Monday, July 31, 2017

Scaramucci Removed as White House Communications Director at Kelly’s Urging

As I'm sure by now most are aware of the departure of former Communications director Anthony Scaramucchi. What I've not seen anywhere is why didn't the president 'fire' Reince Priebus (former Chief of Staff) himself? After all, wasn't Trump famous for his line "You're Fired!" from his former reality TV show The Apprentice.

Well, I'm sure other's may be wondering that very same question.

I've given it some thought myself, and though in the eyes of the media and everyone watching all this unfold, this whole thing may appear as 'chaos,' yet I don't see it as being that way- at all!

I believe there IS a 'method to the madness' we've all just witnessed over the past 10 or so days.

See, there's several things that need to be taken into consideration here. While sure Trump could very easily himself have called his former Chief of staff, Reince Priebus into his office and personally 'fired him,' I believe Trump had a strategy he used that many haven't considered.

The fact of the matter is President Trump had very much wanted to hire Anthony Scaramucchi from the beginning. Or so we've been led to believe! Yet, it's a fact (and I'm sure Trump himself was well aware of this) that Anthony Scaramucchi was NOT a Trump supporter from the beginning! He originally was wanting Hillary to be THE next president of the United States. Scaramucchi had also donated money to not only Hillary, but to Obama as well.

So, I believe Trump saw a person who was an 'opportunist' who after seeing that Trump won the nomination and also so well like by the American people, that being the opportunist he was, he figured 'now' I want to be a part of the Trump administration. So, I believe Trump knowing all this full well, as well as knowing Scaramucchi would have to have quit and given up a well-paying position he had in order to be eligible to be on the WH staff, Trump 'used this' as an opportunity to 'pay back' Scaramucchi!

Having said this, now Trump also knowing full well how his former Chief of staff wasn't working out, and was already on the 'chopping block,' and having 'blocked' the president's wish that Scaramucchi be in the WH for an entire 6 months, saw this as an opportunity to 'kill 2 birds basically with 1 stone,' so to speak.

So, Trump brings in Scaramucchi (having liked the guy, yet also knowing he was an opportunist), and also knowing that Priebus needed to be 'fired,' figured, rather than personally being the one to 'fire' Priebus, he only brought in Scaramucchi into the WH- for 1 reason. To 'fire' Priebus (whom blocked him for the past 6 months, against Trump's wishes), and then turned around and after having replaced Priebus with Kelly (new WH Chief of staff), allowed Kelly the opportunity to personally fire Scaramucchi, though from my understanding Scaramucchi had sealed his fate with the published article over the weekend.

This article which was filled with 'vile profane language,' just made it all the more easier to get rid of "The Mooch." But, at the same time, again rather than personally firing Scaramuccchi, he allowed him to be present at the very 'swearing in ceremony' of the new WH Chief of staff, who then proceeded to call Mr. Scaramucchi into his new office, where he gave the news 'you're fired' to the newly minted, now former Communications director.

So when Trump Tweeted out just today or over the weekend, "No Chaos" in reference to all that has been happening at the White House, he was being more honest than most people would understand, if only they'd of looked upon this situation having happened as I just explained it.

Trump may seem to do things which may appear 'crazy' to the rest of us, while in all actuality, he's "crazy like a fox," as that saying goes. So, yes there is a method to Trump's madness, most definitely. But, you've got to 'think outside the box' in order to understand this.

So there you have it! My explanation as to why things may seem 'unhinged,' and in all reality, it's not. Now I'm not saying there haven't been any 'issues' among those within the WH, I'm sure there are. You've got several people in key positions, and I'm sure they all have their own little (sarcasm) ego's. And we've seen similar situations happen in many new administrations if you want to be objective about all this.

 Of course the media with it's built in 'hostility' to a president whom they have NEVER even as much as given the traditional 'Honeymoon period,' which has been the norm for all previous incoming administrations, due to the fact all these whiny yellow-bellied journalists all expected "Hillary" (the most vile person perhaps to EVER run for president) to have won, they've still not gotten over their shock, especially when they believed all the 'fake polling' which was being conducted throughout the entire election cycle.

Oh and lastly, and this just may be the BEST part out of ALL of this...ALL Trump's WH staff are now 'directly to report' to new Chief of Staff Kelly! Including, 'Jared Kushner and his wife Ivanka!' Neither of which I personally believe should EVER have been invited to be a part of the Trump WH! So now, rather than reporting to 'daddy,' little Ivanka will be reporting (along with her '666 5th Ave' husband) to a former Marine Corp General, turned White House Chief of Staff! I LOVE it! And I hope he 'fires' the BOTH of them! No family members (exception, First Lady obviously) should have ANY ROLE within their (in this case, 'father's) White House.

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