Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Collins on hot mic: Farenthold 'so unattractive, it's unbelievable'

So, Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) was caught on a 'hot-mic' talking badly about a senate colleague (listen here). You'd think these people would know better, so many public figures in the past have been caught making some of the strangest remarks on a 'hot-mic.' But, I suppose some just still don't 'get it.'

In her remark caught on the 'hot-mic,' she talked poorly about the 'looks' of one of her own colleagues. Yet, consider the source! I really don't think Collins, I won't even give her the dignity of referring to her as a 'Senator,' but I don't think this woman has much to speak about when it comes to 'looks.'

Though she did 'apologize' (using a surrogate), too late. Now we all know you're a person who takes 'cheap shots' at even members of her own party. But just think, if these people have the nerve to speak about their own in such a derogatory manner, how do you think this women would speak of  her very own 'constituency?' Probably in the same fashion.

Just for the record, this is a woman who is known as a RHINO (republican in name only). So not only is this woman a 'nasty' woman, she's not even 'loyal' to her own party. But she's an 'elitist.' A narcissistic woman (who needs to look into the mirror herself), and she comes from a very wealthy family with a very 'dark, and sinister past.'        

"Dark Shadows"

Anyone ever hear or remember the old 'soap opera' from the early to middle 1970's called "Dark Shadows?" It was not your average 'soap-opera,' as this series involved "vampires," the main character being Barnabas Collins, who incidentally played the lead role as the "Count" himself. Now this was not his 'real life name,' but his character's name.

Well, word has it from credible sources (I'll leave it at that), Dark Shadows was based off a real family whose surname was "Collins." Sound familiar? And though the series took place in Rhode Island, and Sen. Collins is from Maine, there is a 'family connection!' And this Collin's family had quite the reputation of being heavily involved into the "occult."

Incidentally, actress Joanne Collins (I believe is her first name), and Jackie Collins (writer) are all 'related' to Senator Collins. Anyone who's seen the show, which is still run on some channels in some cities was a 'cult classic,' with a big following. But what is not well known is the fact this television series (which ran for a long time) was based on a real life family by the name "Collins."

Just a little ride down 'memory lane' to help put things into perspective. Isn't it also a bit unusual that Sen. Collins has been in the Senate for quite a long time, and I don't think she's even faced a real challenger all these many years later. Nor do I see her 'leaving' any time soon. So, maybe she herself too is a "vampire!?"

PS, just for the record, I am not claiming the 'real Collins family' for whom the television series Dark Shadows had any connections to "vampires," that was all Hollywood. But, the fact is the Collin's family themselves were indeed- very much connected into the "occult." And as the TV series suggests, they are an old family going back 'centuries.' But (again), no 'vampires' in real life (Hollywood added that in for dramatic effect).

PPS, how could I forget this?! Speaking of "Rhode Island" which is where the Collins family actually comes from, how 'coincidental' that Ms Collins was joking around on the 'hot-mic' with none other than a Senator from "Rhode Island," Sen Jack Reed (D-RI)! Creepy, huh?                                                                                                                                                                                                      

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