Thursday, February 23, 2017

Are You Going To Cast A Spell On Trump?

So reads this headline from Elle magazine. Looks like a 'tabloid' headline. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your perspective) these things 'can' work. Trump's only security from this would be his faith in God. Trump has expressed his belief in God, whether it's sincere only time will tell (or the 'effectiveness' of this spell).

Though many who read the article from Elle may scoff at the idea, Witchcraft can indeed be taken very seriously, and anyone who is not of the Christian faith is definitely at risk for the intent of this or any spell cast against them. Having been personally involved into the occult and the practice of Magick, I can attest to its effectiveness. I no longer practice these things. Having been into very dark, black magick, I've seen and been through enough.

I had been involved in "white magick," and practiced 'new age practises,' for some years as well after having left the 'dark side,' only to realize there isn't much of a difference. Both, are involving manipulating people or events generally for selfish reasons. I do not condone anyone who practises these things, only wish them well hoping they fully understand what they're playing around with. Magick and religion are two subjects which have deeply affected my life, so I do have much to say about this subject from a perspective most would not understand.

Donald Trump was elected with the help of a great number of Christians from various denominations in general. And many here in the US may have seen or remember any number of pictures or videos of him personally meeting with many big name Christian leaders from various communities. While I do consider myself a Christian, I am not your 'typical Christian,' as I have been on both sides of the fence, which gave me a skewed angle, or perspective on all of this.

I can definitely understand why people would want to 'cast a spell,' and if so, hey better that than rioting and destroying property or people.

We here in America, but also throughout the west are deeply in the middle right now of a 'strong' spiritual warfare (see Ephesians chapter 6, Bible), and while this 'mass spell' may seem like a harmless course of action, believe me there are people right now who are working extremely "black magick rituals" against President Trump, including Hilary Clinton and her minions I'm sure. It was reported by a close Clinton insider that Hilary herself had joined a "witch's coven" in L.A. as far back as when husband Bill was governor of the state of Arkansas.

While I see this move as 'harmless,' intention is very real and powerful. But, it is the "black magick" that is what is what must be taken very seriously and dealt with. Having said that, it is not for any person to ever 'dwell' on the notion, whether true or not that a 'spell' may have been put on you. Much of the success of "Voodoo victims" have depended on their belief they were hexed, according to many studies by psychologists. While I take psychology and organized religion with a grain of salt (even a committed Christian does not need 'organized' religion for anything), psychology has quite a bit of a "spiritualist" foundation.

Bottom line, this much ado about nothing.

I hardly think Trump would be worried about this even if he was aware of it. But, (and my reason for posting this) is this is in interesting topic overall, and it goes to show where society is at this state in human affairs. But, yes magick is very real. It does work. But a Christian need not worry about it being effective against them. Were Trump not a Christian (whether he truly is?), the mere fact Christians who read this and pray on his behalf is much greater than any spell placed upon him by any number of people.

At this moment, Trump's worst enemies (what he truly needs to be concerned with) are political opponents, including those within his own party! Also the media is of more concern to him than any "spell casting."

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