Friday, February 24, 2017

Namaste, Satan: Metal yoga class set inside Satanic Temple in Salem, Mass.

Short and sweet post here. So now Satanism is in Salem, MA? For years witches have been working to ensure they are not 'associated' or looked upon as being 'satanists.'

Now a Satanic group has moved in to Salem, and trust me, it'll only get bigger. Are witches going to speak out?

They won't.

I don't care what 'witches' say, both paths travel the same road. Sounds like a 'cryptic' statement, but I call it like it is, especially having been involved in both!

So next time a 'witch' tells you they're not satanists, and go out of their way to hammer the idea they're 'separate,' point them to Salem, MA.

A lot of people are not going to like this post- ask me if I care?!

Having been around enough Satanists and witches, I can tell you - they are some of THE most narcissistic people you will ever meet! Add to that now "hypocritical."

And hey, I don't speak well of most 'Christians' either. Anyone who reads this blog knows I come down on Christians (so-called) as well. Hypocrisy is hypocrisy no matter what you worship, or what religion you follow.

Speaking of 'organized religion,' don't like it. Never have- never will. And many Christians don't even 'get it.' You can be a Christian and not belong to any church! Matter of fact, knowing the bible as well as I do, knowing how much churches have been 'infiltrated' with false doctrine, I tell all Christians- leave your church (unless they're telling it like it is, and that includes understanding current events), it also includes a knowledge of the 'New World Order.'

I could say a hell of a lot more, but I don't want to preach to the choir. We've got enough people doing that (and not doing very well.

                                               "Hail Hypocrisy"


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