Sunday, December 31, 2017

New York family among victims in deadly Costa Rica plane crash

Sadly, some won't be seeing 2018. Could there be more to this story?

Don't fall for any propaganda coming from the media.

Extreme cold to test New Year’s revelers; some events iced

Calm before the storm. If they think this is 'big,' they haven't seen anything yet!

PS, the weather in the mid-west is pretty extreme as well.

Don't think 'better times and weather' will be upon us soon however!

Just a matter of time before the birds will be singing, and people in small towns will once again have their barn doors open.

Until then,

Stay warm and keep the faith!

Time is on the side of all those who are true to themselves and their loved ones.

Ice and snow only melt and disappear.

Certain is the weather to clear up, and darkness turn to light.

Expect this!


Calm before the storm

Happy New Year 2018!

I would just like to take this moment to thank all those who have become regular readers of this blog. This blog is read 'globally,' and has given me a very big 'bully pulpit.' Your support and readership has meant a lot to me, and you're possibly the most loyal readers on the Internet.

Never in a million years would I have thought I'd have a blog that has the reach that this blog does. Though there have been periods of an absence of posts, this blog has continued to grow! And believe me, there are very good reasons for some 'periods of silence.'

I am working hard to bring you the truth. And am in the process of 'exposing a corrupt system' who's time has come. We live in a world full of scumbags, and an unjust system, but that's about to change. Right now there are many organizations out there working hard to make sure justice and the truth are out in the open.

The days of the 'status quo' are over! Justice will no longer be only for the 'wealthy,' and the truth that people have longed for and that the mainstream media (MSM) has been complicit in not covering are also over!

Life has taught me several things, among those are 'fight' and 'stand up' for what is right. I don't suffer fools and bullies well, nor ever have. I was born a 'fighter,' and I will go down as a 'fighter.' Having experienced all that life has tossed my way has only served to make me even that much more of a fighter willing to go to bat for all who deserve to be liberated from oppression and injustice.

Again, I'd like to wish all the best and a very Happy New Year (2018) to all my readers!

Pedophile Judges and CPS

How many 'pedophiles' are sitting on benches wearing black robes? How many persons working for 'child protective services' (CPS) are themselves either 'pedophiles' as well, or procurer's for 'big name' pedophiles?

...especially in 'small towns?' Oh, you'd be surprised!

And you're going to 'hear and read their names.' ALL OF THEM!

Since 2008, I've been gathering the information necessary to have you ALL thrown away along with the key to the cell you're not even worthy to 'crap' in!

Do NOT ever, ever again send me your puny little 'threats!' I find them hilarious, and they expose how 'stupid' you little people truly are.

And do no think for a 'nano second,' that I've not secured all the evidence with trusted persons, and in places stronger and more fortified than Fort Knox!

Freemason's not welcome here! You are out of your league. But, give it your very best shot!

Your crimes have not gone in the dark. Soon, very soon they will be disinfected by the Truth!

Happy New Year!

PS, people who live in 'barns' have no space to speak.  ; )

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This is from an upcoming book by the title (working title):

 Pillars of Society: Deceit in Small Town USA (working title)

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Cat killer thought to have killed 400 small animals in bid to 'horrify' humans

As soon as I read this headline, especially due to the nature of the case, I said to myself this must be happening in a 'gun free zone.'

Well, it didn't take very long to see that I was 100 percent correct! This is or was happening in the U.K. Imagine that.

Being an animal lover myself, I truly feel for the owner's of any of the animals killed by this wicked piece of dirt. And he wouldn't have done all these killings were he in a 'gun friendly city,' or state.

Anyone who has the nerve to have killed all these innocent animals in the manner in which he murdered them, deserves whatever he gets! I have 'zero tolerance' towards anyone who would purposely hurt or injure an animal- none!

Here's the article. 

2 Las Vegas hotel security guards shot to death

Gee, for all the 'Chicago hater's' pointing their fingers at Chicago, it would seem that for a city the size of Vegas, when you compare the population to the number of 'deaths,' Vegas surpasses Chicago- by far in 'gun related deaths,' per population.

And oh, I wonder whether this latest episode has any ties with what happened in Vegas on Oct 1st, at the Route 91 Harvest shooting, which by the way, no answers have been forthcoming.

And to make matters appear all the more suspicious, investigators are telling the public, an answer may be forthcoming a full year after the shooting, on Oct 1st, 2018? Really? 1 full year to give the public an answer as to what really happened at what's been called "America's biggest mass shooing in it's history?"

If people can't see this is some type of terrorist act, or botched up FBI sting or 'psy-op,' I don't what else to say.

While the mainstream media (MSM) has been largely silent, I have been watching real investigators doing the job the media should be doing. While I will not 'speculate,' let's just say the whole story we've been given by the Vegas metro PD and FBI stinks to high heaven, and I said this right after having heard about this incident, as it unfolded the night of Oct 1st, 2017. I was awake, and heard and saw the media's coverage of the event, and I knew then and there, this is not what the media is telling us!

There are way to many anomalies, people with information claiming 'multiple shooters' who've not turned up dead themselves, etc, ad nausea! MSM is complicit in hiding the truth of what really happened in Vegas. But, here's the link. You decide. 

Pillars of Society: A Tale of Deceit (Forthcoming Book?)

Now I happen to be 'sitting on' a mound of truth that will destroy, and send a chilling effect upon those who plan 'evil for good.'

Your tables will be turned, and truth, and nothing but the truth will be forthcoming.

Since the facts and documentation, along with witness' testimony will blow the opposition to hell with a blast of truth, something that never had it's chance to be shared- until now!

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Continue the BS! Because it's going to 'back-fire' big time.

Play your games! Thanks to a 'fool' who has zero credibility.

Deceive yourselves! And make your move based on lies, you'll be made 'fools!'

...the truth ALWAYS has it's way of being exposed. 8 years is a long time to 'play games' with a person's life. Though it's been a great amount of time to put all the pieces of the puzzle together! And what a rotten group of players will be exposed.

The above message the 'Pillars of Society A Tale of Deceit,' is an excerpt from a forthcoming  book, which it's time has come to be published for the world to see and know what happens in small-town U.S.A.

*UPDATE: This is a genuine story of betrayal and deceit at the 'higher levels' of government. As such, this is a 'working title,' for now. As for whether this book will be released as fiction, or for the 'non-fiction' that it is, will depend on legal variables. Should I go the route of non-fiction (which is where I'm leaning), names will be named, and no stone will be left un-turned!

This is a story who's time has come to be told. It's 8 years in the making and full of revelations of just what happens in small town USA.

This story is one worth reading because unfortunately it's a nightmare that could easily happen to literally anyone! This book will be available with full 'accurate' information.

This is most definitely a 'whistle-blower's' book. As such, this is certainly a book the 'powers that be' would not like to see written. At the same time, this is a book every American needs to be informed about, and understand in order to avoid the 'living nightmare' I have endured.

A news channel located in the state of this incident, would have loved to have covered this story. There was one problem, I had to have been there personally. Under the circumstances, it was impossible due to various factors.

Friday, December 15, 2017

Nikki Haley 'Undeniable BS'

First of all, how in the world did this woman, Nikki Haley end up in the Trump administration to begin with?

The woman was a 'never-Trumper,' who backed Ted Cruz for president in this past presidential election. Give me a break!

This woman is also a 'globalist,' which stands in complete opposition to everything that Trump campaigned on and against.

On top of that, that woman is a textbook example of a 'neo-con!' For those who do not understand that term, she's one of these moron's who is always on the look-out to find any reason to go 'war' with another country.

...America first? Really?

So I see this woman come crawling out of her cave claiming she had 'undeniable proof' that Iran is in violation of its nuclear agreement.

...okay. And where have I seen this before? Oh that's right, basically the same garbage we, the American people were fed about Saddam Hussein having 'weapons of mass destruction!' One little problem, they didn't.

Yet because of lies, America went to war- over a decade ago with no end in sight! We fought a war of independence from Great Britain and a civil-war in less time than this!

More people have dies over the lie about 'weapons of mass destruction,' when you count innocent civilians, along with US military. All for what?

Oh, that's right. Bankers! They love war! They profit big money from wars. They've been behind every war you can name!

And to see this woman stand before the media with this 'smirk' on her disgusting face, declare she had 'undeniable proof.' Well, so do I lady!

I have undeniable proof, our government had lied many times about their reason's for going to war. I have undeniable proof, wars are 'banker's wars,' and that they stand to profit big-time from any war. I have undeniable proof a highly decorated US general wrote an entire book called, "War is a Racket!"

So keep speaking out of the corners of the cracks out of your lying mouth and tell the American people all about your 'undenable proof!'

...BTW, would you like a 'medal' or a cookie for your hard work?

Gee, I wonder just 'who' stands to gain should our government go to war with Iran? Oh, that's right. Our 'best friends' in the Middle east, the Israeli government, or shall I just call them the land of the Rothschild's? That wonderfully satanic family that had made its fortune through the sale of opium, war, and every conceivable act of debauchery and aggression imaginable.

Its a fact that the United States had no 'national security interests' within the middle east- nada, zero, zilch! Listen to any 'honest' intelligence operative worth his salt. And for the record, the state of Israel is NOT our 'best friends.'

Need validation on that last statement? Look no further than 9/11! Oh I'm sure some may be thinking, are you saying the Israeli government had something to do with 9/11? You bet I am. And you can take that to the bank!

...But the media claimed the Saudis had something to do with 9/11. Yes, they did. But the Saudis and the Israelis are in bed with one another. Both countries 'hate' Iran. So use simple logic and ask yourself, just who really stands to benefit and profit from a war with Iran?

If you guessed the Israeli and Saudi governments, ding, ding, ding!

Many forget that on the day the World Trade center towers were hit, just across the river were a small group of Israeli's viewing the events and celebrating! They happened to have been interrogated by law enforcement, and I'm sure allowed to walk away. Do a search on YouTube for the "dancing Jews!"

And throw away the pathetic images of Fox News and others showing Arab people passing out 'candy' in their countries over 9/11. That has been thoroughly 'debunked' as having absolutely nothing to do with 9/11. Those celebrations were from an earlier period 'prior' to 9/11 and totally taken out of context.

Not so with the 'dancing Jews.' See it's very simple. Our 'best friends in the middle east,' have had lots of problems with terrorism. And for the life of me, I can't imagine why/ Well due to 9/11, now "the Israeli problem is now your (America's) problem." So said one of the 'dancers' when questioned by authorities.

Look, if the Arabs (Saudis) and Jews have 'issues' with Iran, let THEM take care of it. We (the American people) have armed BOTH Israel and Saudi Arabia to the hilt! The state of Israel has an undisclosed amount of nuclear weapons at their disposal. I really do not think they need 'our help,' when they themselves have enough nuclear weapons to blow up the world.

If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times, and will continue to. There is nothing of 'national security value' to the United States in the middle-east! If you're thinking but 'we need their oil.' With the technology of 'shale' and the fact the US has more of its own natural oil, along with Canada and Mexico, explain to me again just why we have any 'interests' in the middle-east? We don't.

Zionism is one of the biggest problems this world faces. It's not 'communism,' or socialism, or anything else. And let me be clear. Anytime I speak of Zionism, I speak of an ideology, not a 'race!' There are just as many non-Jews who are Zionists, as there are otherwise. Zionism is no different than communism, fascism, or what other 'ism's' you can shake a stick at!

Someone please explain to me, why is it that America is capable of having nuclear materials be it for self-defense, or simple energy, as well as 'certain' other nations, yet when it comes to some countries, who the hell are we to dictate to another sovereign nation whether they can have nuclear material?

Doesn't America have the most powerful military and weaponry on the face of the earth? We have plenty of weapon's which are more than capable of shooting down any nuclear weapon headed our way. Secondly, what nation would be stupid enough to 'nuke' another country, knowing it would be an act of 'suicide!' Pakistan possesses nuclear weapons and if any country were evil enough to begin a nuclear war, it would be them. Yet they haven't. That doesn't mean I 'trust' them. But I sure as hell would trust Iran a more civilized nation than Pakistan which is like a country still living in the Dark ages, yet with nuclear capabilities.

The simple fact of the matter is this. This planet is run by a group of the most corrupt, wicked persons anyone has ever known. 'They' have made it abundantly clear that they believe in 'population control' (depopulation), and that they are NOT in favor of more nations becoming 'energy independent!' Bottom line. THAT is the true reason why its okay for us and a few others to have nuclear materials, while 'others' cannot.

Learn about 'zero industrial growth' which is promoted by the elites who pull the strings for the 99 percent of the rest of those living upon this planet. Read the book 'Committee of 300' by Dr John Coleman. And there is plenty of other material and documented proof of what I am stating here in this post. Why do you think Africa has been entirely decimated from its natural resources, while leaving its rightful owners of the land living in tiny 'mud huts?'

See if a country can have its own nuclear material, it could become an 'indepenant nation' without the need of having to turn to other countries. So in essence, it boils down to keeping other countries down and living in poverty, with the expectation that those living under those oppressive conditions remain in that state, and eventually become extinct. Is that humane? Look at a statement former president Obama made on a visit to where his very ancestors came from, "you shouldn't own air-conditioning." And I could go on.

I highly recommend to anyone doubting or in disagreement with anything I've written here to read 'The Committee of 300' by John Coleman, and tell me who 'incorrect' you think my comments are. It's for the very same reasons that people are literally starving to death in certain parts of the world, and yet some have more money than they could ever spend in a lifetime. And not only them, but their children and grand-children. Is it any wonder why the Bible (whether you believe in it or not) says, 'it is easier for a poor man to enter into heaven than a rich man.'

'Greed.' Bottom line.

Speaking of 'greed,' stay tuned to this blog for my thoughts about the 'holiday season.' I am most certainly not against Christmas, but I am totally opposed to the hyper-commercialization of this time of the year, so much so I find it disgusting! And unfortunately the older I get, the less I enjoy time of the year. Then again, is it any wonder why so many more 'suicides' occur over the holiday season?

PS, Is this 'demonization' about the crime rate in Chicago being blown out of proportion for other nefarious reasons? Hint: calling in UN peacekeepers, seems like martial law to me. Not to mention the creation of a 'police state,' and worse.

PSS, as I write this I have Fox News playing in front of me, and in between all of Fox and Friends' stupid comments and antics, they seem to really be pushing this idea of having UN Peacekeepers in Chicago, as though the city is just totally 'out of control!' Be afraid, be very, very afraid! I can only imagine were I not living in the Chicagoland area, how this corporate media whore aka Fox News would have me believing Chicago is 'soo dangerous!'

And as with many famous cities, Chicago is a big travel destination for tourists from around the world. I cannot believe its mayor (Rahm 'Bozo' Emmanuel) wouldn't be somewhat irritated by this type of coverage. I know I sure am. And I don't even live within the city. But hey, I don't have 'dual-citizenship' as does Emmanuel. He could just hop a plane and flee back to 'Israel.' Goes to show you just how much this a-hole truly gives a damn about Chicago. But, he is the personification of a Zionist. Need I say more?

Violence in City of Chicago (Fox News Segment); Commentary

I just happened to have briefly tuned into Fox News, something I avoid as much as possible, due to the hypocrisy I see from the people there. Keep in mind, Fox is nothing more than corporate mainstream media, which is at best, the 'lesser of two evils.'

With that in mind, a segment entitled 'Violence in Chicago' on Shannon Bream's program, Fox News @Night was featured. Though I mainly view Fox with the volume 'muted,' and just follow along ...

...via their little child-like headlines, it said Trump and something about 'UN Peacekeepers,' coming to Chicago (?). I just about fell out of my chair.

First of all, I happen to live just outside of Chicago and obviously get local Chicago news, versus having to depend on 'national news channels,' which don't report the truth because they don't know the truth.

This whole 'violence in Chicago,' to me (and I'm sure many others from Chicago) is such a farce- at best. Almost reminds me of another farce, the horrendous 'Opioid epidemic!' For the record, let me clarify this 'opioid epidemic.' I wouldn't doubt that may very well be accurate. BUT, I do not believe that has very much to do with 'prescription drugs,' ie painkiller medications, but has everything to do with 'street drugs,' ie heroin, etc.

...research documented facts about American soldiers whose bodies were sent back to America with the government having stuffed their body cavities with 'illegal drugs,' that ended up being sold and distributed right here in AmeriKa!

And when it comes to 'street drugs,' the biggest drug dealers in America, and the entire world for that matter are the Eastern establishment families using the US government, to literally bring in these drugs, which flood the urban streets, and line the pockets of the elitist drug dealing families such as the Bush and Clinton family, along with a host of other criminal families from America, and overseas.

...but hey, as Nancy Reagan former FLOTUS stated back in the 1980's at the height of the 'crack cocaine epidemic,' which was found via the 'freedom of information act,' (FOIA), and other declassified documents, it was/is a fact our government has had a long history of smuggling heavy-duty street drugs into the country, and flooding the 'urban areas,' in particular.

...yes, to all 'minorities' stuck in crime riddled urban areas through no fault of their own (in many cases, not always), the government is intentionally targeting you and your children and grand-children, look it up for yourself! But, "just say no!" Oh, so let's declare a 'war on drugs!' Right.

If Trump, or the government were 'seriously concerned' about the drug problem, they'd be investigation themselves! And they could start out by incarcerating the Bush and Clinton families- ASAP! So, stop importing drugs, dumping them into the urban ghetto's which already have enough problems to begin with, then 'preach to me about Chicago!'

See the fact of the matter is, Chicago is as safe a city as any other big city in America. Yet, thanks to 'national cable news networks' which are far removed from Chicago, they just read a script they've been given, with this BS narrative about Chicago being so 'dangerous,' when it's all BS! Of course there are parts of the city many would do best avoiding. That goes for ALL urban neighborhoods, whether it be Chicago, LA, NYC, etc, etc.

All the 'violence' gun shootings, etc, are two things: 1) Black on black crime, and 2) gang related. There 'ya go. Such a difficult problem to figure out and understand, and deal with. Not.

Solution? 'UN Peacekeepers!' (per Trump). Great idea- NOT! Personally, were I to see a bunch of 'foreigner's' patrolling my neighborhood, that would make me furious! And I believe violence would increase as a result- NOT decrease!

Secondly, I can appreciate Trump's concern about the problem, though again, it's not anywhere near as bad as the MSM would have anyone to believe. Having said that, instead of D.C. stepping into the picture, Illinois does have a republican governor, 'Mr Trump.' Why not have a conversation with HIM about the problem? Obviously, the mayor of Chicago, a 'dual-citizen' Israeli Zionist, Rahm Immanuel, liberal democrat (of course), is a worthless individual who has his own agenda.

So, memo to Trump...go over and around Mayor Immanuel and deal with the 'republican governor' of Illinois! What a freaking concept! See, it works like this, Trump; the governor (which he runs- NOT you) has a vested interest in things working out well in the state of Illinois, unlike a president who due to the state being 'blue' all due to one county (Cook county), the entire rest of Illinois, or a good 90 percent is actually 'RED,' so talk to the governor.

And rather than involving 'foreigners' onto American streets, the governor of Illinois could very easily call in the 'Illinois National Guard!' Again, what an amazing concept! For all the talk from idiot's such as Alex Jones, and various alternative 'journalists' whom most have never even been to Chicago, they'd do well to listen to actual persons who live or are from Chicago! Instead we've got these Alex Jones wannabes parroting what he says which truth be told, the guy is not that bright!

So, here is the solution to the 'crime' in Chicago, which as stated is ALL entirely within (NOT 'without') the urban ghetto areas of the city, which exist in all major cities, would be- stop allowing our government to import street drugs, for the elitist families whom have historically made their family fortunes selling drugs off their streets! One need only do a simple search about the history of the 'Opium wars,' to understand these elitist scumbags whom profit large amounts of money at the expense of their fellow man!

That in itself would all but end much of the violence. And IF necessary, worse case scenario only- have the Illinois governor call out the state's National Guard to help police protect our streets. Again, what an amazing solution!

Oh and BTW, mayor Emmanuel (dual-citizen Zionist schlep that he is), has claimed Chicago to be a "Trump free-zone." What a freaking joke, were it not so incredibly stupid! Why does that 'man' have dual-citizenship? Is he a 'Mossad spy?' Who the hell voted for that little piece of crap to be mayor of one of, if not the greatest city in America, if not the world?

...oh, that's right, via rigged elections, and dead people voting, along with illegal aliens voting as well. See, Rahm Immanuel (dual-citizen Zionist schlep) would love nothing more than to destroy Chicago, as doe all these other 'liberal democrats.' Yet the very people who vote for these douche-bags, are the minorities who are ill-informed, and have fallen for the lie that the democratic party stands for their kind. Wake up, minorities! And the Republicans don't fare much better in my book, but at least there is no history of them taking over large cities and making them worse than before they got there.

Screw the UN, and screw Washington D.C. 'interference!' Yes, something needs to be done. Not because it's as bad as the media claims it to be, but so innocent people living in urban ghetto's can be able to get on with their lives!

Mayor Immanuel who incidentally would love to turn Chicago into a 'sanctuary city,' ought to be disqualified from serving as a US citizen working in government, unless he gave up his 'dual-citizenship!' And for the record, NO! Chicago is NOT a 'sanctuary city!' But of course it's Zionist mayor would love for people to believe it is. Obviously he would love to ensure legislation would 'legally' make Chicago a sanctuary city, but until then...he can either decide to give up his 'dual-citizenship,' or get the Hell out of the city where I was proudly born and raised.

For the life of me, I have YET to find anyone who will admit to having voted for that Zionist shill to be 'mayor' of Chicago! Everyone whom I know and have spoken to cannot stand Rahm (dual-citizen Zionist) Emmanuel. And if you really want to know what I think of the little demon, send me an email!

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

DC has highest percentage of heavy drinkers

'DC has highest percentage of heavy drinkers?' No way! This has got to be 'fake news...' Duh, why wouldn't DC have the highest percentage of 'heavy drinkers?'

Well, let's see, the Swamp is filled up mainly with nothing but lawyers, judges, politicians, lobbyists, and basically nothing short of the literal 'scum of the earth.'

This of course goes hand in hand with all the 'secret societies,' and pedophiliacs (is that even a word?), oh well, I just 'coined the phrase,' I'm good for things like that.

Adulterer's, whore-mongers, fear-mongers, (chicken) war-hawks, etc ad nausea. Of course DC has a drinking problem, among a host of various despicable practices.

Paying 'homage' to the pope, giving in to Zionism (cancer of the world). You name it- it's all there in a 10 sq mile area known as 'District of Columbia,' or as I known it: district of criminals!

The real question is, who isn't a 'criminal' in DC?

Oh, BTW did you know DC is a 'sovereign city?' One of only 3 in the entire world? The only 2 others being: The Vatican, and the City of London. Ask yourself, why is this?

...and please do look that up for yourselves!

BTW, totally unrelated, but as I sit here typing this out, happened to have observed on the Zionist controlled media 'war drums' beating against North Korea.

But hey, we've got articles such as this one about 'heavy drinking' in DC. That's what person's such as myself call 'useless distractions.' 

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Look for the SHTF Fairly Soon...Maybe This Week, or the Next

With the indictment of Paul Manafort, which has absolutely 'zero ties' to Trump, this Russian ruse is about to unfold in short order. First of all, special counsel Robert Mueller has shifted his investigation from the 'fake Russian probe' into the Trump election, and has turned it on its head by shifting it to those with various ties to Russia via lobbying and the selling of uranium coal to Russia.

This will open 'Pandora's box' to a host of various 'high crimes and even treason.' Needless to say, these are major offenses, punishable by life in prison, or worse, depending on which you view as being 'worse.'

I titled this post, Look for the SHTF (sh*t to hit the fan) because this will all lead back to 'pedophilia,' and God only knows what more. For those who have followed the reports on 'Comet Ping Pong,' and its connections to 'pedophilia,' just days ago, the Washington D.C. police force has issued a letter stating it will indeed be investigating Comet Ping Pong, and its ties to 'pedophilia.' That would lead to yet another Pandora's box, of the magnitude this country (United States) has possibly ever seen.

Also, due to 'pedophilia' being as huge as it has been in Washington D.C., and the entertainment industry, this has the potential of a lot of 'big names' going down! Let me state this as fact! 1/3rd of those serving in Congress are 'Satanic Pedophiles!' This coming from multiple sources. Now, I'm not saying all of these people will be brought (rightfully) to justice, but many at the 'top' will fall!

I am speaking of Hillary and her husband, possibly the Bush's (George H.W. Bush, and son, George W. Bush, the Podesta brothers, both of whom are nowhere to be seen in the past days, (same goes for Hillary). There is some information about the Clinton's and the Podesta's (at least Tony) being on the run, and/or being already in custody. I will not engage in that 'speculation.'


*Then we have 'multiple anomalies.' It all began on Oct 1st (of this year) with the Las Vegas shooting 'massacre,' (whether that was a Psyop or not, it does tend to appear as such). I am not saying no one was actually 'shot, or killed,' but it would not appear to be the case.

*Shortly after that, we have the 'terrorist attack' in NYC, with the guy who drove a truck into several people. Former president George W. Bush gives a 'speech' denouncing president Trump! Yet he NEVER spoke a 'bad word' about former president Obama. Tells you where the Bush family stands. They're a disgrace to America, as were the Clinton's and most recently the Obama's, and I speak of "Michelle," or "Mikey," whom "Barry Soetoro" aka Barack Hussein Obama referenced to as personally.

*Then, we had the 'church shooting' in Texas just last week Sunday. Due to knowledge I have about the shooter, and other areas I cannot disclose, there is much more to this 'shooting' than is being reported, such as the FACT, this shooter had 'converted to Islam,' PRIOR to his shooting, and I'll leave it right there. But as stated, there are more dots to be connected here that leads to a sophisticated group of people. Think of a 'circle,' but not spelled in that manner. Look up "CERCO!"

*THEN, we had the major 'shakeup' in the House of Saud! That is much bigger also, and personally I believe too complicated for even our media (US media) to even begin to report on with due diligence. That too has possible connections to both: Las Vegas, and once again 'pedophilia.'

Having said all this, now we have Donna Brazile a high-ranking DNC person with ties to the Clinton's, Debbie Wasserman-Shultze, and of course the Podesta's. After having originally 'come out' exposing some things about the DNC, along with her new book, Hacks, she at one point indicated she was 'in fear of her life.' Since then, many things have happened which tells me she has 'back-peddled' on that statement due to circumstances.

For those who listen to Alex Jones and Infowars, a lot of 'controlled opposition' as usual is coming out from their reporting, and as I've personally stated before, they are not a credible source. Jones is the definition of 'controlled opposition,' as well as nothing more than a 'distraction.' NONE of my sources are related in the least to Jones, or InfoWhores, who have 'prostituted themselves' out.

Yet, as with everything, there are 'exceptions,' but InfoWhores is far and few in between to be credible. Jones is a 'Zionist shill,' and that's all you need to know about him. Keep in mind when I speak about 'Zionism,' I do NOT refer to the Jewish race! That has been proven totally false by those who know their craft. And this will be THE last time I EVER state this fact. Zionism is an 'ideology,' nothing more, nothing less. While it does indeed include a host of Jews, that is unfortunate and perhaps coincidental, as other races as just as much a part of this 'ideology.' Again, this will be THE last time I make myself clear on the topic of Zionism, which FYI includes many 'deluded Christians' (so-called). Zionism IS the equivalent of the New World Order (NWO)!

Lastly, while I do not give any 'corporate media' much credit, as for the most part they are as 'complicit' as those within the 'Deep State,' from time to time some things do tend to 'fall through the cracks.'

In particular, originally Glenn Beck, prior to being 'forced out' of Fox News was doing some really great reporting, explaining some things. Now, we have Tucker Carlson doing the same. And where credit is due, credit is given. Carlson (and let me state, I do not watch corporate media, but this has come to my attention) has disseminated some news about the 'Pedesta brothers' for which their attorney has 'threatened' Carlson with legal ramifications. Yet, to his credit, Carlson ran with the report.

I've attached a link Here, to Carlson's reports about the Pedesta's whom have been very much implicated with 'pedophilia,' to which I will NEVER make a retraction, nor take my eye off of them. These are the 'scumbag' of the earth. And I speak not only of the Pedesta brother's, but for ANY human being who could EVER take part in this offense which destroys the life of an innocent human being.

As usual, I have no 'agenda,' but the TRUTH! *Veritas Always!*

Sunday, November 5, 2017


I could not agree more with this video, Is Jeff Sessions (AG) a Deep-State Plant? Which is why I have posted it here onto this blog. BTW, I have been suspecting this well before seeing this video, and I did not realize that Sessions 'worked' with the Bush family, who are all 'pieces of crap!' I'd use stronger language, but you get the point.

And I also totally agree with the video pointing out the fact that Sessions worked in Congress as a US senator for 20 or so years. So, just 'where' does his allegiance lie with, Congress, or the president? I know how the Bush family operates very well. They have strong connections to the Clinton's, as the saying goes, "birds of a feather, flock together."

Both the Bush and Clinton families, belong in prison for their multitude of crimes against the United States of America, thus making them 'teasonous' scumbags, and that includes Fox news contributor (former Bush campaign manager) Karl Rove, who's grandfather was a Nazi, and many more, including Henry Paulson, and a Condelizza Rice, and a host of 'devils' including 'Dick Cheney,' and their ties to 9/11.

The Clinton's? I think we all know their many crimes, and crimes which STILL must be investigated! But need I say more than 'Clinton body count?'

Yes, Jeff Sesssion's is 'incompetent!' Of all the crimes he should be investigating, his first mistake was 'rescuing' himself from the fake Russian-ruse, and Rod Rosenstein (a Zionist devil) is also possibly worse than Sessions, and in my opinion, actually running the DOJ (Dept of Justice). Trump needs to replace Sessions- ASAP!

UPDATE: Roger Stone: Was Sessions a Leftist Plant All Along?

 * Note: while I this is NOT by any means an 'endorsement' of InfoWhores, whatsoever, from time to time, they do report 'some truth,' without 'speculation.' This is one of those.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

HISSY HYNDE Pretenders legend Chrissie Hynde storms off stage after launching a C-word outburst at her fans

Wow! This woman had the nerve to start cursing at her 'fans' right off the bat as of the very first song? At the age of 66, she ought to be glad she still has any fans left at that age!

I didn't even know her band was still playing together as  group, let alone touring! After having heard about her foul mouthed rant at her own fans, I'd say she's obviously got some issues she needs to get 'professional help!'

What over the hill performer is going to get nasty on  their own fans who probably paid out 'big bucks' for, and instead walked off  stage- give me a break! It should have been in reverse, where 'her fans' walked out on her!

Then days later, she takes to her FB account to write about she 'enjoyed' her UK tour, and attempted to 'apologize,' yet insisting that 'she was being herself?' So even her 'apology' smacked of nothing more than an 'over te hill,' b*tch! But it sounds as though she takes pride in being 'herself.'

After having heard about how she treated her own fans at a concert, how can any so-called fan, even trust that she won't snap again, and walk off the stage not even halfway through her performance? Things should have turned out the complete opposite way around, with her 'fans' having walked out on her!

Maybe then she would have gotten the professional help that this woman has needed, and for a long time ago!

It's almost across the board with these people who make a name for themselves. I'm not saying all of these people, as there are always exceptions, but it seems as though for the most part, once a person has reached a certain level of success in their lives, that their ego's just seem to inflate and they begin to become delusional, thinking they have become 'better' than anyone else.

Yet most of these same people seem to forget that they have come from a place of being no different than you and I. Many have even come from complete obsurity, having come from extreme poverty, to developing a talent (over a long period of years), and forgetting just where they truly have come from. And then of course you've always got those who do come from a background of luxury and privelage, so in those cases their heads also swell up with such ego, pride and gradiosity they they expect to be treated better than the, what they perceive to be the 'common man or woman.'

Whichever way it took these people to arrive to the level of fame they have gotten to, in my opinion they still need help in keeping their ego's in check, so they don't end up making fools of themselves, such as this 66 year old, has-been 'Hissy' Hynde, or whatever her 'real name' may be.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Kevin Sorbo Alleges Designer Gianni Versace Sexually Harassed Him

This is not the kind of material I usually cover here, as most of already know much of what goes on in Hollywood. But in light of the recent huge scandal that has rocked much of Hollywood, then coming across this article, I could not help but post this here.

Some of you may remember the actor Kevin Sorbo. Though the name may not instantly sound familiar, anyone of a particular generation will immediately remember the 'Hercules' series ran on television back in the 1990's. Sorbo played the lead character of Hercules.

Originally hen I first read this I didn't even see Sorbo's name, and was wondering just who was the person  this guy (a famous designer) Versace had 'sexually harassed? That's when I my first question was, was it a 'male,' and was the victim also a homosexual? When I saw the name Kevin Sorbo, I immediately knew we were speaking about a  'straight' male, and not only that, but a person who is a 'Christian' on top of that.

Now my curiosity ran wild! And as I read Sorbo's details, it just got very disgusting from that part forward. I won't even repeat the things Kevin Sorbo claims this big name designer, Versace said to him, it's that disgusting. But I will caution the reader that this Versace, who in my opinion is a 'monster,' spoke openly about, 'doing everything,' including 'animals, and even 'little children!'

While it doesn't surprise me as to what the 'elite' are involved in anymore, it is extremely shocking to hear the conversation as though you were the one being propositioned to. Totally sick and obvously 'illegal crimes' were committed (allegedly) by this 'monster, Versace. Now for 'monsters' such as these, justice seems to have an odd way of catching up with these types of creeps. And in this creep's case, he was shot to death at his home in Miami, and I believe, not 100 percent sure, but I think it was by a 'former lover,' in this case, another man. While I'm not condoning Versace's demise, I'm simply stating the irony of how he his demise came about considering what he is alleged to have done to 'animals and little children.'

And to think this man's business continue's to thrive all these years later. Well now tat this story as been picked up, let's hope it is spread far and wide, and that the very name 'Versace,' become 'synonymous with a 'psychopathic monster' that he was. Here is the link (caution: 'graphic details!)  ' click here!

Friday, October 20, 2017

U.S. Ran $666 Billion Deficit In Fiscal 2017, Sixth Highest on Record

$666 Billion Dollar 'Deficit!' Interesting number, especially in light of Halloween being right around the corner!

Think this is a 'coincidence?' I don't. I mean what are the odds this number would land right at '666,' and just in time for Halloween. It's almost as though someone is having a bit of fun, at our expense.

However, the government also took 'in' a record amount paid in taxes by the American people. As for this 'government debt,' there are some who claim it doesn't really matter, and then there's those on the other side who view the growing debt as the 'end of America.'

When it's all said and done, does it really matter? It's never going to get 'paid off!' And at this point, I can't think of any major 'Western country' that isn't in debt. And when you really think about it, all this money is 'owed' to none other than that Satanic Zionist 'Rothschild' banking dynasty.

Are they or even all the 'globalist bankers' going to declare 'war' against the United States, were we to not pay back the debt? There's not a chance in hell they ever could. They could get other nations to possibly organize against America, but almost all countries are under the banking system of the 'Rothschild (Zionist) banks!

I believe at this point in time, they've got almost every country in the world- literally! There are maybe I'd say 5 countries (at the most) who do not having a Rothschild 'federal' bank. And, 'coincidentally,' of course, those just so happen to be the countries that are being 'invaded,' or on the brink of being invaded!

Syria, is one of those countries, and look at what's been happening there. My understanding about Russia is that for the longest time, they stood against the Rothschild's, then with the Russian revolution, I do believe the Rothschild's did get their stinking noses into Russia, but my understanding (I may be wrong, but I doubt it) is that Putin himself was/is personally responsible for 'kicking' the Rothschild's out of Russia! That explains all the 'fuss' about Russia.

Besides that, I know 'Iran,' is a Rothschild 'free' nation, and look at the talk about Iran. The same can be said about N. Korea. And that's about all the nations remaining in the entire world, where the Rothschild's do not have a monopoly over the nation's banking industry. There may be a couple other 'globalist banking dynasty families,' in charge of probably some of the smaller nations, but it's primarily all Rothschild owned banking systems in all the major countries on the planet. Nice trap, huh?

There is a great YouTube video documentary (many actually) about how the Rothschild dynasty began, with the 'founding father,' so to speak had 5 sons, and sent them to 5 various countries, and eventually taking over those countries banking system over. It was pretty clever, but totally 'diabolical' nonetheless. That family is reported to be heavily involved, as the British royals are in 'Black Magick,' and obviously the Occult. Think about it, how else do you basically take over the world, without even firing a shot, but through manipulating the countries 'money supply?'

I'll post a YouTube documentary for those interested in seeing the history of the Rothschild family. I can't recall whether I've seen this one, like I said, there are a lot of them. And like anything else, you have to be careful about who the source is, because I have seen one that paints them as just being nothing more than a 'smart banking family,' when nothing could be further from the truth. But this one at least sounds as though it paints an accurate portrait of who this family of Zionist devil-worshiper's really are (at least I hope it does, because that's who they are, and I'm not sure I've seen this). So if they portray this family in a good light, just disregard it.

Here's the link, it's titled: 'Rothschild Family Illuminati 2012 Exposed NWO Shocking.'

Interesting. There seems as though they've taken down quite a bit of the documentaries exposing this Satanic family, instead showing 'propaganda,' versions. These people control a whole lot more than just the 'banking industry!' They're totally committed to Satan, and creating a New World Order (NWO), same goes for the 'British Royal's (so-called, they're actually not even of British descent, they're of German descent). But of course as so many Zionist's and globalists do, they oftentimes 'change their last names,' to confuse people. 

And just to clarify something, when I speak of 'Zionism,' keep in mind, it's not a 'race' I speak about (though many of them are indeed Jewish), but Zionism is a 'philosophy,' an ideology. Now to be honest, and I don't mean to be mean, I find it somewhat bizarre that for at least in America, Jews are about 3 percent of the population, but when you look at certain industries, they're overwhelmingly 'Jewish.' How does that work? The same can be said for numerous nations as well. But, I'd also like to point out that I'm most certainly not anti-Semitic, I'm Christian, and Christians, are to love the Jews. But what many Christians do not understand is that there are 'true Jews,' then there are what the Bible itself (God Himself) refers to as the 'Synagogue of Satan!' And it is those with whom I, as all Christians are to be concerned with. I believe most Jews are just like anyone else, but as with any race, there's always a few rotten apples. 

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the post, and video, and it's definitely exciting to be back posting!!! You'll be seeing a whole lot more posting again, mainly beginning Monday, but they'll be more over the weekend. 

Thanks for reading. Stay safe. And be Vigilant! 

Monday, October 16, 2017

THE DEEP STATE - 50 Year Old Recording Proves Everything In The News Today Was PLANNED Long Ago!

Here is a video of things you've NEVER been taught in school. And nobody EVER will be. Because if people knew the 'truth' most likely these Illuminati devil-worshipers would NOT have their way.

These people using Freemasonry, and various other secret societies have ONE GOAL: A 'NEW WORLD ORDER!' (NWO). Those who are familiar with biblical prophecy will know exactly what I mean. Though even most of them do NOT know the methods being used to get there, including the infiltration of the Churches.

These people care about no one but themselves. They hold no allegiance to any nation, because they're 'globalists.' And we have many of them right here within the United States. People need to understand what globalism is about. It is NOT a 'utopian society' as they would have you to believe. Its the exact opposite, TOTAL and COMPLETE 'slavery and bondage!'

And these liberals who are radicalized into thinking what they're being taught by the liberal media, or their liberal professors are total imbeciles, being led by the pied-piper, straight into the nightmare known as the NWO. Among these groups were the Weather-Underground, of which some are now 'professors,' the Black Panthers, the KKK, the ADL, ANTIFA, and the idiotic 'RESIST' movement. All those groups should be classified as 'terrorist' organizations. Also the Southern Poverty Law Center, and the National Council of Churches. And there are even more. Also Freemasonry and the Shriner's are nothing but the same, on top of being 'Luciferians' at the higher levels.

As for the government, the Federal Reserve (un-constitutional organization) as is the 16th amendment, with the IRS need to be ABOLISHED! The CIA and FBI are completely infiltrated, along with Congress with Satanists and pedophiles, the CIA should be dismantled, as possibly the FBI, unless it were 'gutted' from its Satanic leadership, and completely replaced by patriots from top to bottom! Same goes for Congress.

And do NOT listen to FOOLS such as Alex Jones, a Zionist (another group of people who need to be educated (the naive ones), but those Zionists who know exactly what they're doing ought to be tried for 'treason!' Jones is also a 'Freemason,' and part of the system, its called 'controlled opposition,' and that's what that piece of sh*t is! He's NO 'patriot!' And even Judaism is against 'ZIONISM!' That speaks volumes. Speaking of Zionism and the Federal Reserve, which is an ILLEGAL ORGANIZATION, run by the ROTHSCHILD dynasty, notice that the last 3 'Federal Reserve chairman' have ALL been 'Zionists!' Coincidence? They don't exist! Allan Greenspan, Ben 'Shalom' Bernake, and now Jessica Yellen. How 'coincidental.'

Oh and how can I forget the 'shadow government,' aka the (CFR) 'Council on Foreign Affairs,' they are a front group for the Illuminati. And by the way, those who claim the 'Illuminati' disappeared after they were discovered and banned in Bavaria, have no idea what they're speaking of, and are probably a part of it. They moved to Switzerland, and are CURRENTLY 'headquartered' right here in the U.S. in NYC at the Council on Foreign Affairs building! Also the (UN) United Nations is yet another front group for these globalist shills.

Every war from the start of the French Revolution, which was a Rothschild/Illuminati job, has been orchestrated by the same group of people.

I am done 'pussy-footing' around. This country, America is in serious trouble. Now I'm NOT going to 'lie' to you like that fat sack of lard, Alex Jones, and tell you 'we're winning,' when we're not. I'm also NOT going to tell you we're going to 'defeat the NWO,' because we're not. And for a guy who 'claims to be Christian,' it goes to show what a hypocrite Alex Jones truly is because IF he knew the Bible, which he doesn't, he'd know that YES, there will be a NWO! But, it will NOT last. It won't even last not 7 years, and 3 1/2 of those years will be TOTAL CHAOS, the last 3 1/2 yrs. The first will be 'fantastic,' as the coming 'world leader' aka the Antichrist will make peace. But as the Bible clearly points out, halfway through those 7yrs, all HELL breaks loose, as this great 'peace-maker' breaks his agreements, and turns against the people! Now THIS is TRUTH you can BANK ON!

Now having said that, just because I said there will indeed be a NWO, I am NOT implying by any means to just 'throw the towel,' and say what's the use! NO! We still need to fight against these 'traitors,' expose them, and delay their plans! And NO I'm NOT speaking of 'violence!' I cannot emphasize that enough! That's exactly what those scumbags would love! I'm talking about 'education!' Educate yourselves to who these people are! Know what their game-plan is all about. They tell you their plans in their own writings! Use the ballot box to vote out corrupt politicians. Learn the 'companies and corporations' these people own, and hit them where it really hurts- they're pocketbooks! Take to the streets and 'peacefully protest!' And above ALL don't give in to 'their system!'

In the coming weeks and months ahead you're going to get the truth here and the facts like no where else! I'm going to expose who these people are, by name, the companies they run, and tell you about what TRUE 'Freemasonry' stands for, which most of  those at the 'Blue lodge levels, 1-3' haven't even a clue! I'm going to expose the Occult and how they use it as well. So stay tuned.

Above all, give your lives over to Jesus Christ! 'He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life' (John 14:6). We are to fear NO MAN! And if you're a Christian you don't need fear man, nor even death! I leave you with these words by a Founding Father, "Give me Liberty or Give me DEATH!" I WILL NOT 'serve ANY man, nor the NWO!'

Here's a video which should help you to understand things better.  The link is where the title from this headline is from.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

CIA Agent Whistleblower Risks All To Expose The Shadow Government

I rarely post links to YouTube videos, but when I do its because they are very relevant to the content of this blog, and I totally agree with its content. Most importantly, its educational in content and something of great value to the American people who are constantly being lied to by the media and their own government, which are two institutions we are supposed to be able to trust, but since 9/11 in particular and with the the removal of the ''Smith-Mundt act," is it now legal for our media and government to lie to us.

This goes against everything this country once stood for, and I for one will not sit idly by and allow these liars to get away with their lies, and expose them as much as I possibly can. This country continues to veer further and further away from the America in which I was born and raised in. To allow this to continue as it is would be a dereliction in the oath I once swore to 'protect and defend this nation against enemies both foreign, and domestic.' And there is no 'expiration date' on that oath upon which I raised my right hand and swore to.

In this video high level former CIA agent, Kevin Shipp now a 'whistleblower,' became disillusioned after having seen from within the CIA how that organization routinely breaks the laws and worse yet, the Constitutional rights of American citizens on a regular basis. So he left the agency, and had turned whistleblower, at the risk of not only himself, but his family as well. This man is a true 'Patriot.'

While many people have been now routinely hearing the term, "Deep state," for the first time, in this video Mr. Shipp advises people that there is a difference between the 'deep state,' and the term 'shadow government,' which a few may be more familiar with. Though both are similar, it is the 'shadow government' which runs and oversees the 'deep state.' He clearly and concisely points out these subtleties within this video which runs just barely over 1 hour. And it goes by fast.

This guy covers it all, in a condensed amount of time. But he articulates the subtle nuances these various agencies use and the tactics they employ to get around the system, and even ruin people's lives in the process. He also names names. While most of Congress is controlled by the 'Shadow government/deep state,' Two of the names he does openly mention are John McCain (R-AZ). No surprise there. And also Charles Shumer (D-NY). Again no surprise there. Notice both men are constantly on the Sunday talks shows,  they don't get much done in Congress, except to obstruct use their free time to be seen in the media every chance they can get. While these two are far from being the only one's involved with the deep state, they are certainly two of the bigger names.

I'll let the video speak for itself. I cannot recommend this highly enough, for those unfamiliar or wanting to know more about how things work behind the scenes of Washington D.C. (district of criminals). For those who want to know even more, this man has just released a book about what he touches upon in this video. I have a copy, and it is his work highly enough. The name of his book is, 'From the Company of Shadows.' click on the link and it'll take you straight to Amazon, where you can purchase it on Kindle or in hardback.

Here is the link the video itself: CIA Agent Whistelblower Risks All to Expose the Shadow Government. 

Friday, October 13, 2017

Hillary Clinton in talks with Columbia University to take on professor role

Oh this is just what universities and America in general needs, another 'liberal, professor.' Oh and her 'archieves' will be held there. What a joke. You cannot even view her husband's achieves at the Clinton presidential 'censored' library!'

And what they don't tell you in this article is that as a 'lawyer,' she worked as a prosecutor in the Watergate trial, but was so ineffective- she was dismissed! Look that up, Columbia!

Also, look up how again, as a 'lawyer,' she worked to 'help defend a rapist,' and then turned around and made fun of the 'rape victim!' Look that up too, Columbia!

                                      Hillary the Swamp-monster Witch

And it goes without saying her 'ineffectiveness' as a 'First lady,' (only one to ever be looked into, or worse, (so many things wrong with this woman, hard to keep track).

Then there is the 'Clinton body count.' this may get me 'censored,' but I really don't give a DAMN! This woman is said to have attended 'coven meetings,' and became involved in 'Witchcraft.' This comes directly out of the mouth of someone who was THERE, from the beginning, back in Arkansas, and as close to the Clinton's as it gets- Larry Nichols, whom it's said is THE one person the Clinton's truly fear!

Nichols was Bill 'Slick Willies' side-kick, his right hand man. And while he (Nichols) himself admits to having done some 'bad things,' he's come clean, and has been out sounding the alarm about this 'criminal couple,' (and now daughter) known as the Clinton's.

You can find Larry Nichols' videos on YouTube. He now is going through 'cancer treatments,' and may not be around for much longer, but he's truly turned his life around, and is doing the American people a tremendous service. Plus he has nothing to lose! That's why the Clinton's fear him so, he literally knows where the 'skeletons are buried!' But of course, no one will check into what he has to say because of the 'criminal elements' who have hijacked critical departments within our government.

But, as 'First lady' of Arkansas, Nichols points out how that Hillary would regularly fly to L.A. and attend 'coven meetings' while out there. Notice, she is close to the 'Hollywood elite' now isn't she? Especially the scumbag pedophile Jeffery Epstein, as is her husband, and also Harvey Weinstein who's just taken a fall, justifiably so. These elites are heavily involved into 'secret societies,' and Satanism, as well as pedophilia- that is a fact you can take to the bank!!!

I just saw a video on YouTube by someone who is in the know, a high ranking 'insider,' who says its estimated that 1/3 of our government are ALL involved into Satanism and pedophilia! While that may sound unbelievable, it is being uncovered, slowly because it would be such a 'shock' to most Americans. But it's coming out. So don't be surprised when you hear this!

Why do you think there is so much 'corruption' and 'cover-ups' happening at the highest levels of government? And look at the Las Vegas shooting. I told you all from day 1, this 'stinks to high heaven.' There are many times I WISH I did not know all that I do about these people, secret societies, the occult, etc. But I do.

And I'd swear to you, the reader, if you only know 1/3 of what I knew- the American people would wage a 2nd American Revolution- immediately! If only most understood the 'Federal Reserve,' they're be a revolution. Add to that ALL the other things I could disclose!

Lastly, I'd like to thank my readers for baring with me, as I have been very sick. That explains why I've not been posting as much lately. But once I recover, I'm going to begin revealing a LOT. So please stay with me while I recover from my illness, and thank you for sticking with me.

God bless you all, and God continue to bless America, the greatest country in the world! And a word for you LOSER'S in the NFL, as the great former head coach and player for the Chicago Bears recently said, 'If you can't stand for our National Anthem, get the hell out of the country!'

...bunch of spoiled brats who were it not for their ability to play football, would be bagging groceries in a supermarket. And that is NOT a put-down to those who do that for an honest living.

Here's the pathetic link of Hitlery in talks with Columbia: the way, it is any wonder why universities are churning out nothing but a bunch of 'IMBECILES' with USELESS DEGREES? And they're being heavily indoctrinated into being 'SNOWFLAKES!'

Friday, October 6, 2017

JUST IN: Obama 'Deregulated Bump Stocks in 2010'

Was just watching Fox News when I read this headline across the screen,

"Obama Deregulated Bump Stocks in 2010."

That is HUGE news!!!

For those who've not been closely following this incident which happened in Las Vegas, its been reported and 'confirmed' that the shooter, or shooter's had modified their weapons with a device known as a 'bump stop' which would allow the gun to fire in 'fully automatic mode,' as a machine gun.

Now for a president who was so 'anti-gun' and a HUGE liberal to have done such a move, especially in light of ALL the 'mass shootings' that occurred during his 2nd term in office, this is unprecedented.

Why would an 'anti-gun' (2nd amendment) president 'deregulate' these bump stocks? I may be mistaken on this point, but I do believe its even a 'felony' to modify a rifle with those bump stocks.

And as we all know, there were several 'mass shootings' which possibly half of them have been identified by several military and Intelligence agents to have been 'false flag' shootings.

I think its time Obama answer some questions, which should have already been conducted on any number of issues, along with Hillary who openly announced her involvement in the "Resist" movement, which is another term for joining the 'Deep state!'

Its an entirely different matter for an average citizen to have joined one of those idiot 'Resist' movements. But for a former president, and we know he has because he opened up 'shop' just within a mile from the White House, which is basically a compound, and a former aide is living with him, give me a break. On top of that, within the Trump administration are MANY Obama 'holdovers!' That too is unprecedented.

Then Hillary Clinton publicly announcing her personal involvement in the "Resist" movement? This is a woman who ought to be behind prison walls for the rest of her life; a woman who as a former Sec of State may still very well have a 'security clearance,' with access to confidential material? Come on.

Anyone who reads this blog knows that from the moment this Vegas shooting happened, I said this 'stinks to high heaven.' And I know for a fact the so-called 'deep state' has been working actively to bring down the Trump administration. If Trump doesn't understand this, and he ought to because he does have personal friends who know about this, well then he's not half as intelligent as people have claimed him to be.

But I'm holding onto hope that Trump is aware of the reality of what he's up against. What's the alternative? Mike Pence? I pray to God NOT! I'll say it again, I have NEVER trusted Pence, he's proven himself to be a phony and a 'globalist.' And ask yourself just why is it that he's 'respected across party lines?' That's all you need to know about Mike Pence.

Now, I'm not suggesting Pence has ANYTHING to do with any of what happened, or even the fact that it would appear as though the so-called 'deep state' is out to overthrow the Trump administration, but 'who stands to profit?'

Also, as I wrote yesterday, this would NOT be the first time that a sitting president has been attempted to be overthrown! During the 1930's, possibly early '40's, FDR's administration was about to be 'overthrown,' in fact the entire US government was about to be overthrown by a group of military generals. And were it not for one Marine general by the name of Smedley Butler, who went on to write the book, War is a Racket, and is the highest decorated soldier in US history, this plan may have been carried out. But Gen Butler blew the whistle and went public with the plan of those military generals. So what is going on today is NOT unprecedented.

When the Bankers Plotted to Overthrow FDR (using the military) is yet another book which clearly presents the case that a 'military coup' was in the works during FDR's presidency. So NONE of this is 'conspiracy theory.' I don't deal with such nonsense. I do however deal in 'conspiracy FACTS.' There is a major difference. I've also pointed out on this blog how the term 'conspiracy theory' was a CIA invention to belittle anyone who did not believe the lies told to the American public about how president JFK was assassinated.

Lastly, the reason this is huge news about Obama having deregulated 'bump stocks,' is because much of the liberal media and various politicians are out blaming 'gun owners' as though it was their fault for what happened in Vegas. This can be seen also in the late night (comedy) talk shows, and by celebrities (Tweets), etc, etc. As usual, its the 'gun' that is at fault. Well a gun is an inanimate object that of itself can do absolutely- NOTHING. The fault lies with the person.

In countries where guns are outlawed, you have even more crime due to the population being easier targets for 'criminals.' And oftentimes those criminals are using 'knives,' and lately 'vehicles.' So are we to 'blame' knives and cars/trucks and even out-law them? I think not.

Tillerson Summoned to White House Amid Presidential Fury

So now apparently Trump's Sec of State Tillerson is in the 'hot seat.' Why doesn't this surprise me in the least?

Could it be because Trump was voted into office to, 'Drain the swamp?' Yet instead of draining the swamp, he has a cabinet FULL of 'swamp creatures,' and among them is his own VP, Mike Pence!

By now it should be apparent to everyone that 'they' the Deep state, or whatever you want to call them are wanting to 'rid' Trump from office. By default that would make Mike Pence the president of the US.

Pence is a part of the swamp! He's a hypocrite. He's NOT a 'born again Christian,' he's a 'Catholic!' I suggest Christians look that up for themselves. I've NEVER trusted Mike Pence since day #1.

Then we hear reports of Pence making campaign appearances to raise cash? What the heck is that all about? Does Pence know something we aren't being told?

Apparently this article is about comments made by Sec of State Tillerson, which among other things, claims Tillerson called Trump a 'moron.' Should that be true, Trump needs to remove him immediately!

And regarding such language, this doesn't surprise me in the least, when its been well reported that another cabinet member, HR McMaster, known to be a drunk, who blurts out comments he shouldn't, is said to have 'publically' called Trump a 'moron' as well. So why isn't he given a pink slip and sent on his merry way as well?

Just why are these 'scumbags' involved in the White House to begin with. These people are the 'Swamp!' To my knowledge there were only two true Conservatives, Bannon and Miller. I believe Miller is still there, Bannon has gone his own way.

I just cannot believe that Trump cannot find true patriots who share his 'America first' vision to fill cabinet level positions! There are plenty of people out there who could be in these untrustworthy creatures.

This reminds me of Reagan/Bush, Sr. After having locked up the presidential nomination back in 1980, Reagan did NOT want George H W Bush as his VP. Hell, he didn't want ANYTHING to do with Bush, Sr. Yet, a 'deal' had to be made for Reagan to maintain his GOP nomination, and that deal involved having George H W Bush as his VP. Fast forward about 6 months into Reagan's administration, and we had an assassination attempt on Reagan's life.

Thankfully, Reagan survived the assassination attempt, but I cannot help but believe Bush, Sr was responsible for that incident. There are several anomalies surrounding the Bush family, and what happened. And Bush, Sr even had connections to the assassination to JKF. Keep in mind Bush, Sr was head of the CIA under former president Ford, though its believed Bush, Sr had connections with the CIA for a much longer time than the public is aware of.

So was Trump 'forced' to accept Mike Pence as Reagan was forced to accept Bush, Sr? They say history repeats itself. So you decide for yourself. Pence is a 'globalist.' Do your research on the guy. He is NOT an 'America first' person. Why do you think and have heard Pence is 'well respected' across the aisle? The same has been said about Bush, Sr.

The Jerusalem Post's 50 Influential Jews Of 2017

A little something I saw posted on the Drudge Report. Thought it would be useful to post here for one simple reason...

Here we have possibly two of the most 'incompetent' persons to EVER represent and have the ear of a sitting president.

Jared is said to be so 'stupid' for lack of a better word, his daddy literally had to PAY 'Harvard' money to allow his precious son to be admitted into their university.

Ivanka is known to be a liberal who hangs out with people who are totally against all that her own father represents. Where's her loyalty to her own father? And its also a fact that Ivanka was heavily responsible for her father having dropped 50 missiles over Syria over a 'false flag' event that has yet to be proven, nor ever will. So her own 'intelligence' needs to be questioned.

So basically we have two 'spoiled brats' pictured and profiled in this article. Sick.

Also, did I miss the list of the 'most influential Hispanics, Whites, Black, etc, etc? No. I hardly think so. But plastered across the Drudge Report, is this headline,

'Ivanka and Jared Named World's Most Influential Jews.' 

Again, WHO CARES? I just wanted to post this as a fact about how 'elites' are promoted above others, when in  reality they put their clothes on the same way as anybody else. In most cases, these people's intelligence is not very 'bright' either.

Decades of Sexual Harassment Accusations Against Hollywood's Harvey Weinstein

Here is a classic case of how 'hypocritical' the Left is. Harvey Weinstein a Hollywood producer/executive, a person who could make or break a female actresses career is being accused of sexual harassment. 

And yet, he's being advised by liberal attorney Lisa Bloom who has worked on these types of cases, usually in reverse, 'protecting' the rights of women. Yet in this case, she's defending a man who would make Bill O'Reilly and Roger Ailes accused of the same thing, look like 'choir boys!'

Talk about hypocrisy!

To make matters even worse, this guy being a liberal Hollywood figure, has had political connections with Hillary Clinton! Hillary, the female 'would be president' who 'stands for women!' Right. She's seen here smoozing it up with Harvey Weinstein in 2012.

                                         Hillary and Harvey Weinstein

What a lovely couple, huh? Yeah, Hillary stands for 'women!' Thank God this hypocrite did not become president. Not that Trump is an 'angel' himself. Matter of fact, I don't like nor trust ANY politician knowing what I know about the murky world of DC politics. But some of these creatures are just more blatantly hypocritical than others.

And while Bill O'Reilly had settlements of 'millions' of dollars, this scumbag had settlements averaging from $80-150 thousand dollars. Gee, I wonder why such a 'double standard?' Hollywood is a disgusting place full of pedophilia, casting couch encounters, and Satanists, fact.

Oh and this guy also was working with one of the Obama's daughters as well. But, does that really surprise you? Knowing the mentality of the elite mind, these people often sell out their own children for a variety of reasons. Its a very sick, sick world.

Monday, October 2, 2017

BREAKING: Shooting in Las Vegas; 20+ Dead, Dozens injured, 12 Critical...

I was awake when this incident happened. It happened about between midnight and 2am (central time). I've been watching ever since.

Something just 'stinks' to high heaven already about this shooting. One shooter, when many claimed there were 'multiple' shooters. Also, no word about the 'dead shooter,' only that he was a local man.' Yet, there is an 'Asian women' who is on the loose, and is said to be the gunman's 'roommate.'

Anyone who follows these type of cases where there is a deranged 'lone man' shooter knows often times there is a 'handler,' who is involved with the shooter. Could this Asian woman be this person? Why and how did she 'escape' the gun man? Could she have been a 'shooter' herself?

Having watched even the Sheriff who gave his assessment, after the gun man was apprehended, it left me with more questions than answers. After having experienced 8 years of 'false flag shootings,' under Obama, which incidentally seemed to have gone away- until now, are we back to this tactic?

And anyone who doesn't understand that most of the shootings that happened under Obama were indeed 'false flag' shootings, had better look into the subject, and why they have been used, and are one of the oldest tricks used by governments.

It also could be that Obama who is believed by some to actually be in control of a 'shadow government' behind the scenes may just now be in a position to resume the 'false flag' shootings, which would explain the absence of them since his departure.

While its too early to say very much about what really happened, I can say through intuition, and understanding 'false flags,' and how they're conducted, something here just really stinks pretty bad. And as with most things conducted by the government, they don't do things very effectively.

Details will be forthcoming as events play out. Still developing... .

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Fox Sports Just Dropped a Bombshell on National Anthem Protests With a Major Broadcasting Change

The 'protests' continue in the NFL. And due to the results showing that most are supporting what President Trump has stated, the ratings, ticket sales, etc are plummeting for the NFL.

So Fox Sports got a 'bright idea.' They're idea? Not to telecast the National Anthem, and instead go to a commercial break during the anthem. Great idea! NOT! That's called 'cowardice!' That's called trying to have your cake and eat it too. It's called- 'ratings!'

Obviously Fox Sports solely cares about its ratings, so they'll just skip one of the most important aspects of the game, the National Anthem. And if you've never thought of this as being one of the most important aspects, why has the NFL, and all major league sports covered the National Anthem at the start of the games? Because it shows, respect and unity for America.

But since Kaepernik has decided to 'politicize' the National Anthem, probably not even his own idea, I say this because this is about something bigger, and I'm sorry, but most jocks aren't the 'sharpest knives in the drawers.' So I wouldn't doubt it if someone, some 'snowflake' organization, such as a George Soros or someone as digsusting as himself probably is behind this movement.

Anyway, my thoughts about this is if you can't show the National Anthem prior to the start of a football game, NFL and Fox Sports, well then I have no time for either of you! I will no longer watch the NFL or Fox Sports.

You hit these cowards in the 'pocketbook,' and see how fast they change their tune, and become very patriotic once again! It's time to join together and say the hell with the NFL and with Fox Sports. If this is good enough for the 'snowflakes,' and they've done this with great results, well then its good enough for me. Besides, when it comes to 'warfare,' you fight 'fire with fire!'

Should the NFL and Fox Sports 'grow a pair,' then I'll return to the game. Until then, asta la vista, baby!

PS, the NFL has already taken a 'back-seat' to the NHL (National Hockey League). And let me tell you, the NHL has NO PROBLEMS playing and showing the National Anthem! The National Anthem is 'proudly performed' before each and every start of the NHL's games. And it's covered, at least here in Chicago before each and every Chicago Blackhawks games! People actually look forward to and enjoy the playing of the Anthem!

Chicago fans LOVE their National Anthem. I'm so sick and tired about hearing about 'Chicago's crime problem!' THAT is only in the 'urban ghetto's!' Not to trivialize that, because it is bad, and those people (the innocent one's) deserve to live in a 'crime free' environment. But to make this 'appear' as though it's a citywide problem, is as ridiculous as it gets, because it is not true. Chicago is as safe as any other city in the United States. And its sports fans are as 'patriotic' as they come! So much for the idiots who 'think' Chicago is 'liberal!' It is not.

Watch a nationally telecast game of the Chicago Blackhawks, and get ready to get 'chills' run though your body as you hear the National Anthem sang by Jim Corneilson before each and every Blackhawks game! Watch how the fans react! Hear as the crowds anticipate the turning down of the lights, and the spot-light shun upon the American flag! Sorry, NFL. You NEVER could match that! And there are few cities that can match the 'patiotic fans' of the City of Chicago! The place of my birth and where I was raised.

And to all the 'fair weather fans,' you won't find a more loyal city of fans as there are in the City of Chicago! I've been to other cities. I've seen how they'll follow teams that only are 'winning.' They're also known as 'band-wagon' fans. And they'll jump onto the wagon of whatever team is winning. Well, Chicago fans have endured over 100 years since the Chicago Cubs won their last World Series, and stuck with them until just last year when they won it all! The Chicago Blackhawks fans remained 'loyal' to their beloved Blackhawks when they went almost 50 yeras without winning the Stanley Cub, until 2010, 2013 and 2015! You'd be hard pressed to find a more loyal and patriotic city as Chicago and its sports fans. 2 games ago when the Chicago Bears were misguided into 'locking arms,' (NOT kneeling!), but even still standing, yet locking arms, the fans 'booed loudly!' You won't see that mistake EVER happen again!

The McKaskey familiy which owns the Chicago Bears are a very patriotic family. And they were misguided by someone. Luckily it was for 1 week. Yet they still heard it and they know better. Roger Goodell, NFL 'commissioner' is a politically correct piece of dirt, not worthy to hold his position. He needs to be removed, and replaced. But, who give a crap. I love my Chicago Bears, but they've taken a back-seat to the Blackhawks years ago.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Steven Seagal Exposes Deep State Coup

Real life martial artist, last I heard he was an 7th degree black belt in Aikido, Hollywood action start (in more than one way, in real life), Steven Seagal answers questions from Piers Morgan about the fake 'Russian narrative' about Donald J. Trump.

Seagal who burst onto the big screen with the martial arts - action movie Above the Law, which in my opinion was his best, and one of the best martial arts movies, is a conservative. I never knew that.

I know he's personal friends with Russian president Vladimir Putin due to Putin himself being a martial artist himself. Putin is a black belt in 'Judo,' which for a man of his height is the perfect martial art that I would personally recommend anyone of his height to get involved in, were they looking to go into martial arts.

While Putin's height is somewhat of a mystery, he's said to be anywhere between 5'3" to 5'7" depending on the source. Judo being mainly an art involving grappling and throwing, is the perfect art for someone that height due to having a lower center of gravity. So Putin (whether it was his choice, or recommended to him) is in the art that I would recommend to anyone around that height.

So Putin and Seagal have been friends for many years now. Seagal has traveled to  Russia originally to promote the art of 'Aikido,' which Seagal is a master of. If you've seen any of his movies, the style is very nice and smooth to see. However, from a realistic perspective, there isn't a fight out there that would resemble anything like what you've seen in those movies. Nonetheless, it is a beautiful art to watch.

While on the Piers Morgan show, Seagal was asked about his take on the Trump 'Russia narrative,' and Seagal's answer was astounding. He was very candid and honest, and told Morgan that he himself has 'put his own life in danger for America,' and that basically this Russian meddling is a joke, that has been promoted by the 'Deep state,' along with Obama hold-overs.

In watching this brief video clip, I saw a side of Steven Seagal that I never knew. I've followed him as far as his martial arts life is concerned, being a 'lifelong' practitioner myself. I've also heard some about his spiritual life, which to many in the martial arts is a big part of their lives. But I've never known, nor heard anything about his political leanings.

So to hear a big name Hollywood star, who by the way likes Trump was very refreshing. But even more than that was his 'honesty and sincerity.' This guy just sat back, in Russia where I understand he lives, and spat out the truth. And he is still active in Hollywood, so its not like he's out of Hollywood and free to speak his mind, unlike most whom are basically living in fear of what they say, especially about politics in a climate where 'political correctness' is a way of life.

...but being a martial artist tends to free you from many things that would otherwise 'shackle' you were it not for the confidence bestowed upon you when you're into martial arts. By the way, Seagal was sitting in front of 'Red Square' in Moscow for the interview. Piers Morgan of course, couldn't resist in pointing that out, as though somehow that makes you disqualified to speak on behalf of your fellow countrymen, Morgan not included, being a Brit.

Please excuse the heavy emphasis on the martial arts, as this was meant to be more about politics than anything else, but when you're talking about a fellow martial artist whom I just happen to learn is also a 'conservative' one can't help but point out that Seagal is more apt to speak his mind knowing what he knows. Yes, the arts tend to bring out a great amount of self-confidence in oneself's ability to speak from the heart, and soul for that matter.

As for Morgan, I've also just learned that he himself is a 'closet conservative!' So that too is yet another shocker to say the least! We (on the right) rightfully so, I might add, tend to view Morgan as this hard-core leftist, and he was playing the part, but that was then. Apparently Morgan has a new show, at least that I'm aware of, and he's also now living back in his native country of England. So between those two aspects, maybe there will be a visible change at least to some extent on Morgan's behalf. And no, this is no endorsement nor approval of Morgan. That is something that will take a lot more than a change of address and a new show.

Having said that, Morgan surprisingly was 'fair' in his questioning of Seagal, with the only expection the comment about Seagal simply being in Russia, as though there was something wrong about that imagery. Knowing politics and the media such as I do, I'd say Morgan was simply attempting to flex his little muscles- for show purposes. Inwardly, he probably was agreeing with his guest. Besides, he no longer has CNN, or MSNBC signing his paychecks.

So, overall this was a refreshingly interesting interview between what most would suspect to be two 'leftists,' who are truly conservatives. One a mainstream media host, and the other a Hollywood action star. After having viewed this I came away with the notion that Steven Seagal is a much more 'wide awake' Hollywood star, than even I would have suspected. And as I had long suspected, it would appear to me that Seagal has 'worked for the government' in one capacity or another. While most in Hollywood are 'wannabe's,' Seagal, in my opinion is what other action stars would want to be like one day, when they grew up.

Next time you hear some leftist point out how evil and wicked Russia is, and how they 'meddled' in our last election, point out the truth, and ask yourself, just what would be so bad were Russia and the United States to 'work together,' and 'get along?' Does it serve in our best interests to have Russia and Putin as 'enemies,' or as 'partners,' working together to help one another, fight terrorism, and better yet, improve and enrich the lives of each countries citizens?

And as I conclude this post, let me give you a little perspective on where I'm coming from. I was born during the height of the 'cold war.' I still remember as a child living in a world where at school we had 'duck and cover' drills. I was at the tail end of those who were taking those drills, but I still remember them. I also remember as a child how being called a 'commie,' or a 'Ruskie' was a horrible thing. I wasn't personally called those things, I'm simply pointing out it was the norm at the time. Russia was 'the enemy.' To be called a 'Ruskie' were fighting words. Sound familiar? I guess the more things 'change,' the more they remain the same.

See, the fact is when I was growing up, Russia was a 'communist nation.' We were at the height of the 'cold war.' Both countries resented and disliked each other, and needless to say distrusted one another. But all of that has changed. The fall of the Berlin wall effectively 'closed the cold war,' and Russia was no longer the communist nation it once was. They were now openly seeking capitalism, and the chains and shackles of communist oppression were removed off of the Russian people. And all of this took place between the years of 1989- 1991.

So here we are in 2017, and its been quite some time from 1991. Russia has reformed itself and is basically a capitalist nation, with free markets and a more open and humane environment for its citizens. Russia now actively promotes 'life,' rather than placing a cheap price-tag on it. A lot has changed in Russia. And yet for some reason, much of which wasn't even an issue until Donald Trump was elected to become our 45th President of the United States happened. The media ha concocted this entirely patently absurd notion that somehow, someway Russia 'meddled' in our election. And that Trump himself may be a 'Russian agent.' All of this all because the left's candidate, Hillary Rodham Clinton, the most corrupt political presidential candidate ever to run for office, at least in modern times lost an election that the media, using 'fake polls' had leading her opponent by double digits, when it was all a rouse to demoralize not only her opponent, but the will of the American people- failed.

...and the rest, as they say is history. Thank God! Yet America, thanks to Obama and Hillary are left as divided as it ever has been. As Trump attempts to achieve unity, and restore some semblance of what this country was like (and make it better than ever!), we still have Obama, Hillary, the media and last but not least, the 'Deep state,' working together as did as agitators, using old Soviet and Nazi brown-shirted tactics to do whatever it takes to destroy America and bring her to her knees. We need modern day Paul Revere's sounding the alarm, not against or for a 'foreign invader,' but this time from a 'domestic' enemy.

Our representatives who were sent to Washington to 'serve us' (they're not authorities, though they'd have you believe this, they serve us!) upon taking office, raised their hands, one on the Bible, and the other in the air, to 'serve, defend and protect' the American people and all that it represents, against enemies, 'both foreign and domestic.' Other than for those who are here 'illegally,' or have come here to commit acts of 'terrorism,' its time, like never before in our history, to put the emphasis, not on foreign enemies, but from 'domestic enemies!' Donald Trump (love him or hate him), and his entire administration are (for now) responsible for unifying this country. And all those who would stand against him and block, oppose, obstruct and otherwise need to be held accountable for their actions like never before. And this applies to not only those on the left, but those on the right as well. I'm speaking of the Mitch McConnell's, the John McCain's and the Paul Ryan blue-blooded elitist slime that reside and are just as guilty as anyone else on the other side for blocking the president of the United States of America. Its time to do the right thing- not for yourselves, not for your re-elections, but for the good of America and of all its people! 

To hell with the 'deep state,' and anyone associated with it. May your plans fumble and fall, and may justice, the rule of law and the American people wake up and rise above your heads. You've uncovered your faces, and exposed yourself for all to see. American will only heal and prosper when these people are fallen and knocked off their high horses. Let freedom Reign!

Here is the video of Steven Seagal exposing the Deep state coup!