Friday, February 24, 2017

Thank you my readers!

I need to thank you- my readers! You guys are awesome! You don't see the 'numbers,' the behind the scenes inside baseball, as they say, but I do.

Over this past week alone, I have seen my numbers double and even triple in views, but also in it's reach. I literally have readers- "globally," and to see that is truly humbling.

All these numbers, and I don't spend as much time as I'd like to post here! I can only imagine how big the numbers would be if I did in fact post on this blog all day long, which I easily could, were I to dedicate myself to this alone. Seeing this numbers, it is tempting!

It wouldn't be about money or anything else, though it would take money for me to spend all my time devoted to this blog. As they say, "time is money." And I'm not one who's looking for money, or fame or anything. I just love reporting on stories, and getting out the truth. Were I to perhaps place ads on here and generate enough money (which I know I could), I definitely could make a comfortable living do what I love to do- write!

For some reason I have been 'blessed' with the ability to get the attention, get the ear of mainstream media journalists. I won't drop names, but trust me, I've had contact with some of the biggest names out there in not only the media, but also in politics. I do come from a family of  'journalists' and 'writers,' so maybe it's in the genes? My grandfather, who had little education, was a poet, and actually wrote some things which were 'published in the NYC school system.' And I do have another relative who worked as a writer for a major America newspaper I'll leave nameless, and I had another uncle who worked as a 'camera man' for WGN news in Chicago, and another of the "Big 3" news outlets, I won't name. I only name WGN because they're out of Chicago, my city of birth which I am so proud to have been born.

 I even lived within blocks of WGN on the north-side of Chicago, the old stomping grounds of the infamous "Moran gang," who fought against Al Capone back in the days of 'prohibition.'

So, a huge thank you to all the people wherever you are all across planet earth! I see your countries, and the's awesome, inspiring and I'm very humbled. Thank you!

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