Wednesday, September 20, 2017

The Secret Society You've (Probably) Never Heard Of

There are many 'secret societies' out there. You may have heard of many of them. I thought I'd heard of them all, but came across a new one that I'd never heard of. And this secret society may involve your 'eye doctor!'

They're known as the 'Oculists.' The term itself comes from their own medical terms. Yet this group has roots that pre-date the 'Bavarian Illuminati,' and they have even claimed to have created 'Freemasonry.'

While medical practices go back to the time of the Pyramids, few would think 'eye' experiments occurred until much later times. But we know the Egyptians worked with embalming, and more. So, here is the link the the 'Secret Society You've Probably Never Heard Of!'

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