Thursday, February 23, 2017

Witches target Trump with mass occult ritual


Witches plan 'mass spell' against Trump to "bind" him from being effective until he is out of office.

Here is yet another perspective from a "conservative" point of view about the upcoming planned "mass spell" against Trump.

This article from is what I originally would have expected seeing the headline about this 'mass spell' being performed to "bind" president Trump "until he leaves office." The article from Elle, a totally 'secular' organization seems to make light of what as I hinted to in my last post is something to be of concern about, but not so for Christians.

There are several issues here. First off, the intent of these witches or anyone who participates in this 'mass spell' to bind Trump are ridiculous because they want him to be 'ineffective and fail.' Okay, so what about national security? What about bringing back prosperity, jobs and lower taxes? Do these people want Trump to fail at this?

I don't think so. It would seem as though many, if not most are simply anti-Trumpers who are ideologues, democratic hacks, or just flat out stupid. Look, I didn't like Obama, yet wished him success with at least the things I agreed with him on (which wasn't much). So, whatever your thoughts about Trump who is a "lightening rod," the man is not perfect, nobody is- I get it. But the vitriol that has entered the political and social fabric of society by and large have gotten out of hand in America, as well as western Europe.

But who is the 'real enemy?' Trump, or the powers that be who have inhabited the swamp that literally makes up Washington D.C?

With all the "fake news" which incidentally all began with the mainstream media consistently in the corner of Hilary Rodham Clinton, to the point television shows and political pundits all assumed she would win, have helped fuel all this anti-Trump fervor sweeping through America. Add to this the fact that Washington has been inhabited by many who have 'sold-out' to corporations, and the Utopian idea of "globalism," and all the debauchery and you have a huge recipe and group of people who quite frankly are in fear.

Donald J Trump is not the 'bogeyman.' I myself have been skeptical about the man. Much of him (externally) seems too perfect, wife, kids, lifestyle. From a biblical point of view, which has been missed by even Christian leaders, I can make a point that Trump is the pre-lude to the Antichrist! But, until I see concrete evidence, I will continue to support the man. Once he crosses that line, or does anything contrary to what he campaigned on, I will be the first to let him have it, as I have or would with any president. But to just have all this negativity and flat out hatred of the man who only wants to restore America and make America first again, is just insane who people are acting, and what they're resorting to.

That is the reason why in the last post I went 'easy' on this story about a bunch of witches calling for a mass spell being cast upon Trump. You have to always consider the source. The story itself, which is linked here, takes such a drastically different point of view than the WND article, again linked here.

Why is this? In a word: worldview. Secular, vs traditional Christian viewpoint. I'd even say, print out both stories, place them side by side, and you'll have a micro-view of the bigger picture. Secular vs Christian (or religious). And that is really the crux of the problem. The nation is divided. I think we all know that. But, it's getting so divided that I can literally see another 'civil war' hit this land, if cooler heads do not prevail. Say what you want about Trump (love him, or hate him), I couldn't stand Obama, or his agenda. I felt it was 1-- percent un-American and was about to destroy America. Were Obama not limited by the Constitution, being able to serve only 2 terms (albeit 2 terms too many), America would be gone.

Trump is simply attempting to repair the damage Obama, and even Bush did. Yes, I'm non-partisan. I blamed Bush and his father for a lot. I'm fair, and give credit where credit is due, unlike those in the media who have an agenda, and they must drive that agenda, or lose their job, or whatever. I'm driven solely by love of country, America. I'm driven by truth, not lies, not this artificial 2 party-system, known as republicans vs democrats. That's a game. It's an invented game made this way by the very people who are both within and without this countries borders and who are promoting "globalism," which is communism for the 21st century!

I am well steeped in both politics (nationally and geo-politically) and also in religion, be it Christianity or the occult, satanism, Islam, you name it. Psychology also fascinates me. I love to observe people. Understand what makes a person tick. What drives a person. Why are some 'failures' (by world standards) vs those who thrive and prosper. Life is fascinating. I suppose this is why I had no choice but to leave the occult. Especially black magick, and return to my Christian roots, though I am far from being a saint. Nor do I care to be.

But (as usual) I digress. Been around too many professors I guess.

If you were expecting a 'real story' about spells and witches, the WND story was much more what you'd expect. Why? The source. The people at Elle obviously wrote their version from a secular worldview, as opposed to WND which comes from a Christian worldview. The differences couldn't be greater.

While Elle makes light of what is going to happen, WND expresses a more realistic perspective. Why? Unless you understand the Bible, and this has absolutely nothing to do with religion, you'd have at best a skewed vision of the world. You'd write a 'puff piece' on this spell event. Like I stated in my last post, this can and is much darker and sinister in the real world. Good exists. The devil exists.

And while I don't like WND or agree with them on many issues, their covering of this story, which isn't as simple, and kumba-ya as the version from Elle, WND did hit some important notes.

From WND piece,

"Exorcists, witches and occultists “in a number of magical groups” are announcing plans for a ritual designed to “bind Donald Trump and all who abet him.”

And all who "abet him." So, I suppose I'm included, and possibly you the reader? Now is that as trivial as the Elle story? Not at all.  WND also (though not wise, not wise) actually spells out the ritual items, which I do NOT agree with. But, these are the same people who brought you the 'fantasy' about the "4 Blood Moons." This is why I no longer read WND. I dropped them like a hot potatoe years ago. I only reference them because (to their credit) they're at least addressing the issue. Where are other Christians?

Right now America is so divided by the mainstream media (MSM) which is where most people get their news, although recent polling shows only approximately 6 percent believe the media! In the age of the Internet this is what has driven the "alternative media," which actually gave a much more realistic version and reporting (coverage) of the entire 2016 presidential race. The media was so in the tank for Hilary, they missed one thing: facts. Facts  matter! So while the MSM was putting out fake polling numbers, alternative media were giving out real polling numbers. And the MSM still doesn't get it, now branding alternative media as being "alt-right" and somehow tie it in with "white supremacy." Huh? I haven't seen any of this!

But the MSM got it wrong. The few that believed the media are now all freaked out, and even believing a total conspiracy (the very thing they blame alternative media as being). So, just about everything is now in reverse. Whatever MSM tells you, believe the opposite!

Elections have consequences! The fact the media was dead wrong about the election being a "landslide victory" for Hilary, they now stand (all of them) with egg on their faces and look utterly ridiculous. And rather than stating the obvious, how they screwed up and lost total credibility all due to personal agenda nd greed, among other things. they now 'double-down,' in their personal attacks against Trump, and (as these witches) all "who abet him." It would not surprise me to know many in the media are into the occult.

Here's the bottom line. This is what separates the occult from Christianity and also a secular worldview. While those in the occult attempt to manipulate things, those in Christianity pray for things- Not for themselves per se, because God will not honor such requests, but if it be "God's will," it will be done. God's will is not for Trump and those who "abetted him" to fail! God's will would be that Trump would lead America out of corruption. If that was all Trump accomplished, he would go down as the greatest president ever. But, that will not happen. Why? Bible prophecy

This is what has indeed troubled me about Trump. Knowing about his upbringing. The fact he attended Jesuit schools. His father was a "Knights of Malta" (secret society) of which I oppose them ALL! JFK did as well. And who knows? Just as JFK who came from a well established prestigious family, but turned against and went against their agenda, which has never changed, it's always been a new world order, for that reason (going up against those plans), for not following his adviser's plans to orchestrate a "false flag attack" upon American citizens known (declassified) as the "Operation Northwoods," check it out! For that and more, JFK was assassinated. This plan basically became operational and the pre-text for September 11, 2001, and unlike JFK (democrat) who stood up to the elites, George W. Bush did not, turned a blind eye, and allowed it to happen, along with the other GOP Rhino, elite republicans, which incidentally are the very same who are today the "Never Trump" from the GOP. Yet, Trump has withstood them.

In closing, I'd like to say to all these 'witches,' real and otherwise, don't cast any spells on Trump! In your own leaders words, they want him to "fail." Well, do you want Trump to "fail" in securing our borders? lowering your taxes? making healthcare affordable? creating more jobs? so and and so forth? Think about it! See, as witches you should know more than most, what you put out, you attract! Am I correct, or am I correct? See I know. I was one of you! Oh witches don't put 'hexes' on people because it'll return to them seven-fold! Then why put a spell for Trump to fail?

Putting out the intent to 'bind' Trump causing him to fail, will only come back to you seven-fold and cause you to fail!

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