Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Bill O'Reilly is Forced Out At Fox News

I told you this was coming. Ever since all the 'sexual allegations' that took down Roger Aisles, Fox News, or as I call them 'Faux News,' aka 'porn news' has been on a downward spiral. Now their 'top man' is down.

While I didn't care for O'Reilly, blasted Alex Jones for no reason, believes the official lie about 9/11, etc, he was Fox News in many ways. But with the rise of the 'rogue' Megyn Kelly (total loser), and her departure, it was only a matter of time before other 'conservatives' would be leaving as I've stated here, either by being pushed out, or otherwise.

Fox News is on it's way to becoming CNN-lite and I'm sure the liberals couldn't be happier! And don't be fooled by Fox and their 'conservative leanings,' as far as I can tell, there are only a handful left who are true conservatives, and I'm sure they too are beginning to see the writing on the way!

As for Fox, I don't care for them, dropped them like a hot potato years ago. However, they were and still are the most 'credible' cable news remaining. That's not saying much when there's only 3 cable networks, and the other two are totally "fake news." Obviously O'Reilly has an ego problem, and like most with such problems, eventually they fall of their high horse and they fall hard. But don't feel sorry for O'Reilly, he's still worth millions of dollars, just don't go near him if your'e a decent woman.

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