Thursday, April 6, 2017

Trump and the Neo-Cons Invasion

I have supported Trump all along, but I'm getting sick and tired of what I'm seeing. Why is he putting in a bunch of 'neo-cons' in his cabinet? These people don't have the same 'agenda' as he does!

These are the very people who were "never-Trumpers" during the primaries and even through the election period. Why does he have them around him? Makes no sense! I've heard Trump 'apologist' Alex Jones (who's turned his show into a Trump infomercial) continue to cover for Trump claiming, 'he has had to put some of these neo-cons in certain positions to help Trump learn his way, then will remove them once he's figured things out.' BS!

Just today Steven Bannon who came from 'alternative news,' and is the personification of the very people who helped put Trump into the WH has been 'demoted!' Oh, it wasn't a 'demotion.' Right. Well, now I'm hearing reports Bannon may 'quit!' And gee, isn't that exactly what the democrats and RHINO'S have wanted all along?? Same was the case with Gen Flynn, and he's gone!

What is it that Trump is NOT 'getting?' It turns out even his son-in-law 'Jared Kushner,' has been having lots of 'texting' communications with Joe Scarborough of MSNBC...what is that about? Scarborough is bitterly 'anti-Trump!' What part of this doesn't "Kushner" understand? Is Kushner 'compromised?' Think about it! A house divided cannot stand.

Ever since Trump has taken office, there have been reports of 'in-fighting' and lots of 'leaking' happening. The leaking is looking very much as though it's primarily coming from Obama 'hold-outs,' but some of it is Trump's own cabinet which is filled with RHINOS. At this point, I don't even trust VP Pence! Then again, I've seen right through him from Day #1, but he's yet another 'globalist shill.' So we're off and running with a 'globalist VP,' and far too many RHINO'S in the WH cabinet.

Is it any wonder this administration has had a difficult start. Of course, Susan Rice (Obama 'shill') hasn't helped matters. And I hope she gets a thorough grilling before Congress. And in the process, I hope it come out that both Obama and Hilary were also a part of plan to 'sabotage Trump.' But, at this point, Trump seems to be sabotaging himself pretty well.

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