Thursday, February 9, 2017

Obama and Immigration

Just saw a interview on Fox News with a 'immigration expert,' Brian Claypool and this guy said "Obama did not appoint 40-50 immigration judges!" Talk about a disaster! But, I'm sure Obama knew and did this on purpose, to help 'flood' the US with 'undocumented illegals,' into America for a number of reasons.

First of all, we know many of 'illegals' did vote. And they voted 'democrat!' Being an election year, he was trying to help elect a democrat as president. A woman who would have been a 'nightmare' for America.

Secondly, many (if not most) of these illegals, it has been reported, were immediately brought into the country, and 'registered as democrats!' I hope this gets investigated because that is highly illegal. Taking it a step further, I wouldn't doubt it if some kind of charges could be brought up against former president (LOVE SAYING THAT) Obama, for many 'illegal and unconstitutional' things he did as president.

And lastly, there is a 'right way, and a wrong way' to enter the United States of America. I am NOT 'anti-immigration!' I am 'pro-immigration,' BUT, it must be done by the proper laws which are already on the books, and have been. There shouldn't be any 'speculation' or 'questioning' of our 'immigration policies,' whatsoever. IF Congress wants to 'rewrite the law,' that's their prerogative. That is within their 'duty' as legislators, but to just attempt as Obama did, to circumvent the laws, and allow this country to be 'flooded' with illegals is not only unlawful, but it's also immoral. It's brought loss of jobs to American citizens, and it's driven the wages down of many American jobs.

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