Monday, July 31, 2017

Scaramucci Removed as White House Communications Director at Kelly’s Urging

As I'm sure by now most are aware of the departure of former Communications director Anthony Scaramucchi. What I've not seen anywhere is why didn't the president 'fire' Reince Priebus (former Chief of Staff) himself? After all, wasn't Trump famous for his line "You're Fired!" from his former reality TV show The Apprentice.

Well, I'm sure other's may be wondering that very same question.

I've given it some thought myself, and though in the eyes of the media and everyone watching all this unfold, this whole thing may appear as 'chaos,' yet I don't see it as being that way- at all!

I believe there IS a 'method to the madness' we've all just witnessed over the past 10 or so days.

See, there's several things that need to be taken into consideration here. While sure Trump could very easily himself have called his former Chief of staff, Reince Priebus into his office and personally 'fired him,' I believe Trump had a strategy he used that many haven't considered.

The fact of the matter is President Trump had very much wanted to hire Anthony Scaramucchi from the beginning. Or so we've been led to believe! Yet, it's a fact (and I'm sure Trump himself was well aware of this) that Anthony Scaramucchi was NOT a Trump supporter from the beginning! He originally was wanting Hillary to be THE next president of the United States. Scaramucchi had also donated money to not only Hillary, but to Obama as well.

So, I believe Trump saw a person who was an 'opportunist' who after seeing that Trump won the nomination and also so well like by the American people, that being the opportunist he was, he figured 'now' I want to be a part of the Trump administration. So, I believe Trump knowing all this full well, as well as knowing Scaramucchi would have to have quit and given up a well-paying position he had in order to be eligible to be on the WH staff, Trump 'used this' as an opportunity to 'pay back' Scaramucchi!

Having said this, now Trump also knowing full well how his former Chief of staff wasn't working out, and was already on the 'chopping block,' and having 'blocked' the president's wish that Scaramucchi be in the WH for an entire 6 months, saw this as an opportunity to 'kill 2 birds basically with 1 stone,' so to speak.

So, Trump brings in Scaramucchi (having liked the guy, yet also knowing he was an opportunist), and also knowing that Priebus needed to be 'fired,' figured, rather than personally being the one to 'fire' Priebus, he only brought in Scaramucchi into the WH- for 1 reason. To 'fire' Priebus (whom blocked him for the past 6 months, against Trump's wishes), and then turned around and after having replaced Priebus with Kelly (new WH Chief of staff), allowed Kelly the opportunity to personally fire Scaramucchi, though from my understanding Scaramucchi had sealed his fate with the published article over the weekend.

This article which was filled with 'vile profane language,' just made it all the more easier to get rid of "The Mooch." But, at the same time, again rather than personally firing Scaramuccchi, he allowed him to be present at the very 'swearing in ceremony' of the new WH Chief of staff, who then proceeded to call Mr. Scaramucchi into his new office, where he gave the news 'you're fired' to the newly minted, now former Communications director.

So when Trump Tweeted out just today or over the weekend, "No Chaos" in reference to all that has been happening at the White House, he was being more honest than most people would understand, if only they'd of looked upon this situation having happened as I just explained it.

Trump may seem to do things which may appear 'crazy' to the rest of us, while in all actuality, he's "crazy like a fox," as that saying goes. So, yes there is a method to Trump's madness, most definitely. But, you've got to 'think outside the box' in order to understand this.

So there you have it! My explanation as to why things may seem 'unhinged,' and in all reality, it's not. Now I'm not saying there haven't been any 'issues' among those within the WH, I'm sure there are. You've got several people in key positions, and I'm sure they all have their own little (sarcasm) ego's. And we've seen similar situations happen in many new administrations if you want to be objective about all this.

 Of course the media with it's built in 'hostility' to a president whom they have NEVER even as much as given the traditional 'Honeymoon period,' which has been the norm for all previous incoming administrations, due to the fact all these whiny yellow-bellied journalists all expected "Hillary" (the most vile person perhaps to EVER run for president) to have won, they've still not gotten over their shock, especially when they believed all the 'fake polling' which was being conducted throughout the entire election cycle.

Oh and lastly, and this just may be the BEST part out of ALL of this...ALL Trump's WH staff are now 'directly to report' to new Chief of Staff Kelly! Including, 'Jared Kushner and his wife Ivanka!' Neither of which I personally believe should EVER have been invited to be a part of the Trump WH! So now, rather than reporting to 'daddy,' little Ivanka will be reporting (along with her '666 5th Ave' husband) to a former Marine Corp General, turned White House Chief of Staff! I LOVE it! And I hope he 'fires' the BOTH of them! No family members (exception, First Lady obviously) should have ANY ROLE within their (in this case, 'father's) White House.

What this photo tells us about Scaramucci and Priebus tensions

This is a fun little video explaining this now 'infamous' stand-down picture I'd posted just after Scaramucchi was hired as WH Communications director.

                                Obama, and college 'lover,' oops wrong picture

                                     Here we go, Pribus vs Scaramucchi

I don't know who took this picture, and whether it was 'staged' or not, but as the saying goes, 'a picture is worth a thousand words,' and this picture clearly lives up to that expression!

This is like showdown at the OK Corral in the Wild, Wild West.

Say what you will about Scaramucchi, he played his role well. I read all about Priebus' final day.

It was written in an article that Trump had both Priebus and Scaramucchi together on Marine One (I believe, so close quarters) on a trip with Trump to an event. Priebus and Scaramucchi sitting across from one another with Trump there, I'm sure enjoying every minute of this situation (knowing what was to take place).

Oh would I have loved to have been there!

So, as the article said I'd have posted it but don't recall where I found it, anyway, it was not a short trip either. So we have Priebus with his sworn enemy probably gazing at him the entire time. I can imagine the 'tension' that little weasel must have been feeling.

And make no mistake, Priebus was a 'leaker!'

He'd also been 'blocking' the hiring of his nemesis for the past 6 months. And "the Mooch" knew this. Anyway, I believe it was that very day the story broke that Priebus was officially done (something many had speculated and longed for). Anyway, enjoy the video with the analysis of a 'body language expert,' about the infamous 'stare down!'

...soo glad I won't have to be 'trying' to spell Reince Priebus' name correctly any longer! What a name!

Busy, Busy News Day!

Stay tuned...for all the 'drama!' ie Nancy Pelosi with 'visions of being Speaker again,' to the WH firing of Communications director, Anthony (The Mooch) Scaramucchi, and more...


Pelosi ‘believes she will be Speaker again’ — ‘can smell good midterm election’

I almost couldn't stop laughing having looked at not only the headline of this story, but also after having seen that pathetic picture of 'Queen' Pelosi strutting down the street with the 'gavel' of the Speaker of the House. 

                                                  Nancy Pelosi

Oops sorry, wrong picture...

                                 Here we go, gavel 'BIG' enough, Nancy?

Talk about 'drama?'

And this delusional woman (who can't even recall the president's name, at times) sees the day she'll be Speaker again? To be honest, I'd say yes the dems would have a good chance, as the republicans have been so busy fighting amongst themselves...

...but just exactly WHAT have the democrats accomplished? other than have "Russian on their brains?" Russia, Russia, Russia!

Look, this year's House of representatives has been THE least productive in 160 years! While, yes the republicans are in charge and should have much more to 'show' for this term, the democrats have done even less, and their biggest accomplishment has been 'obstructing' the president at every twist and turn.

So, 'Mama,' Pelosi, do you REALLY want to walk around with that gavel some more, looking like a pathetic psychopath? Of course she does. One problem. She's 'assuming' the democrats will 'select' her to be Speaker. Has she forgotten that she doesn't just 'automatically' assume the gavel, they'll be a vote among those in her party.

That alone shows the arrogance of this pompous woman. And with the loss of not only the presidency, but also so many House seats, governorships, etc, etc., many within the democratic party are talking about a whole 'new leadership.' That party is like a picture of the biblical scene of a Cecil B. DeMille movie, (Ten Commandments), where God just caused the Egyptians to release all their Hebrew slaves, and after God parted the Red Sea (Charlton Heston, as Moses) parts the Red Sea, shortly thereafter the Hebrews begin grumbling as they're  wandering around in the desert!

Careful what you ask for, Nancy (Gavel Grabber) Pelosi!

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Saudi Arabia says that calls for internationalization of holy sites 'a declaration of war'

Apparently even Muslims can't get along with each other! Earlier this year Saudi Arabia cut ties with the small Islamic nation of Qatar. Why? Among other reasons, but this one being the biggest, Qatar's suggestion that "Islamic holy sites," become 'internationalized.'

According to Saudi Arabia this 'suggestion' is the equivalent of an 'act of war!'

So, along with other Islamic countries, the Saudis are making these demands, before any further dialogue can even continue. These demands are,
Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Bahrain previously issued a list of 13 demands for Qatar, which included curtailing its support for the Muslim Brotherhood, shutting down the Doha-based Al Jazeera channel, closing a Turkish military base and downgrading its relations with Gulf enemy Iran. - Reuters
For those who don't follow geo-politics, there is a 'power struggle' happening in the Middle East going on between Iran and Saudi Arabia, with each nation vying to the 'the' dominant power in the region.

While I opposed President Trump's visit (or any acknowledgment for that matter) of Saudi Arabia- until that nation addresses its own "human rights violations," (same goes for China) nonetheless Trump traveled there not long ago to make a huge arms deal with the very country who was blamed for being behind the 9/11 attacks.

At the very least 13 of the 19 'alleged' hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, IF you even believe the official story about 9/11 as told by the US government. I have NEVER 'bought into' this narrative! There are just far too many more questions, than there are answers. And there are far too many more anomalies to list here.

Low energy LED lightbulbs could be giving us all HEADACHES because they flicker too much, expert warns

"Go Green." How many times are we being told to do this? This is the 'future.' This is what globalists want the entire planet to do in order to 'save the world.' So we're told. Yet in this article, researchers are saying that the 'flicker' of the new LED light-bulbs are causing people headaches.

As you read the article you'll learn that these bulbs 'flicker' many more times in a minute than do traditional light-bulbs- the one's being fazed out, at least in the EU. And that means Britain. What happened to BREXIT? I thought they voted to 'leave?' I mention this because this article points out that Britain is scheduled to fully incorporate these LED light bulbs by 'next Sept.'

Whether that means 'this' September is unclear. The article doesn't make it clear.

Yet, in the meantime people are complaining of 'headaches' being caused by these new LED light bulbs, and while experiments have already shown the reason why people are getting headaches, apparently they don't care, and will implement these anyway. At least for those who not in the 'elite circle.' You don't think they'll be forced to switch to these light bulbs do you? No, I highly doubt it.

Ultimately all this "Go Green" non-sense is about depopulation. Do some research on Agenda 21, and Agenda 2030. Incidentally I just heard a report on Fox News that having more 'children' raises the level of CO2 emissions. While many don't realize what CO2 emissions are, it's simply 'breathing!' But by labeling with this scientific terminology they think people will automatically assume this must be something 'dangerous.' No. Not at all.

What do you think 'plants put out? And if they didn't put out CO2 'emissions,' this world would die out! But of course they're hoping people are so dumb downed, they won't even notice. This is also why 'fluoride' and 'GMO's' are being put in food and the water you drink. It's flat out criminal, because fluoride is known to 'lower IQ levels,' (especially in those under 18 and still developing), but its also known to 'pacify' people.

This is exactly why dictator's such as Hitler, Mao and Stalin ALL made sure to use 'fluoridated water' to all their prisoners. This is also a 'hazardous chemical' that is illegal to handle without 'gloves,' and to be thrown into any body of water, thought its entirely okay for our local towns and governments to pour this hazardous chemical 'legally' into our water. Double standard?

Where is the out-cry from all the 'environmentalists?' HYPOCRITES! Those environmentalists are part of the 'system' and are being used to fool people. Of course as with anything else, there may be some who are genuinely 'sincere,' (genuinely sincerely wrong!).

At the very least, if you get nothing else from having read this post, for your own good, and for the good of your family and friends; look up Agenda 21, and Agenda 2030. I've even made it easier for you having linked to each of them. So I've left you totally without excuse as to understanding the 'bigger picture!' because this LED story is a 'microcosm,' of the larger story.

Beware anytime you hear about "sustainability," or "Sustainability Development Goals" (SDG)! These are the 'goals' of the New World Order, and they're definitely NOT in your best interest! Don't say you've not been 'warned!'

If you want to be a 'true rebel,' RESIST these movements!

CNN's Blitzer Asks Reince Priebus Straight Up: 'Are You the White House Leaker?'

Finally! Apparently yesterday Wolf Blitzer of "fake news" CNN in an interview with outgoing former Chief of Staff, Reince Priebus, Blitzer asked straight out whether Preibus was the 'leaker?'

The video is here, and I'll let you decide. But if the guy could not just come straight out and say, 'no,' I believe that's a 'yes!' Yet he goes on to say "there is a leaking problems, and I hope Kelly can get to the bottom of it." 

I'm sure he will because apparently 'the leaker' is gone!

Friday, July 28, 2017

Reince "Renfeld" Preibus is OUT!!!

OUT, OUT, OUT! Preibus the "Renfeld leaker" is ...GONE! I said it just yesterday now, didn't I? Actually, it's been rumored for 'months' that his little Paul Ryan (Speaker of the House) 'minion' would be gone! Today is THE day!

Ding-dong, the witch is gone, the witch is gone...come on, sing along with me! LOL. I can't help it. Just wished I'd of caught this as it happened, but I've been extremely busy here. Busier than normal. But, I can't say just how 'HAPPY' I am to have heard this news!

This little troll was known to actually 'tell people they'd been fired by the president,' when it was a complete lie! Obviously Trump didn't know. But people would be told by this Troll the president had 'fired them,' when in fact he had done no such thing!

And if that wasn't bad enough (and that's pretty low), this guy was known to be a "LEAKER!" So really the only question that remains, is what took so long for Trump, or ah Anthony Scaramucchi to 'fire this twerp!?' I'm being sarcastic about Scaramucchi (he did his job!), my question is why did it take "Trump" so long to fire the bum? And why didn't Trump fire this clown himself?

I mean come on, Trump used to make a living on his reality TV show, "The Apprentice," telling people (wait for it....) "you're fired!" LOL. Now, if only Trump could 'somehow' get rid of his VP (Mike "LBJ" Pence)! As I've said it many times, I do not like, nor trust Pence in the least! But knowing politics and history, something tells me Trump was stuck with Pence as part of some deal?

As for this replacement for Preibus, "John Kelly," former head of Homeland Security, and former Marine general, I don't know anything about this guy to be quite honest. One thing I can say is that I do not like the idea of having 'so many generals' in an administration! To me it gives the administration the look of a 'dictatorship!' And I say that as a Trump supporter. To me just the 'optics' of all these generals surrounding a president just looks rather 'creepy.'

But, time will tell. And we'll see how this Kelly works out. Like I said I'm not familiar with this guy at all! I'm not one of these people who's into "military worship," or "idol worship." Sure I'm proud of those who've served honorably in combat, but that's about as far as I go. I'm not going to be telling you, "oh thank you for your service!" Not my style. Secondly, I don't believe America ought to be involved in most of the places they've involved themselves into, and the Founding Fathers would have my back on that one! Enough with the "military worship!"

Anyway, here's the link to the story. It's from the 'snotty' New York Times, so I wasn't even able to fully read the article, because they won't let you, unless you have a "subscription" which I do not. Besides, they've been such a big part in the whole "fake news" narrative, that you couldn't pay me to read them! Enjoy reading as much of it as they'll 'allow' you to.

Scaramucchi vs Priebus

I saw this picture on Drudge Report, titled "Death match" and you see in the photo (shown below) Reince Preibus (can never spell that guys 'odd' name), starting across the Oval office at new WH Communications director Anthony Scaramucchi.

It's an amazing photo considering when you know and understand the story behind the story. In other words, what has 'really' been going on in Trump's own cabinet (all the leaks), when most have been suspecting Trump's own Chief of staff, Preibus to be 'the Leaker!'

                                               Scaramucchi vs Preibus

And now with the addition of new WH Communications director, Anthony Scaramucchi, whom as some have known, Preibus has "blocked" from joining the WH despite Trump himself having wanted Scaramucchi in his cabinet from the start, and to think here's this little "troll" (Preibus) who's an ultimate RNC 'establishment swamp creature,' who has blocked the arrival of Scaramucchi (who knows this), to see this picture above, just says a lot!

And as is being reported, and as many others have speculated from some time back, that Priebus' days are numbered. And that he is at least 'one,' of THE Leaker, I think the 'hand writing is on the wall,' for this little troll who is nothing but a thorn in Trump's side. For the record, Preibus is also good 'friends' with Speaker Paul Ryan (another 'swamp monster').

Here's another photo I saw showing Scaramucchi looking like he's on a 'mission!'

                                       The "Terminator?" (Scaramucchi)

Ha, I love this picture too (above). This guy has obviously been hired to let's say "clean house!" In this particular case, stop the 'leaking,' and FINALLY drain the swamp of those within Trump's cabinet! So I like this guy already.

Incidentally, after having being introduced to the public at a WH press briefing this past Friday, he gave a great performance. Make it clear what his role is, and appears to be a no nonsense type of guy. I think he'd make a great Chief of staff! While some have claimed he doesn't have 'enough political experience,' to them I say, one word- Obama!

Oh, some may say well Obama was in the Illinois Senate, and then the US Senate, to which (as an Illinois resident), I say- yeah and he was MIA! He cast more 'not present votes' as an Illinois representative than probably anyone else. Same thing can be said as US Senator. Obama served in those 2 positions for only 1 thing, to 'pad his resume,' because he knew all along he was going to run for president. To be honest (knowing 'true' politics) I'd say Obama knew he would BE president all along!

So anyway, apparently even after Scaramucchi came and joined the WH (only 1 week ago), and after him specifically stating his role, to 'stop leaking,' a leak came out nonetheless, two actually. One dealing with 'his personal finances,' and another involving a 'dinner' he Trump and a couple other people attended.

So, according to this article, Scaramucchi immediately stood up (for himself, rightfully so), but also for his new boss President Trump. Having read that article, he minced no words with the reporter (whom he called), and even came short of accusing Priebus as having 'leaked' both of these incidents. Let's just say there was some very 'colorful language' involved. Personally, I can't wait until Preibus is gone. And I wouldn't be surprised in the least if Trump made Anthony Scaramucchi his new Chief of staff (if not, he ought to).

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Just in: Senate Vote Result on Repeal of Obamacare...

The results have just been released, and the Senate vote to "repeal Obamacare..." has FAILED!"

All this, despite even a 'provision' to allow for up to 2 years to come up with a "better plan," and yet the vote has still FAILED!

I'm going to predict right now, the Republican party is going to be in 'big trouble' come next year when the mid-term elections occur. As it currently stands, the GOP 'owns' BOTH the House and the Senate (along with the presidency).

Yet, with all the 'in-fighting' among GOP lawmakers in both the House and the Senate, and now yet another 'defeat,' there's going to be a price to be paid by the republican party.

Never mind the democrats. They've done nothing but perpetuate this entire false "Russia-gate" narrative, and just as bad have been nothing but "obstructionists!" The partisanship in Washington is at an all time high, and I would put ALL the blame on both Hillary Clinton ("Resist") and Obama, now a 'private citizen' who's actively been working behind the scenes to "oppose Trump" which is unprecedented in the history of the United States when it comes to 'former presidents,' whom have traditionally had 'nothing to say' with respect to their successors.

But of course 'Obama' has NEVER been your 'typical' politician. And his own actions, as "president" showed all along his 'dislike' for his own country. Why Obama was never "impeached" (as during his 2nd term in office) the republicans ran BOTH the House and Senate, ironically (understatement) having taken back control on their "promise to repeal and replace" Obamacare!

So, just as President Trump stated only yesterday, the Republicans came into power on the "promise" of repealing and replacing "Obamacare," and have failed (miserably, I might add). I'll take it even a step further by saying, they haven't even 'tried,' until Trump won the presidency! So much for these Republicans "promise!" Is it any wonder why politicians have such a 'low approval rate?'

I think not.

Get ready for all hell to break loose as the president learns about the results to today's Senate outcome. One thing I think we can all be sure of is Trump will most definitely 'speak out' about his own party's failure to 'keep their promise.' And while theses GOP "idiots" in the Senate (and House) probably think 'most' have forgotten just how and why the republican party was able to re-take the House, and the Senate, I'm sure many Americans have not.

Yet, in another unrelated vote, the House has "passed" various "sanctions" targeting Russia, Iran and North Korea. I don't know about you, but I think "health care" is just a little more important than these 'stupid sanctions' that most Americans could probably even care less about.

It was only days ago that this year's Congress was named as being one of (if not) THE "most unproductive" Congress in over 160 years. I've said it before, and I'll continue saying it until it happens, the GOP is in 'desperate' need of new leadership in both the House and the Senate. Paul Ryan (Speak of the House) and Mitch McConnell (Senate Majority leader) have both proven themselves totally at odds with not only the American people, but with their own president.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Collins on hot mic: Farenthold 'so unattractive, it's unbelievable'

So, Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) was caught on a 'hot-mic' talking badly about a senate colleague (listen here). You'd think these people would know better, so many public figures in the past have been caught making some of the strangest remarks on a 'hot-mic.' But, I suppose some just still don't 'get it.'

In her remark caught on the 'hot-mic,' she talked poorly about the 'looks' of one of her own colleagues. Yet, consider the source! I really don't think Collins, I won't even give her the dignity of referring to her as a 'Senator,' but I don't think this woman has much to speak about when it comes to 'looks.'

Though she did 'apologize' (using a surrogate), too late. Now we all know you're a person who takes 'cheap shots' at even members of her own party. But just think, if these people have the nerve to speak about their own in such a derogatory manner, how do you think this women would speak of  her very own 'constituency?' Probably in the same fashion.

Just for the record, this is a woman who is known as a RHINO (republican in name only). So not only is this woman a 'nasty' woman, she's not even 'loyal' to her own party. But she's an 'elitist.' A narcissistic woman (who needs to look into the mirror herself), and she comes from a very wealthy family with a very 'dark, and sinister past.'        

"Dark Shadows"

Anyone ever hear or remember the old 'soap opera' from the early to middle 1970's called "Dark Shadows?" It was not your average 'soap-opera,' as this series involved "vampires," the main character being Barnabas Collins, who incidentally played the lead role as the "Count" himself. Now this was not his 'real life name,' but his character's name.

Well, word has it from credible sources (I'll leave it at that), Dark Shadows was based off a real family whose surname was "Collins." Sound familiar? And though the series took place in Rhode Island, and Sen. Collins is from Maine, there is a 'family connection!' And this Collin's family had quite the reputation of being heavily involved into the "occult."

Incidentally, actress Joanne Collins (I believe is her first name), and Jackie Collins (writer) are all 'related' to Senator Collins. Anyone who's seen the show, which is still run on some channels in some cities was a 'cult classic,' with a big following. But what is not well known is the fact this television series (which ran for a long time) was based on a real life family by the name "Collins."

Just a little ride down 'memory lane' to help put things into perspective. Isn't it also a bit unusual that Sen. Collins has been in the Senate for quite a long time, and I don't think she's even faced a real challenger all these many years later. Nor do I see her 'leaving' any time soon. So, maybe she herself too is a "vampire!?"

PS, just for the record, I am not claiming the 'real Collins family' for whom the television series Dark Shadows had any connections to "vampires," that was all Hollywood. But, the fact is the Collin's family themselves were indeed- very much connected into the "occult." And as the TV series suggests, they are an old family going back 'centuries.' But (again), no 'vampires' in real life (Hollywood added that in for dramatic effect).

PPS, how could I forget this?! Speaking of "Rhode Island" which is where the Collins family actually comes from, how 'coincidental' that Ms Collins was joking around on the 'hot-mic' with none other than a Senator from "Rhode Island," Sen Jack Reed (D-RI)! Creepy, huh?                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Monday, July 24, 2017

Disney’s Next Movie Could Be Watching You, Too

My last post dealt with the 'mysterious Jared (666) Kushner. Well, just as flipping CREEPY, (more in this case) Disney reveals how they 'watch YOU' when they make their movies, for 'editing' purposes, to get them their 'desired outcome.'

This is something straight out of George Orwell's book, 1984! 

"Facial recognition" has already been used by Disney for several of the past movies, as stated to get the 'reaction' they desire. That would be called "programming," and it's flat out creepy!

For those unfamiliar with "facial recognition," you'd better get familiar with this word, because it's being used more and more for any number of reasons and in my opinion (in the wrong hands) this is "DANGEROUS!" Technology has come a long way and we are no longer in "Kansas!"

BTW, do some research on Disney! You'd be surprised at what you'll find is contained in almost every Disney 'cartoon,' it's called "pornographic subliminal messages!" This is being seen by YOUR children! Don't believe me? Do a simple search on YouTube "Disney and pornography!" Then don't tell me- I didn't 'warn you!'

Jared Kushner speaks outside the WhiteHouse

"President" Kushner (sarcasm), has a BIG role within the Trump administration, and yet most people (myself included) have rarely ever even heard this guy "speak!" I find this bizarre, especially for someone with the high profile they hold within a presidential administration.

Anyone who's followed this blog, knows exactly where I stand on this 'Jared Kushner,' who is Trump's son-in-law and is a 'creepy character,' in my opinion (and I'm sure many other people's as well). This guy came out of nowhere, and is one of Trump's 'top advisers?' Not to mention his connections with a property he owns whose address is "666 5th Ave, NYC!"

I believe with today's little mini-press briefing, this will make it a grand total of '2 times' I have EVER heard this guy speak. I'd been beginning to wonder whether this guy was a 'mute,' or even a real person, and not some 'mannequin!' Notice how 'wooden' this guy is. Reminds me of the second-coming of former VP Al Gore. How Trump ever allowed this guy to even marry his daughter is beyond me. He is one 'creepy dude!'

Here's the video. Notice his 'woodenness!' 

Trump: ‘Obamacare is Death’

It's 'D-Day' for the Republican party! President Trump has had it with the republicans inability to at the very least come up with enough votes to "repeal" the monstrosity known as "Obamacare," also known as "socialized medicine!"

The republican party ran upon "repeal and replace," several years ago already, which ended up allowing them to take back control of the House of Representatives during Obama's second term in office, and to date- have done 'NOTHING!'

On top of this, many GOP candidates won their seats, or re-election on the 'coattails' of President Trump, yet have been acting like a bunch of spoiled brats. Pointing fingers at everyone, but themselves. Should they 'fail' to at the very least "repeal" Obamacare, look for the republican party to 'lose the House,' come next year during the mid-term elections (2018).

This is why congress has such 'low approval numbers.' The American people have had enough of these politicians running on a 'pledge,' and never delivering on their pledge once they win their election. This is also why Donald Trump has been as successful (love him, or hate him). At least no one can say he's not 'kept his promises.' Of course some of this involves his own party 'working with him,' rather than against him.

Here's the article.

Friday, July 21, 2017

Trump-defending New York financier will be the next White House communications director as Jared Kushner wins West Wing tug-of-war

Ah, okay now my last post makes more sense. Apparently it was "President" Kushner, Trump's 'son-in-law,' who was responsible for getting  Scaramucci into the WH! Now it makes perfect sense!

While Trump has been 'annoyed' at the attention his aide Steven Bannon has received, he has no problems I suppose with little Jared (666) Kushner, makes some 'key decisions.' Kushner just may be along with Preibus the only person's I despise more than VP Mike Pence! 

...I wouldn't turn my back on either of these people, not even for a minute!

Kushner, along with his wife (Trump's daughter) who in my opinion, along with many others have absolutely no business serving in the WH, let alone having the 'authority' they wield! Not to mention their 'friendship' with not only the Clinton's (Chelsea), but also the fact they enjoy 'hobnobbing around' with many democrats and others who oppose the Trump agenda.

Mind you, Kushner couldn't even handle his own '666 property' located on 5th Ave in NYC. The building is in 'financial trouble!' So, I suggest he leave the WH, and go get his personal business in order, and stay in the real estate business, which apparently he's not even very good at to begin with. See, he too is yet another 'spoiled brat,' who was handed a 'fortune,' from not only his parents, but also from billionaire- George Soros (of ALL people!).

Maybe, just maybe as much as I can't stand VP Mike Pence (globalist), maybe he'd be better off being 'president?' At least I don't believe Jared (666) Kushner, and his bimbo wife, Ivanka would have ANY business in the WH!

Anthony Scaramucci Loved Hillary, Gave to Obama, and Deleted Anti-Trump Tweets

What in the world is 'this?' Scaramucci supported Obama and Hillary, was 'against Trump,' then became 'pro-Trump?' Is this guy schizophrenic? It would appear so, especially after looking at his many tweets here!

While most definitely Sean Spicer needed to 'go!' a long time ago, finally, he's gone! And sure, "Mucci" isn't replacing Spicer, but still. As someone is quoted 'anonymously' in the article linked here, this administration is beginning to look like "amateur hour!" I don't often quote 'anonymous sources,' but in this case, it was a good comment.

And yes, I myself have stated Trump needs to get rid of several of his 'cabinet members,' Spicer being one of those, but will his Chief of staff, Reince Preibus, is hopefully the next shoe to drop!! And lastly, I'd find a way to drop VP Mike Pence off the staff as well! As many here know, I have never trusted this guy! Remember (history repeats itself!), it was Ronald Reagan who was 'stuck' with VP George H W Bush as his VP, a person Reagan totally despised! How to 'lose' Pence? Well I haven't a clue (maybe make his job so difficult, send him out of the country on extended trips, lol), I can see Trump (should he run for re-election), drop Pence off the ticket, and choose a different VP! 

Stay tuned, as this administration gets it's act together. While I am a Trump supporter (as though that wasn't obvious), I don't agree 100 percent with Trump, and do have to question some of the things he's done. I will never just give the guy a 'pass!' Unfortunately, as I see things now, this is looking like a 'circus.' Yes, moves need to be made. I've already pointed this out. Now let's get the rest of the 'trolls' (Priebus) out, and get going! 

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Conservatives target Congress, not Trump, after healthcare collapse

I'll let this post 'speak for itself,' as Hugh Hewitt has done a nice job of saying what needs to be said. h/t: Hugh Hewitt

 "People are furious. And not one ounce of it is directed at Trump,” Meckler said."

This article is about the debacle GOP "leadership" has caused due to it's inability to at the very least "repeal Obamacare." Damn right, "people are furious!"

Here's the link.

PS, and we ALL know 'who's to blame!'

Social Security Will Be Paying Out More Than It Receives In Just Five Years

From Zero Hedge,

Social Security Will Be Paying Out More Than It Receives In Just Five Years
YET, the IRS received 'just this year,' a RECORD AMOUNT OF MONEY! (SIDE NOTE). Shall I "expose" just who and what the IRS 'really is, and about?' Let me just say this, the "Federal Reserve," is neither "FEDERAL," nor holds ANY "RESERVES!" ...having said that, WHERE is all this "record breaking money RECEIVED by the IRS going to???

Yeah, well IF "politicians" would STOP sticking their fingers the 'cookie jar,' and STOP STEALING from this fund, they have NO BUSINESS touching, maybe it wouldn't be "paying out more than it receives!" 

How much money is being sent to "foreign countries?" How much money is being "wasted" How much "pork" do all these government career criminals, 'pocket,' and give scraps to their constituents? How much money is spent to be the "police men of the world?" 

Social Security is money that's already been paid into, with the PROMISE of a 'return!' It's also something many 'count on' when they retire. And just how much money does these 'do-nothing, knuckle-dragging career criminals' receive upon leaving office, in their "pensions?" I don't believe they deserve a "pension," when most leave office 'wealthier' than when they came in! 

Let Social Security go 'bankrupt,' and expect the "pitchforks" to come out! Yet, just how many 'ILLEGALS' are coming here, and collecting all kinds of "benefits?" And are they 'paying into Social Security?' NO! But they're using up a lot of 'free money' in any number of "benefits" they have absolutely NO RIGHT to have ANY part of.

Oh, did I forget to mention the "BILLIONS" spent on "black budget projects?" 

Tensions reach new high between Trump, GOP

From The Hill (now Trump 'friendly') "conservative publication," (or whatever they claim to be, could care less, they're worthless!, put out this headline,

          Tensions reach new high between Trump, GOP

If you read the 'article,' it would appear as though you have a bunch of "clueless IDIOTS," ALL GOP attempting to as "Keystone cops," repeal and replace this horrid 'law' known as "Obamacare."

Let's see, the GOP runs it ALL! Yet, when it was the democrats who "ran it all," they just RAMMED this horrendous bill down the throat of EVERY American citizen, not even telling people what was in it, "you'll just have to pass it, to see what's in it," said Speaker "Mama" Pelosi, who can't even put a sentence together, let alone even know 'who' the current president's name is (see her many interviews in which she calls Trump, "Bush").

I have and never will be a "rubber-stamp" for Trump. I'm no Alex Jones who practically 'worships the man,' and has turned his once "anti-establishment" show into a now "Trump (worshiping) channel." I have, and always will hold Trump accountable, though I do agree with MOST of what he stands for, aside from this "ridiculous" OPIOID EPIDEMIC, "BS" which came straight out of left field during the 2016 election season.

While there may be an "Opioid epidemic," is NOT due to "prescription pills," it's ALL about "HEROIN OVERDOSES!" DUH! As I've said many times, try walking into a doctor's office and try to get a "prescription" for "opioids!" Doctor's are soo afraid (due to all the government 'regulations') that many who legitimately need it, go through HELL to get a script. Yet we have an "Opioid epidemic?" BS! It's a "Heroin epidemic," let's get that straight!

Aside from that, I'd say Trump is doing an overall 'good job.' He does need to fire his 'chief of staff,' and maybe dump some other cabinet members, such as his son-in-law, and his own daughter, NEITHER of which should have any place in his administration, especially when they've been caught "hob-nobbling" around with high profile Clinton 'donors,' and other's who are CLEARLY 'anti-Trump.' Are they that freaking stupid? Apparently so!

Secondly, WHY hasn't Trump gone on 'OFFENSE,' and the hell with being on "defense," with this stupid made up "Russia narrative," and GO AFTER and put Obama and Hillary BOTH on "defense" for any number of things! Just who is 'advising Trump?' Which brings me to my next point- GET RID OF VP PENCE! I don't trust that guy as far as I can spit! He's been doing some very 'suspicious things' behind Trump's back. Hosting a dinner party for "his own PAC?" Just what exactly is THAT about?

Say what you may about Trump, but at least he has a 'vision' for America. He knows exactly what he wants to do, and has in large part been doing EXACTLY as he said he would do. So what's the problem? Aside the the idiot "coastal democrat party," and the "never-Trumpers," he's basically surrounded by "life-long career politicians who have been THE PROBLEM for far too long. It's high time, the constituents of these 'anti-Trumpers' start getting some heat from those who've put them in the positions they currently hold.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Why the GOP Congress will be the most unproductive in 164 years

While I'm not entirely sure whether this title above given by (The Week) is a 'credible one,' or not (due to so much 'fake news' these days), I will say this. President Trump won the White House along with huge GOP victories in several areas, which has not been seen in many years- not for the Republicans anyway.

The GOP won the WH, held both the House and the Senate, another major victory, and should The Week's headline be correct, what will this mean for President Trump after the 'mid-term' election? Historically speaking the majority party tends to lose the House after running all three branches.

And despite all the 'fake polling' numbers (no different than during the 2016 presidential election, you'd think pollsters would have learned their lessons- by now), the simple fact is, should the republicans fail to maintain either the House or Senate (especially the House), the results could mean 'big trouble,' for Trump. We already know well enough the democrats would attempt to 'impeach' president Trump at the drop of a hat!

And despite just 'ramming through' their (GOP) agenda through the House and Senate, as they did during Obama's first term in office, republican leadership ultimately stands to look the as THE 'biggest losers' in all of this, aside from the possible 'impeachment attempt' the dems would make, should they re-take the House. As the saying goes, 'a party divided cannot stand!'

And just who do we (GOP) have to 'blame' for ALL this? Ryan (House) and McConnell (Senate). And you can make a clear argument that neither has acted as though they want to be the 'ruling party!' Worse yet, THEY BOTH seem to be 'fighting,' rather than carrying out the President's agenda. Should the GOP lose either the House or Senate, I think either one, both preferably should be immediately 'removed' from their positions of 'leadership!'

See, BOTH Ryan and McConnell belong to the 'establishment wing' of the republican party, a nice way of saying they're "Never-Trumpers!" But are they stupid enough to no matter to risk owning all three branches of the government? I suppose only time will tell. But one thing

Needless to say, the 2018 mid-term election will be telling as to what will lie in store for the remainder of the Trump administration, the current GOP 'leadership,' needs to replaced!

Monday, July 17, 2017

Amazing How This Blog has Grown! (Major Shout-Out!!!)

This blog (thanks to you, my readers) literally has MORE VIEWS than some 'bigger websites on the Internet!'

Also have MORE 'followers' on Twitter than some 'big names,' which I won't name here (might embarrass some people!).

I have personally made YouTube videos, that have ALSO had 'more views' than that of a particular 'high profile website.' And they 'think' or perhaps have 'assumed?' that I 'cannot write?' LOL!

I'd LOVE to show THEM the 'behind the scene numbers, because the numbers don't lie! Have also as of today, for THE 'first time' had a European nation 'out-number' (page views) than that of the United States!

Thank you, "Czechia!" And of course (unlike MOST Americans) I know where you
 are located on the map! This blog truly has THE most 'loyal,' audience, with a 
"GLOBAL" audience! 

I believe I KNOW just where my 'future' lies! 😎

Friday, July 14, 2017

10 Countries and Counting, Getting Bigger and Bigger!

After a 'hiatus' from blogging, I've come back (only last night), and I've already got 10 countries "globally" reading this blog! And while that's about 'half' of the norm, it's an indication of the 'loyalty' this blog has, and I want to thank each and every one of you!

I've said it many times, if only people realized 'how many people' this blog reaches, they'd be shocked! No, I'm not tooting my own horn as I take no credit whatsoever for the success of this blog! ALL the credit goes to my Creator who has apparently given me the ability to be able to attract the attention of the masses.

While not many are able to get the 'ear of the MSM,' I have been consistantly able to. Maybe it runs in the family, as I do have two family members (both sides) who've been journalists. But essentially, it's 'content' that matters. It's that fact that 'I pull NO punches!' I speak my mind, and tell it like it is- with facts backing up what I say.

Trust me, there are 'wannabe's' out there who have attempted to 'cash in' on their 'title's,' or whatever. Many of them are complete 'failures,' and the numbers 'speak for themselves.'

Wherever you are, no matter what you are going through, know this- I have battled just about every 'demon in hell,' and I'm still standing. And so can YOU!

So, thanks again to my loyal following!

VP Mike Pence

I have 'never' like Mike Pence (former governor of Indiana). I've never 'trusted' him, and now have an even lower opinion of him as report after report's are coming out that he is 'making a move.'

What 'kind' of move? A move as in to 'unseat' his BOSS, Donald J. Trump, our duly elected 45th President of the United States? Well, anyone paying attention knows there are reports surfacing, here and there, just trickling down and out each and every day about this 'move,' all due to "Russia-gate."

By the way- no evidence has been found, nor ever will. And I'm no Trump apologist, but the guy is doing pretty much what he's said he'd do. He would have even accomplished more were it not for his own party 'obstructing him!' McConnell and Ryan BOTH need to GO!

Pence had 'turned a blind eye' on PEDOPHILIA in his own home state of Indiana! FACT! In a list of emails that were leaked, pertaining to "pedophiles," one of the person's name on this list was a "good friend of Mike Pence!" Pence is also 'well respected ACROSS both party lines.' Red-flag! Anytime you hear that phrase, you KNOW the person is a 'sold-out shill,' and I believe that is who Mike Pence (former governor of Indiana) is. For the record, the 'last' Republican who was so 'well-liked' across the aisle was George H.W. Bush, another 'crooked bastard,' who will face the full straight out 'wrath of God,' unless he repents!

Lots of Traffic; Love it!!

To my many readers,

I can't thank you enough for all your loyalty, and I wish many times I could show just how many people read this blog, and not only here in America, but literally throughout the WORLD!

Many, many thanks for every one of you!
#Shout-out to:



*United Kingdom






You guys consistently visit here! Love you ALL! Bunch of other countries not showing up tonight. Such as my grandfather's countries: Spain and Italy, buena notches, Espana!and Buona sera amici miei, in Italia! (Studied 'German,' but was a long time ago! Love the language! To my "Polish" friends, as you know Chicago has THE 'largest' Polish population in the world, outside of Warsaw! Philippines, I know I could speak to 'some' of you in Espanol! Some of you speak 'Tagalog?' Not sure I spelled right. Worked with a lady who spoke that dialect! Some in Brazil, ditto Buona sera amici miei! (I know others there speak another dialect). Belgium, "Goede nacht!" (knew I'd have the 'night' part correct, per German, would have been 'barely off on good,' ie German 'gutten' 

You guys are as we say here in Chicago 'da best!' After being back a couple night, we'll be seeing a whole bunch more countries. Have a large European following. Lol, I'm wishing you all a 'good night,' forgot, it's 'morning' for you guys! lol. 

Well then, Buenos dias, a mi amigos e amigas en Espanol! And to my Italian friends, Buono mattina, Italia!  Good night to everyone!

...of course USA is here, always are! 

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Tekkenrye Jujutsu

Love this art. Great 'patch' also. This particular style is a great style for 'law enforcement,' have taught to many. Armed & unarmed. Always best to know both.