Thursday, September 28, 2017

Steven Seagal Exposes Deep State Coup

Real life martial artist, last I heard he was an 7th degree black belt in Aikido, Hollywood action start (in more than one way, in real life), Steven Seagal answers questions from Piers Morgan about the fake 'Russian narrative' about Donald J. Trump.

Seagal who burst onto the big screen with the martial arts - action movie Above the Law, which in my opinion was his best, and one of the best martial arts movies, is a conservative. I never knew that.

I know he's personal friends with Russian president Vladimir Putin due to Putin himself being a martial artist himself. Putin is a black belt in 'Judo,' which for a man of his height is the perfect martial art that I would personally recommend anyone of his height to get involved in, were they looking to go into martial arts.

While Putin's height is somewhat of a mystery, he's said to be anywhere between 5'3" to 5'7" depending on the source. Judo being mainly an art involving grappling and throwing, is the perfect art for someone that height due to having a lower center of gravity. So Putin (whether it was his choice, or recommended to him) is in the art that I would recommend to anyone around that height.

So Putin and Seagal have been friends for many years now. Seagal has traveled to  Russia originally to promote the art of 'Aikido,' which Seagal is a master of. If you've seen any of his movies, the style is very nice and smooth to see. However, from a realistic perspective, there isn't a fight out there that would resemble anything like what you've seen in those movies. Nonetheless, it is a beautiful art to watch.

While on the Piers Morgan show, Seagal was asked about his take on the Trump 'Russia narrative,' and Seagal's answer was astounding. He was very candid and honest, and told Morgan that he himself has 'put his own life in danger for America,' and that basically this Russian meddling is a joke, that has been promoted by the 'Deep state,' along with Obama hold-overs.

In watching this brief video clip, I saw a side of Steven Seagal that I never knew. I've followed him as far as his martial arts life is concerned, being a 'lifelong' practitioner myself. I've also heard some about his spiritual life, which to many in the martial arts is a big part of their lives. But I've never known, nor heard anything about his political leanings.

So to hear a big name Hollywood star, who by the way likes Trump was very refreshing. But even more than that was his 'honesty and sincerity.' This guy just sat back, in Russia where I understand he lives, and spat out the truth. And he is still active in Hollywood, so its not like he's out of Hollywood and free to speak his mind, unlike most whom are basically living in fear of what they say, especially about politics in a climate where 'political correctness' is a way of life.

...but being a martial artist tends to free you from many things that would otherwise 'shackle' you were it not for the confidence bestowed upon you when you're into martial arts. By the way, Seagal was sitting in front of 'Red Square' in Moscow for the interview. Piers Morgan of course, couldn't resist in pointing that out, as though somehow that makes you disqualified to speak on behalf of your fellow countrymen, Morgan not included, being a Brit.

Please excuse the heavy emphasis on the martial arts, as this was meant to be more about politics than anything else, but when you're talking about a fellow martial artist whom I just happen to learn is also a 'conservative' one can't help but point out that Seagal is more apt to speak his mind knowing what he knows. Yes, the arts tend to bring out a great amount of self-confidence in oneself's ability to speak from the heart, and soul for that matter.

As for Morgan, I've also just learned that he himself is a 'closet conservative!' So that too is yet another shocker to say the least! We (on the right) rightfully so, I might add, tend to view Morgan as this hard-core leftist, and he was playing the part, but that was then. Apparently Morgan has a new show, at least that I'm aware of, and he's also now living back in his native country of England. So between those two aspects, maybe there will be a visible change at least to some extent on Morgan's behalf. And no, this is no endorsement nor approval of Morgan. That is something that will take a lot more than a change of address and a new show.

Having said that, Morgan surprisingly was 'fair' in his questioning of Seagal, with the only expection the comment about Seagal simply being in Russia, as though there was something wrong about that imagery. Knowing politics and the media such as I do, I'd say Morgan was simply attempting to flex his little muscles- for show purposes. Inwardly, he probably was agreeing with his guest. Besides, he no longer has CNN, or MSNBC signing his paychecks.

So, overall this was a refreshingly interesting interview between what most would suspect to be two 'leftists,' who are truly conservatives. One a mainstream media host, and the other a Hollywood action star. After having viewed this I came away with the notion that Steven Seagal is a much more 'wide awake' Hollywood star, than even I would have suspected. And as I had long suspected, it would appear to me that Seagal has 'worked for the government' in one capacity or another. While most in Hollywood are 'wannabe's,' Seagal, in my opinion is what other action stars would want to be like one day, when they grew up.

Next time you hear some leftist point out how evil and wicked Russia is, and how they 'meddled' in our last election, point out the truth, and ask yourself, just what would be so bad were Russia and the United States to 'work together,' and 'get along?' Does it serve in our best interests to have Russia and Putin as 'enemies,' or as 'partners,' working together to help one another, fight terrorism, and better yet, improve and enrich the lives of each countries citizens?

And as I conclude this post, let me give you a little perspective on where I'm coming from. I was born during the height of the 'cold war.' I still remember as a child living in a world where at school we had 'duck and cover' drills. I was at the tail end of those who were taking those drills, but I still remember them. I also remember as a child how being called a 'commie,' or a 'Ruskie' was a horrible thing. I wasn't personally called those things, I'm simply pointing out it was the norm at the time. Russia was 'the enemy.' To be called a 'Ruskie' were fighting words. Sound familiar? I guess the more things 'change,' the more they remain the same.

See, the fact is when I was growing up, Russia was a 'communist nation.' We were at the height of the 'cold war.' Both countries resented and disliked each other, and needless to say distrusted one another. But all of that has changed. The fall of the Berlin wall effectively 'closed the cold war,' and Russia was no longer the communist nation it once was. They were now openly seeking capitalism, and the chains and shackles of communist oppression were removed off of the Russian people. And all of this took place between the years of 1989- 1991.

So here we are in 2017, and its been quite some time from 1991. Russia has reformed itself and is basically a capitalist nation, with free markets and a more open and humane environment for its citizens. Russia now actively promotes 'life,' rather than placing a cheap price-tag on it. A lot has changed in Russia. And yet for some reason, much of which wasn't even an issue until Donald Trump was elected to become our 45th President of the United States happened. The media ha concocted this entirely patently absurd notion that somehow, someway Russia 'meddled' in our election. And that Trump himself may be a 'Russian agent.' All of this all because the left's candidate, Hillary Rodham Clinton, the most corrupt political presidential candidate ever to run for office, at least in modern times lost an election that the media, using 'fake polls' had leading her opponent by double digits, when it was all a rouse to demoralize not only her opponent, but the will of the American people- failed.

...and the rest, as they say is history. Thank God! Yet America, thanks to Obama and Hillary are left as divided as it ever has been. As Trump attempts to achieve unity, and restore some semblance of what this country was like (and make it better than ever!), we still have Obama, Hillary, the media and last but not least, the 'Deep state,' working together as did as agitators, using old Soviet and Nazi brown-shirted tactics to do whatever it takes to destroy America and bring her to her knees. We need modern day Paul Revere's sounding the alarm, not against or for a 'foreign invader,' but this time from a 'domestic' enemy.

Our representatives who were sent to Washington to 'serve us' (they're not authorities, though they'd have you believe this, they serve us!) upon taking office, raised their hands, one on the Bible, and the other in the air, to 'serve, defend and protect' the American people and all that it represents, against enemies, 'both foreign and domestic.' Other than for those who are here 'illegally,' or have come here to commit acts of 'terrorism,' its time, like never before in our history, to put the emphasis, not on foreign enemies, but from 'domestic enemies!' Donald Trump (love him or hate him), and his entire administration are (for now) responsible for unifying this country. And all those who would stand against him and block, oppose, obstruct and otherwise need to be held accountable for their actions like never before. And this applies to not only those on the left, but those on the right as well. I'm speaking of the Mitch McConnell's, the John McCain's and the Paul Ryan blue-blooded elitist slime that reside and are just as guilty as anyone else on the other side for blocking the president of the United States of America. Its time to do the right thing- not for yourselves, not for your re-elections, but for the good of America and of all its people! 

To hell with the 'deep state,' and anyone associated with it. May your plans fumble and fall, and may justice, the rule of law and the American people wake up and rise above your heads. You've uncovered your faces, and exposed yourself for all to see. American will only heal and prosper when these people are fallen and knocked off their high horses. Let freedom Reign!

Here is the video of Steven Seagal exposing the Deep state coup! the Chicago Cubs!

I wanted to congratulate my Chicago Cubs for clinching (tonight) the National League Central Division title for the 2nd straight year in a row!

                                   'Cubs celebrating 2017 Division Title'

And they did so tonight against their arch-rivals the St. Louis Cardinals, on their home field! It doesn't get much sweeter than that!

The Cubs are the first team to have won the World Series, and win their respective division for the first time since 2009, when the Philadelphia Phillies last pulled this feat.

The Cubs who won the World Series last year (2016) for the first time, since 1908, had THE longest 'drought' in major league sports. So having grown up a Cubs fan, and not thinking I'd ever see my team in the World Series, let alone win it, was nothing short of remarkable, and something I will never forget!

Chicago baseball fans are one of a few cities in all of Major League Baseball that has 'two' teams to root for. The other team (in Chicago) is in the American League (a league I just do not care for) is the Chicago White Sox. 

Though the city of Chicago did see the White Sox win the World Series back in 2006, I really could have cared less. I was happy for the city of Chicago. But I didn't even bother watching the series. I just don't like the White Sox.

And anyone familiar with Chicago can tell you when it comes to baseball, there is a major rivalry between the two teams, and their fans. It can get intense too.

They say 'history repeats itself.' Well if that is an indicator, keep in mind the last time the Cubs did win the World Series in 1908, they had also won it the previous year (1907)! So, they did repeat the last time they won the Series. That's something to keep in mind if you're a Cubs fan!

Realistically, the road to the World Series title, this year will be tougher. But Cubs fans are loyal fans. And if you've grown up cheering for the Cubs, no matter what happens, once a Cubs fan, always a Cubs fan. Go Cubs!!!

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

New World Order: Muslims to be majority in Europe within two generations

For those who still believe the New World Order (NWO) is a 'conspiracy theory,' here's an article from the Washington Times using the term right in their headline.

New World Order: Muslims to be majority in Europe within two generations. 

Let that headline sink into your head! 2 things, New World Order, and Muslims to be the 'majority' in Europe within two generations! Who would ever have thought such a thing?

Well, if you understand why the puppet-masters have been sending Muslim 'refugees' by the millions into Europe, you'll know what's going on. If you don't understand why these Muslims have been ushered into Europe- you're lost.

Its all about 'social engineering,' and there are many white paper reports talking about how the elite want to 'do away with the while race!' Matter of fact, it's happening here in America as well.

This was part of Obama's plan, bringing in all these illegal immigrants into America. Hillary was planning to even 'double down' on what Obama had begun. This is one of the reasons so many are upset with Trump. He being against 'illegal' immigration, and even wanting to build a wall.

Yet, none of these 'elite' are being affected by 'mass invasion' of immigrant refugee's or whatever you want to call them. They live in gated communities (behind their own walls), and they have 'big families!'

However, unless you're one of the elite, you're looked down upon and even told through the media and various public places of conversation that a family is only to have 'one child.' Well, this is not what any other race is being told. It gets even more sinister if you understand that much of our 'food and water' is having chemicals added to them in order to decrease fertility rates, further reinforcing and causing couples to have less children.

As this article points out, while most European families are having on average 1 child, Muslim's are having 4-5 children! Its already estimated that 10 percent of France is already Muslim. Now if you've studied Islam as I have, you'd know 10 percent is the 'magic number' for Islam. That is the number at which they begin to become aggressive in whatever nation they're in, and attempt to convert the country (against its will) to Islam.

...until they reach that critical number, they're taught to 'lay low.' I've read so much about Islam, due to 9/11, that I believe what I just stated is actually taught in their Koran (Quran). Or it may come from their 'Hadith's,' which is second only to the Koran in its authority. Make no mistake, Islam is about 'world domination,' via their Caliphate which is their equivalent of the pope (for those who are Catholic).

If my memory serves, I believe it was former president Bush, Sr. who was instrumental in bringing to China their 'one child policy!' I know for a FACT that it was an American. If not Bush, Sr, it may have been Henry Kissinger. That is the problem with 'globalism.' They all think alike, and have one agenda- a New World Order!

And when it comes to elites and their plan for a NWO, I have studied this very topic for a long, long time! I see the 'writing on the wall.' I know and understand their plans, and agenda. I know these people ALL worship and serve Lucifer! That is their 'religion!' This too is why 'abortion' is almost the Holy Grail to the leftists! Its something that was also done back in ancient Israel when the Jews turned against their God and became involved in Baal worship.

Some may be thinking I've digressed. No. I see and know the 'bigger picture!' And this headline, while it may seem insignificant to most, it isn't. Its indicative of what is coming. And what is coming to Europe, is coming to America! Lastly, an 'implantable microchip' is already on the horizon! Many believe it is even written into Obamacare, something I wrote about in my last post.

For those who understand eschatology, Biblical study of end-time events, you'll already know and understand much of what I've written here. And yet, even many of today's 'post-modern' Christian pastors are not teaching any of this, nor are they warning their congregations about any of these thing! If you are a Christian attending a church that doesn't teach these thing, you ought to leave!

But of course, many churches have sold-out by becoming '501-C-3' tax-exempt churches, so by having sold-out, there are certain things pastors are unable to preach from their pulpits. I could go on and on, but just know what is coming. Be prepared. Read books about these kinds of subjects.

Shocking video shows Bronx man when he slips into coma after nine hours of neglect at hospital

Imagine going to the emergency room (ER) only to end up 'dying of neglect?' Well that's what happened to one NYC man. 

As soon as I read the headline, I said to myself I bet this is a 'city run hospital.' Well, sure enough when you read the article, it was indeed a city run hospital. Those are basically for the poor in urban areas.

So there's a perfect example of 'Obamacare!' Working really great, don't you think? And just think- the government has made it mandatory for 'pay for this crap!' Unless of course, you're more affluent.

Thankfully I don't need to depend on that Obamacare trash. I have 'real insurance.' But it shouldn't be like this. No one should 'die' from neglect at any hospital! No matter what your income is, this should not be happening. I hope that family wins a major lawsuit from that hospital.

Speaking of 'Obamacare,' the idiot GOP who came into power promising to 'repeal and replace' have done- NOTHING! I'd read somewhere shortly after Obamacare had passed that once the GOP were in control, they wouldn't touch Obamacare- due to the 'power' it gives them.

Well, time has proven this out to be true. The GOP isn't EVER going to do anything about Obamacare. At least not with the bums who currently serve. Should the American people stand up and throw these bums out, then and only then does America have a chance to be spared from Obamacare.

Then maybe we will at least hear less stories like this one.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Doomsday Rescheduled: ‘Researcher’ Moves End Of The World To October

Remember all the bogus talk about the world 'ending on September 23rd?' Well, needless to say, its September 25th as I write this and we're all still here. True, some people may have passed away between the 23rd, and today, but that's life.

'Christian numerologist,' David Meade a former astronomy student, now turned nut-job, is the person responsible for the '23rd doomsday scenario,' in which a rogue planet 'Nibiru' was set to collide with the earth and cause the apocalypse! Yet, he also added in a comment somewhere else, that 'people would still wake up on the 24th.' Huh? 

Fortunately, we've seen nut-jobs like these before. They seem to come and go, not learning the lesson of having 'egg on your face' the day after. The most recent was Harold Camping, another 'Christian.' And going back in time we had William Miller back in the 1800's who developed a rather large following called the "Millerites."

Miller set so many dates that came and gone, you'd think he would have given up on 'setting dates.' By the way, Miller too was yet another 'Christian.' What is it when it comes to Christians 'setting dates' on either the second coming of Christ, or the end of the world?

First of all, if these 'Christians' really read their Bibles, they'd know that even the Bible tells us, 'no man knows the day or the hour, not even the Son, nor the angels themselves!' see Mark 13:32! So if they believe the Bible, which apparently they don't, or maybe they think they're 'special,' and God Himself has revealed the date to them only, they're contradicting the very faith they claim to believe in.

But for some reason, Harold Camping set a date, or two, or three (I lost track). His own people were so fearful and believed their leader that many sold their homes, and went out and spent their life's savings and it just got very ugly for those who fell for the stupidity of a man who spent his life supposedly studying the Bible. Harold Camping made a laughing stock of himself, and left many wrecked lives in his wake. He's passed on since. Destination? Unknown.

As for Miller, as stated he had such a large following his followers were called the 'Millerites.' These people actually still exist to this day, but they've began their own religion. Today they're known as the 7th Day Adventists, and they are not a 'mainstream' sect of Christianity, though they may tell you otherwise, they are considered a 'cult' by mainline Protestants. Rightfully so. Today, rather than 'setting dates,' they've gone into the 'Sabbath day' business. Their main message? If you worship on a 'Sunday,' you're of the devil, and you're going to hell! Those are your modern day 'Millerites.' So much of William Miller's legacy, aka the 'Great Disappointment.'

As for David Meade, the current 'doomsday date setter,' well his kind just don't learn. After having egg on his face, for which you'd think he would disappear off the charts, or at least lay low to save face, the guy is now saying (and I knew this would happen), that his 'information was incorrect.' So he (like Miller, and Camping) has set another date. What might be the new 'last day,' I'm sure you're wondering? Well (drum-roll, please...) that new date is October 21st!

Now before you start selling your homes, and spending your life savings, you may want to know that Meade has already changed his tune some. Now he's saying that October will be the 'beginning of the end!' In other words, come October, he's now saying that it will begin a 7 year 'countdown towards the end.' How does he know this? He doesn't! And he's either just a publicity seeker, an idiot, or both.

While the Bible does in fact speak of a '7 year tribulation period,' that will not happen until a 'peace deal' is signed between the Jews and the Arabs. So when you hear anyone speak of a 7 year peace plan between the state of Israel and the Arab nations- now we're really talking about something serious about to unfold! But still, nobody knows 'when' (at this time anyway) a 7 year peace deal will be signed. While it is something that could literally happen at any given time, nothing remotely near this has been reported in the news.

And this is something that is coming soon, but I dare not set any 'date' as to when! A lot will take place for a 'peace deal' to be made between the Israelis and the Arabs. This is where the Bible speaks of the 'Antichrist' who will appear on the world's stage, he's probably right now literally waiting in the wings. He (according to the Bible) will be a charming person, who will be able to do what no one has yet been able to do, and that is bring peace to the Middle east. And when he does it will specifically be for '7 years.'

By that point in time, something of great significance will have had to happen for the world leaders to allow this man to become essentially the 'head' of a New World Order. Now, several former US presidents have already spoken of a NWO (New World Order), including George H.W. Bush (one creepy former president). Several other big named politicians and bureaucrats too have spoken of a NWO. So that is not conspiracy theory, its what I call 'conspiracy fact!' I've written before that the term 'conspiracy theory' was invented by the CIA as a distraction due to the anomalies of the death that surrounded JFK. The Warren Commission came out with its report, which was riddled with holes a Mack truck could drive through, just like the 9/11 Report about what happened that fateful September day. Note also the demonizing of those who claim it didn't happen the way our government has stated. I recall Fox News even demonizing all those who even dared 'question' what our government told us as though it were 'unpatriotic' to disbelieve our 'loyal' government which has never 'lied to the American people.' Right.

But as for 'Doomsday rescheduled, researcher moves 'end of the world to October,' don't buy it, and don't fall for it. Its nothing but yet another distraction. But when the time comes that you hear about a confirmed '7 year peace plan' between the state of Israel and the Arab nations,' that's when you had better start planning and preparing. Even at that, it's not a time to panic, or be fearful. But that truly is a 'sign of the Second Coming of Christ' as prophesied in the Bible.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Cop Stopped by Rogue Raccoon

Just saw this quick, brief video with actual snapshots, and thought it was one of those rare bizarre moments, so I just couldn't help but post it here. The video is very short. But shows a raccoon having just hopped onto a police officer's car.

The cop had just responded to a stop, when he took off only to start driving when a raccoon happened to show up on his windshield! What follows are some amazing photos snapped by the police officer, who quickly took out his camera and snapped shots of the little hitchhiker.

You could only imagine which one would have been more startled by the encounter. Everything ended up well. The cop quickly pulled over and helped the little critter off on his way. Here's the video. 

                                   'Raccoon on Police Car Windshield'

PS, both raccoon and police officer are both safe after this 'close encounter.'

Thursday, September 21, 2017


I gotta say as a life-long Chicago Cubs fan, until the Cubs won the World Series last season which was something I never thought I'd see in my lifetime; it's great to see their well on their way to perhaps, 'repeating,' and winning back-to-back World Series.

The odds are probably slim, but they have been hot, and once the playoffs begins, its a whole new season. So the Cubs have a good chance at defending their title.

Here is a link to the seeding chart. Go Cubs!

Or see below the chart. The link will take you to (for those who may want to see other features).

Pet parrot uses voice-controlled gadget to place order with Amazon

If you own a parrot (who talks) and an Amazon 'Alexa,' you may want to watch what you say around your parrot! A lady who owns a parrot in S. Africa came home to realize her parrot made an order on Alexa.

The device sold by Amazon is useful to a variety of things, from turning things on, such as appliances, etc, to playing music, and ordering online on Amazon's website. So according to this story, Buddy the woman's parrot had mimicked her own voice, and placed an order on Amazon which got delivered!

At first she suspected her son and husband, but then learned it was her parrot, Buddy. She heard the parrot talking to Alexa and knew. For the record, she also owns a cat, which Buddy, the parrot mimics as well. Pretty smart bird!


Wednesday, September 20, 2017

The Secret Society You've (Probably) Never Heard Of

There are many 'secret societies' out there. You may have heard of many of them. I thought I'd heard of them all, but came across a new one that I'd never heard of. And this secret society may involve your 'eye doctor!'

They're known as the 'Oculists.' The term itself comes from their own medical terms. Yet this group has roots that pre-date the 'Bavarian Illuminati,' and they have even claimed to have created 'Freemasonry.'

While medical practices go back to the time of the Pyramids, few would think 'eye' experiments occurred until much later times. But we know the Egyptians worked with embalming, and more. So, here is the link the the 'Secret Society You've Probably Never Heard Of!'

Friday, September 15, 2017

PM HITS BACK Theresa May scolds ‘unhelpful’ Donald Trump after he claimed Tube bomber was known to Scotland Yard

President Trump is correct when he made his remark this morning about yet another 'terrorist attack' in London. Theresa May, who's proven herself to be a 'weak leader,' of course hit back with he gibberish remark, about this being an 'ongoing investigation.' 

When it comes to the bottom line, we all know who these terrorists acts are being committed by. Worse yet, as Trump correctly alluded to, time after time we learn later on that the majority of the perpetrators had been in 'intelligence watch lists,' whether here in America, or over abroad.

And this is why these cowardly terrorist acts are allowed to happen. Because of 'political correctness!' Well, it isn't working! And political correctness is 'killing innocent people!' So wake-up politicians!

Trump earlier as president embarrassed the CIA exposing the fact that they were personally financing the very 'terrorists.!' Sen. John McCain who's been exposed in pictures and having traveled to Syria is in bed with these 'terrorists.' He is one of the 'scum' whom caused Trump to rise to power. McCain as usual has been on the wrong side of history, and history will prove McCain wrong, and Trump right. And I am no 'rubber-stamp' for Trump. When he screws up, you'll hear it from me.

So Theresa May would be wise to listen up, and start getting tough on terror, or this is going to continue happening to innocent victims living in London. And by the way, look at the record of the mayor of London. He's a person who helped 'defend' terrorists! London is going to remain under attack, until at the very least, this 'Muslim terrorist sympathizer,' Saddiq Khan is removed from office. Preferably in handcuffs!

Rosemary’s Baby: A Warning to the Curious

Due to having come across the news that former CBS reporter Sally Quinn had come out as being an 'Occultist,' who hexed 3 people causing their deaths, as she claims. I've been doing a lot more digging into this.

As I've already known for many years, Hollywood, Washington D.C. and the elites of every aspect of society are filled with occultists, this shouldn't surprise anyone, but if so, keep reading.

Remember Jesus Christ himself was 'offered the world,' if he would only bow down and serve him.
Again, the devil took Him up on an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. And he said to Him, “All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me.” - Matthew 4:8 NKJV
So, we're told in the Bible itself who is the 'ruler of this earth.' For now anyway. This may come as a surprise to some, but not to those who've studied and know the Bible. And though God is ultimately in charge and control, due to the fall of mankind, Satan was indeed cast out of heaven, and given 'temporary domain' over the earth, to an extent.' This explains why so many turn to the occult and Satan, or Lucifer (angelic name, some call themselves 'Luciferieans').

As I pointed out in a post yesterday, I believe (as do some other researchers) that Roman Polansky knew what he was doing when he made Rosemary's Baby. There is a line that was in the movie, where Rosemary says after beginning to put the pieces of the puzzle together, that is extremely haunting,
"All of them witches!"  
I highly suspect Polansky knew this to be more than just a phrase, but a reality. And that reality is that in most areas of this world, when it comes to 'rising to the top' of many professions, those at the top have 'sold out.' Being that secret societies are as prevalent in America and throughout the world, the allure to join such  a society to 'make contacts' can be very appealing. Next thing you know, if you're chosen, and/or liked you'll be accepted, but there will be a price.

There always is a 'price.'

While many are willing to make that price, not believing in God, or an 'afterlife,' where your soul will remain in a place forever, depending on the choices you've made in this life, far too many are making the wrong choice, choosing the 'I want it now, I want it all,' mentality, and forgetting this life is but a 'glitch' of time compared to eternity. It wouldn't even appear as a 'blip' when you consider the average life expectancy is around 76 yrs of age. Eternity is forever!

So, yes. As the title of this article states; Rosemary's Baby was indeed a warning to the curious! 

Also, for those interested in further research, see my post yesterday on Sally Quinn that touches upon Rosemary's Baby. There you'll find links to Sharon Tate being an 'initiated witch'  and the real possibility that Roman Polansky used his wife as a 'sacrifice' to drive his career. And until the release of this movie, though Polansky may have been big overseas, he was an unknown here in America, which for any producer is all that matters. After the 'sacrifice' (eerily as portrayed in the movie, not entirely, but some similarities), this guy knew what he was doing.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Shit Fountain

Yep, you read that correctly. 'Shit Fountain' located in the City of Chicago, is the name of a monument located at a home in the city of Chicago. It was created by an artist who wanted to remind 'dog owners' to be mindful of where they walk their dogs.

Apparently after having had his plants defalcated one too many times, he decided to take action, and create a reminder about the proper place for dogs to take care of their business. are

Since this statue is located on private property, the city has no problems with it, and neither does the neighborhood, as apparently the guy has done a lot of good for the city, and understand his annoyance.

While some may think this art is distasteful, it is working. Pet owners are making sure their dogs 'managed well.' So all ends well for everyone in this story.

                                                  'Shit Fountain' 

...there's just some things you cannot make up! Imagine taking 'Fifi' for a stroll when Fifi starts sniffing around, and you know its time!

Australians Told to Eat Kangaroos

Yes, you read this headline correctly. 'Australians are being informed to eat Kangaroos!' The population has swelled to around 50 million, of a country that contains around 27 million people.

                                           Australia's Lovable Mascot

So, do the math. There are almost 2 kangaroos per human being, or resident of Australia. However, the population of the lovable looking creatures was a mere 7 million just a few years ago. Environmentalist's claim this has to do with the 'good weather' the nation has endured.

But, when the next 'drought' hits, and it is set to hit anytime soon, advice such as 'eating' kangaroos could end up being a bad idea, as this may put them in danger of possibly near extinction. And make no mistake. When it comes to Australia, a country that thrives on tourism, visitors want and expect to see the beloved kangaroo. However, many Aussies do not view them as favorably.

The problem is these creatures have ravished some farmlands in search of food. But that's about the extent of the problem. And with a drought coming, which is inevitable, as its part of Australia's normal climate, even Australians do not agree that eating these friendly looking creatures is the right idea to do.

As for the Aussie diet, most Australians do not eat kangaroos, and that is something viewed as more of a tourist type of meal, that some choose to indulge in. So Aussies themselves are not thrilled about 'eating' these curious looking creatures. I don't blame them. I personally could not see myself eating one of these unless I had absolutely no other choice, and still it would remain my last resort!

While being American, these creatures have never harmed or bothered me, and I find them to be very curious looking, benign animals. I say find another solution. Besides, they're bound to be killed off due to starvation when the next drought comes around. Let mother nature do what is best. Additionally, Australia is such a huge and highly unpopulated land mass, I would say some, most likely the politically correct/authoritarian type who put their faith in 'climate change,' just can't accept the idea that if these animals which I would guess have populated the land much longer than the people have, and they've not run it into the ground, chances are pretty slim- its not going to happen.

Let the kangaroos be!

White House Staffer Once Worked For Amnesty Supporting Koch Brothers, Marco Rubio

I get Trump moving to the democrats when his own party (GOP) are worthless pieces of filth. But to be making deals with the democrats, is also as good as making a deal with 'Satan.' Shumer, Pelosi and all the other rats on the left, and that's what they are, do not care about this country. If they did, their actions would prove so.

Allowing 'dreamers' most of whom are here illegally, whether you want to say ir or not, its an inconvenient fact. Many of these people are here just sucking out the life of the American tax-payers, and sucking, at the government hand-outs being thrown their way. On top of that, most will never 'assimilate!'

Add to that the fact its a 'slap in the face' to those who've come here legally having done all the hard work, swearing an oath of allegiance, etc, etc. Were I one of those people, I'd be mad as hell to think some can 'cut in line' because well they were 'born here.' Yeah, well were I 'born' in any other foreign country WHAT BENEFITS would I receive? ZERO!

I'd be laughed out of the country so fast, telling them, well I was born here by my parents who came here 'illegally,' having broken YOUR laws, but I'm here now- you OWE me! NO! You're owed- NOTHING!

Now, even Sean Hannity a true supporter of Trump himself has just about had it! He now is saying, if Trump goes back on his promise about DACA, 'it's over!' And I don't blame him, and just may follow suit. Trump may not have been where he is were it not for his tough stance on illegal immigration. This is why he's been isolated, by having all the people who were 'America first' thrown out of the White House. It's so simple to figure out. The first, Gen Michael Flynn. Total patriot, unlike these other 'wannabe generals' who don't have very much to show for their 'stars.' Flynn understood the country. His loyalty was not to himself, nor to climbing up the ladder at the expense of the president.

Look, go and have a baby in any other country. Then see what 'benefits' you're 'entitled to!' And don't cry when they laugh at you and throw you and your child right out of the country- immediately! Bottom line. While this may not be 'politically correct,' TOUGH, grow a  pair! Grow a spine for that matter!

And gee, don't you think that by allowing these 'dreamer' into America, you're also telling their families it's okay. You can come to. How many freaking times have we read or seen on the news about yet another illegal committing a horrendous crime against an American citizen? All the freaking time!!! Enough! No, hell no to 'DACA!'

If you want to 'dream' dream! Dream about coming to America the 'RIGHT WAY!' We have an immigration policy on the books, and it works! Ask the many whom have used it and have become citizens, and are integrated into the American dream and way of life!

The Italian Bride; One of Chicago's Haunted Locations

Being a native Chicagoan, now living in the surburbs, and incidentally having grown up in a 'haunted house' (very haunted), my personal experience has tainted my life in many ways,

It's given me an affinity for the 'paranormal,' and things that go bump in the night. Its also given me a perspective on life that I didn't ask, or bargain for. But that's life. You deal with the cards you've been dealt with. And wow have I been given an odd deck of cards to deal with- as a child!

    'My boyhood home, where it all began'     
(see note at bottom)

   Anyone who's read this blog for any length of time may already know some of my background, having grown up in a very haunted house, and how even after leaving the house- 'something' has followed me ever since. I've also been given a 'gift' of being a sensitive/empath. While I don't often look it as being a 'gift,' as its not the easiest of things to come to terms with, it has indeed been a gift. 

Whether this is why I experienced what happened to me as a child growing up in a haunted house, or whether it has been a result of, I may never know. All I know is it is life changing. Ask most person you may know who've grown up under similar circumstances. If you can find any, that is.

So living in one of America's most haunted cities, and yes, Chicago is up close to, the top of 'haunted cities' in America. I couldn't resist as I grew older. I have visited just about every haunted place in the City that has been reported usually during Halloween, or in most 'ghost books.' And I have the 'pictures,' and 'scars' to prove them!

The Italian Bride, is one of those 'famous Chicago haunting's I have personal pictures of, hidden somewhere. Its been a few years since I'd been to this particular cemetery, but its a place I'll never forget! And this isn't the 'only' haunted location at this particular cemetery! There are several there. This is just perhaps the most 'active,' and most well known. But I have literally 'stood' side-by-side' with this Italian bride. Who knows, she may still be near me?

                                                  'The Italian Bride' 

I can tell you there is one huge old tree right nearby this famous headstone. I'll never forget the very day I was photographed next to her. This grave is located right off the road, and across from either a flower shop, or the care-takers station. It's been awhile, so I can't recall which one it was. And yet there are plenty of other haunted places in Chicago to visit. Anyway, this is a tragic story of a young lady who was just married, and perhaps pregnant when she died. You can read more about her in the article.  Plus, as stated there are several locations all in this one cemetery alone!

...places you'd most likely not want to be anywhere near late at night!

Bachelor's Grove, hidden deep within the forsest preserve woods in Chicago (actually just outside Chicago, in Midlothian, IL) is been said to literally be THE MOST 'haunted place,' (cemetery) in America, if not the world. Yes, I've been there too. And I'll never forget the last time I'd visited that place. I left the place, and shortly thereafter was hit with a case of 'severe depression' unlike anything I'd ever known since. It was very bad, and I've not been back since! Not that I wouldn't, just haven't had the opportunity, but I would go under totally different circumstances! I'm talking about 'protecting myself.'

* I cannot tell you the images that were stirred up within me having simply posted a picture of that house. Physically, I always get a reaction and boy did I get a reaction. And though it's been about a year or 2 since I've last looked at this house, the reaction I received just now...was the most intense. After having moved out of this house, I had no fewer than '50 dreams' about one day moving 'back into' this house! It may not be much to look at from the outside. But the memories of what happened within those walls have remained with me, and will continue to for the rest of my life! The stories I could tell. And of every nook and cranny within that house! I know once we moved out of there, it remained 'vacant' for at least a year, if not longer. It would be very interesting to know whether others who've lived there have experienced anything 'strange.' I could have posted a better picture, but did not want to reveal too much. 

10 Supposedly Haunted Objects Never, Ever to Bring Into Your Home (Especially Around Halloween)

Being that Halloween is around the corner, I happened to have found an article that contains a list of '10 Supposedly Haunted Objects' that no one should ever bring into their home.


The title is somewhat misleading, as there is hardly a chance in hell (pun intended) that anyone would even have the option of owning any of these objects, it does make for some 'morbid' reading.

Interestingly, one of the objects was recently featured on a Ghost Adventures episode. It's a haunted 'supposedly' portrait of a crying boy, titled as such, or something close. Zak Bagans the host and producer of Ghost Adventures recently added this to his 'haunted collection.' Never knew he had one until recently.

John Zaffis, also known as the 'Haunted Collector' a show by that name in which he was featured in, which I believe was cancelled, now has competition. Although, my money goes with John Zaffis as being a 'true' haunted collector, versus a Johnny come lately who 'claims' to have been collecting his entire life. Personally, I think Ghost Adventures is attempting to 'reinvent itself, but I digress.

                                    'John Zaffis, true haunted collector'

In this article, you'll see some famous artifacts, and locations, and some you've never heard of. And trust me, if I've never heard of some of these- you'll have never have either!

While there is historic precedent for items being haunted, it's not a common occurrence. Yet there are many items I wouldn't ever think of buying randomly at a garage sale, or from someone I didn't know.

So, turn the lights down, and crawl into a 'safe comfortable place,' and be ready to run or call for help, should something leap off your monitor and into your home! These truly are 'haunted objects!' Enjoy the viewing...!

                                              Annabelle, haunted doll

Hillary Clinton Asked if She Made Enough Mistakes to Lose Election on Her Own — Just Listen to Her Answer

Asked about her mistakes, Hillary continues to remind people she 'won the popular vote by a substantial margin,' Sorry. Another lie. I don't believe this woman is capable of telling anything truthful. While the 'popular vote,' did indeed show her having a larger margin, read between the lines, and you'll see that just as she 'stole' the democratic candidacy from a 'socialist' no less whom she could NOT beat (that's pretty sad), the evidence is there to show how she stole the nomination from Bernie Sanders. 

The same tactics were attempted to be done in the general election against Donald Trump. And again, the evidence proves, proves she again- padded her 'vote count' with stolen votes from Trump! Even after I believe 5 states which she 'won,' but they were so close a 'recount' had to be done, she 'lost' more votes, as they were found to have actually been cast for Donald Trump. In the end, she did steal 5 states- from Trump, attempted to steal more, yet still lost, the 'electoral collage.' And it doesn't make a bit of a difference whether she did win the 'popular vote,' because it's the electoral college votes that determines the winner of every presidential election going back to the founding of America. So, keep running the mouth, sore loser!

Trust me, I've ONLY posted 2 links, while I could as easily have 'plastered an entire blog page' of links showing this woman not capable of beating a freaking 'socialist,' and how she did in fact 'LOSS' the 'popular vote' to Trump! But, I'd be here ALL NIGHT!

Now, I'm not democrat, nor am I republican. I don't get into neatly packaged little 'labels,' to keep people divided so that the elite controllers can continue to move in and conquer this country. But whom  America has had it with these 'self entitled families,' Bushes, Clinton's who just think it's their turn to 'rule' again, and damn you, get out of my way. This isn't a 'monarchy!' This is a Republic, and not a 'Democracy,' and people had better learn the difference. A 'democracy' is asking to wolves and a sheep 'what's for dinner?' Okay. That's a democracy. I think it's clear as to why our Founding Fathers in their wisdom decided to not go with that plan, and created a 'Republic,' instead! Mod rule is NOT the way things are conducted in Washington, though Hillary (sore loser) would love you to be stupid enough to remain in the dark and think just that! Remember, Gore/Lieberman, who due to their whining, became known as 'Sore-Loserman?' Well, this is what Hillary is in danger of going down in history as a 'sore loser.' but that's because she believes she was 'entitled' to become the next president. That is her first problem! And definitely- not her last.

While this woman whom, were her name anyone else, she'd be in prison for having destroyed 30,000 plus classified emails, she is prancing around on a 'book tour' doing what she does best- 'promoting herself!' Talking about 'herself!' There is absolutely no way in HELL this woman 'won the popular vote!' Her own party (Democratic party) cannot stand her! They're done with her! They're on record wanting her 'out of politics,' for the good of their own part (what's left of it). That is how much damage she and 'Barry' Obama did to the democratic party. Again, this woman ought to wake up each day, on her knees thanking 'God' she's not in prison! No! We need to continue to see her on television with that crazy smile of hers which appears as though her teeth, looking like fangs may 'sting' anyone who says makes a wrong statement to her. See, she's so important! She's a 'Bilderberger,' a friend of the 'elite,' (though they've just used her for what she's worth, and are obviously done with her).

Do I need to even bother mentioning all the scandals this woman was involved in as a 'crime member' of her and her husband whom she covered up many of his crimes for? I don't think so. There are plenty of books to fill a bookshelf of the scandals and who wicked, evil and corrupt this pile of trash of a 'human' is. A demonic human who 'lusts after power and glory and fame!' More, more, and more! Like a psychic drunken vampire she'll sit there and lie to you straight to your face. And this woman 'won the popular vote?' I really don't think so, and all the evidence suggests quite the contrary. She lost not only the electoral college (which is ALL that matters), but she also did in fact lose the 'popular vote!' So go and take that snarky little shark smile of fake teeth and retire while you're ahead. Why Trump or his 'Justice Department' has not gone after this hag is beyond me. And I will put the blame squarely on the Trump administration for that! Enough of these 'criminal political families!' No more Bushes, and no more Clinton's!

If for no other reason, America owe Donald Trump a tremendous amount of honor and respect, for stopping yet another Bush or Clinton from sitting in the Oval Office right this second!!!

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Hands On with the TSA's New 'Enhanced' Pat-Down Procedure

This is the 'fruits' of the events of what occurred on 9/11. 'Never Forget!' While I do not buy into the line our government gave us, many who were around and in power during 9/11 have all 'profited' greatly as a result of an event that cost many lives. But that doesn't stop 'evil people' from making a buck off the loss of their own countryman.

The person responsible in great part to these techniques as we're told were due to the 'underware bomber.' Yet if you look into the story, you'll learn that this was a young man who was barely capable of doing very much. He was 'mentally challenged.' He was also spotted by an American passenger as having been boarded on the very plane he intended to 'blow up' with the aid of a US government agent.

As a result, a former Homeland Security Director who just so happened to have had connections with a tech company that we now know as those menacing 'scanners' people walk through to board airplanes was introduced upon traveller's throughout America and around the world.

Michael Chertoff, former head of Homeland Security (click link for details) is the man who introduced these annoying 'screening devices.' This was in addition to yet another organization, TSA which was another group charged with 'keeping Americans safe,' at the expense of our freedoms. While other countries who've dealt with terrorism on a greater scale use other methods that are less evasive, such as 'profiling,' and it has worked flawlessly, Americans have been subjected to being 'guilty before being proven innocent,' in many ways.

This is no longer the America I once knew. Many tests have been conducted dealing specifically with these machines which are supposed to keep us 'safe,' and in most cases- these devices have failed! So what will be the next attack or even to take away even more of our 'civil right?' I don't even want to know.

Our Founding Fathers knew, as Benjamin Franklin correctly stated 'those who will give up their liberties for safety- deserve neither!' That is how precious our 'civil liberties' were thought of by a group of men who personally dealt with 'tyranny,' and despots.

A ‘possessed’ nun’s 17th century devil letter has finally been translated

I have heard about this letter as of about 2 weeks ago. While I fully intended on posting this much earlier, time would not permit me to. When it comes to 'demonic possession,' this is a fascinating topic, as is the occult in general.


Due to my personal paranormal experiences, having grown up as a child in a 'haunted house,' which was confirmed and experienced by no less than 4 persons, I come to the subject of the paranormal from a bit of a different perspective. Among other things, I've had to deal with being a 'sensitive empath.'

When a person is a 'sensitive,' they can sense spiritual presences within the area. It's like being a 'magnet' to the spirit world. This can be a good thing, and it can appear to be a 'curse.' Until you learn about the 'gift' you were given, or born with (depending on who you talk to), it can make for an unsettling life, full of unanswered questions.

As an 'empath,' having the ability to literally 'feel' what others are feeling, both in the present moment, and in the spirit world, is also the same. Questions of why am I feeling this way? Why do I feel what someone else is feeling can also appear to be a blessing, or a curse. Combine these two 'gifts,' and it makes for an rather interesting life, to say the least. It's nothing I would wish upon anyone, but if you have it, you have it. Some need to learn how to deal with this, as did I, while others, not so much. Everyone is different.

So when I heard about this 'possessed nun from the 17th century where claims are made of a demonically possessed handwritten letter, I knew this was right up my alley. And having read this article, all the classic signs are there. The letter was 'decoded' using methods off the so-called 'dark web' which is used by intelligence agencies. Keep in mind the Internet was created originally for military purposes.

                               Palma di Montechiaro in Sicily (Picture: Wikipedia)

So using code-breaking techniques, that deciphered several languages, and even runic symbols, scientists were able to decode this letter and came up with some phrases. The letter is alleged to have been written by a nun in Sicily at a convent back in the mid 1600's. That in itself is unbelievable.

But after putting the letter through a decoding technique, code-breakers found what appear to be phrases that would make your hair curl. Statements which were 'anti-God' and more come out. Statements such as
 this system works for no one’ and that humans invented God' 
‘God thinks he can free mortals,’ it reads, then refers to the river of the underworld saying ‘Perhaps now, Styx is certain’.
Side note, as I was just about to post the second phrase here, my laptop locked up and froze on me, as though something did not want these words posted. Nothing unusual for someone like myself, but nonetheless it did even startle me somewhat.

Having used a Ouija board many years ago, these statement do not surprise me in the least. While living in another haunted house I used a Ouija board and was ('was'), heavily involved in the occult, and on the dark side of it. I do not recommend anyone do this, and its not anything I would become involved with again, but I too came up with a very eerily similar message from the board which I had written down.

That message contained words such as 'burning churches,' and so on. In the end it spewed out some very vulgar messages which I will not repeat here. To say the least, I did not sleep that night, and can remember a lingering 'darkness' that remained around me for some time. Thankfully, I got away from all that dark stuff, and have nothing to do with it. Needless to say I experienced things that I will never forget.

While the nun in this article is said to have no knowledge of having personally writing the letter, it is said the letter was written by her, although she had no memory of having done so. That would make perfect sense when you've experienced the darker side of this world.

The nun was said to have experienced what today many would call schizophrenia, but knowing what I know, I would automatically 'assume' such a claim. Besides, most back then would have ascribed this work directly to the work of Satan, as many others were who were needlessly burned at the stake for simply being 'different.'

So, believe what you will about this letter. While some may not believe this to be the writing of a delusional person, I would tend to believe this could be a very real manifestation of what lies beyond the veil just outside our world-view. If you believe in a God, then you would have to believe in its opposite- the Devil.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Dozens of dogs abandoned, left unable to escape as Irma bears down

This story is just sad, pitiful, and flat out disgusting! Yet, after these types of hurricanes and natural disasters, its inevitable to come across such stories. How anyone could do such a thing to an animal, who was once a pet, a 'member' of one's own family is revolting.

I'm one who has provided 'shelter' for stray neighborhood cats, for the past 5 or so years. It all started out as a result of a neighbor who abandoned her pet cat. After she'd moved, I began noticing a cat roaming around the next door house, where it and the owner once lived.

I live up north, and would see this cat more and more to the point it became a daily basis in which this cat would be seen by myself walking around the house it once lived inside. I took pity on the cat realizing it was homeless. I immediately took to the cat, and the cat took to me. I gave it a name, and would feed it daily, and send it off on its way. Little did I know 'it' was a female.

Yet by then I and this new friend of mine bonded, and I took the cat in. Though I couldn't bring her into the home, I made a home for her inside my garage. Being a female, and with other stray cats around, she ended up pregnant, as I'm sure anyone who's been in my position knows- the rest is history. I currently take care of around 25 'homeless,' yet very adorable cats. I've made an outdoor home for them, and make sure they're fully taken care of. Though I cannot afford to have them take care of medically, I was lucky enough to have gotten them at least 'fixed,' to help control their continual breeding.

But those cats are loved and cared for like any family member would be. Even the local village community and police department have 'thanked me' for being of assistance to those innocent cats. The honor has been all mine.

So obviously, being a pet lover it breaks my heart to think anyone could be so 'cruel' and make no mistake about this- it is 'cruel and inhumane' to allow a one time 'indoor pet' to go its own way, and attempt to (if lucky enough) find a new home.

And I am the biggest proponent of 'any anti-cruelty laws!' In the state in which I reside, thankfully animal cruelty is NOT taken lightly. I happen to live in a state which is one of the 'toughest' against animal cruelty, rightfully so.

While I help as much as I do, I always wish I could do so much more! If I could, I would one day love to have a house with a lot of land and provide a huge animal sanctuary for not only cats, but for any animals (four legged preferably, lol) that I could help. In the meantime, I will continue to remain doing all that I can to help any animal in need.

All those who have left their pets and taken off without them, should by law receive the biggest legal punishment allowable by law thrown against them! I can't put into words how cowardly, and low of a person I view anyone who would do such a thing. And in the middle of a storm no less. Those persons need to be thrown into jail. Sorry, no compassion for such morons (and I'm being nice calling them this).

And while 'shelter' may be helpful for temporary purposes, ultimately animals unfortunate to be there for any length of time will be 'euthanized!' Don't believe in 'no kill shelters!' This is why any animal is better off being helped by anyone who is capable of, rather than remaining at an animal shelter.

At least 32 looters are arrested across Florida during Irma crime spree: Thieves prompt SWAT standoff after robbing a store for GUNS while others are caught on camera breaking into a sports shop

Looters, looters, and looters! Always have to go through these 'scumbags' who use a disaster to get things they can't get without. Though there was some looting in Texas, it wasn't very much. I wonder why?

Possibly because the police departments made it clear, "looters will be shot!" Think that had an effect? I bet it did. And the fact that most Texans are armed.

However, prior to all these hurricanes, some may remember the narrative going on all the cable news networks was that Trump was 'racist,' he was 'dividing the country,' (due to his alleged comments about Charlottesville), which for the record- he was correct! 'Both sides' were indeed at fault for creating a climate of violence. You don't come to a rally 'armed' for peaceful protests, give me a break.

So while the mainstream media, owned and operated by 5 major corporations were hell-bent on 'dividing America,' in their efforts to start a race war, or possibly a civil war, we got hit by 'Mother Nature.'

Obviously, that wiped out all the talk about racism, and division being shown and broadcast all over the media.

Instead, we saw images of people coming together! Black Americans helping white Americans, and vice-versa. People helping people! What an image!

As Charles Dickens famously wrote, "These are the best of times, and the worst of times." So true.

Former Govt Scientist: The Govt Could Have Stopped Harvey And Irma!

Over the past several days I've been posting articles about 'weather manipulation.' I've done so because most people don't know or realize that the government (our government) has had this capability for decades!

While this may seem as 'conspiracy theory,' something I do not involve myself with, this is very much 'conspiracy FACT!' By the way, don't let people who think they 'know it all,' (when they don't!) advise you as to what is conspiracy theory! For starters, did you know it was our government, 'CIA' who invented the the very term 'conspiracy theory?'

Why? Because of the JFK assassination! That is a fact, you can look it up! Soo many people were convinced that the 'lone assassin gunman' could NOT be true, that many 'theories' developed. While most of these theories are much closer to the truth than what our government officially stated, the CIA decided it had to do something to keep people in the dark, and belittle those who came up with alternative possibilities to what really happened.

Anyone who's done any serious research in the JFK assassination, will tell you- it was impossible for a 'lone shooter' to have done what the government has told us. The same is true for 9/11. All I need say is 'building #7.' Fell down even though it wasn't struck? Reporters were seen on video informing people building 7 had collapsed, while it stood clearly in sight still standing! Oops! And several of the so-called 'hijacker's' have appeared in their native countries. Oh and by the way, this was all orchestrated by a 6'6" Arab man in a 'cave' in Afghanistan!

Does that sound possible? Seriously? If you buy that line, please...go away!!! Also, Fox News has a guest appear from time to time, 'Rob O'Neill,' He's advertised as "guy who shot Bin Laden!" Bull! I write them EVERY TIME I see that impostor's face, that 'actor!' Bin Laden was already 'dead!' as of late 2001! Most people in the middle east were very much aware of this fact! Why? Because Bin Laden was on 'kidney dialysis!' So, he was in constant need of medical help.

Also, another Navy Seal who was said to have been on the 'same mission' as Rob O'Neil claims 'he' shot Bin Laden, and has taken O'Neil to court! Fox News won't tell you about that however! So don't buy into any of this garbage you've been 'spoon-fed!'

As for weather manipulation. YES, our government could very well have at minimal 'diverted' (changed the path) of the storm, through a number of methods. But, I'll post a video here of a top scientist, and let him explain all the details. This man has nothing to 'sell,' no ax to grind, just wants people to know the truth! While this video is from an appearance on Alex Jones' show, don't let that dissuade those who do not like Jones. This man appears 'everywhere!' He was a guest last night on Coast to Coast Am, the largest overnight talk radio program in the world!

Here is the video link

Here is 'proof' about the CIA inventing 'conspiracy theory' to discredit people who came up with more reliable proof, that they lied telling us about a 'lone shooter!' 
According to John Ayto, the phrase conspiracy theory was originally a neutral term and acquired a pejorative connotation only in the 1960s, with an implication that the theorist is paranoid.[7] Lance deHaven-Smith has similarly suggested that the term was deployed in the 1960s by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to discredit John F. Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories.[8] Robert Blaskiewicz rejects such claims, asserting instead that the term has always been derogatory and pointing to examples demonstrating that this has been so since the nineteenth century.[9][10]
Source: Wikipedia 

Modern pilgrims: More people are traveling for spirituality

With today being yet another somber anniversary in America of a day this country will never forget (9/11). And a day after yet more Americans suffered devastation from Mother Nature, Americans have been through a lot. We are being tested. Some are even asking whether 'God is causing all this?'

While I will address the last question in a post later today, this post is about 'Modern Pilgrims.' In this article linked here, it speaks about how though 'traditional religion' is on the decline in many countries,' people are very much seeking 'spirituality.'

While most of Europe has already seen its churches emptied, America appears to be the 'last country' that still embraces Christianity. In many parts of America Christianity is still very much flourishing. Yet in other parts of the country, the opposite is occurring. So there is a divide, a shift happening in America and it's not based solely along political lines.

While I am not one of those whom claim that America was 'founded as a Christian nation,' some historians and ministers still do cling to this notion. I have looked into this personally because you can't always believe what you hear or read, especially in the day and age in which we now live. This is why I do much of my own research, so I can come up with the conclusions based on the evidence that I personally find, as opposed to leaving it to others.

So while churches are indeed going through a transformation, and whether a person attends a 'traditional church,' make no mistake the churches in America are not what they once stood for, or even believed in many cases. While I grew up attending church, I personally do not attend any church, as there isn't any that I agree with. I'm sure there are many others like me who have left the church.

And yet though I have left the church, the reality is the I find it and view it as the church has 'left me!' Same can be said with many whom have been affiliated with a particular political party. Times are changing. Whether this is for the worse, or the better, it is what we decide to make of it as an individual, and as a nation. There will always be those among us who 'believe' in something greater than ourselves, as there will be those who do not.

Both sides have their convictions and whether you agree or disagree, it is to be respected. I can understand why a person cannot believe in a God. While I may not agree with them, it is for me to respect their convictions, and leave them be. I certainly do not agree with Islam having read a lot about it after the events of 9/11. But, if that is what someone wants to believe, that is their right. Of course, using a religion as an excuse to commit 'terror' is quite another road, and should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

But never mind 'organized religion.' Spirituality is what we're dealing with. I have always felt the need to believe in 'something.' I have always been a Believer, as I know there is something greater out there with an infinite wisdom who has created us, and this earth, and we are not here on accident, nor did this world 'create itself.' While some would disagree, that's fine. I would wager more people believe as I do, than those who do not.

While 'organized religion' basically no longer suits my needs, which is a shame. That is what it was intended to do. But man being man, they have over time crept into far too many religious systems, and corrupted it for their own personal gains. While its not an accurate reflection of the core value of the religion, it does tarnish the image of a particular religion. For example, there are far too many 'greedy preachers' out there looking out more for themselves, than for those whom they claim to help.

This has become far too commonplace, and such persons ruin it for other. So many are now seeking spirituality as a personal means of staying 'connected' to what they believe in. This may be dangerous spiritually speaking, but it is a journey, and this is where the idea of being a 'pilgrim' derives from. Throughout the centuries, many (as now) have felt the need to travel to various 'religious destinations' in their personal quest for a belief system, to confirm their belief system, or to 'test' various belief systems. But as they saying goes, it's not the 'destination' that matters as much as it is what lays within the 'journey.' It is within the confines of the journey that many will accept, or reject certain ideals which they may have been taught, or will come to accept as a result of personal experience.

"Pilgrims" have been around for centuries. And the idea is making a comeback. While many cannot afford to travel to exotic countries, one can take a pilgrimage right where they live. There is an inherent difference between 'religion' and 'spirituality.' And while the two are not always mutually exclusive, they can add to the other. On the contrary, spirituality can also determine whether a person decides to belong to a 'organized religion,' or decides to follow one on their own.

NO LAUGHING MATTER People dressed as clowns have been lurking in cinemas to see It… and viewers are freaking out

If you're one of the many who are planning on viewing the new remake of the Stephen King movie, IT, don't be surprised if you run into a 'creepy clown' in the audience!

Some people who have already gone to see this movie have gotten more than they've bargained for. As this article shows, some have come to the movie dressed as the creepy clown, 'Pennywise.' 


These pictures are quite disturbing. To me they do look about as evil as perhaps the movie itself. I can't help but wonder is this being 'staged?' Or is this merely people having 'fun?'

At a time when there have been various 'creepy clown' appearances throughout America, and maybe other countries, people are already in fear of coming across these clowns. Some have actually attacked people, others are simply menacing.

Professional clowns are said to be in danger of losing their careers, as more people are becoming fearful of clowns. While others seem to be born with an aversion to these clowns.

I've net seen the movie. I've never had a fear of clowns. Matter of fact, I grew up as a boy watching a kids shows, "Bozo the Clown!" Why do some have an aversion to clowns from the first time they see one, and throughout their lives would make for an interesting argument.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Weather Warfare

Weather warfare is nothing new!  Lord Bertrand Russell wrote a book about this back in 1931! The Scientific Outlook written by Russell speaks about something he would be well informed about even back then.

Why? Because he's part of the 'system.' People such as Russell, also known as 'globalists' from particular families with various connection, both worldly, and otherwise have a knack about knowing the 'future' before it happens.

Look throughout history and people such as Russell have been called anything from 'prophets,' to 'seers,' etc, etc. Some of these people are deeply steeped into the Occult. And whether you believe in a God or not, it's irrelevant. People such as Russell and 'globalists' most certainly do.

The occult, and methods of 'predicting the future,' and knowing things that most others wouldn't know has been around throughout our entire history. So it shouldn't surprise people to hear or read posts such as this.

While 'weaponizing' the weather may not sound like a logical or nice thing to do, there is evil, pure evil in this world. There are a like minded group of persons who would love nothing more than to see all the 'little people' go away, disappear no matter what the method, so if nothing more, they could have the earth to themselves.

Look no further than the Georgia Guide Stones, in Georgia. It's also known as 'America's Stone Henge.' It contains what is nothing short of a mockery of the biblical Ten Commandments. And these globalist Ten Commandments, written in several languages give us a complete 'blue-print' into the world these people would love to create.

                                            "Georgia Guide Stones"

One of these 'Commandments' states, there should be no more than 500 million people upon the earth! Think about that number, when we currently have almost 7 billion people. So, how do you think these 'lovely' people will reduce the population to 500 million people? It's called "population control." And that too is nothing new. Yet, most are totally unaware of such plans.

People would rather spend their time watching their favorite 'sitcoms,' than follow what is going on around them, and understand the times in which we find ourselves, thus leaving themselves scratching their heads at such things as all these hurricanes happening at the same time with such intensity.

But, this is why 'global warming' was created. To convince you, the uninformed, in the dark and believing the 'so-called experts,' who supposedly are looking out for your best interests. Right. This is why people need to 'wake up,' start paying attention, keep involved with 'local government,' and Big Brother. With all that is happening in today's world, now is not the time to be a 'bystander.' Now is the time to be 'in the game!'

...otherwise, don't complain when things change, and get so bad. You'd have no one to blame but yourself. Continue reading blogs like this, and the many others that contain similar information. We are living in an 'information war!' And the media is not telling you the truth. At best, they give you 'half-truths,' to flat out 'lies.' Support the sponsors you find on sites like this and others. As I've said before, don't take blogs like this for granted. Big Brother, and the elite are looking to destroy 'free speech,' and keep you in the dark.

Stay informed! Stay vigilant!