Saturday, September 2, 2017

Miss Me, Yet?

Anyone remember all those mysterious billboards that were placed all throughout the country when Obama was president of the former president, George W. Bush?

They began popping up in droves at the height of the Obama scandals, when some Americans were wondering if this country would even 'survive' another day with Obama as president.

While Bush left office with 'low' approval ratings, many even wished he were back in the White House compared to its then occupant, the Obama's. So, it was comical to have seen those signs of George W. Bush hanging from a billboard asking, "Do you miss me yet?"

                                               Bush: Miss Me Yet?

Though I too was one who ended up with 'buyer's remorse, on Bush, not Obama, wouldn't have voted for him if he ran for 'dog catcher.' So I surely did not miss Bush, nor really cared for him from the start, but look who the opponent was, Al (Carbon Credit, Wooden) Gore! No thank you!!!

So, now with many on the Left still trying to overcome their grief, having spend months secluded in 'safe rooms,' in rooms filled with 'play-doh,' some may just be beginning to accept the results of the 2016 election. Yet, many others have still a long way to go...

                                            Barack (Barry) Obama

I find this rather comical because its so true! In fact I read an article, which I may do a post about, which clearly shows how Obama has been 'shadowing' the president (Trump) on just about every foreign trip the president has made, having met with the leader that Trump has met.

'Shadow government?' I mean since when has a former president has his nose up so deeply into the new presidential administration's business? In a word- never! This is unprecedented. But when it comes to Obama, just what is 'normal' about him or his presidency? Anyone read the disgusting emails that were exposed by Wikileaks about Obama and Hillary?

...if you haven't read those, do yourself a favor and read them! But, be ready to be shocked, disgusted and appalled at some of what you'll come across, especially material that is of a 'sexually suggestive nature.' So, readers be advised!

And I believe Bush had something to do with 9/11, along with his 'evil' VP, Dick Cheney. I've looked too deeply into the entire 9/11 narrative to accept the made up story we've all been handed. If you or anyone you know still believes the 'fairy tale,' please do some homework! History will prove the government completely 'lied' about 9/11.

So, when it comes to both of the 'past 2 presidents,' NO! I do NOT miss EITHER of them!! Hopefully, I won't be saying that again, adding yet another former president to the list. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

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