Thursday, September 14, 2017

Hillary Clinton Asked if She Made Enough Mistakes to Lose Election on Her Own — Just Listen to Her Answer

Asked about her mistakes, Hillary continues to remind people she 'won the popular vote by a substantial margin,' Sorry. Another lie. I don't believe this woman is capable of telling anything truthful. While the 'popular vote,' did indeed show her having a larger margin, read between the lines, and you'll see that just as she 'stole' the democratic candidacy from a 'socialist' no less whom she could NOT beat (that's pretty sad), the evidence is there to show how she stole the nomination from Bernie Sanders. 

The same tactics were attempted to be done in the general election against Donald Trump. And again, the evidence proves, proves she again- padded her 'vote count' with stolen votes from Trump! Even after I believe 5 states which she 'won,' but they were so close a 'recount' had to be done, she 'lost' more votes, as they were found to have actually been cast for Donald Trump. In the end, she did steal 5 states- from Trump, attempted to steal more, yet still lost, the 'electoral collage.' And it doesn't make a bit of a difference whether she did win the 'popular vote,' because it's the electoral college votes that determines the winner of every presidential election going back to the founding of America. So, keep running the mouth, sore loser!

Trust me, I've ONLY posted 2 links, while I could as easily have 'plastered an entire blog page' of links showing this woman not capable of beating a freaking 'socialist,' and how she did in fact 'LOSS' the 'popular vote' to Trump! But, I'd be here ALL NIGHT!

Now, I'm not democrat, nor am I republican. I don't get into neatly packaged little 'labels,' to keep people divided so that the elite controllers can continue to move in and conquer this country. But whom  America has had it with these 'self entitled families,' Bushes, Clinton's who just think it's their turn to 'rule' again, and damn you, get out of my way. This isn't a 'monarchy!' This is a Republic, and not a 'Democracy,' and people had better learn the difference. A 'democracy' is asking to wolves and a sheep 'what's for dinner?' Okay. That's a democracy. I think it's clear as to why our Founding Fathers in their wisdom decided to not go with that plan, and created a 'Republic,' instead! Mod rule is NOT the way things are conducted in Washington, though Hillary (sore loser) would love you to be stupid enough to remain in the dark and think just that! Remember, Gore/Lieberman, who due to their whining, became known as 'Sore-Loserman?' Well, this is what Hillary is in danger of going down in history as a 'sore loser.' but that's because she believes she was 'entitled' to become the next president. That is her first problem! And definitely- not her last.

While this woman whom, were her name anyone else, she'd be in prison for having destroyed 30,000 plus classified emails, she is prancing around on a 'book tour' doing what she does best- 'promoting herself!' Talking about 'herself!' There is absolutely no way in HELL this woman 'won the popular vote!' Her own party (Democratic party) cannot stand her! They're done with her! They're on record wanting her 'out of politics,' for the good of their own part (what's left of it). That is how much damage she and 'Barry' Obama did to the democratic party. Again, this woman ought to wake up each day, on her knees thanking 'God' she's not in prison! No! We need to continue to see her on television with that crazy smile of hers which appears as though her teeth, looking like fangs may 'sting' anyone who says makes a wrong statement to her. See, she's so important! She's a 'Bilderberger,' a friend of the 'elite,' (though they've just used her for what she's worth, and are obviously done with her).

Do I need to even bother mentioning all the scandals this woman was involved in as a 'crime member' of her and her husband whom she covered up many of his crimes for? I don't think so. There are plenty of books to fill a bookshelf of the scandals and who wicked, evil and corrupt this pile of trash of a 'human' is. A demonic human who 'lusts after power and glory and fame!' More, more, and more! Like a psychic drunken vampire she'll sit there and lie to you straight to your face. And this woman 'won the popular vote?' I really don't think so, and all the evidence suggests quite the contrary. She lost not only the electoral college (which is ALL that matters), but she also did in fact lose the 'popular vote!' So go and take that snarky little shark smile of fake teeth and retire while you're ahead. Why Trump or his 'Justice Department' has not gone after this hag is beyond me. And I will put the blame squarely on the Trump administration for that! Enough of these 'criminal political families!' No more Bushes, and no more Clinton's!

If for no other reason, America owe Donald Trump a tremendous amount of honor and respect, for stopping yet another Bush or Clinton from sitting in the Oval Office right this second!!!

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