Thursday, September 28, 2017

Steven Seagal Exposes Deep State Coup

Real life martial artist, last I heard he was an 7th degree black belt in Aikido, Hollywood action start (in more than one way, in real life), Steven Seagal answers questions from Piers Morgan about the fake 'Russian narrative' about Donald J. Trump.

Seagal who burst onto the big screen with the martial arts - action movie Above the Law, which in my opinion was his best, and one of the best martial arts movies, is a conservative. I never knew that.

I know he's personal friends with Russian president Vladimir Putin due to Putin himself being a martial artist himself. Putin is a black belt in 'Judo,' which for a man of his height is the perfect martial art that I would personally recommend anyone of his height to get involved in, were they looking to go into martial arts.

While Putin's height is somewhat of a mystery, he's said to be anywhere between 5'3" to 5'7" depending on the source. Judo being mainly an art involving grappling and throwing, is the perfect art for someone that height due to having a lower center of gravity. So Putin (whether it was his choice, or recommended to him) is in the art that I would recommend to anyone around that height.

So Putin and Seagal have been friends for many years now. Seagal has traveled to  Russia originally to promote the art of 'Aikido,' which Seagal is a master of. If you've seen any of his movies, the style is very nice and smooth to see. However, from a realistic perspective, there isn't a fight out there that would resemble anything like what you've seen in those movies. Nonetheless, it is a beautiful art to watch.

While on the Piers Morgan show, Seagal was asked about his take on the Trump 'Russia narrative,' and Seagal's answer was astounding. He was very candid and honest, and told Morgan that he himself has 'put his own life in danger for America,' and that basically this Russian meddling is a joke, that has been promoted by the 'Deep state,' along with Obama hold-overs.

In watching this brief video clip, I saw a side of Steven Seagal that I never knew. I've followed him as far as his martial arts life is concerned, being a 'lifelong' practitioner myself. I've also heard some about his spiritual life, which to many in the martial arts is a big part of their lives. But I've never known, nor heard anything about his political leanings.

So to hear a big name Hollywood star, who by the way likes Trump was very refreshing. But even more than that was his 'honesty and sincerity.' This guy just sat back, in Russia where I understand he lives, and spat out the truth. And he is still active in Hollywood, so its not like he's out of Hollywood and free to speak his mind, unlike most whom are basically living in fear of what they say, especially about politics in a climate where 'political correctness' is a way of life.

...but being a martial artist tends to free you from many things that would otherwise 'shackle' you were it not for the confidence bestowed upon you when you're into martial arts. By the way, Seagal was sitting in front of 'Red Square' in Moscow for the interview. Piers Morgan of course, couldn't resist in pointing that out, as though somehow that makes you disqualified to speak on behalf of your fellow countrymen, Morgan not included, being a Brit.

Please excuse the heavy emphasis on the martial arts, as this was meant to be more about politics than anything else, but when you're talking about a fellow martial artist whom I just happen to learn is also a 'conservative' one can't help but point out that Seagal is more apt to speak his mind knowing what he knows. Yes, the arts tend to bring out a great amount of self-confidence in oneself's ability to speak from the heart, and soul for that matter.

As for Morgan, I've also just learned that he himself is a 'closet conservative!' So that too is yet another shocker to say the least! We (on the right) rightfully so, I might add, tend to view Morgan as this hard-core leftist, and he was playing the part, but that was then. Apparently Morgan has a new show, at least that I'm aware of, and he's also now living back in his native country of England. So between those two aspects, maybe there will be a visible change at least to some extent on Morgan's behalf. And no, this is no endorsement nor approval of Morgan. That is something that will take a lot more than a change of address and a new show.

Having said that, Morgan surprisingly was 'fair' in his questioning of Seagal, with the only expection the comment about Seagal simply being in Russia, as though there was something wrong about that imagery. Knowing politics and the media such as I do, I'd say Morgan was simply attempting to flex his little muscles- for show purposes. Inwardly, he probably was agreeing with his guest. Besides, he no longer has CNN, or MSNBC signing his paychecks.

So, overall this was a refreshingly interesting interview between what most would suspect to be two 'leftists,' who are truly conservatives. One a mainstream media host, and the other a Hollywood action star. After having viewed this I came away with the notion that Steven Seagal is a much more 'wide awake' Hollywood star, than even I would have suspected. And as I had long suspected, it would appear to me that Seagal has 'worked for the government' in one capacity or another. While most in Hollywood are 'wannabe's,' Seagal, in my opinion is what other action stars would want to be like one day, when they grew up.

Next time you hear some leftist point out how evil and wicked Russia is, and how they 'meddled' in our last election, point out the truth, and ask yourself, just what would be so bad were Russia and the United States to 'work together,' and 'get along?' Does it serve in our best interests to have Russia and Putin as 'enemies,' or as 'partners,' working together to help one another, fight terrorism, and better yet, improve and enrich the lives of each countries citizens?

And as I conclude this post, let me give you a little perspective on where I'm coming from. I was born during the height of the 'cold war.' I still remember as a child living in a world where at school we had 'duck and cover' drills. I was at the tail end of those who were taking those drills, but I still remember them. I also remember as a child how being called a 'commie,' or a 'Ruskie' was a horrible thing. I wasn't personally called those things, I'm simply pointing out it was the norm at the time. Russia was 'the enemy.' To be called a 'Ruskie' were fighting words. Sound familiar? I guess the more things 'change,' the more they remain the same.

See, the fact is when I was growing up, Russia was a 'communist nation.' We were at the height of the 'cold war.' Both countries resented and disliked each other, and needless to say distrusted one another. But all of that has changed. The fall of the Berlin wall effectively 'closed the cold war,' and Russia was no longer the communist nation it once was. They were now openly seeking capitalism, and the chains and shackles of communist oppression were removed off of the Russian people. And all of this took place between the years of 1989- 1991.

So here we are in 2017, and its been quite some time from 1991. Russia has reformed itself and is basically a capitalist nation, with free markets and a more open and humane environment for its citizens. Russia now actively promotes 'life,' rather than placing a cheap price-tag on it. A lot has changed in Russia. And yet for some reason, much of which wasn't even an issue until Donald Trump was elected to become our 45th President of the United States happened. The media ha concocted this entirely patently absurd notion that somehow, someway Russia 'meddled' in our election. And that Trump himself may be a 'Russian agent.' All of this all because the left's candidate, Hillary Rodham Clinton, the most corrupt political presidential candidate ever to run for office, at least in modern times lost an election that the media, using 'fake polls' had leading her opponent by double digits, when it was all a rouse to demoralize not only her opponent, but the will of the American people- failed.

...and the rest, as they say is history. Thank God! Yet America, thanks to Obama and Hillary are left as divided as it ever has been. As Trump attempts to achieve unity, and restore some semblance of what this country was like (and make it better than ever!), we still have Obama, Hillary, the media and last but not least, the 'Deep state,' working together as did as agitators, using old Soviet and Nazi brown-shirted tactics to do whatever it takes to destroy America and bring her to her knees. We need modern day Paul Revere's sounding the alarm, not against or for a 'foreign invader,' but this time from a 'domestic' enemy.

Our representatives who were sent to Washington to 'serve us' (they're not authorities, though they'd have you believe this, they serve us!) upon taking office, raised their hands, one on the Bible, and the other in the air, to 'serve, defend and protect' the American people and all that it represents, against enemies, 'both foreign and domestic.' Other than for those who are here 'illegally,' or have come here to commit acts of 'terrorism,' its time, like never before in our history, to put the emphasis, not on foreign enemies, but from 'domestic enemies!' Donald Trump (love him or hate him), and his entire administration are (for now) responsible for unifying this country. And all those who would stand against him and block, oppose, obstruct and otherwise need to be held accountable for their actions like never before. And this applies to not only those on the left, but those on the right as well. I'm speaking of the Mitch McConnell's, the John McCain's and the Paul Ryan blue-blooded elitist slime that reside and are just as guilty as anyone else on the other side for blocking the president of the United States of America. Its time to do the right thing- not for yourselves, not for your re-elections, but for the good of America and of all its people! 

To hell with the 'deep state,' and anyone associated with it. May your plans fumble and fall, and may justice, the rule of law and the American people wake up and rise above your heads. You've uncovered your faces, and exposed yourself for all to see. American will only heal and prosper when these people are fallen and knocked off their high horses. Let freedom Reign!

Here is the video of Steven Seagal exposing the Deep state coup! 

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