Friday, April 28, 2017

Why Donald Trump Decided to Back Off Nafta Threat

Trump is starting to already sound and act just like every other politician who ever ran for office, saying one thing on the 'campaign trail,' then 'doing the very opposite once in office.' It's rather pathetic, and at this point, I see Trump losing his base, and being a 'one term president.' So now NAFTA is apparently a great deal now? Wow!

Remember Trump's speech during his acceptance of the GOP nomination for president in Cleveland, Ohio? He said, "Americanism, not globalism will be our credo!" a thunderous applause. Maybe Trump has subscribed to Obama's "citizen of the word." non-sense?

Well, that was 'candidate Trump.' Now listen to "president Trump,"

Mr. Trump dismissed talk about a split inside his White House between aides with a nationalist or globalist orientation. “Hey, I’m a nationalist and a globalist,” he said. “I’m both. And I’m the only one who makes the decision, believe me.”
Does this sound like the person we all heard and applauded in Cleveland, Ohio? I think not! But, I warmed many, telling them Trump attended "Jesuit universities," and told people to do some research on the history of the "Jesuit order," which has a horrible past and which is basically nothing more than an 'intelligence agency' for none other than the Vatican, and needless to say a stooge for the pope. So is Trump a fraud?

At this point, I'd have to say "yes." On top of this he's put his daughter and son-in-law in sensitive, high-level positions within the White House. Well, they TOO are "globalists." Look, to be blunt, I think the American people have been 'fooled again!' At the very least, maybe Trump was sincere, but then upon entering office, was given a 'talk,' and maybe he was educated as to who really 'runs the United States?!' It definitely isn't Donald Trump, not the man who ran as a 'populist,' on the campaign trail.

While better Trump than the alternative- Hilary; at this point, as Hilary once famously said herself (being the globalist sell-out who would be in the know), "what difference does it make!?" Well, I guess the only difference is the name and face of the person holding the title of President of the United States, Inc. Yes, I said, "incorporated," and you had better understand what that means!

So I suppose the "powers that be" (shadow government) decided to select Trump over Hilary perhaps due to Trump being a  "businessman." Also, it is better to have a 'man' running the country once we go to war. Sorry, feminists, but war is a 'man's game.' Funny thing is, we were ALL told, should Hilary win the election, expect the US to go to war with Russia! We are definitely going to war, whether it be Russia, or N. Korea, make no mistake. All the signs are pointing in the direction of a war. And due to the countries and 'actors' involved, this will most likely be a 'nuclear war!'

Perhaps the 'war issue,' was the deciding factor from which the 'global elite,' decided to 'select,' in other words, all your votes meant- absolutely nothing! Total waste of time and energy. Alex Jones the radio talk show host, had better wake up and smell the coffee, because ever since Trump appeared 'just once' on his show, Jones has basically turned his show into the Trump Channel!

To be fair, only recently has Jones begun to somewhat 'criticize' the president, yet still insisting how much Trump has done for the 'economy' of the US. And the 'jobs' he's allegedly 'brough back' to America. Ah, excuse me, but 'just where are these jobs?' Might they not be most if not all 'temporary jobs,' at best?

Perhaps Trump should just step aside, and allow his son-in-law and daughter to trade places with himself and his wife. Just think of the sound of it, "President Kushner and first lady, Ivanka." Doesn't that just sound lovely. And as an added extra bonus, the entire main stream media will once and for all "love" the Trump's! As for all the 'tough rhetoric' about being against NAFTA, which will be yet another 'broken promise.'

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Cat Unfazed by Rattlesnake in Texas

Amazing picture and story. I've had cats almost my entire life, and I'll tell you- they're 'fearless animals!' I've seen one of my cats who had a big raccoon nearby, and my cat just reached it's paw out and 'slapped' the big raccoon. The raccoon didn't react. But, I'm sure they were thinking, I'm not messing with this cat.

                                                Snake meets Cat

Here's the full story: Cat unfazed by rattelesnake in Texas 

courtesy: Coast to Coast AM

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Little Creep

Full disclosure, I cannot stand this magazine, National Review. They're a bunch of 'neo-con' liberals posing as faux pseudo-intellectuals, so this is far from an 'endorsement' of any part of them.

Having said that, I did come across this particular article, and I couldn't resist as I do agree with their premise about yet another spoiled brat, daughter of a president (ala, cough little Ivanka) and National Review (NR) did a really great job telling readers what they really think of the "little creep" (Chelsea Clinton).

As they correctly cited in this piece, and which I fully concur with is I don't think Chelsea Clinton ("little creep") has even ever had an "original idea" ever in her life! But please do read this article, which I totally concur with (unlike 99 percent of most of what they usually write), and they really 'eviscerate and lambaste' this little snob of a wealthy political family that has had more scandals than you can shake a stick at and then some.

So sit back and enjoy this article that leaves no stone unturned about this little snob, who's never accomplished anything in life, other than being the daughter of one sick former sexual predator president, who by the way was a 'rapist.' I could never get enough of all the cat-calls during Bubba's campaigning on behalf of his 'half-dead, corpse wife,' who was driven around in an SUV conveniently turned into a mobile 'ambulence,' that travelled from city to city escorted by an entourage of 'paramedics' posing as 'secret service agents.' Talk about one hell of a freak show.

But you gotta remember, we're talking about the Clinton's here. The "Beverly Hillbillies" from Arkansas (nothing against the good people from there), who ended up leaving the White House filthy rich, and enabling their precious "little creep" to (for a brief time) get a lucrative job in the media earning $600,000 for turning in a few very poor reports, and ended up purchasing a $10 million dollar apartment in NYC basically due to the 'fake charity' she helped her parents rip people off from at the expense of the Haitian people primarily when their country was devastated from a horrible earthquake. But, that's the Clinton's for ya. As someone from yet another ineffective democratic administration once stated, "never let a good crisis go to waste." Well, apparently "little creep" learned her lesson well.

...did I forget to mention there are more than a few 'rumors' that Bill Clinton may not even be her 'real father?' Search the Internet for yourself, and also do a Google search for pictures of the late Webster Hubble, a former Clinton associate. The resemblance is quite fascinating. And no, it's not just me saying this, and it's nothing new either. This story about Webster Hubble being Chelsea's 'real father' has been circulating the Internet forever! But hey, the dems seem to be wanting to throw this 'rich bitch' into the political arena, so hell, let's not let a "good crisis go to waste here," huh?!

PS, see my other post from this week I believe from yet a "liberal magazine" basically telling the Clinton's and democrats to keep this 'brat' out of our lives!

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Trump OKs DACA Amnesty: ‘This Is a Case of Heart’

Okay, he we go again with the 'Jekyll & Hyde' routine Trump is gaining a reputation for. What did we elect a 'part of Bush/Obama Pt 2' and a little bit of 'candidate Trump?' You wanna talk about a 'flip-flop!' So now Trump is saying it's okay for "Dreamers" to remain here and eat up all our 'resources!' 

Or maybe 'little Ivanka' was touched by the stories of all the families that may be 'broken up' (despite the fact the BROKE THE LAW) by 'deporting' them- AS THE LAWS OF THIS LAND STATE!

..can I travel to 'Mexico' and cross their border and demand they pay for my family and my 'education' and provide me with all the benefits afforded to those born in Mexico? I don't think so! I suggest Ivanka travel to Mexico and just demand they open a business because 'she's entitled!' And since when does a 'president' take orders from his 'little princess?' 

See, whatever Ivanka wants, little Ivanka gets! This is a spoiled little brat who's a liberal democrat, married to a slime ball who's father went to prison over some financial dealings, probably a Jewish mobster. If that's not creepy enough for you, Ivanka's 'creepy' husband owns 666 5th Ave in NYC. Look it up for yourself, and by the way- he's having financial problems with that piece of property. Gee, could it have to do with the '666 address?'

Keep in mind, it's been confirmed, Trump decided to lob those Tomahawk missiles (all 59) at Syria in typical a typical "wag the dog" scenario, and because "little Ivanka" was deeply distressed by having seen the "staged false flag photos," and the reports of the "bogus Sarin gas attack" claimed to have been committed by Assad! If this 'girly' is going to be 'so emotional' about things, I suggest very strongly that she LEAVE THE WHITE HOUSE!

She probably has never in her life even heard the term "false flag," and she definitely cannot tell the difference between a 'chlorine gas attack,' vs a real 'Sarin gas attack!' So just what the hell is she doing in the WH? She and her husband (the weasel) have absolutely NO business being there. NOBODY 'voted' for little Ivanka, or a Jared (666) Kushner!

FIGHT ATTENDANT American Airlines steward ‘whacks’ sobbing mum as she held twins then challenges another passenger to a FIGHT

What is wrong with 'American Airlines?' Are they intentionally looking to go out of business? Yes, they're in the news- again! And this episode sounds more disgusting than the last!

You must read the article to get the full gist of how 'pathetic' this passenger, a mother of twins was treated. But here's a quote from a pasenger who witnessed this cowardly act of provocation,

Passenger Surain Adyanthaya, who filmed the shocking footage, claimed the flight attendant “‘violently took a stroller from a lady with her baby on my flight, hitting her and just missing the baby”.
Adyanthaya added: “They just involuntarily escorted the mother and her kids off the flight and let the flight attendant back on, who tried to fight other passengers.
“The mom asked for an apology and the AA official declined.”

 Then a passenger came to her rescue, and was 'confronted' by the little 'bald headed weasel' you see pictured 'sneering' like a dog with rabies in the picture.

Kudos to the man who stood up to this little piece of filth, and I hope and pray I never witness something like this because I would do the same thing, and stand up to whomever the 'tyrant' may be. I may not be as 'nice' as this man was. That little snot deserved a .... (never-mind). That little twit deserves to be FIRED!

"Total Chaos" - Cyber Attack Feared As Multiple Cities Hit With Simultaneous Power Grid Failures

This report about "power grid failures," is actually from just yesterday, but it is something this country and every American citizen needs to be VERY concerned about. Our government has been aware for years now about how 'outdated' and 'antiquated' our power grid infrastructure is, yet nobody seems to even be discussing the matter. Talk about a dereliction of duty!

This is our government's responsibility to maintain, and again, though it's a known problem, nobody even seems to care. Could it be because congress and the elites would all just escape into their 'bunkers,' leaving the rest of us to fend for ourselves? Even Russia has 'bomb shelters' for it's citizens- to this very day! America? None. We've done away with our bomb shelters.

But the power grid is even more serious of a problem. With everything now being dependent upon computers, a complete failure of our power grid could literally send this country back to the 1800's, and if I know this as do other's who have studied this matter, you don't think ALL our 'enemies' don't already know this? You can bet on the fact they're well aware of this. And with what happened yesterday- something appears to be heading our way.

Whether it be another "false flag attack" (which our own government has used so many times, anyone who isn't aware of their tactics by now is a total fool), or whether Russia or China (both capable) of 'hacking' our power grids, people had better start preparing themselves! I have heard from experts that should a complete collapse of our power grid go down, about 90 percent of American's will be DEAD within the first 30 day- ALONE! Think about that statistic. Let it sink into your brain!

Why such a high number? Very simple- no food, and shortage of water! Couple that with 'housing problems' depending on what part of the country you live, and we're talking nothing short of the Apocalypse happening. Yet, nobody in Washington even seems to notice or care. What the (blank) is going on? There should have been congressional meetings over this 'years ago!' Will there even be one now? Why do I somehow 'doubt it?'

Hell, we don't even need another nation to take out our grids, a freaking 'drug cartel,' or ISIS could do it themselves! It's not that difficult a thing to do, if you understand the basics. Just a couple of years ago or so, a few 'punks' did just that. They took down a power grid in a certain part of I believe California. And they got through 'security' (which is another issue, it's a joke!); and they did their damage within a span of a mere 15 minutes! No more than '6 people!' Keep that fact in mind.

None of this is 'fear-mongering!' I'm not selling anything, nor have anything to gain by reporting this. This is about you and your family and loved ones. This is about the future of America, at it's core! And should an all out attack happen (God forbid), unless you have 'survival food,' and 'bottled water,' and 'back-up generators,' at the very least- you're chances of making it 30 days, a slime to none!! I know many people may laugh at the idea of "prepping," and purchasing 'survival food,' and knowing what to stock up on for an emergency, but keep in mind what happened during Hurricane Katrina a few years ago.

Do you seriously think the 'government' is going to 'save you,' and your family? I think not! Even if they attempted to, again look at Katrina. People were literally sent to FEMA centers!!! This is scary stuff here. I have read various plans on 'continuity of government,' ie REX-84, incidentally written by of all people Col Oliver North, the 'criminal' who got off due to the nature of whom he was working for, and what they were attempting to accomplish. Anyone else would have been serving serious 'hard time' in prison, but North walks around just as do all these other 'criminal politicians and bankers' who should be behind bars, but live their lives in luxury and are even 'celebrated' as "war hero's" as is the case with Oliver North currently a Fox New contributor, and with his series. There people are psychotic!

For those unfamiliar with Col Oliver North, read up on the Iran/Contra scandal from the Reagan/Bush years. Our government was caught bringing in 'illegal drugs,' (extremely addictive ones at that, 'crack cocaine') flooding the urban ghettos, all to help pay for their war in Nicaragua, and making illegal arm deals with Iran. That's 'Col Oliver (I plead the 5th) North is!' Oh, but he hosts a show, "war stories" airing on Faux News! War hero? Right. Drug smuggling, arms dealing 'cherry Marine,' is more like it, but I digress (not really).

These are the sorts of people running our country. It's said that if you're a politician in DC, you're one of two things: you're either 'compromised,' or 'corrupted.' Does either sound good to you? Does that make you feel secure? Does that leave you thinking, oh government will 'save me!' Go talk to the victims of Hurricane Katrina, and you just might think differently. Oh, and you might not be sent to a FEMA camp, but instead be sent to a 'trailor filled with asbestos!' Sound good to you?

I didn't think so. So, I've done my job. I've warned about the dangers of our 'power grid,' and what could happen should it be taken down. The rest is up to you! Anyone who's spend even minutes in front of a new program, knows there's nothing about talk and more talk about 'war.' War with Syria, Russia, N. Korea, hell, even China. But, we're the "policemen of the world!" We can take on the entire world! I'm being sarcastic. Now is the time to 'prepare' with 'survival food and plenty of bottled water,' at the very least!

For a 'complete list' of items suggested by experts who know this better than I (or rather have more time to list their suggested 'minimal items list' just do a simple Google search. You can even find lists made by the 'experts' of the top items that grocery stories run out of the fastest during any extreme emergency. I could do it, but I quite frankly do not have the time. And it goes without saying, if you own guns, NOW is the time to make sure you have plenty of ammo on hand! Should you live in a major city, have an 'evacuation route' known ahead of time.

Remain vigilant!!!

Friday, April 21, 2017


This headline is coming from a source that is considered "liberal," and they are sick and tired about hearing about Chelsea Clinton being through into God knows what! Ha, even liberals are sick and tired of the Clinton's! 

There's possibly still some hope (maybe even some sanity) left with liberals. I think you already know what 'conservatives' are thinking about all this 'Chelsea' hype, and know damn well what it's about.

Can you say, 'continuing the failed political Clinton dynasty?' There ya go, cause that's exactly what this is ALL about. And if the Clinton's haven't gotten the memo by now- they never will. WE DON'T WANT ANY MORE CLINTON'S!

PS, the same applies to the "Bushies," WE DON'T WANT ANYMORE BUSHES!!! Got that you would by 'royal (wannabe) political families?' More like criminal drug cartels, but that's another story for another post. And these families are 'criminals' make absolutely NO MISTAKE about that! BOTH of these families belong behind bars!

PPS, make sure you do click on the link and read this article. The author (kudos to him!) pulls absolutely no punches, nor leaves no stone unturned in his assessment of this creature known as 'Chelsea.' She, like her mother is yet another 'MONSTER,' from ALL accounts of everyone who's had to deal with this spawn of Satan!

Thursday, April 20, 2017

PARIS SHOOTING Paris shooting leaves one policeman dead and ‘two seriously injured’ as ‘ISIS terrorists armed with AK47s’ open fire on the Champs-Élysée in Paris

Well it appears as though the "religion of peace" has attacked the west- AGAIN! This time, Paris is the recipient of 'cultural enrichment' at the hands of ISIS "Militant Islamic terrorists," take full credit. By the way, does Trump still use the term, "militant Islamic terrorists?" or has his little Ivanka informed him 'that's not politically correct, daddy!'

It's already a known fact that HR McMasters, Trump's 'war-monger in charge' has advised his people that he does 'not like, nor use the term, "militant Islamic terrorists."' So, who knows where Trump stands on the nomenclature. I knew where 'candidate Trump' stood. I have no idea where 'President' Trump now stands on this phrase.

By the way, Trump campaigned on 'destroying ISIS' did he not? Well, isn't France a part of NATO? I believe they are. NATO's statement reads, "an attack on one nation, is an attack on ALL nations." Well, France was just attacked! (AGAIN); where is Waldo "NATO?" I'm sure with all the intelligence agencies, technologies and so forth, it wouldn't be that difficult to 'locate' the perpetrators.

But I digress. See apparently 'military actions' against ISIS is only an option when a third world dictator is to be removed against the wishes of the soverneinty of the nation at stake. Only 'regime change' is apparently when 'military force' is to be used obstensibily to 'attack ISIS.' Talk about hypocrisy? Or am I missing something?

Of course there's always the possiblity that this is yet another "false flag operation," considering the fact an election that has been bitterly fought for the return of soveriignty to the people of France is involved, and the 'nationalistic' candidate, LePen seems to be 'winning,' which is bad news to the globalists, and those who prefer France remain under the iron fist of the European Union.

I smell a "false flag attack," and it's stinking to high heaven. By the way, do people know the 'richest family' on the planet, wanted Syria to be "brought to heel? I'm talking "Rothchild's," and I'm talkling about Trump lobbing Tomahawks at Syria all 59 of them over yet another blatant "false flag," absolutely NO EVIDENCE Assad used any 'chemical weapons.' ZERO. Now we're to believe, ISIS just happened to 'attack France' for whatever reason the idiot on the television reads off their teleprompter which is written by a Rothchild mole, whomever and wherever they may be.

Don't believe whatever the 'main stream media' says! Keep your eyes and ears posted on those who seek the truth. Whomever they may be.


Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Ivanka Fights to Protect Her First Name

Oh now little "Ivanka" wants to 'copyright' her name? Is that what I'm hearing? Give me a break, what a little spoiled BITCH! Screw you and your name! It's just another name! Listen, Ivanka baby, your name is no better than anyone else's - got that?

I'm already sick and tired of seeing her parade herself with her idiot husband around the White House, which by the way- Ivanka, you have NO business being where you're at!! You've already been 'outed' as being a democrat who loves the lime-light and has been schmoozing with the liberal elite.

Listen girly, and your 'girly husband,' WE, the American people did NOT vote for YOU, nor your 'creepy husband,' who is a snow-flake and creepier yet due to the fact he owns a building with the address: 666 5th Ave in NYC. Go away already you've already, you've already gotten under my skin enough!

Seeing this spoiled brat and her 'creepy husband' is like seeing Chelsea Clinton in the White House! Take your husband and get the hell out of the White House. Go chum around with your fake smile, and false 'humility,' and stick it cause you don't fool me! YOU are the reason your father bombed Syria after the 'false flag' gas attack! You should be ashamed of yourself. God I've had enough of her and her stupid husband already.

Sessions: MS-13 gang could be designated as terrorist organization

I think it's a freaking no-brainer to list "MS-13" punks as terrorists! Christians and patriots, and veterans, etc have all been on such 'lists.' So again, I think it's only logical to list these 'illegal immigrant punks' on this list. Give me a break.

Anyone who has to even 'think' about this is a total moron and deserves to be thrown into a jail-cell with these punks. Of course MS-13 is a terrorist organization! Nothing more needs to be said. Throw them on the list and don't look back!

Students Beat Classmate To Death While Screaming ‘Allahu Akbar’

Here's yet more 'proof' Islam is NOT the "religion of peace" that former president Bush "W" lied to the American people with his false claim. I could post article after article, after more articles proving this is a fact- not an anomaly. But I'll spare my readers. I think you're smart enough to already know this.

I must warn there is 'graphic video' here of the beating. So viewer discretion is advised, but hey, when isn't viewer discretion advised when you dare even suggest Islam is a religion of 'hate, intolerance, and pure evil?!' 'Nuff said. Here's the disgusting video. 

Chaffetz won't run for reelection

Aww, the 'YouTube' seeking sensationalist for the mean-spirited congressman who probably never got a date in high school, or is sexually frustrated is not seeking 're-election.' 

GOOD! Frankly I'm fed up seeing this 'weasel,' who's more than likely a 'cultist' ie Mormon. It was fun in the beginning to see him go after people, but it appears as though it went a bit too far, and went to his brain-dead head (anyone stupid enough to join a 'cult' is an idiot).

So go back to Utah, Chaffetz! And do us ALL a big favor- STAY THERE! This guy just had the look of someone 'needing attention.' He reminded me of a 'punk' from some back-woods high school. Go back to Utah, and study your fake Mormon book. Thank you very much.

And if anyone takes exception to me stating Mormonism being a 'cult,' write me! I'd be more than happy to prove it to you! ...and then some. Good riddance, "tough guy," NOT!

Russian bombers again fly near Alaska

Here's just a very brief example of how weak and ineffective former president Obama was, I read this couldn't help but laugh out loud. How many more examples will we learn about the ineffectiveness of this weak Manchurian leader, formerly known as our president (not mine), except in name only.

Before Monday's flight near Alaska, the last time Russian bombers flew near the U.S. was July 4, 2015, when a pair of Russian bombers flew off the coasts of Alaska and California, coming as close as 40 miles to Mendocino, Calif.
Russian President Vladimir Putin called then-President Barack Obama to wish him a happy Independence Day while the bombers cruised the California coastline.
The quote above is from an article, Russian bombers again fly near Alaska.  

Aaron Hernandez Kills Himself In Prison

Former NE Patriot Aaron Hermandez serving a life sentence for murder was found dead after having 'hung himself' this morning. His body was found around 3am today.

This came only days after being acquitted of a 'double murder.' He was also described as not being 'suicidal,' by family and his attorney and was even looking forward to continuing the process to clear his name.

Unfortunately, far too many people are 'found dead' in their jail-cells at institutions across this country. Could this have been 'foul play?' Why would he have done this if he showed no signs of even being depressed? Makes no sense, and I'm sure we'll never learn the truth.

A sad story of a person who once had it a

Bill O'Reilly is Forced Out At Fox News

I told you this was coming. Ever since all the 'sexual allegations' that took down Roger Aisles, Fox News, or as I call them 'Faux News,' aka 'porn news' has been on a downward spiral. Now their 'top man' is down.

While I didn't care for O'Reilly, blasted Alex Jones for no reason, believes the official lie about 9/11, etc, he was Fox News in many ways. But with the rise of the 'rogue' Megyn Kelly (total loser), and her departure, it was only a matter of time before other 'conservatives' would be leaving as I've stated here, either by being pushed out, or otherwise.

Fox News is on it's way to becoming CNN-lite and I'm sure the liberals couldn't be happier! And don't be fooled by Fox and their 'conservative leanings,' as far as I can tell, there are only a handful left who are true conservatives, and I'm sure they too are beginning to see the writing on the way!

As for Fox, I don't care for them, dropped them like a hot potato years ago. However, they were and still are the most 'credible' cable news remaining. That's not saying much when there's only 3 cable networks, and the other two are totally "fake news." Obviously O'Reilly has an ego problem, and like most with such problems, eventually they fall of their high horse and they fall hard. But don't feel sorry for O'Reilly, he's still worth millions of dollars, just don't go near him if your'e a decent woman.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Exclusive: Trump eyes new chief of staff; House Leader on short list

Apparently a shake-up is coming as Trump eyes a new 'chief of staff,' which I have reported on and talked about for some time. But it would seem that also reports of 'in-fighting' have been verified as being specifically between the Trump 'kids,' son-in-law Jared (I think I'm president) Kushner and his wifey, Trump's daughter who are 'moderates,' and are not liking the 'nationalist' people such as Steve Bannon.

Now Bannon played a HUGE role in Trump's victory, the 'moderates,' ZERO! So if I were asked WHO 'needs to go,' I'd say get rid of the 'moderates,' being Trump's daughter and her 'ken-doll' looking twerp who apparently thinks he's running the show. Neither of them played a signicicant role in Trump's victory, and both are 'moderates' who grew up as liberal democrats.

 If you want to ensure a one-term Trump presidency and piss off the Trump base, by all means get rid of Bannon, and keep the NY liberals, Ivanka and Jared (the 'leaker') Kushner. Yes, this guy has even been 'leaking' information behind the president's back to of all people Joe Scarborough of MSNBC, nice huh?

Bipartisan Support for Trump? Wow!

Bipartisan Support for Trump? Wow!

So Trump goes on the offensive and launches some missiles into Syria and now 'democrats' are behind the president?! Wow! I would have expected the complete opposite since the left has not 'supported' anything Trump has done thus far. What a difference dripping some missiles can achieve!

I'm sure once the liberals have woken up from their excitment, maybe you'll see Maxine Waters appear on some Sunday news show claiming Trump has invaded Syria? And Nancy Pelosi will claim Trump destroyed the Syrian airfield to build another Trump Tower? Who knows? With democrats always expect the unexpected!

All I know is the democrats have my personal approval to attack 'Jared (I think I'm the man) Kushner all the want! Note to Trump- don't allow 'family' to join your administration! I hear Bannon (real man) has been having nothing but feuds with Trump's son-in-law, Jared (Ken-doll) Kushner. I think the two should settle their dispute by challenging one anothe to a 'duel.' My money's on Bannon!                

Thursday, April 6, 2017

BREAKING NEWS: Trump Attacks Syrian Airfield!

Unbelievable. Apparently Trump gave the green light to have our military launch 'airstrikes' at a Syrian airbase after the "false flag" gas attack the other day. And I cannot stress enough that was indeed a "FALSE FLAG ATTACK!" I do NOT agree with this move, but I am NOT 'jumping off the Trump train...' Should Trump begin to make more moves that I disagree with, than agree with, then I'll be off the Trump train. So, its a let's 'wait and see' what happens from here. Unlike with Obama, supporters of Trump can disagree on certain issues, rather than walking like 'lemming's in lock step as it was with the Obama cult.'

Before I go any further, I'd like to say that I do fully believe in war, but it must be a "just war." While this is obviously 'not a war,' it was an act of aggression upon a sovereign state. On top of this is the fact that no 'investigation' was done no way in such a short amount of time from what we were told occurred, to the time of the retaliation. But, to Trump's credit (I always give credit when its due, as I do criticism, when its due), this preemptive strike definitely does send a much needed 'strong' message to both N. Korea and Iran. So, I'm not against war, my point here is to explain this is a case when the use of military force was not 'justified,' in my opinion.

So I was sitting here, went to Drudge Report and see headline, "Trump Launches 50+ Aimed at Syria." I immediately turned on the television, and it happened to have been a 'liberal news station,' ABC or CBS and I'm watching the female reporter describing the attack with this 'gleam' in her eyes, almost 'salivating' at the report of what's just happened.

Trump, great job! You've just given ALL the liberals just what they've been wanting! See they think you're ALL stupid and don't have a 'memory span.' Well, remember something called the "Arab Spring?" Who started that? Obama and Hilary. It was 'their plan.' Topple all these regimes (Syria being on the list), and what's happened to those countries since? Have they gotten any better?

NO! Those countries are now 'hell-holes,' with most of the population having become 'refugees,' fleeing by the droves into Europe where they're causing a 'clash of civilizations,' and that's putting it mildly! These refugees are causing havoc and violence wherever they go, but that's the plans of the 'globalists,' so they can create "ORDER OUT OF CHAOS!"

So, thanks to Obama and Hilary all the countries they helped topple has created a vacuum which has been filled by blood-thirsty ISIS thugs, making those countries worse then when they were run by 'dictators.' Say what you want about the deposed dictators, but there was 'law and order,' and Christians were by and large left alone. Now, Christians are being murdered savagely in all thAnd ose countries where they were left alone, and those countries are being overtaken by terrorist organizations. Egypt being the exception, only because after their dictator was put out, Obama had helped fill the vacuum with a Muslim Brotherhood leader whom the people rebelled against and locked him up. So, kudos to Egypt for standing up to the 'puppet regime' installed by Obama. Other countries have not fared as well and are in complete chaos!

Meanwhile, Assad has been the 'last man standing,' despite Obama and Hilary's best efforts to depose him. With the help of "Syrian rebel fighters," (Al-Qaeda aka IS aka ISIL aka ISIS) which have been 'funded by US tax-payers money and with the aid of our military,' have been staging "FALSE FLAGS" to make it appear as though Assad has 'gassed his own people.' BS!

Even the UN and other sources have stated that there was 'no credible evidence that Assad had gassed his own people!' NONE! But don't tell that to the 'globalists' who have other plans. And if you think for a minute it's 'crazy' that the US military has been 'helping ISIS,' tell me how many reports do you recall when Obama was president that 'arms dropped from planes' (meant for the Syrian rebel fighters ended up in ISIS' hands? Countless times! But, they don't think you remember this.  Well, I do. Obama was doing this on purpose and knew exactly what he was doing.

It's important to keep things in perspective here. When you hear the term "Syrian freedom fighters," it sounds like a good thing. Yes Assad is a dictator, but there is no proof he's 'gassed any of his people,' which is the cause of tonight's missile attack by Trump. So while a good argument can be made that Assad should be removed, the manner in which it's being conducted is totally wrong! First of all the US with Trump's orders are operating under a 'false pretense,' that this gas attack was conducted by Assad. No proof. Through it has already been an established fact that it's been the "Syrian freedom fighters" aka ISIS who has been behind 'both attacks. The first one 4 yrs ago, and the recent one.

Again, these 'terrorists' have been caught red handed and the UN knows about it. General Flynn, Obama's general who was in the loop in all of this even stood up to Obama (knowing the facts that it wasn't Assad, but ISIS doing these attacks) and when asked by Obama to run a military operation against Assad, Gen Flynn flat out stated, "I'm not going to be ISIS' Air Force!" Of course Obama immediately relived Gen Flynn of his duties, and is it any wonder he was hounded out of the Trump White House in retaliation?

And due to all the fake news about Trump being a "Russian agent," a lot of WH in-fighting and political shake-ups have been happening. As a result, and how 'timely,' just yesterday Steve Bannon a man (like Flynn) who understood very well the truth about the Syrian situation, and who the real 'enemy' was 'demoted,' which also was like music to the ears of all the liberals who want Trump to fail. These same people celebrated when Gen Flynn was Trump's first casualty, and now with Bannon's demotion, they're celebrating once again.

So in move all the 'neo-con' generals and advisory's. Being that these people are neo-cons, their agenda is no different than those of either Obama or Hilary's which was the 'overtrhow' of Syria's Assad, by whatever means...such as 'staging false flag terror attacks.' Anyone who's read this blog over the last day or two know how I have made all the connections to this 'false case for war,' which has been extremely similiar to both Bush Sr and Bush Jr's 'phony pre-text' to go to war against Iraq. Same modus operandi, "false flag attacks." Saddam Hussein "alledgedly" also attacked his own people with "chemical weapons," though they were never found!

Both Bush's (like father, like son) each sent their UN secretary to appear before the UN general assemply and lie with 'bogus' intelligence sources. In Trump's case it was Nicki Haley (former governor) who wasn't even a Trump supporter. When I saw her showing the UN representatives the 'evidence' (pictures of the victims of Assad's gas attack) I couldn't help seeing the images of the Iraqi girl who falsely claimed Saddam Hussein had "killed babies in their incubators," which then president Bush Sr used himself in a speech to help advance his plan to attack Iraq. Bush Jr, used Colin Powell to present the "bogus claim" that Saddam Hussein now had "weapons of mass destruction," something once again NEVER proven. And the media helped 'sell the case for war,' and the rest is history.

Now Trump is shown photos or video of all these people who were 'allegedly' attacked by their own president, and apparently 'without question,' falls for it. And with all the media's attacks of him being a "Russian patsy," etc, and with the Chinese 'dictator' in town, could it be Trump figured I'll show everyone just 'how tough I am?' Well, sorry but you've just done the work that both Obama and Hilary started and wanted to accomplish. Congratulations President now look 'officially tough' to the world community, albeit through being DUPED into completing the task begun well before you. So it was no surprise at all when I saw the 'liberal' news reporter relate the news of Trump having just attacked an airbase in Syria with this demonic gleam in her eyes. And yet once this is over (supposing this hasn't started WW3, in which case we could ALL be dead!), these liberals will be right back at attacking Trump for something else because there is absolutely nothing Trump can do to 'please' these people who have opposed him and his administration from well before he took his oath of office- nothing!

Welcome to Washington DC, Mr President! You pledged to "drain the swamp, and instead it would appear as though the swamp is eating you alive!" PS, Sen Rand Paul has also come out and condemned the actions of Trump because he knows damn well that what happened in Syria was yet another 'staged false flag attack.' Now I'm currently seeing former Obama appointee's who now work for Fox News, speaking so 'highly' about the actions that Trump has taken. We are now one step from being closer to WW3, but liberals and those on the left just love and salivate over the ptential of our world being destroyed by a 'nuclear war,' because liberalism is a 'mental disoder,' and they love the e'culture of death!

While I still believe Trump's 'intentions' mean well, he is being ill-advised and ill-served by many around him, not the least of which are ALL in the military and intelligence agencies. He has done some 'good' for our economy, but what he's just done in Syria is a total disregard for the facts. He needs to start listening those who have supported him from the very beginning, and fire, and throw out others, including his own 'daughter and son-in-law!'

 Jared Kushner whom I've already reported has been identified as being one of teh "leakers," in his cozy relationship with 'never-Trump' Joe Scarborough of MSNBC. Kushner also may have 'good intentions,' but the road to HELL is paved with 'good intentions!'

Having said all this, I'd like to leave you with a message from another 'patriot,' despite what you may think or have heard about Alex Jones, he too knows what is 'really' going on in the news more so than most MSM journalists (so-called). While this video "Trump to Attack Syria" was obviously made just prior to the actual attack, you get a great analysis of the situation.

Whatever your faith or beliefs may be, no matter whether you're pro-Trump, or against, keep our country in your thoughts and prayers, because we are living in a very dangerous time! What happened tonight is NOT to be taken lightely. This was a serious move on Trump's behalf, and not a very intelligent one in not only my opinion, but in many other's who understand what is happening behind the scenes.

...more to come!


How can someone be so irresponsible as to make such a statement as this, "steps are underway to remove Assad?" Has the Trump administration done any 'investigations?' Don't they know Gen Flynn, former Trump cabinet member stood up to Obama as his general telling him, "we're not going to be ISIS' Air Force?"

And just who the hell is "Rex Tillerson?" A businessman? Has he any government experience whatsoever? Or is he possibly just doing what he's told by the 'deep state?' Perhaps he is compromised? This is what Obama wanted so badly to do- remove Assad from Syria. So now the Trump administration is going to do what Obama meant to do?

What the hell is going on? Isn't this the same guy who says N. Korea must be dealt with as well? If not, Trump has yet another 'war-monger' on his team pushing for a war. How many wars do we need to be involved in? Let me be clear, I am far from being 'anti-war,' there is a proper time and place to fight 'legitimate wars.' But Syria, is eerily similar to Iraq (weapons of mass destruction- NO PROOF!)


I could probably post all day long about how this Syrian gas attack is most likely a "false flag," to draw the US into yet another war. Remember, Russia has business ties with the Syrian government. Russia also has 1 of it's only 2 'foreign military' bases located withing Syria.

So are we supposed to be led to believe Russia will sit back and do nothing should the US begin attacking Syria? Same could be said about the US attacking N. Korea, as China has a vested interest in N. Korea. But apparently the Trump administration has been 'hijacked' by a bunch of 'neo-clown generals' who are just bent on starting another war.

So, here you go, yet more evidence that the Syrian gas attack is nothing more than another 'false flag.' 

Trump needs to understand if he expects those who supported him and helped get him elected, he needs to steer clear of all these 'fake conservative republicans,' who are nothing more than 'globalists,' aka wolves in sheep's clothing. But, maybe this is what you get from a man who's never held an elected office in his life. Trump ran on the slogan of 'drain the swamp,' well it is appearing more and more as though the swamp is 'draining him.'

All Wars Are Bankers' Wars (Syrian False Flag, Part Two!)

What just happened in Syria with the "gas attack" is yet ANOTHER "FALSE FLAG!" (bankers war). What do I mean by this? By now, especially after 8 full years of having lived through "false flags" thanks to the Obama administration, if you don't know the meaning of this term, you really should "Google it!"

Remember all the "mass shootings?" Remember Obama being 'hell-bent' on restriction of gun ownership (really a complete repeal of the 2nd amendment); but it was being done 'bit by bit,' as to not make it obvious what his goal and that of his 'globalist masters' was/is. So, we had 'mass shootings' like NEVER before in the history of America.

Getting back to Syria, it's no secret Obama and once again his 'globalist masters' for whom Obama truly 'worked for,' NOT the American people, was using and funding "Syrian rebels" who were Al-Qaeda aka ISIL aka IS aka ISIS. Why the 'constant change of names?' Because some (those who were 'awake') knew these "Syrian rebels" (those who were against Syrian 'dictator' President Assad) were members of Al-Qaeda, who was 'created and funded and controlled' by the 'globalist in our hijacked government.' So to confuse people, the name was being changed.

See who and when 'Al-Qaeda' was created...hint, occurred during Carter administration! And Osama bin Laden was it's original leader. And to this day, they are being controlled by our 'shadow government.' So it's THEY who have been out to 'take out Assad,' as part of their failed "Arab Spring," which has been a complete disaster.

So four years ago, it was 'claimed' (without ZERO PROOF) that Assad 'gassed his own people.' This is total BULL! Fast forward 4 years, and another 'gas attack?' These people think you are that stupid to believe Assad would gas his own people! Think about it. WHAT would Assad have to 'gain' by gassing his own people? especially when he's been under a microscope since the original LIE 4 years ago.

Then the media begins 'beating the war drums,' and UN secretary Haley appears before the UN 'showing pictures' of the 'atrocities' committed by Assad (with again- NO PROOF)! Ask yourself, 'who stands to gain?' It's a well known fact, "bankers profit big time during any war!" Books have been written about his. I highly suggest reading, "War is a Racket" written a long time ago explaining just how 'war is a racket and bankers use it to make big money.'

As I wrote yesterday, watching UN ambassador Haley making the argument that Assad gassed his own people with 'zero proof,' reminded me very much of the media propaganda that we saw when Colin Powell presented "proof" (never proven) that Saddam Hussein had 'weapons of mass destruction,' was just an excuse to invade Iraq under the pre-text that they were responsible for 9/11. Before that, Bush Sr, used 'fake reports' of Saddam Hussein 'unplugging baby incubators,' also proven to be a total HOAX!

These people are liars, and war-mongers. Don't buy any of the propaganda the media is feeding you. Trust no one, question everything!!

Here's an example proving my case...

First ‘crisis actor’: 1990 ‘Nayirah’ claimed Iraq killed 312 hospital incubator infants in Kuwait to criminally incite war

Now, do not misunderstand me. I am not in favor of any dictator, nor anyone gassing their own people. But when it's a complete lie...then I have a BIG problem! Obama was a tool of the 'globalists.' Trump who claimed to have known better, is now being 'fed this lie' as well, and will he take action and follow the goal of the globalist elite? 

The fact Trump has one of his cabinet members (Haley) promoting this lie is very disturbing to say the least. Let's see whether Trump falls for the obvious 'false flag lie,' about this gas attack, because should he believe it, he's either been 'compromised,' or is a fraud. And all of this can easily be verified by talking, or better yet 'meeting with' Russian president Vladimir Putin. Putin has been 'against ISIS,' that is a fact. Putin knows it's the US (shadow government) who's been behind these Syrian false flags. Were the two to meet, much truth could be exposed. But don't count on a meeting between these two world leaders, because after all, Trump is a "Russian agent," if you believe the garbage the media has been reporting even before Trump took his oath of office. 

Gen Flynn, who 'quit' his position shortly after taking it, is on record as standing up to former president Obama whom he was 'serving' under 4 years ago during the first Syrian false flag, and told Obama, "We will not be ISIS' Air Force!" Shortly thereafter, Obama replaced Gen Flynn. This is why Trump wanted Flynn. Yet something happens, which I believe we are not being told, and Gen Flynn is replaced by Trump. So, is Trump going to use our military for ISIS' "Air Force?" Bear in mind everything being reported is basically 'backwards.' 

The government claims we are "funding" an anti-Syrian militancy to take out Assad. That's a lie! The 'anti-Syrian rebels' are ISIS! Look into it. And it's ISIS who has attacked Syrian now for a second time with this "false flag!" So don't think I'm not saying nothing happened in Syria. What I'm saying is, it's NOT whom they claim it was done by (Assad). IF anything happened, which may or may not even be true, would have been carried out by ISIS, NOT Assad! Hence, "false flag." 

People had better learn the facts, and realize our 'shadow government' is just doing all it can to involve our military and tax-payers money to get involved in yet another war. Remember, "war is a racket!" Who profits? Who stands to gain? It certainly isn't Assad!

PS, the UN has already 'proven' Syrian rebel fighters have been 'making and using chemical weapons.' Those are the people we are 'funding' in our effort to rid Syria of Assad. Again, not saying Assad is a good person, but there is no evidence, and no reason for him to have 'gassed his own people.' 


Couldn't help but post this article about one of the "leakers" in Trump's cabinet, none other than his own 'son-in-law,' Jared Kushner. I've never liked this guy from the first time I saw him, and now I have all the more reason to not only dislike him, but 'distrust' him as well.

This punk rubs me as thinking 'he's the president,' and that his services are so needed, when I don't see what he brings to the White House other than his "Ken doll appearance." This guy looks more 'fake' than the stories coming out of CNN and MSNBC. Shallow, doesn't begin to identify what I think of this little 'punk.'

Speaking of MSNBC, "Jared" apparently loves to leak to his buddy Joe Scarborough. This has been 'confirmed' by Roger Stone, long time friend of Donald Trump. Why does Trump have this little moron around? Then again, same question could be asked about several of the people surrounding Trump in the WH!

Bannon ousted from National Security Council

"Bannon ousted from National Security Council" 

Were I in Bannon's shoes right now, I'd say 'the hell with this, I'm outta here!' I wouldn't blame him the least. And this Jared Kushner 'creep' needs to learn who's boss in the White House, cause it sure isn't him! Keep sending 'text messages' to your buddy Joe Scarborough at MSMNC, Jared! Don't you know you're 'hurting' your own father-in-law? I think Kushner needs to be 'fired.' Or maybe he's just not anywhere near as 'intelligent' as we've been led to believe. I'd say he's not the 'brightest bulb' in the WH cabinet. Look up Bannon's credentials, you'll never hear the media talk about that, not even Fox News! And just what are Kushner's credentials?

The changes were not welcomed among some Trump loyalists.
Flynn’s son, Michael Flynn Jr., tweeted that “Flynn/Bannon most loyal to DJT (both out at NSC),” using the president’s initials, and he complained that McMaster “wont say ‘Radical Islam.’”
“Is WH serious abt defeating our enemy?” Flynn Jr. wrote.

And there ya go. So apparently, it's not just me who's wondering about "DJT!" I know 'some' Trump supporters are so naive that ANY criticism is seen as being 'anti-Trump.' Wrong. Criticism can be constructive ie "constructive criticism!" Ever hear of that term?

I've said it before, and this will never change- when Trump does well, he'll receive a good report. When he screws up, as he has been doing of late, you're going to hear it from me here. No one is above 'criticism!'

Trump and the Neo-Cons Invasion

I have supported Trump all along, but I'm getting sick and tired of what I'm seeing. Why is he putting in a bunch of 'neo-cons' in his cabinet? These people don't have the same 'agenda' as he does!

These are the very people who were "never-Trumpers" during the primaries and even through the election period. Why does he have them around him? Makes no sense! I've heard Trump 'apologist' Alex Jones (who's turned his show into a Trump infomercial) continue to cover for Trump claiming, 'he has had to put some of these neo-cons in certain positions to help Trump learn his way, then will remove them once he's figured things out.' BS!

Just today Steven Bannon who came from 'alternative news,' and is the personification of the very people who helped put Trump into the WH has been 'demoted!' Oh, it wasn't a 'demotion.' Right. Well, now I'm hearing reports Bannon may 'quit!' And gee, isn't that exactly what the democrats and RHINO'S have wanted all along?? Same was the case with Gen Flynn, and he's gone!

What is it that Trump is NOT 'getting?' It turns out even his son-in-law 'Jared Kushner,' has been having lots of 'texting' communications with Joe Scarborough of MSNBC...what is that about? Scarborough is bitterly 'anti-Trump!' What part of this doesn't "Kushner" understand? Is Kushner 'compromised?' Think about it! A house divided cannot stand.

Ever since Trump has taken office, there have been reports of 'in-fighting' and lots of 'leaking' happening. The leaking is looking very much as though it's primarily coming from Obama 'hold-outs,' but some of it is Trump's own cabinet which is filled with RHINOS. At this point, I don't even trust VP Pence! Then again, I've seen right through him from Day #1, but he's yet another 'globalist shill.' So we're off and running with a 'globalist VP,' and far too many RHINO'S in the WH cabinet.

Is it any wonder this administration has had a difficult start. Of course, Susan Rice (Obama 'shill') hasn't helped matters. And I hope she gets a thorough grilling before Congress. And in the process, I hope it come out that both Obama and Hilary were also a part of plan to 'sabotage Trump.' But, at this point, Trump seems to be sabotaging himself pretty well.

Syrian "Gas Attack"

Give me a break! I've already read reports stating this 'gas attack' was in no way committed by President Assad. First of all- think about it! Assad is under a microscope right now by the entire world.

With the original "gas attack" which occurred during the Obama administration, the world community has been looking to depose Assad. Obama was 'hell-bent' on getting rid of Assad, just as he was with all the other 'dictators' throughout various middle-eastern countries aka "Arab Spring." How well did that work out? Not well!

So we had the 'original gas attack,' which has NEVER been "proven" to have been committed by Assad, first of all WHY would he 'gas' his own people? Now he 'gasses them again?' Really? And the US government via it's 'neo-clowns' are selling this to the American people.

I couldn't tell you just how disgusted I was to see one of Trump's cabinet members UN ambassador Haley stand before the UN 'condemning' Assad with no freaking proof whatsoever! Flashes of the 'staged' reasons to invade Iraq under Bush, Sr came to mind with the "FAKE STORIES" about Saddam Hussein 'pulling the plugs on babies in their incubators!' Which was "proven a total HOAX!"

Then little Bush Jr comes up with yet another "false premise" to invade Iraq- 9/11! All the LIES about Saddam Hussein and "weapons of mass destruction," which once again- NEVER were proven! And here we are- again! A false premise of Assad 'gassing his own people,' when its extremely evident to anyone 'paying attention' the 'elites' just want to depose Assad. Some may recall "Obama's red line!" Then- 'boom,' Assad gasses his people? Seriously?

This is George Soros working behind the scenes people! Neither attack, the first one under Obama, nor this recent one now under Trump were perpetrated by Assad. Again, think for yourselves! Why would Assad knowing their is a 'target' already on his back, do such a thing? He's even stated 'on record' that he intends to 'step down.' But here comes all the "propaganda!" Always using 'little kids/babies' to prey upon the sympathies of the naive and gullible. These 'globalists' don't skip a beat.

Same old song and dance. Another day, another 'reason to go to war!' Syria is a sovereign nation- let THEM decide who rules over them! But of course that's why this world is so messed up. We have 'globalists' who want THEIR AGENDA to go through, come hell or high water- in this case possibly WW3! Remember, Syria is only 1 of 2 countries that Russia has a 'military base' in. The US? Look at a map, do a 'Google search' and see all the US bases that specifically surround Iran and Russia for that matter.

And no, I'm not 'pro-Assad,' nor 'pro-Russia.' Anyone who reads this blog knows exactly where I stand. My blood bleeds- 'red, white and blue!' So don't even go there. Yet this is so obvious as to what is really going on. I've even heard intelligence agents talk about how "ISIS" was promised Syria and parts of Iraq to help form their "Caliphate state!" Did I 'invent this story?' You can't make this stuff up!

So shame on UN ambassador Nicki Haley speaking before the UN showing all the 'photos of dead babies.' At this point for all anyone knows, they may all be 'fake!' IF, IF they 'are real,' it wasn't done by Assad, but more likely George Soros who has a track record of 'regime change' all over the world going back for a long time! That's who ought to be investigated! Follow the money! Follow 'who stands to gain!' It' so simple to get to the heart of this, yet it's as though people just listen or watch the media spew out it's 'propaganda,' and we're supposed to buy it!

I don't think so! And I think we've had enough wars! Why are we still in Afghanistan first of all? Now, we're going to go to Syria, and oh, let's not forget North Korea too! And oh, Russia needs to be dealt with too! Give me a break!

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

LATE "April's Fool!"

Hahaha, "Google AdSense," has YET to 'respond' to my request, yet upon 'deleting' my blog...BOOM! Right away, I receive an email 'directly' from Google AdSense saying they 'cannot approve my request,' LOL! #TROLLED

Love & kisses, "Google AdSense!"

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Faux News, the Fruits of a Pornography Peddler

So Fox New's Bill O'Reilly is an 'innocent man?' Were that true, why would Fox News have paid out 'millions' of dollars settling cases for him?
The newspaper reported ( ) that O'Reilly or 21st Century Fox have paid $13 million to five women since 2002 over these complaints "in exchange for agreeing to not pursue litigation or speak about their accusations against him."
 Sounds like we have sexual predator here. But O'Reilly claims he's just under attack because woman want to make money off of him. Well, I still recall the 'first time' a charge was brought up against him and he ended up 'settling out of court.' The details were disgusting, I won't even go into them here. But, how interesting other women have made similar claims, involving phone calls and hearing 'sounds?' Coincidence? Or same modus operandi? I believe the latter is true.

Another former frequent guest on O'Reilly's show Andrea Tanaros said in the NYT dated Aug 22, 2016 that,

"Fox News masquerades as a defender of traditional family values, but behind the scenes, it operates like a sex-fueled, Playboy Mansion-like cult, steeped in intimidation, indecency and misogyny." 
Having watched Fox News, and knowing about Rupert Murdoch the Aussie owner who also just happens to promote "pornography," yet claims to be a "Christian," was recently in an article about he should be put out of his church, a church run by none other than another hypocrite "apostate" CFR card-carrying member, Rick Warren, promoter of "ChrIslam" (a combination of Christianity and Islam). He's what this article has to say about not only Warren, but Murdoch,
 “Rupert Murdoch is a born-again Christian and Rick Warren claims to be his pastor,” says Chris Rosebrough, head of the Christian Accountability Network. “As a Christian, Murdoch is committing an egregious sin by owning, expanding and profiting from pornographic channels, and Rick Warren, his pastor, has a biblical duty to call Murdoch to repentance and/or put him out of the church.”
So, as I've been telling people for years, don't believe everything you hear or see reported on Fox News, because if you know who the owner is, you'll know that it's 'fruit is bad.' In addition to reporting many 'false stories,' I've noted, it's only obvious to any viewer that they're selling 'sex' on Fox News. You could call Fox the "pornography of news." But keep on watching them, "Christian" brothers and sisters. Keep on thinking Fox news is "patriotic." Having said that, I will admit there are a 'few' true conservatives there, but I'd say I could literally count the number of 'true conservatives' on my left hand- with fingers to spare!

And to any moron who thinks I'm just another Fox news 'basher,' think again...I don't care for ANY of the main-stream media. They're ALL liars and have an agenda! People need to learn to use their own brains, think for themselves and question everything! Sure I'd rather get my news from a pretty face, but when you've got a culture of all these 'sexual allegations,' (many of which have been settled out of court, or are still pending, something is definitely wrong). As for Murdoch himself, he's as fake a "Christian," as he is a "conservative!" He knows there's a 'market' for conservative news, and so he's filled that need. And nothing wrong with that, but when it's been turned into a "Playboy mansion-cult" as Andrea Tantaros is on record saying, something is very wrong at Fox News. As the saying goes, 'where there's smoke- there's fire.'