Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Tensions reach new high between Trump, GOP

From The Hill (now Trump 'friendly') "conservative publication," (or whatever they claim to be, could care less, they're worthless!, put out this headline,

          Tensions reach new high between Trump, GOP

If you read the 'article,' it would appear as though you have a bunch of "clueless IDIOTS," ALL GOP attempting to as "Keystone cops," repeal and replace this horrid 'law' known as "Obamacare."

Let's see, the GOP runs it ALL! Yet, when it was the democrats who "ran it all," they just RAMMED this horrendous bill down the throat of EVERY American citizen, not even telling people what was in it, "you'll just have to pass it, to see what's in it," said Speaker "Mama" Pelosi, who can't even put a sentence together, let alone even know 'who' the current president's name is (see her many interviews in which she calls Trump, "Bush").

I have and never will be a "rubber-stamp" for Trump. I'm no Alex Jones who practically 'worships the man,' and has turned his once "anti-establishment" show into a now "Trump (worshiping) channel." I have, and always will hold Trump accountable, though I do agree with MOST of what he stands for, aside from this "ridiculous" OPIOID EPIDEMIC, "BS" which came straight out of left field during the 2016 election season.

While there may be an "Opioid epidemic," is NOT due to "prescription pills," it's ALL about "HEROIN OVERDOSES!" DUH! As I've said many times, try walking into a doctor's office and try to get a "prescription" for "opioids!" Doctor's are soo afraid (due to all the government 'regulations') that many who legitimately need it, go through HELL to get a script. Yet we have an "Opioid epidemic?" BS! It's a "Heroin epidemic," let's get that straight!

Aside from that, I'd say Trump is doing an overall 'good job.' He does need to fire his 'chief of staff,' and maybe dump some other cabinet members, such as his son-in-law, and his own daughter, NEITHER of which should have any place in his administration, especially when they've been caught "hob-nobbling" around with high profile Clinton 'donors,' and other's who are CLEARLY 'anti-Trump.' Are they that freaking stupid? Apparently so!

Secondly, WHY hasn't Trump gone on 'OFFENSE,' and the hell with being on "defense," with this stupid made up "Russia narrative," and GO AFTER and put Obama and Hillary BOTH on "defense" for any number of things! Just who is 'advising Trump?' Which brings me to my next point- GET RID OF VP PENCE! I don't trust that guy as far as I can spit! He's been doing some very 'suspicious things' behind Trump's back. Hosting a dinner party for "his own PAC?" Just what exactly is THAT about?

Say what you may about Trump, but at least he has a 'vision' for America. He knows exactly what he wants to do, and has in large part been doing EXACTLY as he said he would do. So what's the problem? Aside the the idiot "coastal democrat party," and the "never-Trumpers," he's basically surrounded by "life-long career politicians who have been THE PROBLEM for far too long. It's high time, the constituents of these 'anti-Trumpers' start getting some heat from those who've put them in the positions they currently hold.

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