Wednesday, September 27, 2017

New World Order: Muslims to be majority in Europe within two generations

For those who still believe the New World Order (NWO) is a 'conspiracy theory,' here's an article from the Washington Times using the term right in their headline.

New World Order: Muslims to be majority in Europe within two generations. 

Let that headline sink into your head! 2 things, New World Order, and Muslims to be the 'majority' in Europe within two generations! Who would ever have thought such a thing?

Well, if you understand why the puppet-masters have been sending Muslim 'refugees' by the millions into Europe, you'll know what's going on. If you don't understand why these Muslims have been ushered into Europe- you're lost.

Its all about 'social engineering,' and there are many white paper reports talking about how the elite want to 'do away with the while race!' Matter of fact, it's happening here in America as well.

This was part of Obama's plan, bringing in all these illegal immigrants into America. Hillary was planning to even 'double down' on what Obama had begun. This is one of the reasons so many are upset with Trump. He being against 'illegal' immigration, and even wanting to build a wall.

Yet, none of these 'elite' are being affected by 'mass invasion' of immigrant refugee's or whatever you want to call them. They live in gated communities (behind their own walls), and they have 'big families!'

However, unless you're one of the elite, you're looked down upon and even told through the media and various public places of conversation that a family is only to have 'one child.' Well, this is not what any other race is being told. It gets even more sinister if you understand that much of our 'food and water' is having chemicals added to them in order to decrease fertility rates, further reinforcing and causing couples to have less children.

As this article points out, while most European families are having on average 1 child, Muslim's are having 4-5 children! Its already estimated that 10 percent of France is already Muslim. Now if you've studied Islam as I have, you'd know 10 percent is the 'magic number' for Islam. That is the number at which they begin to become aggressive in whatever nation they're in, and attempt to convert the country (against its will) to Islam.

...until they reach that critical number, they're taught to 'lay low.' I've read so much about Islam, due to 9/11, that I believe what I just stated is actually taught in their Koran (Quran). Or it may come from their 'Hadith's,' which is second only to the Koran in its authority. Make no mistake, Islam is about 'world domination,' via their Caliphate which is their equivalent of the pope (for those who are Catholic).

If my memory serves, I believe it was former president Bush, Sr. who was instrumental in bringing to China their 'one child policy!' I know for a FACT that it was an American. If not Bush, Sr, it may have been Henry Kissinger. That is the problem with 'globalism.' They all think alike, and have one agenda- a New World Order!

And when it comes to elites and their plan for a NWO, I have studied this very topic for a long, long time! I see the 'writing on the wall.' I know and understand their plans, and agenda. I know these people ALL worship and serve Lucifer! That is their 'religion!' This too is why 'abortion' is almost the Holy Grail to the leftists! Its something that was also done back in ancient Israel when the Jews turned against their God and became involved in Baal worship.

Some may be thinking I've digressed. No. I see and know the 'bigger picture!' And this headline, while it may seem insignificant to most, it isn't. Its indicative of what is coming. And what is coming to Europe, is coming to America! Lastly, an 'implantable microchip' is already on the horizon! Many believe it is even written into Obamacare, something I wrote about in my last post.

For those who understand eschatology, Biblical study of end-time events, you'll already know and understand much of what I've written here. And yet, even many of today's 'post-modern' Christian pastors are not teaching any of this, nor are they warning their congregations about any of these thing! If you are a Christian attending a church that doesn't teach these thing, you ought to leave!

But of course, many churches have sold-out by becoming '501-C-3' tax-exempt churches, so by having sold-out, there are certain things pastors are unable to preach from their pulpits. I could go on and on, but just know what is coming. Be prepared. Read books about these kinds of subjects.

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