Saturday, April 22, 2017

"Total Chaos" - Cyber Attack Feared As Multiple Cities Hit With Simultaneous Power Grid Failures

This report about "power grid failures," is actually from just yesterday, but it is something this country and every American citizen needs to be VERY concerned about. Our government has been aware for years now about how 'outdated' and 'antiquated' our power grid infrastructure is, yet nobody seems to even be discussing the matter. Talk about a dereliction of duty!

This is our government's responsibility to maintain, and again, though it's a known problem, nobody even seems to care. Could it be because congress and the elites would all just escape into their 'bunkers,' leaving the rest of us to fend for ourselves? Even Russia has 'bomb shelters' for it's citizens- to this very day! America? None. We've done away with our bomb shelters.

But the power grid is even more serious of a problem. With everything now being dependent upon computers, a complete failure of our power grid could literally send this country back to the 1800's, and if I know this as do other's who have studied this matter, you don't think ALL our 'enemies' don't already know this? You can bet on the fact they're well aware of this. And with what happened yesterday- something appears to be heading our way.

Whether it be another "false flag attack" (which our own government has used so many times, anyone who isn't aware of their tactics by now is a total fool), or whether Russia or China (both capable) of 'hacking' our power grids, people had better start preparing themselves! I have heard from experts that should a complete collapse of our power grid go down, about 90 percent of American's will be DEAD within the first 30 day- ALONE! Think about that statistic. Let it sink into your brain!

Why such a high number? Very simple- no food, and shortage of water! Couple that with 'housing problems' depending on what part of the country you live, and we're talking nothing short of the Apocalypse happening. Yet, nobody in Washington even seems to notice or care. What the (blank) is going on? There should have been congressional meetings over this 'years ago!' Will there even be one now? Why do I somehow 'doubt it?'

Hell, we don't even need another nation to take out our grids, a freaking 'drug cartel,' or ISIS could do it themselves! It's not that difficult a thing to do, if you understand the basics. Just a couple of years ago or so, a few 'punks' did just that. They took down a power grid in a certain part of I believe California. And they got through 'security' (which is another issue, it's a joke!); and they did their damage within a span of a mere 15 minutes! No more than '6 people!' Keep that fact in mind.

None of this is 'fear-mongering!' I'm not selling anything, nor have anything to gain by reporting this. This is about you and your family and loved ones. This is about the future of America, at it's core! And should an all out attack happen (God forbid), unless you have 'survival food,' and 'bottled water,' and 'back-up generators,' at the very least- you're chances of making it 30 days, a slime to none!! I know many people may laugh at the idea of "prepping," and purchasing 'survival food,' and knowing what to stock up on for an emergency, but keep in mind what happened during Hurricane Katrina a few years ago.

Do you seriously think the 'government' is going to 'save you,' and your family? I think not! Even if they attempted to, again look at Katrina. People were literally sent to FEMA centers!!! This is scary stuff here. I have read various plans on 'continuity of government,' ie REX-84, incidentally written by of all people Col Oliver North, the 'criminal' who got off due to the nature of whom he was working for, and what they were attempting to accomplish. Anyone else would have been serving serious 'hard time' in prison, but North walks around just as do all these other 'criminal politicians and bankers' who should be behind bars, but live their lives in luxury and are even 'celebrated' as "war hero's" as is the case with Oliver North currently a Fox New contributor, and with his series. There people are psychotic!

For those unfamiliar with Col Oliver North, read up on the Iran/Contra scandal from the Reagan/Bush years. Our government was caught bringing in 'illegal drugs,' (extremely addictive ones at that, 'crack cocaine') flooding the urban ghettos, all to help pay for their war in Nicaragua, and making illegal arm deals with Iran. That's 'Col Oliver (I plead the 5th) North is!' Oh, but he hosts a show, "war stories" airing on Faux News! War hero? Right. Drug smuggling, arms dealing 'cherry Marine,' is more like it, but I digress (not really).

These are the sorts of people running our country. It's said that if you're a politician in DC, you're one of two things: you're either 'compromised,' or 'corrupted.' Does either sound good to you? Does that make you feel secure? Does that leave you thinking, oh government will 'save me!' Go talk to the victims of Hurricane Katrina, and you just might think differently. Oh, and you might not be sent to a FEMA camp, but instead be sent to a 'trailor filled with asbestos!' Sound good to you?

I didn't think so. So, I've done my job. I've warned about the dangers of our 'power grid,' and what could happen should it be taken down. The rest is up to you! Anyone who's spend even minutes in front of a new program, knows there's nothing about talk and more talk about 'war.' War with Syria, Russia, N. Korea, hell, even China. But, we're the "policemen of the world!" We can take on the entire world! I'm being sarcastic. Now is the time to 'prepare' with 'survival food and plenty of bottled water,' at the very least!

For a 'complete list' of items suggested by experts who know this better than I (or rather have more time to list their suggested 'minimal items list' just do a simple Google search. You can even find lists made by the 'experts' of the top items that grocery stories run out of the fastest during any extreme emergency. I could do it, but I quite frankly do not have the time. And it goes without saying, if you own guns, NOW is the time to make sure you have plenty of ammo on hand! Should you live in a major city, have an 'evacuation route' known ahead of time.

Remain vigilant!!!

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