Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Local Jesus statue decapitated twice in two weeks

Imagine were this a "mosque" that was attacked? Doesn't matter where in the world it happened, the reaction would be "riot, riot, riot!" Yet not the case here. What's the difference?


I have read both the Quaran (Koran) and the Bible. I have studied both religions, Islam especially after the attack upon American soil back on Sept 11th 2001. And ever since, I continue to read about Islam and try to understand why is it they go insane in their reaction to what they perceive to be anything remotely appearing as "anti-Islamic."

You cannot make sense of it! It's insanity!

But, those who have taken the time to study the two religions will see a stark contrast between them. Even if you read their "hadiths," more sacred writings to the Muslims, you will see a pattern. This pattern is "conquer." It's how the religion was spread. While many will quickly say, Christianity did the same...

Wrong. The "Catholic church" did similar barbarous acts (during the middle ages)- not "Protestants" (group of Christians who walked away from the Catholic church). While Christianity teaches to forgive, Islam teaches to "murder and kill" in the name of Allah.

And let me say to many pastors (so-called) who make the assertion that Islam, Judaism and Christians all worship the same God...that is a lie! It couldn't be further from the truth! "Allah" (god of Islam) comes from a pagan moon god, and is entirely separate from the God of the Jews and Christians. Those who attend churches (I don't, they're heavily infiltrated and corrupt!) approach your "pastor," and ask them whether they believe Allah is the same 'god,' he worships! If he says it is- leave!

This piece is not an attack upon Islam, but a stark distinction between the "religion of peace," versus Christianity and how Christians respond to violent attacks upon their beliefs. I strongly support everyones right to worship as they please, let's get that straight! I don't want a Muslim putting a "fatwa" on my head, but try if you'd like. I am immune from political correctness.

My intent also was a strong message to 'fake (or ignorant Christian) pastors' claiming inaccurately that the 3 main world's religions all worship the same God, because that is untrue.

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