Wednesday, March 21, 2018

UPDATE: I-Team: Former ATF Agent Suspects Austin Bomber May Have An Accomplice

This blog has never been about 'conspiracy theory,' as the term has been defined back in the early 1960's after the assassination of president JFK. That term was made up by the FBI in a method of putting to rest people asking questions because the public (too many) were not buying the 'lone gunman' narrative.

So, for those who may have read my last post I posed the question could this 24 year old whom the authorities are claiming 'acted alone' may in fact be a part of something more. As stated, I find there are still unanswered questions which were not answered in today's press briefing about the bomber having been located.

I've also brought up the fact that unfortunately authorities have in the past made arrests, or found a person whom they will say is the person they've been looking for, when in often times the person may not have acted alone. So again, I ask, is there more to this story than we're being told, because this headline has just come in, ATF agent suspects Austin bomber may have an accomplice. 

This is a photo of the alleged Austin bomber, 24 year old Anthony Conditt.

UPDATE: It's now April 13th and as this article states, the ATF 'suspects' the Austin bomber 'may have had an accomplice.' Well, where's the news or follow up on that information? Since I've not heard anything about this, I would say chances are great - there was an accomplice! Could this young man have been involved in some 'mind control' program? For those who do not think our government is still actively developing their 'mind control' programs, you are woefully naive. Do your research on MK-Ultra and it's various 'cousins' of mind control programming. I've done my homework and its insane! To this day there is a MK 'program' operating in the Chicagoland area. I know this for a FACT!

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