Thursday, April 6, 2017

All Wars Are Bankers' Wars (Syrian False Flag, Part Two!)

What just happened in Syria with the "gas attack" is yet ANOTHER "FALSE FLAG!" (bankers war). What do I mean by this? By now, especially after 8 full years of having lived through "false flags" thanks to the Obama administration, if you don't know the meaning of this term, you really should "Google it!"

Remember all the "mass shootings?" Remember Obama being 'hell-bent' on restriction of gun ownership (really a complete repeal of the 2nd amendment); but it was being done 'bit by bit,' as to not make it obvious what his goal and that of his 'globalist masters' was/is. So, we had 'mass shootings' like NEVER before in the history of America.

Getting back to Syria, it's no secret Obama and once again his 'globalist masters' for whom Obama truly 'worked for,' NOT the American people, was using and funding "Syrian rebels" who were Al-Qaeda aka ISIL aka IS aka ISIS. Why the 'constant change of names?' Because some (those who were 'awake') knew these "Syrian rebels" (those who were against Syrian 'dictator' President Assad) were members of Al-Qaeda, who was 'created and funded and controlled' by the 'globalist in our hijacked government.' So to confuse people, the name was being changed.

See who and when 'Al-Qaeda' was created...hint, occurred during Carter administration! And Osama bin Laden was it's original leader. And to this day, they are being controlled by our 'shadow government.' So it's THEY who have been out to 'take out Assad,' as part of their failed "Arab Spring," which has been a complete disaster.

So four years ago, it was 'claimed' (without ZERO PROOF) that Assad 'gassed his own people.' This is total BULL! Fast forward 4 years, and another 'gas attack?' These people think you are that stupid to believe Assad would gas his own people! Think about it. WHAT would Assad have to 'gain' by gassing his own people? especially when he's been under a microscope since the original LIE 4 years ago.

Then the media begins 'beating the war drums,' and UN secretary Haley appears before the UN 'showing pictures' of the 'atrocities' committed by Assad (with again- NO PROOF)! Ask yourself, 'who stands to gain?' It's a well known fact, "bankers profit big time during any war!" Books have been written about his. I highly suggest reading, "War is a Racket" written a long time ago explaining just how 'war is a racket and bankers use it to make big money.'

As I wrote yesterday, watching UN ambassador Haley making the argument that Assad gassed his own people with 'zero proof,' reminded me very much of the media propaganda that we saw when Colin Powell presented "proof" (never proven) that Saddam Hussein had 'weapons of mass destruction,' was just an excuse to invade Iraq under the pre-text that they were responsible for 9/11. Before that, Bush Sr, used 'fake reports' of Saddam Hussein 'unplugging baby incubators,' also proven to be a total HOAX!

These people are liars, and war-mongers. Don't buy any of the propaganda the media is feeding you. Trust no one, question everything!!

Here's an example proving my case...

First ‘crisis actor’: 1990 ‘Nayirah’ claimed Iraq killed 312 hospital incubator infants in Kuwait to criminally incite war

Now, do not misunderstand me. I am not in favor of any dictator, nor anyone gassing their own people. But when it's a complete lie...then I have a BIG problem! Obama was a tool of the 'globalists.' Trump who claimed to have known better, is now being 'fed this lie' as well, and will he take action and follow the goal of the globalist elite? 

The fact Trump has one of his cabinet members (Haley) promoting this lie is very disturbing to say the least. Let's see whether Trump falls for the obvious 'false flag lie,' about this gas attack, because should he believe it, he's either been 'compromised,' or is a fraud. And all of this can easily be verified by talking, or better yet 'meeting with' Russian president Vladimir Putin. Putin has been 'against ISIS,' that is a fact. Putin knows it's the US (shadow government) who's been behind these Syrian false flags. Were the two to meet, much truth could be exposed. But don't count on a meeting between these two world leaders, because after all, Trump is a "Russian agent," if you believe the garbage the media has been reporting even before Trump took his oath of office. 

Gen Flynn, who 'quit' his position shortly after taking it, is on record as standing up to former president Obama whom he was 'serving' under 4 years ago during the first Syrian false flag, and told Obama, "We will not be ISIS' Air Force!" Shortly thereafter, Obama replaced Gen Flynn. This is why Trump wanted Flynn. Yet something happens, which I believe we are not being told, and Gen Flynn is replaced by Trump. So, is Trump going to use our military for ISIS' "Air Force?" Bear in mind everything being reported is basically 'backwards.' 

The government claims we are "funding" an anti-Syrian militancy to take out Assad. That's a lie! The 'anti-Syrian rebels' are ISIS! Look into it. And it's ISIS who has attacked Syrian now for a second time with this "false flag!" So don't think I'm not saying nothing happened in Syria. What I'm saying is, it's NOT whom they claim it was done by (Assad). IF anything happened, which may or may not even be true, would have been carried out by ISIS, NOT Assad! Hence, "false flag." 

People had better learn the facts, and realize our 'shadow government' is just doing all it can to involve our military and tax-payers money to get involved in yet another war. Remember, "war is a racket!" Who profits? Who stands to gain? It certainly isn't Assad!

PS, the UN has already 'proven' Syrian rebel fighters have been 'making and using chemical weapons.' Those are the people we are 'funding' in our effort to rid Syria of Assad. Again, not saying Assad is a good person, but there is no evidence, and no reason for him to have 'gassed his own people.' 

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