Sunday, September 10, 2017

Jared Kushner’s Harvard Admissions Essay (Satire)

Jared Kushner. I could just make a post, with those two words! I've never thought much of the kid, nor have I been impressed with anything about him, nor his family. How Donald Trump could even have allowed this kid to have married into the family is beyond me!

This article is satire. But I can imagine how many rich, spoiled brats, like Kushner have submitted papers not to unlike this one! In reality, its not always 'what you know, it's WHO you know!

But Trump think the world of this kid! He's even stated, 'if anyone can bring peace to the Middle east, it's Jared!' Well, I don't think so!

Then again, this kid does own a building in NYC with the address of '666 5th Ave.' Talk about 'creepy!' I've called this guy 'Kreepy Kushner!' And have meant it! I think he looks like a 'Ken doll,' a little 'too perfect' looking. But he apparently has a personality to match, so it's okay.

He's been in Trump's administration- the whole time. That's too long already. Get him out, out, out! And throw his 'Barbie doll' looking wifey out, out, out too! Neither of them deserve to be anywhere near the WH! They probably wouldn't even make good 'doormen,' or 'maids' there.

But, according to Trump, he's 'very smart!' He's so smart, (insert joke here).

Anyway, Jared- go away. Go far, far away. Leave to the Bahama's or wherever it is your 'rich family' hides their money! Maybe go and play on the 'monkey bars,' and play with some other kids.

I almost laughed to death when after being on Trump's team in such a 'high level position,' he finally spoke. I thought, 'wow, this guy speaks!' Amazing! Can you imagine being told, or given an 'order' from this kid? I would drop on the floor laughing my a** off!

...I might ask him whether he's like to play 'monopoly?' Winner gets to 'burn in hell' in his '666 building!' Maybe he can dress like Beelzebub, for Halloween, and scare all the trick or treaters when they come to '666 5th Ave!' That would be cool! His wife (is he really married?) can dress up like a 'witch,' and yell at the children! They make such a lovely couple...'s like looking at kids having kids! But, he's 'smart!' I wish I could be as smart as Jared Kushner one day.

I also wish I could buy a creepy building with an address of '666' and just be creepy, never talking except when I get into trouble to defend myself. I also wish I could look as 'fake and plastic looking,' and have an equally fake and plastic looking wife!

Well, that's all I have to say about Jared Kushner. Well, one last thing. He just may be the 'Antichrist?' He does own and like '666' apparently. So maybe Donald, his father in law is right. Maybe he will bring 'peace to the middle east!' Gee, wouldn't he be such a man then?

Well, enough for me. I've got to get back to coloring my fill in the lines coloring book with images of 'creepy people,' who don't even talk, but are so smart! By the way, I'm only 6 years old. So don't criticize this post, or I might cry, and it could damage my like!

Thank you, Jared for being such a 'creepy kid!' Don't forget to pass out that Halloween candy from your 666 building now!

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