Thursday, April 6, 2017

Syrian "Gas Attack"

Give me a break! I've already read reports stating this 'gas attack' was in no way committed by President Assad. First of all- think about it! Assad is under a microscope right now by the entire world.

With the original "gas attack" which occurred during the Obama administration, the world community has been looking to depose Assad. Obama was 'hell-bent' on getting rid of Assad, just as he was with all the other 'dictators' throughout various middle-eastern countries aka "Arab Spring." How well did that work out? Not well!

So we had the 'original gas attack,' which has NEVER been "proven" to have been committed by Assad, first of all WHY would he 'gas' his own people? Now he 'gasses them again?' Really? And the US government via it's 'neo-clowns' are selling this to the American people.

I couldn't tell you just how disgusted I was to see one of Trump's cabinet members UN ambassador Haley stand before the UN 'condemning' Assad with no freaking proof whatsoever! Flashes of the 'staged' reasons to invade Iraq under Bush, Sr came to mind with the "FAKE STORIES" about Saddam Hussein 'pulling the plugs on babies in their incubators!' Which was "proven a total HOAX!"

Then little Bush Jr comes up with yet another "false premise" to invade Iraq- 9/11! All the LIES about Saddam Hussein and "weapons of mass destruction," which once again- NEVER were proven! And here we are- again! A false premise of Assad 'gassing his own people,' when its extremely evident to anyone 'paying attention' the 'elites' just want to depose Assad. Some may recall "Obama's red line!" Then- 'boom,' Assad gasses his people? Seriously?

This is George Soros working behind the scenes people! Neither attack, the first one under Obama, nor this recent one now under Trump were perpetrated by Assad. Again, think for yourselves! Why would Assad knowing their is a 'target' already on his back, do such a thing? He's even stated 'on record' that he intends to 'step down.' But here comes all the "propaganda!" Always using 'little kids/babies' to prey upon the sympathies of the naive and gullible. These 'globalists' don't skip a beat.

Same old song and dance. Another day, another 'reason to go to war!' Syria is a sovereign nation- let THEM decide who rules over them! But of course that's why this world is so messed up. We have 'globalists' who want THEIR AGENDA to go through, come hell or high water- in this case possibly WW3! Remember, Syria is only 1 of 2 countries that Russia has a 'military base' in. The US? Look at a map, do a 'Google search' and see all the US bases that specifically surround Iran and Russia for that matter.

And no, I'm not 'pro-Assad,' nor 'pro-Russia.' Anyone who reads this blog knows exactly where I stand. My blood bleeds- 'red, white and blue!' So don't even go there. Yet this is so obvious as to what is really going on. I've even heard intelligence agents talk about how "ISIS" was promised Syria and parts of Iraq to help form their "Caliphate state!" Did I 'invent this story?' You can't make this stuff up!

So shame on UN ambassador Nicki Haley speaking before the UN showing all the 'photos of dead babies.' At this point for all anyone knows, they may all be 'fake!' IF, IF they 'are real,' it wasn't done by Assad, but more likely George Soros who has a track record of 'regime change' all over the world going back for a long time! That's who ought to be investigated! Follow the money! Follow 'who stands to gain!' It' so simple to get to the heart of this, yet it's as though people just listen or watch the media spew out it's 'propaganda,' and we're supposed to buy it!

I don't think so! And I think we've had enough wars! Why are we still in Afghanistan first of all? Now, we're going to go to Syria, and oh, let's not forget North Korea too! And oh, Russia needs to be dealt with too! Give me a break!

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