Friday, July 28, 2017

Scaramucchi vs Priebus

I saw this picture on Drudge Report, titled "Death match" and you see in the photo (shown below) Reince Preibus (can never spell that guys 'odd' name), starting across the Oval office at new WH Communications director Anthony Scaramucchi.

It's an amazing photo considering when you know and understand the story behind the story. In other words, what has 'really' been going on in Trump's own cabinet (all the leaks), when most have been suspecting Trump's own Chief of staff, Preibus to be 'the Leaker!'

                                               Scaramucchi vs Preibus

And now with the addition of new WH Communications director, Anthony Scaramucchi, whom as some have known, Preibus has "blocked" from joining the WH despite Trump himself having wanted Scaramucchi in his cabinet from the start, and to think here's this little "troll" (Preibus) who's an ultimate RNC 'establishment swamp creature,' who has blocked the arrival of Scaramucchi (who knows this), to see this picture above, just says a lot!

And as is being reported, and as many others have speculated from some time back, that Priebus' days are numbered. And that he is at least 'one,' of THE Leaker, I think the 'hand writing is on the wall,' for this little troll who is nothing but a thorn in Trump's side. For the record, Preibus is also good 'friends' with Speaker Paul Ryan (another 'swamp monster').

Here's another photo I saw showing Scaramucchi looking like he's on a 'mission!'

                                       The "Terminator?" (Scaramucchi)

Ha, I love this picture too (above). This guy has obviously been hired to let's say "clean house!" In this particular case, stop the 'leaking,' and FINALLY drain the swamp of those within Trump's cabinet! So I like this guy already.

Incidentally, after having being introduced to the public at a WH press briefing this past Friday, he gave a great performance. Make it clear what his role is, and appears to be a no nonsense type of guy. I think he'd make a great Chief of staff! While some have claimed he doesn't have 'enough political experience,' to them I say, one word- Obama!

Oh, some may say well Obama was in the Illinois Senate, and then the US Senate, to which (as an Illinois resident), I say- yeah and he was MIA! He cast more 'not present votes' as an Illinois representative than probably anyone else. Same thing can be said as US Senator. Obama served in those 2 positions for only 1 thing, to 'pad his resume,' because he knew all along he was going to run for president. To be honest (knowing 'true' politics) I'd say Obama knew he would BE president all along!

So anyway, apparently even after Scaramucchi came and joined the WH (only 1 week ago), and after him specifically stating his role, to 'stop leaking,' a leak came out nonetheless, two actually. One dealing with 'his personal finances,' and another involving a 'dinner' he Trump and a couple other people attended.

So, according to this article, Scaramucchi immediately stood up (for himself, rightfully so), but also for his new boss President Trump. Having read that article, he minced no words with the reporter (whom he called), and even came short of accusing Priebus as having 'leaked' both of these incidents. Let's just say there was some very 'colorful language' involved. Personally, I can't wait until Preibus is gone. And I wouldn't be surprised in the least if Trump made Anthony Scaramucchi his new Chief of staff (if not, he ought to).

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