Tuesday, September 5, 2017

GOP Senator: ‘It’s A Mistake’ To Fight Trump

Well, at least one GOP senator has come to the defense of our new president. Rep. Mel Blunt (R-MO) who on a Sunday talk show stated, "It's a mistake to fight Trump," said on Meet the Press, on NBC (a station that's been very critical of Trump). 

I still remember on inauguration day seeing this senator playing a key role in managing some of the 'welcome ceremonial festivities' for the newly elected president. And while many big name congressman and congresswomen were in attendance, not all were there to truly welcome the new president. Many in fact were there for purely selfish reasons. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) almost took a pen the new president had just used that was meant for another person, and almost kept it for herself. No big surprise there.

...people taking other person's things. In all fairness, it goes 'both ways' though. Sen. Schumer was in attendance. Perhaps in celebration of how as 'newly elected senate minority leader,' he would oppose the president on any topic, for any reason, all for the purpose of scoring 'political points. Being now 8 months into the Trump administration, Trump has had to withstand criticism after criticism from even members within his own party. So I'm sure many republicans in attendance for the festivities were also there just for historical purposes.

While I believe in what Trump is attempting to achieve, for the most part (there are several policies Trump has spoken about, or intends to implement or working on, that I do not agree with); but for the most part I agree with the president, and stand with him. And believe me when I say, I have held him 'accountable!'  I have lost many 'Trump supporters,' on social media, simply because they may not be 'regular followers,' (especially of this blog), and may have seen a 'Tweet' of myself criticizing the president, and 'poof,' I''ll end up 'unfollowed' by someone, for having been mistaken as being anti-Trump! It's almost funny, were it not a loss based on an inaccurate assessment of my words.

Even if you support Trump, or any politician, it is your duty to not simply follow them 'blindly,' but keep them in check! And in this article, Sen. Blunt himself alludes to what I just wrote when he made this comment,
“It’s not a mistake to disagree when you disagree,” he said on NBC’s “Meet The Press.” “It is a mistake to suggest that somehow this president, who was elected just as the Constitution prescribed and has the responsibility to lead the country, that somehow we need to not work with this president I think is a bad road to go down. I think it’s a mistake to get in a fight with the president.”
So, obviously since no one is perfect and we will have disagreements, it doesn't mean that we need to 'throw away the baby with the bathwater,' as the saying goes. There will be disagreements. And I do not believe in 'blind obedience,' unfortunately when it comes to Trump, there are some who are so defensive about him that any comment that even remotely smacks of criticism will incur the wrath of some. That is not healthy.

And yet this is what you get from a person also mentioned in this article from former senator John Danforth (R-MO) when he makes polar-opposite comments such as this,
“We cannot let Donald Trump define the Republican Party,” the former lawmaker wrote. “We are not like him. We cannot let the public image of our party be confused with the image of Donald Trump. We have to insist that he is very different from what Republicans have been and what we are.”
Danforth went on to call the president the “Divider-in-Chief.”
I'm sure former senator Danforth is the perfect example of a a 'never-Trumper,' and obvious GOP elitist.  These kind are almost as bad, if not worse than those on the left. And this has been one of Trump's biggest obstacles- his own party! While we've never quite had a president like Trump before, a 'first time politician,' that isn't the problem. Trump has been a breath of fresh air and just the person you would expect to be the one who can 'drain the swamp,' as he himself has stated on many occasions. However, it would seem at times as though it is the 'swamp that is doing all the draining!' And that has been very frustrating for many, not the least being the president himself. But that's how Washington D.C. has been operating for a very long time.

Ultimately, we need to at the least, give the man a chance! Let him know when you agree with him, but also do the same when you do not agree with him. This is what democracy is all about. This is also why the left is splintered right now. And I don't buy into the two-party system. I am non-partisan.

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