Friday, October 6, 2017

Tillerson Summoned to White House Amid Presidential Fury

So now apparently Trump's Sec of State Tillerson is in the 'hot seat.' Why doesn't this surprise me in the least?

Could it be because Trump was voted into office to, 'Drain the swamp?' Yet instead of draining the swamp, he has a cabinet FULL of 'swamp creatures,' and among them is his own VP, Mike Pence!

By now it should be apparent to everyone that 'they' the Deep state, or whatever you want to call them are wanting to 'rid' Trump from office. By default that would make Mike Pence the president of the US.

Pence is a part of the swamp! He's a hypocrite. He's NOT a 'born again Christian,' he's a 'Catholic!' I suggest Christians look that up for themselves. I've NEVER trusted Mike Pence since day #1.

Then we hear reports of Pence making campaign appearances to raise cash? What the heck is that all about? Does Pence know something we aren't being told?

Apparently this article is about comments made by Sec of State Tillerson, which among other things, claims Tillerson called Trump a 'moron.' Should that be true, Trump needs to remove him immediately!

And regarding such language, this doesn't surprise me in the least, when its been well reported that another cabinet member, HR McMaster, known to be a drunk, who blurts out comments he shouldn't, is said to have 'publically' called Trump a 'moron' as well. So why isn't he given a pink slip and sent on his merry way as well?

Just why are these 'scumbags' involved in the White House to begin with. These people are the 'Swamp!' To my knowledge there were only two true Conservatives, Bannon and Miller. I believe Miller is still there, Bannon has gone his own way.

I just cannot believe that Trump cannot find true patriots who share his 'America first' vision to fill cabinet level positions! There are plenty of people out there who could be in these untrustworthy creatures.

This reminds me of Reagan/Bush, Sr. After having locked up the presidential nomination back in 1980, Reagan did NOT want George H W Bush as his VP. Hell, he didn't want ANYTHING to do with Bush, Sr. Yet, a 'deal' had to be made for Reagan to maintain his GOP nomination, and that deal involved having George H W Bush as his VP. Fast forward about 6 months into Reagan's administration, and we had an assassination attempt on Reagan's life.

Thankfully, Reagan survived the assassination attempt, but I cannot help but believe Bush, Sr was responsible for that incident. There are several anomalies surrounding the Bush family, and what happened. And Bush, Sr even had connections to the assassination to JKF. Keep in mind Bush, Sr was head of the CIA under former president Ford, though its believed Bush, Sr had connections with the CIA for a much longer time than the public is aware of.

So was Trump 'forced' to accept Mike Pence as Reagan was forced to accept Bush, Sr? They say history repeats itself. So you decide for yourself. Pence is a 'globalist.' Do your research on the guy. He is NOT an 'America first' person. Why do you think and have heard Pence is 'well respected' across the aisle? The same has been said about Bush, Sr.

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