Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Barcelona opens 'Europe's first' sex doll brothel

Here's a story I've been following for some time now. There's been more and more reports and articles written about these new 'very' life-like sex-dolls. These dolls are so realistic looking!

They're even posable, and can be dressed according to your liking as this article says. People in Spain can now check into a hotel for an hour and enjoy spending time with one of these very life-like dolls. Needless to say, this could really radically cause a dramatic change in men's sex lives.

The article goes on to say how these dolls are 'sanitized' after each visit, but they advise their clients to bring their own condoms and disinfectant. I still can't believe how 'life-like' these dolls are! Almost creepy!

Monday, February 27, 2017

“Allah akbar” chanted at Women's March: Shocking — but for how long?

This is such a load of horse manure! At the ridiculous "Woman's March" in DC recently, which by the way was a grassroots movement designed to have "feminists" come to the capital to protest that 'evil' Trump. 

Well, the two main female organizers of this were Muslim! One even performed the "call to prayer," which is against Islamic law (Sharia law) in any Muslim country. So here are a group of self-proclaimed "feminists" submitting themselves to Islam! Have these women any brains? Do they not at least do some research into the history of Islam (that 'peace=loving religion)?

If they had, they'd know 2 points: Islam is incompatible with feminism, and no woman is allowed to perform the "call to Islam" in any Muslim country! Only men are allowed under Islamic law, also known as "Sharia law." It's no different than woman not being able to drive a car (without a man in the car), and how a woman who is raped, will be held as being responsible for it, unless they have 3 or more 'female witnesses' testify on their behalf (good luck with that).

Feeling "empowered yet, women?" The woman in this video doing the "call to prayer," would most likely be stoned, beheaded and be condemned as an infidel. But, this is nothing short of propaganda, so nobody is saying anything to anyone...ssh! And I hope these women love being fully fitted for a bee-hive looking black outfit (face net included)!

...very empowering, "I am woman, hear me roar!"

Then of course, like any good liberal movement, you must have a symbol! Hence the birth and rise of the 'scarved' Lady Liberty lookalike...

                                             "Islamic Lady Liberty"

When I first saw this photo, I had no idea what it stood for. This is America still (last time I checked anyway). Don't let this photo fool you, it represents American women under the bondage of the every loving and peaceful religion (so-called) of Islam. There is nothing American about it, other than the flag being used (insultingly) upon a women's head. But as a women living under Sharia law, you'd be lucky to get away just wearing a 'head-scarf,' more than likely you'd be wearing a full burqa (bee-hive and all)...great for keeping bee's and mosquito's away though in a hot humid summer day!

Here is an actual (now infamous) Washington DC "Woman's March" video, where you will see one of the Muslim promoters of this event call out and do the Islamic "call to prayer." One problem: under Islamic law, only a man is legally allowed to perform this call to prayer. And believe me, were a woman to be caught doing what this woman is doing here in America, she'd probably be stoned, beaten, or maybe even beheaded. Quite a contrast to American law don't you think?

Islamic call to prayer... (view here) 

Notice the girl watching with her eyes looking glazed as though she's about to cry at how 'beautiful' the song is. Ah, but little does she understand she's being deceived and targeted for conversion. Who knows, that poor girl just may have left Washington as a new convert to Islam, even 'believing' a woman is allowed to perform the "Muslim call to prayer," and hey, it's only 5 times a day, you must stop in your tracks, whatever you are doing, turn and face towards Mecca, and perform the entire little 'ritual' of prayer. I've seen it performed. It's a laborious process, not to mention, rather inconvenient and embarrassing! But hey, who'd going to say a thing?

Muslim's are treated like "royalty" by many now within the United States. But don't you go around talking about Jesus Christ to anyone in public! You keep your Jesus to yourself! And don't think you have "free speech" to spew out your 'hateful bigoted,' Christianity; only Islam can do that. Remember, "separation of church and state!" Oh wait, I forgot. America was founded upon Christian principles (at least in theory). Islam? Oh, well they have proclaimed war upon America, or "Big Satan" as some call it. They've literally attacked our country repeatedly, going back to the days of Bill Clinton being president of the US. But he taught them a lesson- he bombed a "pharmaceutical company" somewhere out in the desert. No one was ever held accountable. Bin Laden, already America's sworn enemy could have been captured, but good old slick Willie, Bill Clinton let him go scott-free!

That allowed the attack on September 11th 2001 to happen. Thank you, Bill Clinton! And that brings us full circle to the point that we are attacked, here on our land, thousands of innocent American lives were lost (whether you believe the official 9/11 government lie, or not). And while we have US military fighting Islamic terrorists overseas, "so we don't have to fight them here," as former president George W. Bush stated; don't worry. While our military troops are fighting and dying out there, we have 'readical Islam' now holding festivals right under our noses, with the government's full support.

Liberal 'feminist' women of America, why not do us all a favor and go and start getting 'fitted' for your very own bee-hive costume aka Burqa right now, while the fires of the Woman's March upon Washington DC (against Trump) still burn hott?! Surprise your family! Surprise your friends! Wear it to your local church and PTA meeting. Just proudly show your solidarity and mutual support for the most abusive and intrusive and demoralizing 'hostile relgion' of Islam and get on in the ground floor- be a maverick, be a pioneer!

...you may regret it later on down the road if you do something against the "prophet," and end up paying for it with your head (literally), but hey, you would have been a martyr of "Allah!" aka Pagan 'moon god.' NOT same god worshiped by Jews and Christians (that's a different post of its own)

NO THANK YOU!                                                                                                                                                                 


PricewaterhouseCoopers on Oscar flub: 'We made a human error'

I didn't bother watching the Hollywood 'awards show,' whatever it was called, could care less, never have. But, I hear they really made a mess of things. I guess they were so busy, working hard on "hating Trump," that they really screwed things up.

Maybe these spoiled rotten, limousine (fake) liberals ought to stick to making movies, rather than sticking it where it doesn't belong. Does anyone really care what any movie-star thinks about politics? They don't even live in the same world as the rest of us. So, they like most in Washington DC are living in a bubble, having no idea what 'real Americans' think, act or know. They're completely out of touch, and worse yet, have no clue what they're talking about when it comes to politics!

On top of this, many are ending up isolating, their own fans, and will lose them, rather than keeping their skewed political opinion to themselves. I don't watch much television, there's nothing much worth wasting my time on. The few actors, or actresses, whom I may have liked in a movie, only do themselves a major disservice when they spout out their liberal views, not understanding many of their audience (people who pay money to see their movies) will find their anti-Trump comments insulting. So, rather than keep their opinions to themselves, they falsely believe everyone thinks like they do, and they make even bigger fools of themselves.

These idiots are not better than these so-called "Social Justice" warriors- (wannabe's) who turn protests into riots, and are screwing up America for the rest of us. These are the very same people who claim to be "tolerant," especially when it comes to illegal immigration, and accepting of Islamic terrorists, when it's they whom have declared war upon America going back further than September 11, 2001.

Hypocrites! I don't recall hearing of any 'celebrity' taking in any refugees last time I checked. And I really don't think they'd feel very safe (behind their gated communities) were a group of military aged men who worship Islam and just arrived from the middle east move in across the street from them. "Love Trumps hate," oh how cute, how "trendy." NOT.

Those who claim to have the moral high ground, and are 'oh so tolerant,' are indeed tolerant- as long as you agree with them! But the minute you disagree with any of these mental patients (apologies to true mental patients), they'll be the first to shout you down, call you a 'racist, bigot, homophobe, Islamaphobe, etc, etc. So much for "tolerance." Even were you to attempt to have a civil debate with these people, all they know how to do is call you names, rather than debate the 'issues.'

When Trump won the election, many of these people immediately started talking about moving out of America, and going to another country. Yet, they're still here! Why? Oh, that's right. They couldn't make the kind of living they do in any other country in the world! And this is the only country where they can say all the stupid things they do, and get away with it. "Freedom of speech."

Some of these 'stars' actually did attempt to move to Canada (a country which seems to take just about anyone in, except Americans). Guess what? Canada, "denied" many of these Hollywood celebrities! How awful. So the next time these liberals attempt to talk garbage about Trump attempting to seal our border from Mexico, due to people coming here "illegally," they might want to remember that even Canada which is turning into yet another 'mini' Saudi Arabia, thanks to their globalist prime minister, "pretty boy," (what's his name) who probably spends more time looking into his mirror, as opposed to governing his country.

At least the Canadian prime minister is wise enough to not allow these "Hollywood celebrities" to come to his country. He'd rather allow the next "Islamic terrorist" come into Canada! When he's not admiring himself in the mirror, that is.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Just a Thought...

Here in America we recently have had a "Day without immigrants," and soon is coming a "Day without women."

...I was thinking, can we have a "Day without Liberals???" Pretty please, with sugar on top??? I can see it now, Fox News talking about some guy on the Internet calls for a "Day without Liberals," and of course on Twitter it would be the infamous, "hashtag," #DayWithoutLiberals

I like it!

                                                Typical Goofy Liberal

Large sewage spill in Tijuana, Mexico, flows north of border

Gee, I wonder whether this was an "accident," considering the tensions between Mexico (failed state) and the USA? Hmm, scratching my head. Oh well, it's going into Mexifornia, let them deal with it! Seriously, California another "failed state," why not unite with Mexico? Birds of a feather flock together, don't they?

To the few good people in California, I know there is a large Conservative community, my apologies. But, why stay there? Leave that failed state! Or, better yet, reclaim it! I'm sure California wasn't always a liberal haven. Reclaim your state, I'm sure the majority of Americas would stand behind you! You know President Trump would!

VIDEO: ISIS Fits Puppy Bomber with ‘Suicide’ Bomb Belt

WARNING: may be a disturbing video on here. I  wouldn't know, not about to watch it.

Okay, liberals...here's your chance to once and for all 'denounce' radical Islam because they're not going to 'strap puppies with suicide bombs!' Where is PETA? Where are the "bleeding hearts" of the left? Where's the outrage?

You won't hear anything from those idiots because they're as phony as their "political correctness." Not even worth my time, other than to report on how disgusting these Islamic SAVAGES are to strap a 'bomb' upon an innocent animal. Those dogs are worth more than the people using them!

Islamic "scumbags" ...where is "Vlad the Impaler" when you need him? Romanians know exactly what I'm talking about! Vlad fought these same disgusting pieces of trash, hanging their bodies from poles, as he ate dinner and entertained guests. Maybe we should to?!

Donald Trump supporters to boycott Oscars in protest against ‘Limousine Liberals’

WE the People have spoken! That is why Hilary "Rotten" Clinton LOST! We, the American people are FED UP with you 'marshmellow, tree-hugging, phony liberals!

And so tonight begins yet another "Trump bashing awards show." So exited- NOT! Haven't watched one of those STUPID shows in years! Have even less interest ever since it's now become a "political event" filled with idiots who don't know a thing about politics, and even less about being American!

I thought these people were all going to 'leave America' if Trump won the election?? Well, little secret here...a few 'tried' applying to go to Canada, guess what? Even Canada wouldn't take them! FACT!

Keep that little nugget of truth in your bag, next time you hear about the 'injustice of Trump wanting to keep our borders secure,' keeping out people who come here illegally and commit crimes, which were being given a pass. No more! Rather than hosting a Trump bashing ball, go hide in your 'safe places,' and wait for the next presidential election.

Oh, it's so 'trendy' to poke jabs at a man who wants nothing more to lower your taxes, and keep America secure...foul language to describe these people doesn't do enough justice. Let them eat cake...(ask me what I really think...)

Ex-Labor Secretary Tom Perez elected DNC chairman

I'm surprised the democratic party didn't nominate the first "Muslim" congressman in Congress to lead their party further into the ground. But, hey; this new guy will try his best. And as I've been telling readers here, Obama (former president; 'sweet music to my ears') is going to continue being his 'radical scumbag' self and work behind the scenes to agitate and work against his successor.

In American politics it's unheard of for a former sitting president to now work 'actively' against the president who follows. Most president do not even discuss openly the policies of their successor, but here we are talking about a piece of literal trash who came out of nowhere, never accomplished anything in life, but is nothing short of an un-American paid agitator.

Since left is up, and down is up, I believe President Trump should keep very close taps on this piece of filth, known as Barak Hussein Obama whom NOBODY on the right or even in the middle liked. Only the 'far left' who are totally clueless to just about anything that matters think highly of this CIA piece of utter filth, not worthy of living in America, let alone being a 'former president.' If you really want to know what I feel....

Hey, if the left wants to demonize and make life hell of Trump; I will be their personal worst nightmare!!!

Slain SEAL’s dad wants answers: ‘Don’t hide behind my son’s death’

This is such a 'disgusting' headline, I almost didn't want to post it. But, take a look at this 'grieving father,' looks like a wild-eyed liberal (fake liberal at that). People still don't understand there is a difference between liberalism and 'classical liberalism,' which does not exist in the sense it once did. Today's liberals are 'fake.'

I'd bet you almost anything someone on the left got to this man and offered him money, or he was looking to capitalize on his own son's death by 'standing up to Trump.' How flipping ridiculous. His son was a "patriot," THIS man is a "fool,' not even worthy of his own son's sacrifice to his country. Give me a freaking break. I'd demonize this man all day long.

Even before becoming president, Trump would 'help families' whom were killed in battle and more. So for this guy to snub the POTUS, is asinine, but I'm sure he'll be celebrated by the 'whackos' on the left. I've said it many times here- "liberalism IS a mental illness!" Enough with this FOOL! What an a##!


Saturday, February 25, 2017

UPDATE: New Posts Coming...

Since my numbers are skyrocketing, I am dedicating more time to this blog! I am very much inspired, humbled and honored to wake up and see just how the numbers on this blog continue to 'explode!'

I have a busy morning/early afternoon, but look for some important posts...

...to be continued

Friday, February 24, 2017

Witches Unite to Cast ‘Binding Spell’ on Trump and Followers

Okay, this is the last story I'm posting about these 'witches,' who'll be casting spells against President Trump tonight at midnight. Just remember my 'witchy' friends, what you put out, comes back to you. You should know this already! 


Thank you my readers!

I need to thank you- my readers! You guys are awesome! You don't see the 'numbers,' the behind the scenes inside baseball, as they say, but I do.

Over this past week alone, I have seen my numbers double and even triple in views, but also in it's reach. I literally have readers- "globally," and to see that is truly humbling.

All these numbers, and I don't spend as much time as I'd like to post here! I can only imagine how big the numbers would be if I did in fact post on this blog all day long, which I easily could, were I to dedicate myself to this alone. Seeing this numbers, it is tempting!

It wouldn't be about money or anything else, though it would take money for me to spend all my time devoted to this blog. As they say, "time is money." And I'm not one who's looking for money, or fame or anything. I just love reporting on stories, and getting out the truth. Were I to perhaps place ads on here and generate enough money (which I know I could), I definitely could make a comfortable living do what I love to do- write!

For some reason I have been 'blessed' with the ability to get the attention, get the ear of mainstream media journalists. I won't drop names, but trust me, I've had contact with some of the biggest names out there in not only the media, but also in politics. I do come from a family of  'journalists' and 'writers,' so maybe it's in the genes? My grandfather, who had little education, was a poet, and actually wrote some things which were 'published in the NYC school system.' And I do have another relative who worked as a writer for a major America newspaper I'll leave nameless, and I had another uncle who worked as a 'camera man' for WGN news in Chicago, and another of the "Big 3" news outlets, I won't name. I only name WGN because they're out of Chicago, my city of birth which I am so proud to have been born.

 I even lived within blocks of WGN on the north-side of Chicago, the old stomping grounds of the infamous "Moran gang," who fought against Al Capone back in the days of 'prohibition.'

So, a huge thank you to all the people wherever you are all across planet earth! I see your countries, and the interest...it's awesome, inspiring and I'm very humbled. Thank you!

Iraqi Christians Raise Giant Cross on Land Liberated from Islamic State

This is an awesome story! The triumph of Christianity over Islamic radicals! Love seeing that picture of the Cross which had been removed by these Islamic radicals.

You would never have seen that picture, never heard this story were it not for Donald Trump having won the presidential election! Obama who couldn't even bring himself to say, "Islamic terror" was an appeaser, and by and large enabled these extremists to have their way throughout the middle east, and into Europe.

While most presidents who leave office go into retirement, and do not interfere with their successor, not even speaking of them, this will not be the case with Obama. He will be working actively (being the community organizer he was, so they say) to do whatever he can to 'sabotage' Trump at every turn. He'll try anyway. He was a complete failure as a president.

Witches around the world plot mass spell against Trump

I just can't get enough of this crazy story. The idea of a bunch of witches gathering to cast a spell to 'bind' the president. This is the gift that just keeps on giving. And as I look at my numbers, apparently others find this interesting as well.

This story (version) is from the New York Post. NYC, land of "Santeria," and various styles of pagan religions. I lived in NYC back in the 1980's when I was heavily involved in the occult, and I'll never forget all the people, places and things I saw and did.

I loved taking trips to the Village and just taking in the sights and sounds. You would see 'witches walking around in full garb!' Reminded me of what Salem, MA would look like. There were 2 special 'magical bookstores' I would visit often. One was 'white magic,' (east side) and there was another one on the lower West side which was 'black magick,' The Magickal Child. I've heard it's no longer in business, but I'd met the owner who was a big name in the occult, Herman Slater. He personally would work the check out line. He's since passed away.

And I can't say enough how different the feeling was in both stores. I'll never forget the first and last time I walked into the Magickal Child, which was the 'dark' store. You'd immediately feel the dark energy. This stuff is real! Then I found the other store (white magic), and asked them about the Magickal Child, to which they replied, "yes they're into very dark, black magick." Years later I learned the Son of Sam (famous 'lone wolf' shooter) who had NYC in fear as he'd come out at night and target young couples, especially women. He (who by the way, was NOT a 'lone gun man') and some other big names were customer at the Magickal Child.

I don't agree with these people, but hey I'd rather see them do something like this than rioting and bullying people on the street. I've known a lot of witches and satanists during my life, and for some reason I am like a 'magnet' to them. Just as I am in the 'spirit world.' Long story. Let's just say I grew up in a really, really haunted house as a child, and the paranormal has been a part of me ever since.

So while I don't agree with this, politically (and I'm sure just as many, if  not more witches don't agree either), I do have a special place in my heart for all these people. I know where they're coming from, but I no longer am a practitioner of those things. Do I have an interest in these things? I always will. In some way it is a part of who I am. Yet I believe in the Bible. Go figure. Life is strange.

Double, double, Donald's in trouble: Witches including Lana Del Rey will gather at midnight to cast a spell on President Trump AND his supporters in hopes of banishing him from office

Update on 'witches spell' (stunt) tonight...will be sharing my thoughts on this

...to be continued.

PS, yes this witch is 'beautiful!' Full disclosure... (have always had a soft spot for beautiful witches)

                                                'Gorgeous witch'

Some Chicago gangs turning to rifles for added firepower, police say

I'll be covering this story, about Chicago (this hits home, as a Chicago native); yet the record needs to be set straight, because I've had it with the media (fake news) making it seem as though Chicago is so "scary." Fake news!

...this and other stories coming soon


'Human Ken Doll' Rodrigo Alves is set to enter the record books after undergoing his 51st cosmetic surgery to get 'baby skin' (as he insists he's NOT addicted)

Here is pure propaganda. This article is presented in a laid back manner making it seem as though the 'issue is addiction to plastic surgery.' No. This is yet more social-engineering about accepting "transgenders."

Look, if you think you're something other than you're not, I could care less. Just as I could care less what your 'sexual preference' is, or who you sleep with. That's your business, your problem.

But when you are shoving this crap/garbage and making 'seem' (it's not) as though this is the new norm, that's a lie. It's propaganda, it's Bullsh*t! Sick of it!

Be who you are, be proud, if you want. Just don't make it as though I 'have to accept you.' You have your right, I have mine.

In a time when "bathrooms" are becoming the headlines as though that's the most important news of the day, nothing could be further from the truth. And no, I don't want 'men' walking into a bathroom with my daughter in there!!! These 'transgender bathroom,' are a set-up to allow paedophilia acceptable. Bottom line. Those people are the 'scum' of the earth.

Anyone who thinks it's okay to have sex with a child is SICK! As usual, I could go into this social-engineering deeply, understanding what is at stake, but frankly, there are bigger fish to fry.


'Freak of Nature' 


Namaste, Satan: Metal yoga class set inside Satanic Temple in Salem, Mass.

Short and sweet post here. So now Satanism is in Salem, MA? For years witches have been working to ensure they are not 'associated' or looked upon as being 'satanists.'

Now a Satanic group has moved in to Salem, and trust me, it'll only get bigger. Are witches going to speak out?

They won't.

I don't care what 'witches' say, both paths travel the same road. Sounds like a 'cryptic' statement, but I call it like it is, especially having been involved in both!

So next time a 'witch' tells you they're not satanists, and go out of their way to hammer the idea they're 'separate,' point them to Salem, MA.

A lot of people are not going to like this post- ask me if I care?!

Having been around enough Satanists and witches, I can tell you - they are some of THE most narcissistic people you will ever meet! Add to that now "hypocritical."

And hey, I don't speak well of most 'Christians' either. Anyone who reads this blog knows I come down on Christians (so-called) as well. Hypocrisy is hypocrisy no matter what you worship, or what religion you follow.

Speaking of 'organized religion,' don't like it. Never have- never will. And many Christians don't even 'get it.' You can be a Christian and not belong to any church! Matter of fact, knowing the bible as well as I do, knowing how much churches have been 'infiltrated' with false doctrine, I tell all Christians- leave your church (unless they're telling it like it is, and that includes understanding current events), it also includes a knowledge of the 'New World Order.'

I could say a hell of a lot more, but I don't want to preach to the choir. We've got enough people doing that (and not doing very well.

                                               "Hail Hypocrisy"


Thursday, February 23, 2017

Witches target Trump with mass occult ritual


Witches plan 'mass spell' against Trump to "bind" him from being effective until he is out of office.

Here is yet another perspective from a "conservative" point of view about the upcoming planned "mass spell" against Trump.

This article from WND.com is what I originally would have expected seeing the headline about this 'mass spell' being performed to "bind" president Trump "until he leaves office." The article from Elle, a totally 'secular' organization seems to make light of what as I hinted to in my last post is something to be of concern about, but not so for Christians.

There are several issues here. First off, the intent of these witches or anyone who participates in this 'mass spell' to bind Trump are ridiculous because they want him to be 'ineffective and fail.' Okay, so what about national security? What about bringing back prosperity, jobs and lower taxes? Do these people want Trump to fail at this?

I don't think so. It would seem as though many, if not most are simply anti-Trumpers who are ideologues, democratic hacks, or just flat out stupid. Look, I didn't like Obama, yet wished him success with at least the things I agreed with him on (which wasn't much). So, whatever your thoughts about Trump who is a "lightening rod," the man is not perfect, nobody is- I get it. But the vitriol that has entered the political and social fabric of society by and large have gotten out of hand in America, as well as western Europe.

But who is the 'real enemy?' Trump, or the powers that be who have inhabited the swamp that literally makes up Washington D.C?

With all the "fake news" which incidentally all began with the mainstream media consistently in the corner of Hilary Rodham Clinton, to the point television shows and political pundits all assumed she would win, have helped fuel all this anti-Trump fervor sweeping through America. Add to this the fact that Washington has been inhabited by many who have 'sold-out' to corporations, and the Utopian idea of "globalism," and all the debauchery and you have a huge recipe and group of people who quite frankly are in fear.

Donald J Trump is not the 'bogeyman.' I myself have been skeptical about the man. Much of him (externally) seems too perfect, wife, kids, lifestyle. From a biblical point of view, which has been missed by even Christian leaders, I can make a point that Trump is the pre-lude to the Antichrist! But, until I see concrete evidence, I will continue to support the man. Once he crosses that line, or does anything contrary to what he campaigned on, I will be the first to let him have it, as I have or would with any president. But to just have all this negativity and flat out hatred of the man who only wants to restore America and make America first again, is just insane who people are acting, and what they're resorting to.

That is the reason why in the last post I went 'easy' on this story about a bunch of witches calling for a mass spell being cast upon Trump. You have to always consider the source. The story itself, which is linked here, takes such a drastically different point of view than the WND article, again linked here.

Why is this? In a word: worldview. Secular, vs traditional Christian viewpoint. I'd even say, print out both stories, place them side by side, and you'll have a micro-view of the bigger picture. Secular vs Christian (or religious). And that is really the crux of the problem. The nation is divided. I think we all know that. But, it's getting so divided that I can literally see another 'civil war' hit this land, if cooler heads do not prevail. Say what you want about Trump (love him, or hate him), I couldn't stand Obama, or his agenda. I felt it was 1-- percent un-American and was about to destroy America. Were Obama not limited by the Constitution, being able to serve only 2 terms (albeit 2 terms too many), America would be gone.

Trump is simply attempting to repair the damage Obama, and even Bush did. Yes, I'm non-partisan. I blamed Bush and his father for a lot. I'm fair, and give credit where credit is due, unlike those in the media who have an agenda, and they must drive that agenda, or lose their job, or whatever. I'm driven solely by love of country, America. I'm driven by truth, not lies, not this artificial 2 party-system, known as republicans vs democrats. That's a game. It's an invented game made this way by the very people who are both within and without this countries borders and who are promoting "globalism," which is communism for the 21st century!

I am well steeped in both politics (nationally and geo-politically) and also in religion, be it Christianity or the occult, satanism, Islam, you name it. Psychology also fascinates me. I love to observe people. Understand what makes a person tick. What drives a person. Why are some 'failures' (by world standards) vs those who thrive and prosper. Life is fascinating. I suppose this is why I had no choice but to leave the occult. Especially black magick, and return to my Christian roots, though I am far from being a saint. Nor do I care to be.

But (as usual) I digress. Been around too many professors I guess.

If you were expecting a 'real story' about spells and witches, the WND story was much more what you'd expect. Why? The source. The people at Elle obviously wrote their version from a secular worldview, as opposed to WND which comes from a Christian worldview. The differences couldn't be greater.

While Elle makes light of what is going to happen, WND expresses a more realistic perspective. Why? Unless you understand the Bible, and this has absolutely nothing to do with religion, you'd have at best a skewed vision of the world. You'd write a 'puff piece' on this spell event. Like I stated in my last post, this can and is much darker and sinister in the real world. Good exists. The devil exists.

And while I don't like WND or agree with them on many issues, their covering of this story, which isn't as simple, and kumba-ya as the version from Elle, WND did hit some important notes.

From WND piece,

"Exorcists, witches and occultists “in a number of magical groups” are announcing plans for a ritual designed to “bind Donald Trump and all who abet him.”

And all who "abet him." So, I suppose I'm included, and possibly you the reader? Now is that as trivial as the Elle story? Not at all.  WND also (though not wise, not wise) actually spells out the ritual items, which I do NOT agree with. But, these are the same people who brought you the 'fantasy' about the "4 Blood Moons." This is why I no longer read WND. I dropped them like a hot potatoe years ago. I only reference them because (to their credit) they're at least addressing the issue. Where are other Christians?

Right now America is so divided by the mainstream media (MSM) which is where most people get their news, although recent polling shows only approximately 6 percent believe the media! In the age of the Internet this is what has driven the "alternative media," which actually gave a much more realistic version and reporting (coverage) of the entire 2016 presidential race. The media was so in the tank for Hilary, they missed one thing: facts. Facts  matter! So while the MSM was putting out fake polling numbers, alternative media were giving out real polling numbers. And the MSM still doesn't get it, now branding alternative media as being "alt-right" and somehow tie it in with "white supremacy." Huh? I haven't seen any of this!

But the MSM got it wrong. The few that believed the media are now all freaked out, and even believing a total conspiracy (the very thing they blame alternative media as being). So, just about everything is now in reverse. Whatever MSM tells you, believe the opposite!

Elections have consequences! The fact the media was dead wrong about the election being a "landslide victory" for Hilary, they now stand (all of them) with egg on their faces and look utterly ridiculous. And rather than stating the obvious, how they screwed up and lost total credibility all due to personal agenda nd greed, among other things. they now 'double-down,' in their personal attacks against Trump, and (as these witches) all "who abet him." It would not surprise me to know many in the media are into the occult.

Here's the bottom line. This is what separates the occult from Christianity and also a secular worldview. While those in the occult attempt to manipulate things, those in Christianity pray for things- Not for themselves per se, because God will not honor such requests, but if it be "God's will," it will be done. God's will is not for Trump and those who "abetted him" to fail! God's will would be that Trump would lead America out of corruption. If that was all Trump accomplished, he would go down as the greatest president ever. But, that will not happen. Why? Bible prophecy

This is what has indeed troubled me about Trump. Knowing about his upbringing. The fact he attended Jesuit schools. His father was a "Knights of Malta" (secret society) of which I oppose them ALL! JFK did as well. And who knows? Just as JFK who came from a well established prestigious family, but turned against and went against their agenda, which has never changed, it's always been a new world order, for that reason (going up against those plans), for not following his adviser's plans to orchestrate a "false flag attack" upon American citizens known (declassified) as the "Operation Northwoods," check it out! For that and more, JFK was assassinated. This plan basically became operational and the pre-text for September 11, 2001, and unlike JFK (democrat) who stood up to the elites, George W. Bush did not, turned a blind eye, and allowed it to happen, along with the other GOP Rhino, elite republicans, which incidentally are the very same who are today the "Never Trump" from the GOP. Yet, Trump has withstood them.

In closing, I'd like to say to all these 'witches,' real and otherwise, don't cast any spells on Trump! In your own leaders words, they want him to "fail." Well, do you want Trump to "fail" in securing our borders? lowering your taxes? making healthcare affordable? creating more jobs? so and and so forth? Think about it! See, as witches you should know more than most, what you put out, you attract! Am I correct, or am I correct? See I know. I was one of you! Oh witches don't put 'hexes' on people because it'll return to them seven-fold! Then why put a spell for Trump to fail?

Putting out the intent to 'bind' Trump causing him to fail, will only come back to you seven-fold and cause you to fail!

Are You Going To Cast A Spell On Trump?

So reads this headline from Elle magazine. Looks like a 'tabloid' headline. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your perspective) these things 'can' work. Trump's only security from this would be his faith in God. Trump has expressed his belief in God, whether it's sincere only time will tell (or the 'effectiveness' of this spell).

Though many who read the article from Elle may scoff at the idea, Witchcraft can indeed be taken very seriously, and anyone who is not of the Christian faith is definitely at risk for the intent of this or any spell cast against them. Having been personally involved into the occult and the practice of Magick, I can attest to its effectiveness. I no longer practice these things. Having been into very dark, black magick, I've seen and been through enough.

I had been involved in "white magick," and practiced 'new age practises,' for some years as well after having left the 'dark side,' only to realize there isn't much of a difference. Both, are involving manipulating people or events generally for selfish reasons. I do not condone anyone who practises these things, only wish them well hoping they fully understand what they're playing around with. Magick and religion are two subjects which have deeply affected my life, so I do have much to say about this subject from a perspective most would not understand.

Donald Trump was elected with the help of a great number of Christians from various denominations in general. And many here in the US may have seen or remember any number of pictures or videos of him personally meeting with many big name Christian leaders from various communities. While I do consider myself a Christian, I am not your 'typical Christian,' as I have been on both sides of the fence, which gave me a skewed angle, or perspective on all of this.

I can definitely understand why people would want to 'cast a spell,' and if so, hey better that than rioting and destroying property or people.

We here in America, but also throughout the west are deeply in the middle right now of a 'strong' spiritual warfare (see Ephesians chapter 6, Bible), and while this 'mass spell' may seem like a harmless course of action, believe me there are people right now who are working extremely "black magick rituals" against President Trump, including Hilary Clinton and her minions I'm sure. It was reported by a close Clinton insider that Hilary herself had joined a "witch's coven" in L.A. as far back as when husband Bill was governor of the state of Arkansas.

While I see this move as 'harmless,' intention is very real and powerful. But, it is the "black magick" that is what is what must be taken very seriously and dealt with. Having said that, it is not for any person to ever 'dwell' on the notion, whether true or not that a 'spell' may have been put on you. Much of the success of "Voodoo victims" have depended on their belief they were hexed, according to many studies by psychologists. While I take psychology and organized religion with a grain of salt (even a committed Christian does not need 'organized' religion for anything), psychology has quite a bit of a "spiritualist" foundation.

Bottom line, this much ado about nothing.

I hardly think Trump would be worried about this even if he was aware of it. But, (and my reason for posting this) is this is in interesting topic overall, and it goes to show where society is at this state in human affairs. But, yes magick is very real. It does work. But a Christian need not worry about it being effective against them. Were Trump not a Christian (whether he truly is?), the mere fact Christians who read this and pray on his behalf is much greater than any spell placed upon him by any number of people.

At this moment, Trump's worst enemies (what he truly needs to be concerned with) are political opponents, including those within his own party! Also the media is of more concern to him than any "spell casting."


If anyone is stupid enough to think Obama is going to quietly live out his life as other former US presidents have, think again. This man (use word loosely) came into power with a shady background to begin with. This man was a "community organizer," and friends with Bill Ayers, a person who blew up buildings and killed people, yet now works as a professor in a Chicago university teaching others "leftists" how to be good little "communists." That's Obama and his friends.

Yet the media fawned all over him. They gave him a "honeymoon" (more than that). This man should never have been president of the US or any country. He should not be 'dog catcher' of any town. This man 'hates America' and all it stands for, and it showed quite obviously as he played the role of president. Hence, the rise of Trump who loves America. Yet Trump has not received any of the respect, or even a "honeymoon" as  is customary of any new president.

As the story reports, Obama will be living and working with a group of 'radicals' who will be doing everything within their power to undermine the efforts of our new president. Obama is a subversive 'shadow government' agent who will continue to work against America. This man is a traitor, and as Trump was getting ready to take his role as president, Obama was already undermining Trump. Sally Yates, first person to be fired by President Trump was the first casualty. But the damage she did cost one of Trump's appointments their job.

Trump had hinted at going after Hilary Clinton for her alleged crimes. He needs to do the same with this freak of nature, Obama (or whatever his real name is). Obama came from a family of CIA. And he was groomed by the 'dark side' of the CIA. This creep will never stop attempting to undermine, not only Trump but America. He needs to be watched very closely.

Pope Francis: ‘Muslim Terrorism Does Not Exist’

No this headline is not 'fake news,' it's a fact. Pope Francis stated out of his own mouth, "Muslim terrorism does not exist." Liar! I am not a Catholic. Speaking of 'lies,' who is the father of lies? Satan!

Pope Francis is also the 'first Jesuit' to be elected as pope in the history of the Catholic church. Anyone who knows anything about Jesuits know this group was created as an "intelligence gathering" wing of the church. It has a nefarious past, and continues to. I've read about the Jesuits, and they make the CIA, MI6, and the Mossad look like 'child's play.' Subversion is their game.

This pope has attempted to unite "protestants and catholics." That's called Ecumenicism. It's unbiblical, and un-Godly. But this pope is un-Godly. No Islamic terrorism? This man has an agenda, and it's not in your best interest, as are any of the 'globalists' who are working to create a 'New World Order.'

If you are a Catholic, it's time to either confront this pope, or leave the church. Anyone who espouses globalism is a person who knowingly or unknowingly is for themselves, in most cases has sold out, and cares nothing about you.

Pope Francis, you are a liar! Were you not a "Jesuit," I'd say you're in a state of denial, but because you are a "Jesuit," you know exactly what you're doing. Shame on you, shame on you! You're a disgrace to your religion, and a disgrace to Christianity (which you do not represent) in general. Resign.

America Under Attack From Leftists

With the unexpected election win of Donald J Trump, there has been an ongoing attempt to undermine the results of the election, and now the media is attempting to undermine the president of the United States.

America is being subverted from 'within.' I've written about this long ago. It is happening, has been happening throughout the presidential race Hilary Clinton v Donald Trump. Hilary was supposed to have won (if you believe the mainstream media); Television shows were already put into production, "Madam President," and "Homeland."

Unfortunately for the satanic left who were also exposed via strange emails put forth through Wikileaks, some very nasty things were exposed about some high level democrats, reaching up the democratic nominee herself, Hilary Clinton. Things happened behind the scenes (recall Trump coming out about 2 am announcing, 'sorry for the delay, things have been tricky.').

According to the "deep state." a soft 'counter' coupe was underway for some time after the exposure of the hacked emails of Hilary Clinton, her assistant Huma Abedin, and other high level democrats. This is where things take a nasty, dark and satanic turn - no way to sugar coat what was exposed in those emails. The rabbit hole runes extremely deep due to nature of high level political operatives.

Due to the loss of a democratic nominee whom the media was totally behind, using 'fake polls' throughout the election season, while the candidate herself Hilary Clinton basically sat on her behind, having fainting spells, and charges of 'sexual deviancy' involving people close to her, nothing short of an act of God, or the "deep state" could overthrow this woman, and her demonic machine.

There was a lot more to what transpired the very night of the election, let alone the entire presidential process this past season. Obama had basically been installed as president, "rigged elections," are now an open fact. And Hilary was supposed to have become president by the powers that be. Unfortunately for them, a 'counter soft coupe' occurred derailing their efforts.

The mainstream media is in a state of denial over the loss of the beloved candidate whom was expected to win. Ever since then, attempts have been made to destroy, derail, and just take down newly elected president Trump. Charges of "Russian agent," etc, are extremely false and cannot nor ever will be proven.

What has already been proven, is the democratic party has been hijacked the the far left, people who want 'sharia law' within America, no borders, illegals allowed into this country (despite the possibility of some being terrorists, or criminals), and it goes on and on. What is happening is so disgusting, especially when you really understand what is going on behind the scenes, more so than many journalists (so-called).

Lastly (for now), the alternative media was a big part of why Trump won the election. Yet the media and the zombies who still 'believe' the media are out to crucify a new president who by all purposes is attempting to "make America great" as promised. He is literally going directly up against the 'democratic progressives' who are out to destroy America with the help of people such as George Soros, and his various nefarious organizations and minions.

This is very deep. And things can easily turn ugly - real fast. Is a 'civil war' far behind? Trump has his work cut out for him. Not only does he have to run this country, he needs to 'clean house' from a underground 'shadow government' which was embedded by former president Obama.

Candidate Trump said he would have Hilary Clinton 'indicted.' He didn't go into detail (though some know he knows, and its ugly). Well, Hilary and Obama played as though they would go away quietly, but they've not kept their word. These people (Clinton and Obama) are agents working for sources that are 100 percent against the will and purpose of the United States. These two people need to be held accountable, and charges need to be brought up for nothing short of "treason."

...to be continued

Fox News Channel's Alan Colmes Dies at Age 66

Wow, 2 Fox News reporters dead within the past 2 day! Yesterday, "Brenda Buttner" passed away at 55 yrs of age, today Alan Colmes: dead at age 66. 

It's a loss to lose one reporter, but 2 and in 2 days, both from Fox News. Strange. Both were said to have been 'suffering an illness.' But in this day and age, who really knows. Media here in America has an approval rating of 6 percent, last time I checked, which was just slightly below that of Congress at 9 percent.

We are living in strange times....

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Local Jesus statue decapitated twice in two weeks

Imagine were this a "mosque" that was attacked? Doesn't matter where in the world it happened, the reaction would be "riot, riot, riot!" Yet not the case here. What's the difference?


I have read both the Quaran (Koran) and the Bible. I have studied both religions, Islam especially after the attack upon American soil back on Sept 11th 2001. And ever since, I continue to read about Islam and try to understand why is it they go insane in their reaction to what they perceive to be anything remotely appearing as "anti-Islamic."

You cannot make sense of it! It's insanity!

But, those who have taken the time to study the two religions will see a stark contrast between them. Even if you read their "hadiths," more sacred writings to the Muslims, you will see a pattern. This pattern is "conquer." It's how the religion was spread. While many will quickly say, Christianity did the same...

Wrong. The "Catholic church" did similar barbarous acts (during the middle ages)- not "Protestants" (group of Christians who walked away from the Catholic church). While Christianity teaches to forgive, Islam teaches to "murder and kill" in the name of Allah.

And let me say to many pastors (so-called) who make the assertion that Islam, Judaism and Christians all worship the same God...that is a lie! It couldn't be further from the truth! "Allah" (god of Islam) comes from a pagan moon god, and is entirely separate from the God of the Jews and Christians. Those who attend churches (I don't, they're heavily infiltrated and corrupt!) approach your "pastor," and ask them whether they believe Allah is the same 'god,' he worships! If he says it is- leave!

This piece is not an attack upon Islam, but a stark distinction between the "religion of peace," versus Christianity and how Christians respond to violent attacks upon their beliefs. I strongly support everyones right to worship as they please, let's get that straight! I don't want a Muslim putting a "fatwa" on my head, but try if you'd like. I am immune from political correctness.

My intent also was a strong message to 'fake (or ignorant Christian) pastors' claiming inaccurately that the 3 main world's religions all worship the same God, because that is untrue.

France's Le Pen cancels meet with Lebanon grand mufti over headscarf

France's candidate for prime minister 'cancels' meeting due to headscarf! I love it! Le Pen refused to wear a head-scarf to meet with a Lebanese leader. Is it any wonder this lady is leading the polls, and can help propel France back to it's sovereignty and break away from the yoke (noose) that is the EU and all the imposed (forced) failed immigration policy?

I think not!

Liberty, freedom, self-determination and sovereignty is making a come-back, and "globalists" are in a panic all across the western nations. It all began with the British "BREXIT" and with their departure (being stalled, sound familiar my American readers?) the wave of freedom and liberty have set sail across the Atlantic and spilled over into America.

While America has always been a "free nation," Obama and other would be dictators had been attempting to connect America with "globalism" which runs contrary to our founding. America has and always will be a "free nation," unless apathy becomes the norm. Now, it's France's turn!

As a liberty loving American, I have a message for Le Pen- "WIN!"

I know I have had a fairly regular amount of readers from France, and we here in America have seen all the destruction caused by the EU and it's forced immigration policy. It's time to take those shackles off, don't believe the media, I'm quite sure they're as bad as they are here (owned by same 'globalist scum'), and don't fear what the naysayers ie politicians will say.

The British were told, BREXIT wouldn't work; American's were told consistently that Donald J Trump would not as much as win the primary, let alone the presidency.

The media lied, got it wrong and now have egg on their face! Vive le France!

Freedom is on the march, globalism is getting its "butt" kicked! Stand strong France. America is with you and Le Pen!!! I have European blood running through my veins, Spanish, French and Italian. So I have a big heart for the people of Europe, though I am American.

Woman, 76, Who Beat Boyfriend, 63, to Death With Bat Was Tired of Loving Him, Police Say

Even the news reporter seems baffled about this murder story. He obviously doesn't know or read his bible. It's not a difficult thing to understand in the world we currently live in.

" And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold." (Matthew 24:12); KJV. 

These types of stories unfortunately are only the beginning....

1984 Coming To a Theater Near You!

The movie which should have been shown while Obama was dictator, I mean president is now going to be shown 'in protest' against Donald Trump! You're eyes are not deceiving you, nor is this a joke.

I've written on this blog how I believe liberalism is a "mental disorder," and this just confirms this all the more. How do these people equate Trump with the movie "1984" is beyond me, but of course due to liberalism there is a "false reality."

Nobody who is seeing this movie 'in protest' to Trump realizes how much damage Obama has done to America! Trump is very much correct in stating he "inherited a mess!" I'm sure that is an understatement being he has an 'inside view' due to security intelligence reports.

But, I see this "protest" as something that could actually back-fire, and possibly 'wake up' some of these liberals. This could be a "come to Jesus" moment for some, should they realize how deceitful the media they listen to has lied to them. I'm being overly optimistic though.

TSA allows Kennedy Airport passengers to walk through security checkpoint without being screened

"Fake news?"  I find this story hard to believe. Then look at the 'video.' It's a freaking cartoon! Is this to 'embarrass Trump?'

I saw 'no sources,' nothing! Other than the 'headline,' which serves to make Trump look foolish. There is no way Trump would knowingly allow this to happen. But, Obama did! Look at the scores of people who 'flooded into America' especially during his last days in office.

See my last post about Trump having a "leaker" right in his own cabinet. But, this only ties in with Obama and his cronies, many of which are still in their governmental positions. Those people need to go! 

Main steam media, is indeed the "enemy of America" as Trump correctly stated. Look at their 'funding!' Anyone who investigates crimes, knows the old adage, "follow the money!" It's not a difficult thing to understand 'why' the media has an agenda! Unfortunately so many in America, and throughout the west by in large are still 'asleep.' Some knowingly, others unknowingly. How so?

Americans have been so 'dumbed down' by universities, the media, and even the food and water we eat and drink. Look that up. I have researched that very statement for many years. It is no "conspiracy theory." This is a "conspiracy FACT!" Other people are just asleep out of nothing but pure 'apathy.' Well, the time has come to wake up! America's biggest enemies are not beyond our borders, they're here! America will not be taken down from 'without,' but from 'within!' 

Thankfully, there are still patriotic Americans and other nationalists in the west. Anyone who's read Albert Pike's writings (founder of the KKK, civil war general, and high ranking Freemason, who wrote their 'bible,' Morals and Dogma) has talked, written about "3 World Wars." WW3 is planned (back in the late 1800's) as being a war between Islam and the west. Fact!


Is President Trump being sabotaged by one of his own? I believe so. Priebus who is a known 'neo-con,' and part of the GOP slimy establishment, coming out of heavily progressive Wisconsin, any wonder Speaker of the House Paul Ryan is also another 'slimey' GOP establishment, neo-con.

Read up on the 'history of progressivism' and how it began in the state of Wisconsin. Being a native, life-long Illinois resident, I know Wisconsin well. While most of its residents are decent people, "progressives" via the University of Wisconsin have crept in and set up a small community of un-American scum. No way to 'sugar-coat' that.

So you've got Trump who ran against his own 'establishment GOP, neo-con scum-bags,' who are attempting to sabotage Trump from within. Thankfully Trump is aware of this. Though Trump is no "politician," (great thing) he is a winner, and knows the ways of the world. So, this is why the media is totally off base putting out false disinfo, and flat out "fake news."

Fox News "political giant" Chris Wallace of "Fox News Sunday," didn't even know what the "deep state" meant! If you saw this past Sunday's show, the term was brought up, and Wallace (2nd generation "journalist" - take with grain of salt), had to ask, "what is the deep state?" My jaw was hanging!

Yet these are the people America turns to for their news. What a joke!

Here's just one of any number of reports about Trump's "chief of staff," Priebus. PS, there's a lot of intel that Priebus was behind the 'dismissal' of NSA secretary Michael Flynn. Total scumbag. Would say more, but will leave it at that.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

The Muslim Face of the New Democratic Party

The "truth" can hurt! That's why so many live in denial. But the fact of the matter is the Left, aka the democratic party in the US, is now fast becoming the face of Islam! Fact! Needless to say, or let's not forget it's been the "religion of peace" which has lashed out, and even declared "war" upon America going back to the days of president Clinton, who did nothing!

This was the same president who had the intel and coordinates of Osama bin Laden, and did nothing! Instead (to make it 'look good') he bombed "pill factories," around the general area. And I can devote an entire post dedicated to how infiltrated the democratic party is, that if people in Washington had a 'backbone,' they'd have more than enough to indict several 'high level' democratic political operatives, and cohorts.

America is not only at war with Islam, but it is more sadly at war with the "leftist radicals" who've been indoctrinated, funded and trained by elements that are hostile to US interests. And that's putting it mildly!!

Any reader of this blog knows I am 100 percent pro-America! This is my country. My place of birth. The birth of my parents and grandparents, and so on. I am also fully aware of 'media indoctrination,' and how they attempt (actually have) controlled the narrative, with their political correctness coming out of the Tavistock Institute, and RIIA out of UK. I'm no 'dummy.' And because I know these things it makes my stomach turn to see how certain things (even by faux 'conservative' Fox News) who is infiltrated by and large with minor exceptions.

America first!!! I believe the American people have spoken and spoken loudly, and that is why Donald J Trump rather than Hilary (Chi-com) Clinton now sits in the Oval office. If you don't like the results- GROW UP AND DEAL WITH IT! I had to deal with 8 years of a failed Maoist, Muslim democratic administration, and did not take to the streets, and start fights with old women or old men! I did not cause havoc and "protest" destroying everything in my sights.

These idiots on the Left who've got nothing better to do with themselves, many of whom wouldn't know their ass from their heads need to get a life. Or maybe seek psychiatric help! So, here again is yet more information proving to people who can still think and reason, proving and showing what is going on, and what is at stake in America. Here is an article which shows what I have stated many times, Islam (that 'tolerant' fun-loving religion of peace, bullshit) is what is partially to blame for this nations woes. Those who sympathize with them ought to be ashamed of themselves for allowing their brains (if any) to be 'victimized' by social-engineering (look up that term, look up Tavistock Institute in UK), and grow a pair.

Here's the "Muslim face" of the Democratic party! 

Muslim meme (American woman wearing a 'hijab') propaganda don't buy it!

Rohrabacher Staffer, 71, Knocked Unconscious By Protestors Delivering Cards

This is the state of American politics and society. When you hear about these so-called "protesters," who are confirmed to be "paid agitators," by billionaire anti-American, socialist treasonous, venomous snake, you can't help but ask why isn't this a**hole charged with "treason," "sedition," you name it.

This Soros creep is a "war-criminal," a person who has stirred conflict and revolutions across the world, and goes on television bragging about what he's done. I have been aware of this scumbag for quite some time being a close follower of American politics, and geo-politics in general. This is a 90 year old 'anarchist,' who was a 'born loser.'

Soros, a Hungarian-Jewish immigrant helped turn over his own people, fellow Jews over to Hitler's concentration camps. Nice man, don't you think? Total loser not only in my eyes, but in most who know who this scum of the earth is and what he's done. There are currently laws on the books with more than enough to have this 'scum' put in prison, or before a firing squad (even that's too good), but from what I have heard, it's a matter of "political will." Well, if those in Washington do not have the 'will' to indict this pig for his crimes, we have a 'broken judicial system. People have been thrown into prisons, for having done nothing compared to the rotten acts this "crypto-Jew" has done.

Enough with this "pig!"

So now it's not just law-abiding American citizens who 'peacefully' protest who are now targets of Soros' "Nazi brown shirt" thugs," now it's congressional aides being attacked! Just when is enough, enough? How many people need to be beaten, including women (see "Woman's March), and even elderly have been targeted for exercising their right to "peacefully protest," an act covered and protected by our US Constitution.

Yet even the media doesn't get it. I can't tell you how many times I've seen "anarchists" throwing "Molotov cocktails" at even the police, and innocent citizens, busting windows, just causing pure 'unlawful carnage,' yet nothing is done. If you want to end this problem, you need to go to the 'source.' Simply locking up these "paid agitators," (and they have been paid by this pig) is not the solution. It's just a band-aide. In cases such as this, you need to lawfully, and legally go for the jugular which is George Soros, "scumbag of the earth."

To make matters worse, this scumbag "publicly funds," many politicians in D.C., mainly democrats, but some republicans as well. This is widely known, yet Fox News' Bill O'Reilly (still believes the official 9/11 government lie), covered a report, which I covered HERE about "fake news." His false narrative is that it was a fake report that several 'key' GOP leaders (people you see regularly on news shows) were given money by George Soros and his Open Borders Foundation (do yourself a favor, and check it out online). It is an incontrovertible fact, several key GOP leaders have indeed received campaign contributions from Soros. So much for O'Reilly's "pseudo-intellectualism." The man's another fool!

It is only a matter of time before one of these Soros thugs will attempt to 'attack' the wrong person, and god help them because in American we do have a 2nd amendment right. Not only that, but you never know if someone you decide to 'attack' may be a trained martial artist. This is a 'ticking timebomb,' just waiting for the fuse to be ignited. Will justice then be brought to bear upon this scum of the earth, also known as George Soros?

PS, Soros is now calling for a "cashless society" for his wet-dream of a utopian New World Order. Look it up! If you followed this past presidential election, you'll remember the chants of "lock her up," with respect to yet another crypto-Jew, Hilary Clinton. And no, do not for a second think I'm anti-semeitic. What I am is "anti" anyone who wants to hurt or destroy my country the United States of America. I do not buy into "political correctness," knowing its social-engineering developed by think-tanks, and various nefarious "black- op projects."

Here's the story from the headline

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Bill O'Reilly and His 'Fake News' Blunder

This past week Bill O'Reilly did a 'hit piece' on "fake news." While there is a problem with fake news, not all Internet news is "fake news," yet I don't think O'Reilly 'gets it!' He cited a story about a story I'm very familiar with, which had to do with George Soros (billionaire financier) primarily of the Left. 

When it comes to either "globalism," or the "truth" about 9/11, Bill O'Reilly is on the wrong side of history! This is a man who is either being 'muzzled,' from speaking the truth, or he is in a state of total 'blind denial.' While I do (for the most part) agree with O'Reilly, when he's wrong- he is dead wrong! 

An article was posted on both Infowars.com, as well as Breitbart.com which have spelled out, using charts, with graphs, citing sources which anyone can easily look up, and yes! it was shown 'clearly' that several GOP Congressman, Speaker of the House Ryan, Sens. McCain, and Graham (close buddy) and just about all the 2016 presidential candidates were given money by George Soros.

This is an undeniable fact!

Yet, O'Reilly who did this 'hit piece' report on "Fake News," with his long-time dinosaur former CBS guest, just didn't 'get it.' Had they have taken the time to have done the 'simplest' of journalistic work, they would both have seen that both Infowars.com, and Brietbart.com did indeed 'correctly' report that GOP Congressman had indeed been given money, as well as just about all the 2016 presidential GOP candidates, not to mention the obvious Democratic candidates. 

To make things worse, in the same segment, O'Reilly told his audience, and his guest, "don't believe what you read on the Internet." Really? Isn't he (O'Reilly online?); aren't Fox News online? as are all the major mainstream networks? Yes, all are online. 

O'Reilly in all fairness, whether knowingly, or unknowingly did cite that "fake news," is and will overcome the main-stream media, as it continues to grow. Dinosaur news, such as even Fox News who is turning more into CNN- lite, is losing as are all MSM networks to 'true' Internet news websites! Yet, O'Reilly in his haste, told his audience, "fake news will destroy real news." Ah, "real news" is destroying itself! This past 2016 presidential election was proof of this. 

I report, you decide! (sarcasm). 

The Technology Race to Build — or Stop — North Korea’s Nuclear Missiles

This is a problem I believe should be handled "forcefully" by China! Should America be found to be in the cross-hairs and stated as such by the dictator, then and only then should America be in the business of thwarting N. Korea and its usual, and predictable 'bad behavior.'

China is N. Korea's neighbor. China has a 'vested interest' in what goes on in its area of the world, not the USA. While I stand firmly with the National Security issues of the United States, N. Korea is a 'basket case.' They are a failed nation-state which cannot even feed its people, nor allow its electricity to light its own country at night! A simple Google map of this failed state will prove this.

The US ought to be keeping a close watch on N. Korea, but do not let it become a 'distraction,' from so many other pressing issues facing its own people at this time. Here's the link. 

Climate Change- HOAX!!

Here we are again! Yet more 'false numbers and data,' about "Climate change," or "Global warming," or whatever it is they want to call it- this time. Bottom line, this is all about "wealth distribution!"

It is any reason, former president Obama was all for this, as are almost all democrats. They too have been for "wealth distribution," because it's about socialism at best. In all fairness, many "republicans" have been behind this globalist 'fake science!'

Here's the link to this 'fake news' from those who want to enslave us with their globalist faux numbers in their attempt to prove we have a weather problem. Where I come from, it's called "weather!" But, also some of this 'bizarre weather,' has it's roots in "weather manipulation," which can be directly linked back to the "Vietnam war!" Even the History Channel has stated this information as being a "fact!"

So, here's the story. 

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Obama and Immigration

Just saw a interview on Fox News with a 'immigration expert,' Brian Claypool and this guy said "Obama did not appoint 40-50 immigration judges!" Talk about a disaster! But, I'm sure Obama knew and did this on purpose, to help 'flood' the US with 'undocumented illegals,' into America for a number of reasons.

First of all, we know many of 'illegals' did vote. And they voted 'democrat!' Being an election year, he was trying to help elect a democrat as president. A woman who would have been a 'nightmare' for America.

Secondly, many (if not most) of these illegals, it has been reported, were immediately brought into the country, and 'registered as democrats!' I hope this gets investigated because that is highly illegal. Taking it a step further, I wouldn't doubt it if some kind of charges could be brought up against former president (LOVE SAYING THAT) Obama, for many 'illegal and unconstitutional' things he did as president.

And lastly, there is a 'right way, and a wrong way' to enter the United States of America. I am NOT 'anti-immigration!' I am 'pro-immigration,' BUT, it must be done by the proper laws which are already on the books, and have been. There shouldn't be any 'speculation' or 'questioning' of our 'immigration policies,' whatsoever. IF Congress wants to 'rewrite the law,' that's their prerogative. That is within their 'duty' as legislators, but to just attempt as Obama did, to circumvent the laws, and allow this country to be 'flooded' with illegals is not only unlawful, but it's also immoral. It's brought loss of jobs to American citizens, and it's driven the wages down of many American jobs.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

No Joke: Al Franken for President?

When I saw this headline, I laughed harder than ever, even than at anytime this former comedian turned politician ever told a joke! Unfortunately, this is no joke! But then again- it really is! This is yet another example of just how 'out of touch,' the democratic party is, to even consider running a 'comedian,' for president! Should he run against President Trump, in 2020, I could see a landslide the likes of Ronald Reagan's! And it's no joke that many have already compared Trump to Reagan.

But, whatever. I say let the democratic party run a 'former' (many, including myself would say 'still' comedian) for the highest office in the land, and possibly the most powerful position in the world. Talk about a joke! But when you've got a party who basically ran a 'corpse,' for all practical purposes, and has 'leadership,' such as the likes of Nancy Pelosi, and now "Chucky" Schumer, you've basically already got a circus. May as well 'crown' them with a comedian. Al Franken, the 'far left liberal' senator from Minnesota, would make his greatest comedic performance, running for president of the United States.

Rahm Emanuel: Too many Dems care more about being right than winning

"Godfather" Chicago Mayor Rahm Immanuel tells Dems, take chill pill. This is the same Mayor who is running a city that has the 'highest murder rate' and shootings in the country! I don't think too many will listen to him, but I do agree, Dems do need to 'chill out!'

In Washington all the political "obstruction," is going to fail, and turn the people even more against them. As someone said, "elections have consequences." The "radical leftist violent protesters," really need to 'chill out.' They're causing so much violence, and untoward chaos, they're really asking for nothing short of 'martial law!' But, I'm sure President Trump will handle them in the right manner, using law enforcement, and the court system.

The media also needs to 'chill.' That would be the same 'fake news' media that helped incite most of what we're seeing right now, having made it appear as though Hilary Clinton had the presidency all locked up, showing 'fake polls' throughout the entire election cycle. Will they 'get it?' I wouldn't hold my breath on that from what I've seen thus far.

As a child I'll never forget having a 'vision,' (don't know what else to call it) of seeing the National Guard on the streets of America. I was only about  8 years old. Many in intelligence circles have also stated there is a good chance of a 'civil war' in America. And much (most, or all) is coming from "liberalism," which is just as destructive as almost any other weapon of 'mass destruction.' Of course this is all being orchestrated from the 'highest levels,' and has been planned for many, many years. That in itself is a post of its own. People such as George Soros need to be brought to justice for their actions which have been nothing short of the 'overthrow,' of America from within!

As did the Roman empire implode from within, so do I see this happening in America. 'White papers,' and many books have been written about this very topic. America needs to do more against those from 'within' whom seek this countries demise. To what end do they aspire? Nothing short of "communism," or "socialism," as they've been indoctrinated to know it as. These people do not understand what type of society that would be. They're playing with fire.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Is Liberalism a Mental Illness?

I am not the first, nor only person to ask just this question. A book was written using this very title several years ago by Michael Savage (radio personality) "Is Liberalism a Mental Illness?"  But if you follow 'politics,' and watch 'society' as I do, you can't help but ask this very question and wonder. Especially in light of new President Trump's stance on "refugees and immigration."

Former president Obama, listed the same exact countries and had them on a 'list' for a time. Former president Clinton (back in the 1990's) gave a 'speech' addressing Congress and stating almost ver batim the 'same words,' President Trump has stated, "consistently." Yet, there were no "protests," and life went along. It's also been a "tradition" in American politics to give the new president a "honeymoon period," for about the first few months to 'watch and see' what they're going to do, and how they're doing it. Not this time!

Disgustingly, in addition to Chicago (where I was born, and proud of it), not only are they considering giving the City "sanctuary status," but now I heard just tonight 2 more 'suburbs,' just outside Chicago 'city limits' are also considering putting in such measures on their town ordinances. And (as many may know) Chicago being a "gun free zone"), has an enormous amount of "gun shootings," which is surpassed BOTH New York City and Los Angeles! Again, having been born in Chicago, I am a 'proud native,' but not happy hearing this, or approving of "sanctuary cities," or "gun free zones."

First of all, "sanctuary cities," are un-American. Yes America is a "country of immigrants," but politicians, the justice system, and liberals have made a "mockery" of this idea. First of all, all "immigrants" who came to America (prior to recent times, as liberalism has infected America) immigrants, went through a "process," of coming here! They came primarily through Ellis Island (Statue of Liberty), and went through screenings, and were immunized, etc. That is no longer the case! I have literally heard of "illegals" (primarily from the southern border via Mexico) have been pouring into America with "communicable diseases!" Some of these diseases that were once "eradicated!" Yet "liberals" are bringing in people with these diseases!  By the way, a simple "Google search," will yield you "35 million results," for "immigrants and diseases!" Google is no friend to "conservatives!"

Secondly, Islam that "peace loving religion" has declared "war on America," ie 9/11! Even the "9/11 Findings"  (click that link, you just might be surprised!) reported this just "after 9/11!" Yet, new "liberal pro-Islam crowd" (who know absolutely nothing about Islam)! Believe me, after 9/11 (as I've stated many times on this blog), I have read many books, both pro and against Islam, many using it's own writings and teachings, and have already come to know Islam 'better' than I'm sure most of it's own followers do! Keep in mind, I've studied the Bible as well, and can easily make the same claim about "Christians!"

So America has a real problem. And that problem is "liberalism," which is nothing new! Liberalism, incidentally is yet another term that's been 'hijacked,' by the Left," as the "Rainbow flag," has been hijacked by those who practice "homosexuality," not that I stand against them, or judge them (to each their own, live and let live), just don't "impose" your "will" or "way of living" upon me, because now I have a legitimate gripe with you! All this "political correctness," "emasculation of American males," "attacks against Christianity," and now "Jews," (always been a scapegoat), and if you dare "speak out," you're called a "racist, homophobic, xenophobe," etc, etc.

So just where has "tolerance gone?" The "Left" claim to be tolerant, but that's as laughable as saying "Islam is a religion of peace," when they go and riot over a "cartoon," ("free speech") is drawn about Muhammad!" But, I digress.

"Liberalism" the hijacked word, once stood for people who lived primarily by the credo of "live and let live," "to each their own." So even the name is as un-original, and destructive as those who adhere to its values, unless you live as a "true liberal," which generally existed in its true form prior to the 20th Century.  Former president Theodore Roosevelt was one of the first persons to have formed the "progressive party" within the United States. So the "roots" of this "mental illness" began to germinate and spread throughout the US from around that period, the early 1900's.

While it is true the "true roots" of liberalism go back even further, Karl Marx (who was a "Satanist") and others have used variant "strains" of this "mental illness" since at least the 18th Century, ie the "French Revolution." But now we're talking more about straight flat out "evil."

So, if you look at the acts of much of "liberalism," you will find "evil" intertwined intricately, and even with subtlety. But of course, Saul Alinsky dedicated his book, "Rules for Radicals" to Lucifer himself!  And it is a "fact" that Hilary Clinton was a "big fan" of Alinsky, even doing her college thesis about Alinsky. So it's safe to say there is a definite affinity by Hilary Clinton towards "Lucifer." And look closely into the women's political career, and it's just a mess. That's a post of it's own.

As for the problem with America? It's of a "spiritual nature!" Most do not understand this, nor will they ever understand, or worse yet, ever care to understand. Here's one quote from the Bible that underscores our true 'battle,' and whether you believe the Bible, or not it's irrelevant! These words speak for themselves...

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places" -Ephesians 6:12

While this is not only a problem in America, I write as a 'concerned citizen,' who is literally seeing the carnage of 'evil,' also known as "liberalism" rearing its very ugly head, and all the more at the very beginning of a new presidential administration; the Presidency of Donald Trump. While I know his background, and have been 'skeptical' myself (at times), one thing everyone ought to do is "give this man a chance!" Where is his "honeymoon," mainstream media? 

PS, there are many problems that lie at the 'core' of this country (United States), but I'd be remiss if I didn't declare in all boldness, that "Freemasonry" is just one of the overall under girding 'problems' we have not only here in America, but it in itself is yet another "major problem," globally! And were a PhD granted on the subject of the "Occult," I'd surely have one, for I have studied the "Occult," having even once upon a time being a "practitioner" for several years myself. So, trust me, I have been literally on "both sides of the fence!" And with that, I'll leave you with these words...

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour" -1 Peter 5:8
PSS, I don't tend to be a "preachy" type of person, nor do I cram the Bible down anyone's throats, I merely used to biblical quotes because the "truth" is the truth.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Judge tells 'Junkman' to clean up or go to jail

No 'love' for 21st century "Sanford and Son." Millennials probably shaking their heads- wondering, lol.

Click me.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

BREAKING (UPDATED): "Breitbart Editor Being Protested at Berkeley"

Fox News Alerts presents..."Protests at Berkeley." WRONG! These are NOT "protests," +Fox News , these are called "RIOTS," lets get it right! This is your "radical left," which more and more has become the "democratic party," which has been infiltrated by the likes of "George Soros," et al; (has various minions and affiliated groups), Media Matters, CAIR (Islamic propaganda), and people partial to Islam ("religion of peace," NOT). PS, I can easily 'prove,' Islam is NOT a "religion of peace," as our government, and the media has FALSELY been reporting to the American people ever since 9/11!

Due to 9/11, I have read "countless books on Islam," (using its own words), and spent countless hours reading its Hadiths, etc. So I will in the future post a report exposing Islam's plan. And I'm about to 'drop the gloves,' with these "leftist anarchists," many pro-Muslim, NOT understanding ANYTHING about Islam or its teaching on "Dhimmis," etc, etc. These are 'uneducated students,' for the most part who've been lied to, and indoctrinated in colleges by disgusting people such as Bill Ayers, who should be behind bars in a maximum level prison, but I digress.

These 'idiot savants,' need to ALL be held accountable and have the full extent of the law thrown at them for their "rioting." I have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING AGAINST "protesting." Peaceful protests, are clearly covered under the US Constitution, but "rioting" has NO PLACE in a "civilized" civilization!!! It's time to get tough with these 'punks!'
