Monday, February 27, 2017

PricewaterhouseCoopers on Oscar flub: 'We made a human error'

I didn't bother watching the Hollywood 'awards show,' whatever it was called, could care less, never have. But, I hear they really made a mess of things. I guess they were so busy, working hard on "hating Trump," that they really screwed things up.

Maybe these spoiled rotten, limousine (fake) liberals ought to stick to making movies, rather than sticking it where it doesn't belong. Does anyone really care what any movie-star thinks about politics? They don't even live in the same world as the rest of us. So, they like most in Washington DC are living in a bubble, having no idea what 'real Americans' think, act or know. They're completely out of touch, and worse yet, have no clue what they're talking about when it comes to politics!

On top of this, many are ending up isolating, their own fans, and will lose them, rather than keeping their skewed political opinion to themselves. I don't watch much television, there's nothing much worth wasting my time on. The few actors, or actresses, whom I may have liked in a movie, only do themselves a major disservice when they spout out their liberal views, not understanding many of their audience (people who pay money to see their movies) will find their anti-Trump comments insulting. So, rather than keep their opinions to themselves, they falsely believe everyone thinks like they do, and they make even bigger fools of themselves.

These idiots are not better than these so-called "Social Justice" warriors- (wannabe's) who turn protests into riots, and are screwing up America for the rest of us. These are the very same people who claim to be "tolerant," especially when it comes to illegal immigration, and accepting of Islamic terrorists, when it's they whom have declared war upon America going back further than September 11, 2001.

Hypocrites! I don't recall hearing of any 'celebrity' taking in any refugees last time I checked. And I really don't think they'd feel very safe (behind their gated communities) were a group of military aged men who worship Islam and just arrived from the middle east move in across the street from them. "Love Trumps hate," oh how cute, how "trendy." NOT.

Those who claim to have the moral high ground, and are 'oh so tolerant,' are indeed tolerant- as long as you agree with them! But the minute you disagree with any of these mental patients (apologies to true mental patients), they'll be the first to shout you down, call you a 'racist, bigot, homophobe, Islamaphobe, etc, etc. So much for "tolerance." Even were you to attempt to have a civil debate with these people, all they know how to do is call you names, rather than debate the 'issues.'

When Trump won the election, many of these people immediately started talking about moving out of America, and going to another country. Yet, they're still here! Why? Oh, that's right. They couldn't make the kind of living they do in any other country in the world! And this is the only country where they can say all the stupid things they do, and get away with it. "Freedom of speech."

Some of these 'stars' actually did attempt to move to Canada (a country which seems to take just about anyone in, except Americans). Guess what? Canada, "denied" many of these Hollywood celebrities! How awful. So the next time these liberals attempt to talk garbage about Trump attempting to seal our border from Mexico, due to people coming here "illegally," they might want to remember that even Canada which is turning into yet another 'mini' Saudi Arabia, thanks to their globalist prime minister, "pretty boy," (what's his name) who probably spends more time looking into his mirror, as opposed to governing his country.

At least the Canadian prime minister is wise enough to not allow these "Hollywood celebrities" to come to his country. He'd rather allow the next "Islamic terrorist" come into Canada! When he's not admiring himself in the mirror, that is.

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