Saturday, October 28, 2017

HISSY HYNDE Pretenders legend Chrissie Hynde storms off stage after launching a C-word outburst at her fans

Wow! This woman had the nerve to start cursing at her 'fans' right off the bat as of the very first song? At the age of 66, she ought to be glad she still has any fans left at that age!

I didn't even know her band was still playing together as  group, let alone touring! After having heard about her foul mouthed rant at her own fans, I'd say she's obviously got some issues she needs to get 'professional help!'

What over the hill performer is going to get nasty on  their own fans who probably paid out 'big bucks' for, and instead walked off  stage- give me a break! It should have been in reverse, where 'her fans' walked out on her!

Then days later, she takes to her FB account to write about she 'enjoyed' her UK tour, and attempted to 'apologize,' yet insisting that 'she was being herself?' So even her 'apology' smacked of nothing more than an 'over te hill,' b*tch! But it sounds as though she takes pride in being 'herself.'

After having heard about how she treated her own fans at a concert, how can any so-called fan, even trust that she won't snap again, and walk off the stage not even halfway through her performance? Things should have turned out the complete opposite way around, with her 'fans' having walked out on her!

Maybe then she would have gotten the professional help that this woman has needed, and for a long time ago!

It's almost across the board with these people who make a name for themselves. I'm not saying all of these people, as there are always exceptions, but it seems as though for the most part, once a person has reached a certain level of success in their lives, that their ego's just seem to inflate and they begin to become delusional, thinking they have become 'better' than anyone else.

Yet most of these same people seem to forget that they have come from a place of being no different than you and I. Many have even come from complete obsurity, having come from extreme poverty, to developing a talent (over a long period of years), and forgetting just where they truly have come from. And then of course you've always got those who do come from a background of luxury and privelage, so in those cases their heads also swell up with such ego, pride and gradiosity they they expect to be treated better than the, what they perceive to be the 'common man or woman.'

Whichever way it took these people to arrive to the level of fame they have gotten to, in my opinion they still need help in keeping their ego's in check, so they don't end up making fools of themselves, such as this 66 year old, has-been 'Hissy' Hynde, or whatever her 'real name' may be.

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