Monday, February 27, 2017

“Allah akbar” chanted at Women's March: Shocking — but for how long?

This is such a load of horse manure! At the ridiculous "Woman's March" in DC recently, which by the way was a grassroots movement designed to have "feminists" come to the capital to protest that 'evil' Trump. 

Well, the two main female organizers of this were Muslim! One even performed the "call to prayer," which is against Islamic law (Sharia law) in any Muslim country. So here are a group of self-proclaimed "feminists" submitting themselves to Islam! Have these women any brains? Do they not at least do some research into the history of Islam (that 'peace=loving religion)?

If they had, they'd know 2 points: Islam is incompatible with feminism, and no woman is allowed to perform the "call to Islam" in any Muslim country! Only men are allowed under Islamic law, also known as "Sharia law." It's no different than woman not being able to drive a car (without a man in the car), and how a woman who is raped, will be held as being responsible for it, unless they have 3 or more 'female witnesses' testify on their behalf (good luck with that).

Feeling "empowered yet, women?" The woman in this video doing the "call to prayer," would most likely be stoned, beheaded and be condemned as an infidel. But, this is nothing short of propaganda, so nobody is saying anything to anyone...ssh! And I hope these women love being fully fitted for a bee-hive looking black outfit (face net included)!

...very empowering, "I am woman, hear me roar!"

Then of course, like any good liberal movement, you must have a symbol! Hence the birth and rise of the 'scarved' Lady Liberty lookalike...

                                             "Islamic Lady Liberty"

When I first saw this photo, I had no idea what it stood for. This is America still (last time I checked anyway). Don't let this photo fool you, it represents American women under the bondage of the every loving and peaceful religion (so-called) of Islam. There is nothing American about it, other than the flag being used (insultingly) upon a women's head. But as a women living under Sharia law, you'd be lucky to get away just wearing a 'head-scarf,' more than likely you'd be wearing a full burqa (bee-hive and all)...great for keeping bee's and mosquito's away though in a hot humid summer day!

Here is an actual (now infamous) Washington DC "Woman's March" video, where you will see one of the Muslim promoters of this event call out and do the Islamic "call to prayer." One problem: under Islamic law, only a man is legally allowed to perform this call to prayer. And believe me, were a woman to be caught doing what this woman is doing here in America, she'd probably be stoned, beaten, or maybe even beheaded. Quite a contrast to American law don't you think?

Islamic call to prayer... (view here) 

Notice the girl watching with her eyes looking glazed as though she's about to cry at how 'beautiful' the song is. Ah, but little does she understand she's being deceived and targeted for conversion. Who knows, that poor girl just may have left Washington as a new convert to Islam, even 'believing' a woman is allowed to perform the "Muslim call to prayer," and hey, it's only 5 times a day, you must stop in your tracks, whatever you are doing, turn and face towards Mecca, and perform the entire little 'ritual' of prayer. I've seen it performed. It's a laborious process, not to mention, rather inconvenient and embarrassing! But hey, who'd going to say a thing?

Muslim's are treated like "royalty" by many now within the United States. But don't you go around talking about Jesus Christ to anyone in public! You keep your Jesus to yourself! And don't think you have "free speech" to spew out your 'hateful bigoted,' Christianity; only Islam can do that. Remember, "separation of church and state!" Oh wait, I forgot. America was founded upon Christian principles (at least in theory). Islam? Oh, well they have proclaimed war upon America, or "Big Satan" as some call it. They've literally attacked our country repeatedly, going back to the days of Bill Clinton being president of the US. But he taught them a lesson- he bombed a "pharmaceutical company" somewhere out in the desert. No one was ever held accountable. Bin Laden, already America's sworn enemy could have been captured, but good old slick Willie, Bill Clinton let him go scott-free!

That allowed the attack on September 11th 2001 to happen. Thank you, Bill Clinton! And that brings us full circle to the point that we are attacked, here on our land, thousands of innocent American lives were lost (whether you believe the official 9/11 government lie, or not). And while we have US military fighting Islamic terrorists overseas, "so we don't have to fight them here," as former president George W. Bush stated; don't worry. While our military troops are fighting and dying out there, we have 'readical Islam' now holding festivals right under our noses, with the government's full support.

Liberal 'feminist' women of America, why not do us all a favor and go and start getting 'fitted' for your very own bee-hive costume aka Burqa right now, while the fires of the Woman's March upon Washington DC (against Trump) still burn hott?! Surprise your family! Surprise your friends! Wear it to your local church and PTA meeting. Just proudly show your solidarity and mutual support for the most abusive and intrusive and demoralizing 'hostile relgion' of Islam and get on in the ground floor- be a maverick, be a pioneer! may regret it later on down the road if you do something against the "prophet," and end up paying for it with your head (literally), but hey, you would have been a martyr of "Allah!" aka Pagan 'moon god.' NOT same god worshiped by Jews and Christians (that's a different post of its own)

NO THANK YOU!                                                                                                                                                                 


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