Monday, October 16, 2017

THE DEEP STATE - 50 Year Old Recording Proves Everything In The News Today Was PLANNED Long Ago!

Here is a video of things you've NEVER been taught in school. And nobody EVER will be. Because if people knew the 'truth' most likely these Illuminati devil-worshipers would NOT have their way.

These people using Freemasonry, and various other secret societies have ONE GOAL: A 'NEW WORLD ORDER!' (NWO). Those who are familiar with biblical prophecy will know exactly what I mean. Though even most of them do NOT know the methods being used to get there, including the infiltration of the Churches.

These people care about no one but themselves. They hold no allegiance to any nation, because they're 'globalists.' And we have many of them right here within the United States. People need to understand what globalism is about. It is NOT a 'utopian society' as they would have you to believe. Its the exact opposite, TOTAL and COMPLETE 'slavery and bondage!'

And these liberals who are radicalized into thinking what they're being taught by the liberal media, or their liberal professors are total imbeciles, being led by the pied-piper, straight into the nightmare known as the NWO. Among these groups were the Weather-Underground, of which some are now 'professors,' the Black Panthers, the KKK, the ADL, ANTIFA, and the idiotic 'RESIST' movement. All those groups should be classified as 'terrorist' organizations. Also the Southern Poverty Law Center, and the National Council of Churches. And there are even more. Also Freemasonry and the Shriner's are nothing but the same, on top of being 'Luciferians' at the higher levels.

As for the government, the Federal Reserve (un-constitutional organization) as is the 16th amendment, with the IRS need to be ABOLISHED! The CIA and FBI are completely infiltrated, along with Congress with Satanists and pedophiles, the CIA should be dismantled, as possibly the FBI, unless it were 'gutted' from its Satanic leadership, and completely replaced by patriots from top to bottom! Same goes for Congress.

And do NOT listen to FOOLS such as Alex Jones, a Zionist (another group of people who need to be educated (the naive ones), but those Zionists who know exactly what they're doing ought to be tried for 'treason!' Jones is also a 'Freemason,' and part of the system, its called 'controlled opposition,' and that's what that piece of sh*t is! He's NO 'patriot!' And even Judaism is against 'ZIONISM!' That speaks volumes. Speaking of Zionism and the Federal Reserve, which is an ILLEGAL ORGANIZATION, run by the ROTHSCHILD dynasty, notice that the last 3 'Federal Reserve chairman' have ALL been 'Zionists!' Coincidence? They don't exist! Allan Greenspan, Ben 'Shalom' Bernake, and now Jessica Yellen. How 'coincidental.'

Oh and how can I forget the 'shadow government,' aka the (CFR) 'Council on Foreign Affairs,' they are a front group for the Illuminati. And by the way, those who claim the 'Illuminati' disappeared after they were discovered and banned in Bavaria, have no idea what they're speaking of, and are probably a part of it. They moved to Switzerland, and are CURRENTLY 'headquartered' right here in the U.S. in NYC at the Council on Foreign Affairs building! Also the (UN) United Nations is yet another front group for these globalist shills.

Every war from the start of the French Revolution, which was a Rothschild/Illuminati job, has been orchestrated by the same group of people.

I am done 'pussy-footing' around. This country, America is in serious trouble. Now I'm NOT going to 'lie' to you like that fat sack of lard, Alex Jones, and tell you 'we're winning,' when we're not. I'm also NOT going to tell you we're going to 'defeat the NWO,' because we're not. And for a guy who 'claims to be Christian,' it goes to show what a hypocrite Alex Jones truly is because IF he knew the Bible, which he doesn't, he'd know that YES, there will be a NWO! But, it will NOT last. It won't even last not 7 years, and 3 1/2 of those years will be TOTAL CHAOS, the last 3 1/2 yrs. The first will be 'fantastic,' as the coming 'world leader' aka the Antichrist will make peace. But as the Bible clearly points out, halfway through those 7yrs, all HELL breaks loose, as this great 'peace-maker' breaks his agreements, and turns against the people! Now THIS is TRUTH you can BANK ON!

Now having said that, just because I said there will indeed be a NWO, I am NOT implying by any means to just 'throw the towel,' and say what's the use! NO! We still need to fight against these 'traitors,' expose them, and delay their plans! And NO I'm NOT speaking of 'violence!' I cannot emphasize that enough! That's exactly what those scumbags would love! I'm talking about 'education!' Educate yourselves to who these people are! Know what their game-plan is all about. They tell you their plans in their own writings! Use the ballot box to vote out corrupt politicians. Learn the 'companies and corporations' these people own, and hit them where it really hurts- they're pocketbooks! Take to the streets and 'peacefully protest!' And above ALL don't give in to 'their system!'

In the coming weeks and months ahead you're going to get the truth here and the facts like no where else! I'm going to expose who these people are, by name, the companies they run, and tell you about what TRUE 'Freemasonry' stands for, which most of  those at the 'Blue lodge levels, 1-3' haven't even a clue! I'm going to expose the Occult and how they use it as well. So stay tuned.

Above all, give your lives over to Jesus Christ! 'He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life' (John 14:6). We are to fear NO MAN! And if you're a Christian you don't need fear man, nor even death! I leave you with these words by a Founding Father, "Give me Liberty or Give me DEATH!" I WILL NOT 'serve ANY man, nor the NWO!'

Here's a video which should help you to understand things better.  The link is where the title from this headline is from.

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