Sunday, March 20, 2016

New Posts Coming! You're Gonna Love It!

I don't always have the time to spend to sit down and write a post, but that just may change very soon (more on that at another time). I love to write, it's like a part of my inbred DNA. 

My (maternal) grandfather, who passed away when I was very young, though I do have some memories of, was himself a writer, and a 'poet.' Not only that, his work (writing) was though so highly, much of it was used in the New York City Public School system, yet he never even finished school. 

In my family are other members of the so called 'main-stream media.' I have a (paternal) uncle who (now retired) worked for not only WGN in Chicago, but is now a 'national' broadcasting network (I happened to have even lived just a few mere blocks from the station as a child on Chicago's North side). He went on to become a big-time 'editor' at NBC news. 

Though I've never met this particular relative, nonetheless, I'm aware of a (maternal) relative, probably a second cousin, who happens to be a 'writer' for the New York Times, I believe it is. He was located out of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 

So, I suppose 'writing runs in the family.' Though no one in my 'immediate family' has even any signs of any writing abilities, or attributes. And speaking of 'poetry,' I have written poetry throughout my entire life. I can still recall writing poetry even as a child. I guess I too have 'writing in my DNA.' 

Having said all that, as stated I just may be having more time to spend 'tapping the keys' than ever before. Don't ask. At least not now. In a fairly short amount of time however, I just may explain how I will now have the time to spend writing. 

I have many, many topics already in mind, as I do at just about any given time. The problem has always been a 'shortage' of just that- time! 

But, be on the lookout because once I set my mind to something, as my own mother would tell you, "there is not stopping me." 

Topics to look for in the very near future will be 'extremely diverse,' including subjects covering: the paranormal, dealing with spiritual warfare, dealing with possessed people, being 'called' to be an 'exorcist,' and though I'm far from being Catholic, I never have cared much for the term, "deliverance," which is used by most 'non-Catholics.' 

There will of course be topics on the bible, 'false doctrine,' apostate pastors and their ungodly lifestyles. Martial arts, self-defense (yes, there can be a difference between the two, and I do have over 30 years of personal experience), gee, just name or think of a 'topic,' and I'll cover it! I'm extremely well-rounded in my knowledge of many, many topics. I truly believe that is a gift of God! 

Other topics will cover the upcoming 2016 'election,' should we even see one, many schools of thought on that, many of which of course are mere speculation at best, but considering what America has gone through and done since that fateful day, September 11th, 2001, all bets are off! And I have studied politics just about my entire life. Yes, I am 'fully awake.' Many will understand that expression, some will not. If you're the latter, you'll understand very well- should you stick around! 

Well, I've mentioned many topics, and yet there are so many more I could easily cover. I can say this, topics of 'special interest' near and dear to me are: "hauntings," (grew up in a haunted home, has even 'followed me,' whatever it is you want to call it); topics dealing with the Bible (in general, but specifically "end times"), and all things bible, ...topics on 'secret societies,' black magic, basically anything and everything 'paranormal.' I know many of my 'Christian' readers may 'cringe' at such topics, but it has been an issue in my life having influenced me going back to my child-hood days. It's as though I have a 'duality' thing (for lack of a better term) going on around me. I'd call it a 'battle' between the forces of 'good vs evil.' Speaking of, (again, not something Christians may enjoy), the fact that I do have "abilities," that go back again to my childhood days. If you think about it, what much of the 'secular world' would call 'abilities,' can indeed be found in the Bible as some of the "gifts" God gives to certain individuals of which the apostle Paul speaks perhaps the most about, at least by comparison to the other apostles. would be a great 'post' writing about just what did the 'early church fathers, from the Medieval times think of such claims. Gotta be careful there! I can 'hear flames now in the background!' The flames of those whom call themselves Christian and are 'judging!' Well, stick around because you're more than likely to learn things you've never even 'heard' before, let alone considered or imagined!' 

See, I can honestly tell you as I write this, I'm getting 'goose bumps,' out of just the pure 'excitement,' of merely mentioning these various topics! With a wide variety such as what I've listed, one would be extremely hard-pressed to 'label me,' as any particular style of writer. I credit that with my fascination of the world as a whole. I've always enjoyed even simply 'watching people' at the mall. People watching, as they call it. I live it! It's entertaining, you may see something you least expected to see, etc, etc. Best of all, I learn from 'watching other people.' And my life has always been about 'learning.' I think the list of topics is a testimony to this. 

So, strap in your seats, cause this could be one 'wild and crazy ride!' And if you haven't already done so, please subscribe, like or whatever. I'm not even sure how all you can connect with this site! My focus is writing! And my writing is both entertaining, and very educational, and controversial. 

And as usual, I always look at my stats, and know that I have readers all across this globe, to which I am so flattered. It is for you all that I write, at least attempt to will as much vigor as possible. I want people to walk away from my blog saying, I never knew that, or 'wow,' that was interesting! Who knows, I may even throw in some 'fiction,' for NO EXTRA CHARGE!, lol. I don't charge- period! I have however written some fiction, with quite some success. 

Well, there you have it. A few good reasons, to look forward to a new day, and coming to Descent Into Tyranny! 

Have a great one, I love each and every one of my readers like you would never know!!! 

New Post in the Making! Subject? Dealing with Difficult People, Especially Christians!!!

I am currently attending bible college, not so much to 'learn' anything, the Holy Spirit is my 'ultimate professor!' so my attending a bible college is more due with more respect to receiving that 'little piece' of paper that gets put in a frame, hung on a wall, and 'shown,' to perspective persons whom as in the 'secular' world will request as though this 'piece of paper,' is gold, when in reality it may (if not most cases) ...

...those 'pieces of paper,' are NOT worth the cost of the paper (and ink) it took to create! I'm sure I'm not the o\nly one who is beginning to 'hold' to this belief! 

First of all, just 'which' bible college, or 'seminary,' did Jesus or ANY of his 'disciples' (with the exception of Paul, though he didn't literally walk with Christ on earth as did the others), have? And what 'level' of 'education' had THEY reached, for the Son of God to have personally 'call them' to His ministry? 

Oh, okay Peter, 'just give me a few days and I'll do a 'background check on you as to your educational grades, so forth and so on.' Did any of you "bible thumpers" ever recall reading through any such passages of Scripture, or did I 'miss' something? 

Thought the above question is 'satire,' the sad fact of the matter is that yes! Indeed, approach just about any of your 'local mega-churches' asking for a job,' and be ready to expect pull out a copy of your 'school transcripts!' 

Yet even through all this 'bureaucratic red-tape,' you will find more 'false doctrine' coming through these 'mega-churches,' than you'll find any 'truth,' coming out of any of our elected representatives mouths sitting in Washington D.C. 

A person's 'true measure' of one's knowledge of Christ is NOT to be found on a 'piece of paper,' but in a person's heart! In their 'conduct,' in 'all their affairs!' And in the 'fruit' the lives produce. Sadly far too many 'hiring offices' at Christian ministries still depend on a mere 'worldly standard' than what is in their prospect's heart. This should not be. 

To be continued....

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Top border chief to agents who object to Obama amnesty: ‘Look for another job’

"Well, if you really don’t want to follow the directions of your superiors, including the president of the United States and the commissioner of Customs and Border Protection, then you really do need to look for another job,” he said."  (quote from title of article). 
Excuse me, but the 'president' does NOT 'make the law!' He is to 'follow the law,' AND 'defend the law, ie Constitution, per his oath! What part of 'defending the United States against 'enemies' both foreign and domestic does Obama not understand?! Now before you 'label' me a "xenophobe," which I'm not, but that's how the 'tolerant liberal left' operate. They have nothing to bring or add, and certainly cannot 'debate' the facts, so they resort to name-calling like the little children they are. 

Let me state for the record that I have absolutely no problem with people coming from other countries (perhaps some Islamic countries would be an exception) to make a better life for themselves in America. And sure you'll hear the 'argument,' well this country was 'founded on the back of immigrants.' While true to a great extent, not 100 percent accurate, those who did come here from other countries did so- "LEGALLY!" We knew who these people were, what their past consisted of, whether they were 'criminals on the run,' ie having a criminal record, etc., etc., etc. The same cannot, cannot be said of those coming across the southern border today! For starters, those who came here 'legally' through Ellis Island, came here to 'assimilate,' ie blend in with the American culture, thus they had no ulterior motives from the get-go,' unlike today's ILLEGALS, yes I use that word because I'm not 'politically correct' (brain-washed) thank God! 

And if you don't like my rhetoric, then read this 'first post,' and stick that in your head and let it dissolve ever so slowly... reasons why most illegals will not/do not 'assimilate,' unlike those who came here legally! LINK-READ-ANALYZE! By the way, our own government has gone out of its way to make it 'convenient' for illegals to 'not assimilate,' by teaching Spanish in 'American schools,' (and not as a second language!); by printing important documents in both 'English and Spanish,' not to mention the ever so annoying calls you make where it 'asks' 1 for English, press 2 for Spanish. 


The government and powers that be understand full well that by not promoting 'assimilation,' such as 'language,' which is one of the most important factors in 'moving up' in life no matter what country you decide to invade. Not knowing the 'language' will leave you in the DUST underneath those who do know the 'official' language of the country! So, in other words, they intentionally want to 'keep you down,' my dear Mexican and south American brothers and sisters! But you'll NEVER hear that reported or demonstrated as being the truth! See just how, 'racist' I truly am? I'm telling those who come here the truth! By not 'assimilating' you are intentioally being made a 'sub-class' of American culture, get that in your heads! Don't believe the LIE, America needs to 'cater to your culture,' because we don't! 

Here's just how hypocritical the "immigration system is." Mexico primarily the source of our illegals, come from a country with one, if not THE most 'intolerant' immigration laws on the face of our planet!!! Do you realize 'Mexico' DEPORTS more illegals than the United States? Did you know it's a 'FELONY' to be an 'illegal' in Mexico? Read on..."Mexico's Immigration Laws." 

Try running there and having a baby, and expect them to 'cater' to your language and way of life! when their laws are the most 'anti-immigration possibly in the entire world. Ranks high up the list to say the least. But, I digress. I have a tendency to do so, as my readers are well aware of by now. 

Back to our "Presidente," 

This guy, 'taught Constitutional law?' That's got to be yet another full-blown LIE, as are so many other anomalies about this 'Manchurian president!' The Speaker of the House, which in accordance with the US Constitution said it perfectly (and I don't care for this 'speaker') when he said the president must realize Congress is a 'co-equal' branch of government, the Supreme Court being the third 'co-equal' branch. 

This little nugget of truth is taught (at least was) in EVERY US 'civics' class taught in middle-school, and Obama, Mr "Constitutional attorney" (what a joke) doesn't even realize this? But, hey this truth taught in 'civics class' which EVERY US student HAD to PASS in order to 'graduate' has probably been replaced with "Common-Core" a form of teaching that literally promotes '2+2=5!' I am NOT kidding, it's that bad. Any wonder why students having 'graduated' from a certain year onward cannot even point to a US 'state' on a map?, let alone a foreign country on another continent? 

Yes, our kids are being 'intentionally subdued from knowing the truth by design! Again, "Common-Core" is a major factor in this. If you're a parent, or have are simply concerned about the future of our children, as they do represent the 'future of America,' you owe it to yourself to learn about "Common Core," or you have no one to 'blame' when your kid or anyone else's kid really screws things up which could affect your way of life as these 'children' will one day be the leaders and those in positions affecting the direction of this once great country known as America.

To make it easier for you, I've taken the liberty of posting an article called: "5 Reasons the Common Core Is Ruining Childhood" (source: Huffington Post); hardly considered a 'conservative' organization. 

Let me just say one more thing (as though someone's gonna stop me, lol); the bottom line here is the 'false narrative' being driven by the media about immigration in general. I've argued just why the illegals of today are NOT the illegals who helped make America great! I have no axe to grind with anyone looking to make a better life for themselves and their families, nothing! However, there is a 'right way' to do things, and there is a 'wrong way' to do things. 

Matter of fact, MOST both US born Hispanic-Americans, and those who came to America- 'legally' absolutely RESENT what is going on and how Mr Unconstitutional professor, are doing! Fact: an astounding 64 percent of Hispanic Americans, and those who've come here the 'right way' are opposed to 'illegal immigration,' fact! 

Source? 64 percent of Hispanic-Americans oppose 'illegal immigration!

And just for good added measure, I happen to be one of them! Fair disclosure, my heritage lies in Spain, Italy and Germany. Keep in mind, Italian and German-Americans were once a threat and many locked up simply because of their heritage during World War 2. 

Source: German-American treatment during WW2.

Source: Italian-American treatment during WW2. (WW2 Secret: Italian-Americans Internment as Alien Enemies)

I think it's fair to say America does have an "illegal alien" problem. A BIG problem, and it is certainly NOT being dealt with correctly by Obama or his little 'cronies.' 

May God continue to bless America, though we do NOT deserve it! (2 Chronicles 7:14) -KJV