Saturday, October 3, 2015

"Paypal" and the "Mark of the Beast," (Yes, you read that correctly)!

I have now had not one but now a 'second' BAD experience with "Paypal," (within a three month period) which should never happen to anyone! I pray it NEVER happens to you! But, during my personal experience knowing the Bible and Bible "prophecy" as well as I do; along with 'current events,' ie: understanding the 'times' in which we now find ourselves; Paypal messed with the wrong person, and I am going to 'expose them' for who and what I believe they are and where they appear to be heading.

This upcoming post will not be an easy one to 'read,' nor possibly believe. Had it not happened to me- I may not have believed it myself. But, as stated above, what I went through (and it's not over with yet), is something NO person should ever experience! There may be a lawsuit coming out of all this, and I would hope the media would pick up on my story, not because it happened to 'me,' but because it can happen to ANYONE! ...and without you ever having done anything wrong! So, some may find this forthcoming post 'frightening,' if so good. This is a story meant to frighten you (in a good way) because as the Bible says, "My people perish for lack of wisdom."

Who knows, you just may end up hearing about my experience in the media sometime in the not to distant future. Until then, consider this post a "teaser," until I get some more 'intel,' on why certain things have happened. And trust me, there is something strange going on with "Paypal." You yourself may have already had an incident with them, or know someone who has. If so, I would love to hear about it! I will NOT post anything more beyond this, until I do speak with my attorney. This is something that I had heard about 'happening' to other people (in the media), but until it personally happens to you, it's easy to just brush it away. Were this merely an 'isolated' issue, I wouldn't bother talking about it, let alone 'risk' any potential blow-back as a potential "whistle-blower."

But, what's fair is fair, and what's right is right. Some things cannot be left unsaid, lest pure evil, corruption and a total disregard of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness be taken away from us- one piece at a time; as it already has, and if you thinks the times we live in are getting scary, I guarantee you- it's just the beginning (biblically speaking)! As the Word of God says in the book of Ephesians chapter 6, "we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against powers, dominion, principalities, and wickedness in high places."

In closing, I'm reminded of the famous saying, "all it takes  for evil to flourish is for good people to do nothing!" And with my understanding of 'bible prophecy, and current events,' Americans had better 'wake-up," before its too late. We are headed toward a Fascist, Marxist, Totalitarian political system backed up by a 'federalized police-state! Let me  just say, consider the "Mark of the Beast,       " with all its poisonous promises and phony 'pipe dreams' waiting right now in the wings. With this in mind, would it be to difficult of a stretch to believe that along that with the technology we now possess, that the literal "man of sin, the "lawless one," as referenced in the New Testament of the Bible is also waiting in the wings to be given the 'green light' to make his appearance known to the general public at just the right time.

If you have a Paypal account, or were considering getting a Paypal account, you just may think want to put that idea on hold for now at the very least. I suspect (highly) Paypal is deeply in bed with our government, going up to and including the highest levels of government, and the international banking system which is corrupting, and manipulating our government and  way of lives, to a greater extent and degree than any dystopian science-fiction writer, could have ever imagined.

George Orwell's book, 1984 comes close to painting the picture of what awaits us all. And yet I  believe, he himself would have found it hard to imagine, let alone write about just how out of control those who call the shots have become.

 unless divine intervention prevails, and we are given a least for now, the global elite who are well versed in the occult, and  of which have studied and attended some of the finest and biggest name theological seminaries of the world understand, having opened up 'pandora's box' they now know full well that all our times are running short, barring some 'divine intervention.'

unfortunately, for them and for us, their 'source' of intervention is a malevelant being who does not hold to the best interests of man, unlike the masses, many of which hold to a christians wolrview of a loving god who will not allow his people to perish.

therefore we now find outselves heading dead straight forward into a clash of civilizations between those who adhere to the luciferian maleveaent worleview, and those that will never relent from their belief in an all powerful god who will return to crush the very forces that oppose us and intend to suppress us into obvliviaon, be by war, disease, famine, or any number of a lack of resourses.

man's destiny immienently today stands at a crossroad between these two sides. the time to chose sides is over. either you are with the luciferians, or you are with those who know the god of the bible. eithe way, all will end in a cataclysmis grand finale, and a devastation the likes of which this world has has never known, nor will ever know again.

pandora's box has been opened. what is now going on in the middle east speficially in syria will only escalate to the final war of all wars as prophiesied in the bible. the  genie they (the global elite) have let out is the beginning of the countdown.

the writing is on the wal for all to seel. All our times are running short, and no one knows this more than the very persons who are pulling the strings.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

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