Sunday, October 1, 2017

Fox Sports Just Dropped a Bombshell on National Anthem Protests With a Major Broadcasting Change

The 'protests' continue in the NFL. And due to the results showing that most are supporting what President Trump has stated, the ratings, ticket sales, etc are plummeting for the NFL.

So Fox Sports got a 'bright idea.' They're idea? Not to telecast the National Anthem, and instead go to a commercial break during the anthem. Great idea! NOT! That's called 'cowardice!' That's called trying to have your cake and eat it too. It's called- 'ratings!'

Obviously Fox Sports solely cares about its ratings, so they'll just skip one of the most important aspects of the game, the National Anthem. And if you've never thought of this as being one of the most important aspects, why has the NFL, and all major league sports covered the National Anthem at the start of the games? Because it shows, respect and unity for America.

But since Kaepernik has decided to 'politicize' the National Anthem, probably not even his own idea, I say this because this is about something bigger, and I'm sorry, but most jocks aren't the 'sharpest knives in the drawers.' So I wouldn't doubt it if someone, some 'snowflake' organization, such as a George Soros or someone as digsusting as himself probably is behind this movement.

Anyway, my thoughts about this is if you can't show the National Anthem prior to the start of a football game, NFL and Fox Sports, well then I have no time for either of you! I will no longer watch the NFL or Fox Sports.

You hit these cowards in the 'pocketbook,' and see how fast they change their tune, and become very patriotic once again! It's time to join together and say the hell with the NFL and with Fox Sports. If this is good enough for the 'snowflakes,' and they've done this with great results, well then its good enough for me. Besides, when it comes to 'warfare,' you fight 'fire with fire!'

Should the NFL and Fox Sports 'grow a pair,' then I'll return to the game. Until then, asta la vista, baby!

PS, the NFL has already taken a 'back-seat' to the NHL (National Hockey League). And let me tell you, the NHL has NO PROBLEMS playing and showing the National Anthem! The National Anthem is 'proudly performed' before each and every start of the NHL's games. And it's covered, at least here in Chicago before each and every Chicago Blackhawks games! People actually look forward to and enjoy the playing of the Anthem!

Chicago fans LOVE their National Anthem. I'm so sick and tired about hearing about 'Chicago's crime problem!' THAT is only in the 'urban ghetto's!' Not to trivialize that, because it is bad, and those people (the innocent one's) deserve to live in a 'crime free' environment. But to make this 'appear' as though it's a citywide problem, is as ridiculous as it gets, because it is not true. Chicago is as safe as any other city in the United States. And its sports fans are as 'patriotic' as they come! So much for the idiots who 'think' Chicago is 'liberal!' It is not.

Watch a nationally telecast game of the Chicago Blackhawks, and get ready to get 'chills' run though your body as you hear the National Anthem sang by Jim Corneilson before each and every Blackhawks game! Watch how the fans react! Hear as the crowds anticipate the turning down of the lights, and the spot-light shun upon the American flag! Sorry, NFL. You NEVER could match that! And there are few cities that can match the 'patiotic fans' of the City of Chicago! The place of my birth and where I was raised.

And to all the 'fair weather fans,' you won't find a more loyal city of fans as there are in the City of Chicago! I've been to other cities. I've seen how they'll follow teams that only are 'winning.' They're also known as 'band-wagon' fans. And they'll jump onto the wagon of whatever team is winning. Well, Chicago fans have endured over 100 years since the Chicago Cubs won their last World Series, and stuck with them until just last year when they won it all! The Chicago Blackhawks fans remained 'loyal' to their beloved Blackhawks when they went almost 50 yeras without winning the Stanley Cub, until 2010, 2013 and 2015! You'd be hard pressed to find a more loyal and patriotic city as Chicago and its sports fans. 2 games ago when the Chicago Bears were misguided into 'locking arms,' (NOT kneeling!), but even still standing, yet locking arms, the fans 'booed loudly!' You won't see that mistake EVER happen again!

The McKaskey familiy which owns the Chicago Bears are a very patriotic family. And they were misguided by someone. Luckily it was for 1 week. Yet they still heard it and they know better. Roger Goodell, NFL 'commissioner' is a politically correct piece of dirt, not worthy to hold his position. He needs to be removed, and replaced. But, who give a crap. I love my Chicago Bears, but they've taken a back-seat to the Blackhawks years ago.

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