Monday, October 2, 2017

BREAKING: Shooting in Las Vegas; 20+ Dead, Dozens injured, 12 Critical...

I was awake when this incident happened. It happened about between midnight and 2am (central time). I've been watching ever since.

Something just 'stinks' to high heaven already about this shooting. One shooter, when many claimed there were 'multiple' shooters. Also, no word about the 'dead shooter,' only that he was a local man.' Yet, there is an 'Asian women' who is on the loose, and is said to be the gunman's 'roommate.'

Anyone who follows these type of cases where there is a deranged 'lone man' shooter knows often times there is a 'handler,' who is involved with the shooter. Could this Asian woman be this person? Why and how did she 'escape' the gun man? Could she have been a 'shooter' herself?

Having watched even the Sheriff who gave his assessment, after the gun man was apprehended, it left me with more questions than answers. After having experienced 8 years of 'false flag shootings,' under Obama, which incidentally seemed to have gone away- until now, are we back to this tactic?

And anyone who doesn't understand that most of the shootings that happened under Obama were indeed 'false flag' shootings, had better look into the subject, and why they have been used, and are one of the oldest tricks used by governments.

It also could be that Obama who is believed by some to actually be in control of a 'shadow government' behind the scenes may just now be in a position to resume the 'false flag' shootings, which would explain the absence of them since his departure.

While its too early to say very much about what really happened, I can say through intuition, and understanding 'false flags,' and how they're conducted, something here just really stinks pretty bad. And as with most things conducted by the government, they don't do things very effectively.

Details will be forthcoming as events play out. Still developing... .

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