once prosperous land, which in case you've not heard- 'we're broke.' FACT. The facts speak for themselves ladies and gentlemen. Allowing those who 'willfully break our laws,' and to on top of that 'reward' criminal behavior is no immigration policy that can keep any country no matter how strong and powerful, as such over any length of time. Mr. Dent, you being of Jewish ancestry ought to know better, even after citing, Israel and several other countries as 'models' which we ought to emulate.

Let me remind Mr Dent, that Israel has some of THE most 'restrictive' and 'abusivie' immigration policies in the world!! I needn't even mention the 'wall' they have which makes the Berlin wall look like child's play, and such other practices. Yet, this is a 'model' or ought to be in the future for America. Really? Mr Dent, you may know certain aspects of 'ecomonic policy,' but in other matters, your 'arguments' do not pass the smell test.

Monday, August 17, 2015

'Commending Ourselves' Based on 2 Corinthians 10:17-18

I read today's daily 'verse' as is my custom on a daily basis. Those of you who follow me on Twitter know that I do my best to 'share' these scriptures on a daily basis as the Bible is our guide and 'measuring rod,' ie 'compass,' by which we are to find guide our 'ships' (so to speak) through the waves of the sea of life.

As I read today's scripture this verse just stuck out at me, and I felt compelled to write about it. You can say this was a prompting by the Holy Spirit, to put it in a more contextual manner. Having said that, here is the verse this this post is based upon;

The apostle Paul states in 2 Corinthians 10:17-18 (KJV);

"But he that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord. For not he that commendeth himself is approved, but whom the Lord commendeth."

In our 'post-modern secular world' many are teaching how we are to think 'highly or ourselves,' (give credit to ourselves). We're told to give ourselves a big pat on the back and give ourselves 'praise.' This type of thinking is prevalent in psychology, and even churches who borrow from psychology. You may well remember the old skits on Saturday Night Live about standing in front of a mirror and telling yourself, "I'm good enough, and I'm worth it."

Though this type of thinking may sound appealing to those in the secular world, as Christians, this type of thinking is 'contrary' to the nature and will of God! One can easily become 'prideful,' which can spill out into other sins, some which may be even worse. The bible tells us, "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23).

Thus, we are far from being 'good enough' in the eyes of God. However, if you are a 'born again' Believer, living for Christ (not for self) when God looks upon us, he sees not us, but he sees his Son, Jesus Christ. Thus, we are declared 'innocent' of sin, and have already been pardoned of our sins- all of them; 'past, present and future.'

There is no better feeling to know we are 'faultless' in the eyes of God. For we are NOT to 'measure' ourselves (successes, achievement, etc). We are to measure ourselves not even against others. We are only to measure ourselves against the Word of God, and God's perfect Son Jesus Christ! May sound like a 'tall' order, but as the bible says, "for there is now therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ! Romans 8:1.

I write this post to show as an example how differently our 'worldviews' truly are for those who call themselves Christians, versus those who do not. Do not misunderstand though. We are all in different places in our walk through life. There was once a time where all I cared about was 'me, myself and I.' There were times that I compared myself against others (usually those who had more, did more), talk about a great way to make yourself feel inferior.

Now, I can safely state that I do not worry, hence compare myself against the 'secular ideology' of secularized man-made psychology, nor against others. Christ is all that matters. And if you are concerned about your self-esteem (as the world would refer to it), take a good look at yourself, and be honest. Are you happy? Do you know where you would go should (God forbid) today was your last day on this earth? When you look at things through a Christian perspective, your eyes are truly opened, and you will see the world through a different manner.

If God, the Creator of this world looks at you approvingly; who are you to look at yourself as anything less? God bless you and make the most of this day!

Sunday, August 2, 2015

The Satanic Power of Rock and Roll

Having personally been involved in the occult, after growing up in a Christian home, I had rebelled, thankfully I repented and came out of the dark. But I was there for quite some time, and saw and did many things of which I will not go into here.

During that time, I'd gotten deeply into Rock music, and it is 'addictive,' to say the least. I challenge anyone who listens to this type of music to try and go without listening to it for one week. And be honest with yourself. Chances are you already know it's of the Devil. And if you struggle with it, there is hope, because as with any 'addiction,' it can be overcome. I know. I was personally there and have come out. But I did not come out of my own strength. It takes the power of the Holy Spirit.

That is how strong the grip of 'demons' can be. And do not be fooled. Satan does indeed use demons and himself as a 'strongman' would to over-power you. He wants your soul. Period. If you've read about any of these mega-rock stars, and if they are truthful, many will openly discuss at the very least their immoral lifestyles, and possibly about their involvement with demonic forces. I could name names, and bands, and songs that all are 'dedicated' to Satan. And how the music industry work.

And in time I certainly will. As such is the grip this music has. And it's not solely rock music. It's 'secular' music in general. It's just more open in rock music. Like I said, I will cover this in more detail, give it the 'time' it deserves for it has truly left an indelible mark upon all those whom have listened to it for any length of time. And the stories I can tell about personal accounts of things I did under it's influence. But this will come at a later time, so please stay tuned for that.

In the meantime, I am linking one of the best YouTube videos I have seen making the connection between Rock music and the occult. I must warn you, it this does not make you think twice about listening to this type of music after seeing it, you are in more danger than you realize. Its only about a 30 minutes in length. I pray the Holy Spirit 'convict you' of its danger and definite ability to wreak havoc upon your life, or the life of your children. Do not make the mistake of 'dismissing' this video as being 'over the top dramatic.' That is one of Satan's tricks. He would love for you to if nothing more, make light of all that I've written here, and all that you'll see in this video.

As I mentioned, I myself was deeply into Rock music, and incidentally also heavily (quite possibly) was propelled into the Occult world as a 'direct result.' I'm not saying this was all due to Rock music, but it sure did without a doubt, fuel the Occultic fire I had burning inside me which drove me deeper into a world where it is nearly impossible to get out of. I could easily have taken my life (which is yet another story of itself). Satan is the 'god of this world system.' Not the God of this world, but of it's 'system,' big difference. The connection for me between this music and my having turned my back upon God was so great, without being overly dramatic about it, I could easily have died, listening to the very music that I felt gave me so much 'power.' Any other Christian who has had this experience could tell you the very same thing. It is only by and through the very Grace of God Almighty that I am here today to even relate what little I have about my personal experience in this demonically inspired music. So, please do not think I am 'speaking as a nagging parent,' or some other authoritative insincere person.

I say this from my heart, and the love which is instilled in me only through having accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior. As one who could have died listening to this very music. As one who can honestly share with you the 'good news,' that you too can be set free from this form of bondage. And make no mistake. It is a bondage. I say that with absolutely no judgment, or condemnation, but as a 'brother in Christ.' There is a 'prayer' at the end of this video to accept Christ, for those who feel led to. If not, feel free to fast forward to the end. It's your life. You are the very one who will determine your own fate, not me, or anything I say. But inside of yourself, you will know whether what's said in this video is true or not. No one knows when they'll draw their last breath. I've known people who have died suddenly at a young age for any number of reasons. The older you get the greater those chances become. I have been asked, "how can a loving God send a person, even a good person to hell?" Before I got to where I am now in my walk, I struggled with that question. Now, it is one of the simplest questions to answer. The answer is; "God doesn't send anyone to hell. People (through their own free-will which he's given to each of us) chose their own destinies, and anyone who does not make a decision for Jesus Christ, will send themselves to hell. It's very simple. There is so much more I could say, but I feel as though I've said enough.

This is a powerful video made by a Christian producer. Take it to heart. And may the Holy Spirit guide you into the truth. God bless, and thank you for reading this.

Here is the link

PS,  for some reason I felt led to address this primarily to the younger generation. However, I ought to make it profoundly clear that anyone of any age can easily be struggling with this in the form of an 'addiction.' I know for a fact it was for me! And I was already past my teenage years. So, don't think this is solely for younger person. There are literally (even Christians) today struggling with this sin. The bible says, do not be unequally yoked. How can righteousness have anything to do with unrighteousness? Do not blame yourself. I fully understand the nature of addiction and sin, and bondages, and 'spiritual warfare,' which is what is truly at stake here. You too can overcome this struggle. Right now as I am finishing posting this, I can feel the powers of darkness coming against me. A couple of times, my computer almost gave out on me, and this post would have been gone. Such is the nature of the beast. But God is greater. 

Saturday, August 1, 2015

New Blog...Up and Running; but Still under Construction

Just a brief announcement that though this blog is up and running, it is still a 'work in progress.' I will be adding many links (blogroll, etc). And the appearance may change somewhat. But the address will be the same, as will the title. So you can 'bookmark' this page and return to it. Please feel free to share any posts, and come back often! God bless!

Wickedness of Planned Parenthood; Yet More Shame on Pastors Afraid to Speak Out!

I'm sure many by now have heard of the actions which have been 'ongoing' with respect to this disgusting organization (tax funded) called 'Planned Parenthood.' Keep in mind, as a representative in the State of Illinois, now president Obama was in favor (check his voting record) of "partial birth abortions." I haven't heard that mentioned by the MSM. 

While most (who have a conscience) are pointing fingers at Planned Parenthood, rightfully so; Christians who know their bibles have a different worldview. That is, 'true Christians.' I'm not talking about those in 'name only.' And being a 'true Christian,' I personally do not blame (at least not entirely) Planned Parenthood entirely. No, I put the blame on the countless so-called, 'men of God,' who parade themselves as "best-selling NYT bestsellers," and those who run 'mega-churches,' which are truly no churches in reality. 

How do I reach my claim? Well, if you read your bibles (as you ought to on a daily basis), you would know that in it God states unequivocally that "judgment" begins with us, ie Believers, and more so those who call themselves "pastors!" 
"For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not, the gospel of God? -1 Peter 4:17 (KJV)
Notice this passage states, "at the house of God." Now who on this earth 'runs' the house of God? The so-called 'pastors.' Yet today far too many are not even speaking out loud to their own congregations about the consequences of 'sin.' Why? There are many reasons, but one being they do not want to lose their members (at least some of them) because it may be deemed as "politically incorrect." Thus, these 'men of God,' are not true men of God, but persons who are more caring about 'not offending anyone,' for one simple reason- 'greed.' They know a certain percentage may leave the church, hence causing the obvious; a loss of money! The bible has much to say about 'greed,' and these type of 'ungodly men,' (see book of Jude for a quick look at these type of men).

Attached is a link to a very good article on the wickedness of Planned Parenthood. Whether the author is a Christian, I have no idea. But he does make it clear how far gone is our country with abortion at the least.