Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Rohrabacher Staffer, 71, Knocked Unconscious By Protestors Delivering Cards

This is the state of American politics and society. When you hear about these so-called "protesters," who are confirmed to be "paid agitators," by billionaire anti-American, socialist treasonous, venomous snake, you can't help but ask why isn't this a**hole charged with "treason," "sedition," you name it.

This Soros creep is a "war-criminal," a person who has stirred conflict and revolutions across the world, and goes on television bragging about what he's done. I have been aware of this scumbag for quite some time being a close follower of American politics, and geo-politics in general. This is a 90 year old 'anarchist,' who was a 'born loser.'

Soros, a Hungarian-Jewish immigrant helped turn over his own people, fellow Jews over to Hitler's concentration camps. Nice man, don't you think? Total loser not only in my eyes, but in most who know who this scum of the earth is and what he's done. There are currently laws on the books with more than enough to have this 'scum' put in prison, or before a firing squad (even that's too good), but from what I have heard, it's a matter of "political will." Well, if those in Washington do not have the 'will' to indict this pig for his crimes, we have a 'broken judicial system. People have been thrown into prisons, for having done nothing compared to the rotten acts this "crypto-Jew" has done.

Enough with this "pig!"

So now it's not just law-abiding American citizens who 'peacefully' protest who are now targets of Soros' "Nazi brown shirt" thugs," now it's congressional aides being attacked! Just when is enough, enough? How many people need to be beaten, including women (see "Woman's March), and even elderly have been targeted for exercising their right to "peacefully protest," an act covered and protected by our US Constitution.

Yet even the media doesn't get it. I can't tell you how many times I've seen "anarchists" throwing "Molotov cocktails" at even the police, and innocent citizens, busting windows, just causing pure 'unlawful carnage,' yet nothing is done. If you want to end this problem, you need to go to the 'source.' Simply locking up these "paid agitators," (and they have been paid by this pig) is not the solution. It's just a band-aide. In cases such as this, you need to lawfully, and legally go for the jugular which is George Soros, "scumbag of the earth."

To make matters worse, this scumbag "publicly funds," many politicians in D.C., mainly democrats, but some republicans as well. This is widely known, yet Fox News' Bill O'Reilly (still believes the official 9/11 government lie), covered a report, which I covered HERE about "fake news." His false narrative is that it was a fake report that several 'key' GOP leaders (people you see regularly on news shows) were given money by George Soros and his Open Borders Foundation (do yourself a favor, and check it out online). It is an incontrovertible fact, several key GOP leaders have indeed received campaign contributions from Soros. So much for O'Reilly's "pseudo-intellectualism." The man's another fool!

It is only a matter of time before one of these Soros thugs will attempt to 'attack' the wrong person, and god help them because in American we do have a 2nd amendment right. Not only that, but you never know if someone you decide to 'attack' may be a trained martial artist. This is a 'ticking timebomb,' just waiting for the fuse to be ignited. Will justice then be brought to bear upon this scum of the earth, also known as George Soros?

PS, Soros is now calling for a "cashless society" for his wet-dream of a utopian New World Order. Look it up! If you followed this past presidential election, you'll remember the chants of "lock her up," with respect to yet another crypto-Jew, Hilary Clinton. And no, do not for a second think I'm anti-semeitic. What I am is "anti" anyone who wants to hurt or destroy my country the United States of America. I do not buy into "political correctness," knowing its social-engineering developed by think-tanks, and various nefarious "black- op projects."

Here's the story from the headline

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