Friday, September 1, 2017

A Beating in Berkeley

This article which I've linked here, could just as easily be titled, 'Confusion in Berkeley. First of all (this is a side statement), who would think the name 'Berkeley' would be spelled the way that it is? Ever since the first riot broke out, which has turned this place into ground-zero for hate, riots, protests, and more, I haven't had to deal with the spelling of this name.

But I digress.

And for the record, rioting and violence are nothing new to Berkeley. This has been a staple of this college town ever since the late '60' into the 1970's during the height of the Vietnam war. So, people there both professors as well as students ought to know full well the history of this cit by the Bay. And of course we all know what San Francisco is known for- 'Rice-a- Roni,' the San Francisco treat! Is that commercial, or product even still available?

...I'm sure to have caught some of guard with saying what San Francisco is known for. It's well known for a lot of other things, but that is not the intent of this post. I've never even been there, though it looks like a beautiful city. I have no idea how 'conservative' radio personality Michael Savage manages to live there. I'm not speaking of being able to afford living there (the city is one of the most expensive places to live- by design), I'm speaking of how does he manage to live there as a 'conservative' in a heavily 'liberal' part of America. A city, possibly suited to among a host of any number of other nations, more akin to socialist Nirvana, or North Korea?

While this isn't an easy subject to write about, protests and hate in America has reached such a high level of savagery, those who lived through the 1960's must be experiencing flashbacks, and not from psychedelics! They say history repeats itself, but wow. I wonder how soon it will be before we start seeing 'bell-bottoms,' and the 'hippy' culture make a return to prominence and we'll have another 'Summer of love?'

In this political climate, it would be like when is the 'Summer of Rage' coming? Oh, it was supposed to have been this year. In a way, it has been just that. Thus far its 'pockets' of areas around the country. In a matter of time, it'll be affecting people everywhere! There have been Hollywood movies made along these lines, The Purge, Anarchy, Days of Rage, etc, etc. Is Hollywood writing the script? Or is art imitating life?

This article is so wrong in so many ways. And depending on which side you lean towards, this article may leave you shaking your head- blaming the 'other side!' But that's exactly what 'they' (they know who 'they' are) want! They want people (Americans) to be divided. And for those who've not reached that level, you may soon just have to end up 'choosing a side.' Is this what America is supposed to be about?

Can't I just be left alone to eat my bowl of Rice-a- Roni (San Francisco treat), and relax and live my life? By the way, I love Rice-a-Roni! though I don't know whether they still even exist!

So here we go-again. An activist decides to hold a 'protest' rally in Berkeley, and of course, 'anti' protesters are ready to march into town and we all just watch as people are savagely beaten or shouted down from the comfort of our homes, somewhere in mainstream America.

Maybe we're being prepared for the Roman 'Gladiator games' they once held back in Rome during its peak of being an 'empire!' Maybe we (America) has become an 'empire?' And I'm the first to stand up for my country, but I'll also be the first to tell you, enough of this being the 'policeman of the world garbage!' Enough of 'regime change!' Enough of just telling other countries what they can do or cannot do! Enough!

And no, I'm no 'isolationist,' as there are things in the world that IF they can have a potential danger to America, do need to be addressed. But even that can be done from more of a 'defensive posture,' rather than politics from the barrel of a gun! What the hell are we doing in Afghanistan? Iraq? Saudi Arabia? the Middle east? Let those people take care of their own business! Let them fend for themselves, and stop pouring money into the hands of greedy tyrants and politicians!

'Labels?' Who needs 'em? They should be for 'clothing,' not for people!

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