Thursday, September 7, 2017

HURRICANE IRMA SEP 7 2017, 2:07 PM ET Hurricane Irma Skirts Puerto Rico, Leaves 1 Million Without Power

First Hurricane Harvey struck Texas. Now another hurricane, this one even stronger and deadlier, Hurricane Irma is currently in the Caribbean, and may again make landfall within the southern states along the Gulf of Mexico.

The tiny US commonwealth of Puerto Rico was grazed Wednesday by Hurricane Irma leaving 1 million people without power. And this on top of the fact Puerto Rico has already been devastated by financial problems, with infrastructure already suffering from its financial problems.

The financial aspect of Puerto Rico has been developing over the past decade. I recall not long ago reading about the possibility of this US commonwealth possibly needing a 'bail-out,' just to maintain itself as a sustainable island nation. Considering the fact of it being a 'commonwealth' rather than an actual state, bailing out the tiny island is already a controversial prospect.

Now the island has been battered, yet not as badly as had been projected. Considering the geographical location of the island, being partially in the Atlantic, and also in the Caribbean, I've always found it interesting how this island has yet to be 'demolished,' considering its proximity to where many of these hurricanes and tropical storms develop.

Also something to note, as stated Puerto Rico is legally considered a commonwealth of the United States. And throughout the years, many have wanted the island to become America's 51st state. While possibly just as many have wanted the island to maintain its current status, and another group, a minority wanting Puerto Rico to become in 'independent nation.'

After all this, its highly doubtful many will still be in the 'independent camp, politically speaking.' Nonetheless, what happens next will not only be complicated, but perhaps even controversial due to this island's status within the United States. While unlike other countries and territories, Puerto Ricans are born American citizens, this will not be an issue of 'refugees,' or 'immigrants,' as Puerto Ricans have the ability to legally travel both into and out of the United States, with most Puerto Ricans actually living outside of the island. Those living in America by in large do have family back on the island though.

Puerto Rico became a US commonwealth as a direct result of the Spanish-American War, from which the slogan, "remember the Maine" resulted from, and from which America witnessed one of its official 'false flag' operation. We know this from now declassified documents and documentaries stating that the Spanish who maintained control over the island, which it had first settled back in the 1500's. Obviously for one strategic reason or another, the U.S. decided it needed to take control over the island nation, and basically align the country with the United States.

One more historical bit of fact, the island of Puerto Rico lies just at the southern edge, or tip of the notorious 'Bermuda Triangle.' I personally had flown to the island as a child at the age of 6, and even at that time was very familiar with the Bermuda Triangle. I recall as though it were yesterday, having been scared 'something' would or could happen during our flight there. These were the days when the now classic show In Search Of, with Leonard Nemoy was playing as a series on television. So I was very familiar with all the planes that had 'mysteriously disappeared' within the infamous area of water known as the Bermuda Triangle.

Puerto Rico also maintains the biggest 'alien telescope' which monitors the shies for any sounds of 'intelligent life,' somewhere out in the galaxy. Its goes by the acronym of SETI. While reports are conflicting as to the status of SETI, it had been officially run by the United States, under one branch or another. It's also been rumored that the huge telescope is not 'functional.' I've heard reports saying the opposite. I've heard (the last I looked into this) that the US government had indeed given up its official 'use' of the facility, and that a private organization is operating from the location.

It is also rumored that the United States has an 'underground military base,' not far from where SETI is located. These reports have made for some very strange reports. I personally knew a girl (worked with this person) who was a native of the island, and had told me she had as a child heard reports of other children 'disappearing!' And if you think that's strange, you may have also heard of what is called the "Chupacabra." While I cannot recall the translation, it being a Spanish word, the concept is that there is a creature sort of like Bigfoot, but only scarier, because whatever this thing is, it will attack both- animals and even people. While the majority of reports began from Puerto Rico, we now have eye-witness sightings in various parts not only of Puerto Rico, but now in Mexico, and even in the southern and south-western parts of the United States.

Could this be something that was created, possibly even manufactured within an underground 'military base' in Puerto Rico? Whether you believe any of this talk or not, there are many who will 'swear' they have literally seen this creature whether on the island itself, or in any of the aforementioned locations listed above. Animal carcasses have indeed been found along alleged sightings of this 'beast or monster,' you take your pick.

Of course, I went 'somewhat of track' here (couldn't help it, so many interesting stories), hopefully you'll have maybe found something interesting, or worth investigating deeper into. Though my trip to Puerto Rico was many many years ago, I still have vivid memories of the island, and also a fondness for it, and it's people. Perhaps this is why I got 'off script' so to speak. It is a beautiful little island with tons and tons of history. San Juan which is a main tourist attraction was once a military port overlooking the Atlantic. It's also reported by 'paranormal investigation teams,' as being haunted. It has seen its fair share of military campaigns for centuries.

Perhaps the United States 'took over' the island of Puerto Rico due to it being a strategic location. So for me at least I find it sad to hear about the financial struggles this island paradise has gone through, along with the various tropical storms and hurricanes it's endured, and enduring at this moment. Its no wonder the people of the island of Puerto Rico have such a rich culture and its people have pride in their heritage. This is an island which has had its fair share of 'wars, invasions, and military campaigns.'

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